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Text Chapter 498 Unexpected results

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    Seeing that Guo Bingxun finally figured it out, Yang Zhen did not continue to explain this issue. In fact, this was why he was so sincere in front of Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, his two most capable partners. If it were anyone else,  Yang Zhen might not even be willing to say a word of explanation, let alone explain it so thoroughly.

    Although the basic tone has been set, there are some things that Yang Zhen did not expect. After many back-and-forth negotiations, the Soviets finally agreed to his exchange plan, but when signing the final agreement  , but something went wrong.

    Speaking of the reason, it almost makes people laugh out loud. M30122 howitzer, this Soviet standard division support artillery, the Soviets naturally know what it is, although they lost thousands on the battlefield in the early stage.  Thousands of artillery pieces, but the Soviet army can still fully meet the needs of the Anti-Japanese Alliance relying on its existing inventory.

    There is no need to even transfer it from the western battlefield. This artillery, which is currently not in large numbers in the Far East, can fully meet the small needs of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. As for epoch-making tanks like the T34 tank, the Soviets naturally know it.  Very, because they are all Soviet military standard equipment.

    Although the deployment of some of the latest tanks when the war situation was tense caused the Soviets to feel pain, at least they still knew where to find these equipment. The most critical issue appeared in the type of tanks that Yang Zhen  It's called the ZLS Type 3 76mm cannon.

    At present, the Soviet army has many types of 76mm artillery, especially field artillery. The medium-caliber artillery it equips is basically 76mm. Its current division-level equipment is mainly F-22 and  The F-10 field gun, while the regiment-level equipment is the 1922-type field gun, there is no ZLS-3 76mm field cannon at all.

    The Soviet representatives who came to negotiate, including the Soviet General Staff behind them, were completely confused about this so-called ZLS III 76mm cannon. They had no idea when their own troops had ever been equipped with such a cannon.  Even the Soviet Ordnance Department, which was in charge of Soviet artillery production, did not know when the Soviet Union produced such a 76mm cannon that sounded extremely good.

    Until this negotiation, Yang Zhen, who had always been behind the scenes, proposed that this artillery was a product of the famous Soviet Lacobin Design Bureau. That person who was urgently recalled from the front line single-handedly ruined a considerable part of the Soviet army's excellent equipment.  Even the several new weapons provided by Yang Zhen only came to mind after the former Minister of Ordnance whom he shot to death, the artillery that he banned from production in July this year.

    After finally finding out the origin of this artillery piece, the Soviet Union was unable to provide it in stock because the production of this artillery piece was banned after it passed the verification. This situation undoubtedly embarrassed the Soviets.  The artillery that we all know has been banned from production by our own people, and now we are even unable to produce the numbers required by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and we cannot exchange for the anti-tank weapons we urgently need.

    In the end, Major General Lacobin, who served as the chief designer, risked his head and told the General Ordnance Department of the Soviet Army that the artillery that was shot by the Soviet Marshal secretly went to Gorky 91 under the design bureau.  Some are already being produced in small quantities at the factory.

    Although the total number of these secretly produced artillery pieces is less than 1,000, there is absolutely no problem in meeting the needs of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. It was precisely with this major general chief designer who stood up at the critical moment that this painting was made possible.  The farce did not last long before it was over.

    When this gun was requested by Yang Zhen, the entire Soviet army was found to be an unequipped artillery piece. The Supreme Commander of the Soviet Army, who aroused great interest, ordered it to be taken to Moscow for test firing to satisfy his curiosity.  And when it was tried out in the subsequent Battle of Vyazma, it showed great power when it destroyed dozens of German tanks and armored vehicles within a long range with only a four-gun artillery battery.

    The Soviet commander who was shocked by the excellent performance of this artillery would have almost broken the contract on the spot if it were not for the persuasion of the current Soviet Chief of General Staff. This artillery is so powerful that all current German tanks cannot defend it.  It is the armor-piercing capability of the main 45mm anti-tank artillery currently equipped by the Soviet army that is unmatched, and it makes the Soviet commander reluctant to give up an artillery in exchange.

    However, although all the artillery was finally delivered according to the number set in the negotiation, a full set of drawings were provided, and some technical personnel were sent to the Anti-Japanese Alliance to assist in production, the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Army, who was actually very cautious, was furious.  It was all vented on the hapless former Ordnance Minister.

    In fact, it is not unfair to him to vent his anger on him. If it were not for his conservativeness and inaction, this artillery with excellent performance and considerable power would not have been buried for so long. According to the strong production capacity of the Soviets  ?When the agreement is signed, there will definitely be no problems if we take out thousands of doors.

    If he had not ordered a ban on the production of this artillery, the Soviet army, which is currently seriously lacking new anti-tank weapons, would not be so short of excellent large-caliber anti-tank weapons, let alone beg them in a low voice. It had been begging them before.  of Chinese people.

    Even Yang Zhen had long provided the Soviets with individual anti-tank weapons such as rocket launchers, but in the end he ordered a ban on production and even the drawings were destroyed. Some people accidentally brought it up at this time.  The marshal's not very good character made him obviously unpopular with the Soviet generals at all levels.

    There were almost no people who interceded for him when dealing with his problems, but there were quite a few who made trouble for him. Even when the Soviet Union was at the height of its counter-revolutionary suppression, they did not hesitate to take the risk of being arrested themselves to save the Soviet army.  Neither the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the talented young general nor the current Chief of General Staff said a word for him.

    In addition to his previous failure to supervise operations on the front line as a representative of the base camp, the furious Soviet commander directly demoted the unlucky former Ordnance Minister from marshal to lieutenant general, and sent him to the Central Asian Military Region to do a job.  A patchwork of artillery can only serve as the artillery commander of two regiments.

    If it weren't for the sake of the old comrades who fought side by side in Tsaritsyn, I'm afraid that his one big star would be directly replaced by the two small stars of the Soviet major general's logo, and he might even be found to be an excuse.  With excuses, just like those unlucky ones at the beginning of the Soviet-German war, they were sent to a military court to be shot or sent to Siberia to move rocks.

    This Soviet marshal, who was too conservative and had many excellent new weapons of the Soviet army die, suffered a big loss this time. Although he was not directly demoted to major general as Yang Zhen knew in history, he has since left the military.  The top brass of the Soviet army never went to the battlefield again until the end of the war. First, they had a nominal sinecure in the Central Asian Military Region, and later they were transferred to the Siberian Military Region as a deputy commander.

    In addition to the unlucky former marshal, another consequence of Yang Zhen's move was the strict scrutiny of the Lacobin Design Bureau and the Soviet General Ordnance Department by the Soviets. Just kidding, the Soviets themselves didn't even know there was such a thing.  A new cannon, how did the damn Chinese in the Far East know about it?

    When such a problem occurs, there must be traitors, Chinese spies and hostile elements within the General Ordnance Department and the Design Bureau. Not only must they be investigated, but they must be thoroughly investigated to remove those enemy agents hidden within the great Soviet Red Army.  It must be completely removed.

    As a result, Yang Zhen obtained the drawings of this excellent artillery and a batch of existing equipment. The chief designer of this excellent artillery and the design team led by him, except for two people, were sent to the Far East to assist the Anti-Alliance production after strict review.  In addition, the rest were all imprisoned in the prisons of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    When Yang Zhen made this plan, he did not expect that his own hand would lead to the mass production of this excellent artillery a few months earlier than he originally knew, because he made a subjective mistake in this matter.  He always thought that this artillery had already been mass-produced at the beginning of the Soviet-German War.

    He never imagined that the artillery would actually only start production at the end of this year, and that large-scale equipment for the Soviet army would only happen next year. He never imagined that the fate of a Soviet marshal would fundamentally change in his own hands.  There were also a group of outstanding Soviet artillery designers who were imprisoned because of themselves, and many were even shot.

    The subsequent impact of this incident was not just that, it even extended to the introduction of other Soviet-made weapons by the Anti-Japanese Alliance a few years later, especially the introduction of Soviet-made D-152 howitzers and D44-85mm howitzers by the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  When it comes to cannon production technology.

    Yang Zhen made the Soviet Union a little nervous and suspicious. Almost every time Yang Zhen proposed to introduce that weapon, it was always followed by a thorough purge of the weapons design bureau or production factory.  , from the chief designer to general technicians and even workers are the objects of suspicion.

    They continued to kill, but none of the spies was caught. Instead, the Soviet Union lost many outstanding weapons designers. This time General Lacobin was lucky enough to save his life under the protection of the Soviet Chief of General Staff.  But there were only a few people left in his design team, and the rest were arrested by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and shot on random charges.

    In addition to the artillery design bureau, even the Far East Military Region followed suit. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Far East Military Region, who was responsible for suppressing counter-revolutionaries and anti-special forces, was recalled to Moscow and never returned. After the Minister of Intelligence of the Military Region was arrested, he was held without any trial.  Moscow ordered the direct execution. Even Kovalev was almost not implicated. After completing the negotiations, he was recalled to Moscow. For a long timeIt took time to return.

    If Yang Zhen had not repeatedly requested that the Anti-Japanese Alliance only recognize him and the Far East King General Abana Shenk in its negotiations with the Soviet Union, I am afraid that these two people would not be able to save their heads. As for the Chief of Staff of the Far East Military Region who was directly responsible for this negotiation, he was  He was demoted to a division commander and sent to the front line, and was eventually killed in the Battle of Kharkov the following year.

    Yang Zhen's foresight and coveting of the excellent Soviet-made artillery led to the always suspicious Supreme Commander of the Soviet Army to go on a killing spree every time Yang Zhen opened his mouth. Until the end of the war, because of the weapons  There were too many designers who were thrown into jail and lost their heads, which had greatly affected the upgrade and update of Soviet weapons and equipment before he stopped.

    It's just that the subsequent impact of this incident was not what Yang Zhen could have expected. Yang Zhen, who lacked high-performance artillery in his hands, asked for the artillery he needed by name. He did not even think about the harm he would do to the Soviets.  What consequences would it bring? Or rather, he had already thought about it, but he kept mumbling about making a fortune without consciously revealing it.
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