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Text Chapter 496: Made up of determination

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    Yang Zhen took out a report from the thick pile of reports piled on the table and handed it to Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun: "This is the report jointly reported by the Military Region Security Department and the Intelligence Department yesterday about the cracking of the lurking enemy and puppet radio station in Jiamusi.  Judging from the report and the interrogation records, the situation is very shocking.¡±

    "There are even some cadres in our army who have the audacity to take advantage of the headquarters' regulations that allow the army to do business and openly and blatantly protect smuggling activities. There are also some people who openly participate in smuggling activities. The deputy commander, chief of staff and commander of the fourth division of the Hejiang Military Region  Two senior officials, including the logistics minister, were actually involved in smuggling activities at the same time.¡±

    "Not only was he involved in smuggling, but the logistics minister was also privately involved in opium trafficking. He used his power to mobilize army vehicles to transport opium and drugs in order to avoid inspections along the way. As a result, the Japanese military intelligence department was able to combine radio stations with small-sized devices in broad daylight.  Gasoline generators, as well as some guns and ammunition, were transported to Jiamusi and hidden away, avoiding the heavy inspections along the route by our army.¡±

    ¡°They even used the gasoline lost within our army as a power source to send and receive reports, and used the commercial bank opened by the Fourth Division in Jiamusi as a cover to carry out sabotage activities. These people not only corrupted themselves, but also corrupted the county leaders of several counties under their jurisdiction.  The captain, a county party committee secretary, two county magistrates, and several public security bureau chiefs were all involved.¡±

    "It is not just the Hejiang Fourth Division that has similar problems. Other troops, especially the frontline military divisions, also have similar problems. Compared with the field troops who are in better condition, the situation is particularly serious in some local troops."

    "A logistics director of the Dong'an Military Division colluded with the county party committee secretaries of several counties under the division's jurisdiction to secretly dig coal mines in the name of increasing military expenditures, and took advantage of his so-called geographical advantages to smuggle large amounts of coal and gold into the Japanese-occupied areas and the Soviet Union.  They are very capable of smuggling routes, even into North Korea.¡±

    "A considerable part of the coal they smuggled out even became used as coal for Japan's Chongjin Steel Plant. I really didn't expect that our cadres had such ability to let the Japanese use our high-efficiency industrial coal.  , after joining together to form steel, it falls on us to make weapons. We are really capable and skillful.¡±

    ¡°In addition to coal, large quantities of grain, sugar, medicines, furs, and traditional Chinese medicine were smuggled to the Soviet Union and Japanese-occupied areas, and gasoline, kerosene, cotton cloth, narcotics, cigarettes, and various alcoholic beverages were smuggled from the Soviet Union and enemy-occupied areas.  A series of daily necessities and pharmaceuticals that we currently strictly control, including commodities, cosmetics, and seafood.¡±

    ¡°The Ministry of Security confiscated hundreds of kilograms of dried seafood from one of his residences, of which sea cucumbers alone were worth tens of thousands of yuan, and there were also tiger skins, leopard skins, and sable skins worth hundreds of thousands of yuan.  There are thousands of precious furs of all kinds, and more than 300 kilograms of precious Chinese medicinal materials such as tiger bones and musk. The shipping addresses on the packaged items are actually Peking and Moscow."

    "Except for a small part of the huge profits he made, most of the rest was swallowed up by him. Not only did this person have multiple houses in Jiamusi and Mudanjiang, he even occupied an extremely luxurious villa on Dong'an Street.  , and even maintained a North Korean woman and a previously so-called top prostitute in the area as his mistress. Because of her ability to eat, drink, whore, gamble and smoke, she was called the Minister of Five Poisons by the local people. "

    "These two divisions are currently the two divisions with the most serious problems. As for the other main divisions and various divisions, they buy and sell by force, fail to repay the money they owe the people for raw materials, and even connive with the owners of brothels and gambling houses that have been banned.  , re-opening in secret, acting as a protective umbrella and drawing profits from it, is a relatively light act in comparison.¡±

    "Smuggling, drug trafficking, even secretly harboring prostitutes, gambling, living a corrupt life, and keeping mistresses. Is this still what we call the People's Army? They have simply become the underworld in Shanghai and Peking. They are even worse than the puppet army in some aspects.  It¡¯s only been a short time since I entered the city, and so many problems have arisen.¡±

    "The occurrence of such a situation not only severely corroded our combat effectiveness and destroyed our strict discipline, but also caused great losses to our own economy, which is not weak. Only the Dong'an Military Division offered low prices to the Soviet Union.  Smuggling coal and gold into the Japanese-occupied areas brought losses of millions of yuan to the base area.¡±

    "The series of problems we have experienced not only endanger the combat effectiveness of the troops, but also create very convenient conditions for the Japanese and puppets to infiltrate into our army and recruit our cadres to spy on our army's intelligence for them, and corrode  It has killed a considerable number of cadres in our army and has seriously affected the image of our army and its prestige among the people."

    "This trend must be stopped. If we don't solve it, our army will be completely ruined. The first step is to eradicate this phenomenon."With one stroke, the troops were strictly prohibited from doing business. Each army, whether it was a field army or a local army, would hand over all its own businesses and enterprises, except for its own farms and breeding farms, to the local government. No one was allowed to stay.  Troops are no longer allowed to set up internal guesthouses.  "

    "Without affecting the original work, the Military Region Logistics Department will try its best to allocate a group of financial personnel to work with the Political Department and the Northeast Bureau to clean up the finances of these enterprises. Problems must be discovered one by one, and all illegal activities must be investigated.  As long as the parties involved in the crime must be dealt with strictly if the evidence is solid and they are qualified to be shot, there must be no mercy. Killing one person at this time can warn and protect a large number of people. "

    In fact, Yang Zhen was already very clear about the harm caused by the army's business in later generations, but he had no choice but to do so. The army's funds were extremely tight before, so he could only allocate basic food, military uniforms and other basic living materials to the army. As for non-staple food, it could only guarantee  In part, even the allowances for cadres and soldiers are paid occasionally.

    In order to make up for the lack of funds, after strictly stipulating the industries that the troops were not allowed to participate in, they appropriately allowed the troops below to do some business to make up for the lack of funds issued by superiors. Yang Zhen originally thought that he had imposed strict regulations and restrictions, and  Strict management of the industries in which each military unit is engaged can effectively reduce hazards.

    Unexpectedly, there were still problems, some of which were quite serious. Corruption, corruption, and corrupted lives. Some of the money earned by some troops from doing business did not improve the living standards of the troops. Instead, most of it was used by individuals.  fanny pack.

    If this situation is not curbed in time, if it is allowed to develop, it will corrode the combat effectiveness of the army bit by bit. So this time Yang Zhen really made up his mind to completely solve the issue of business in the army and stop this trend from the source.  Serious illness requires strong medical treatment, and you must not treat the patient with a headache.

    Putting down the materials in his hand, Li Yanping nodded slightly in response to Yang Zhen's statement and said: "I support your decision. What should be cleaned up should be thoroughly cleaned up, and everything that should be handed over should be handed over. As for any problems that arise, the parties involved must do so.  Those who deserve to be sentenced and those who deserve to be killed must not be merciful. If this trend is allowed to continue, our troops will have big problems. "

    "I don't think there is a need to hold a Military Region Standing Committee on this matter. The three of us can decide it. When I get back, I will report it to the Political Department and the Logistics Department. They will immediately dispatch a group of personnel to each military division and the Production and Construction Corps to conduct cleanup and accounting.  , the army must behave like an army, and for our strictly disciplined army, this situation cannot happen. "

    "It turns out that the military region has insufficient financial resources and can only allocate the most basic living expenses and rations. Some other supplies can only be raised by the troops below. Therefore, each army is allowed to open some pot cookers, food factories, farms, shops, and carriage shops to raise funds.  Part of the funding, but now it seems that some of our cadres have seriously changed the taste of this matter. "

    "A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed in an ant nest. If problems arise and we do not deal with them but tolerate them blindly, we will pay a very heavy price. If our army does not fail on the battlefield, but falls in the feasting and feasting,  Then we senior cadres will become the sinners of history.¡±

    Now that both Yang Zhen and Li Yanping have expressed their opinions, Guo Bingxun, who originally believed that the army should go out in wartime and train in peacetime, and engage in commercial activities will not only cause a decline in combat effectiveness, but also affect the internal stability of the army, let alone  different opinions.

    As a pure soldier, Guo Bingxun originally disagreed with the army's participation in business activities. In his opinion, this would cause instability within the army and also affect the combat effectiveness of the army.

    It's just that the situation of the army at that time was too difficult, and sometimes it was even impossible to maintain the basic survival of the army. In order to ensure the source of funding for the army, he had no choice but to agree. However, he was always worried about this situation, and even a little repelled.  This time Yang Zhen was determined to ban the troops from participating in business, and he naturally agreed with both hands and feet.

    Seeing that the two partners had no different opinions, Yang Zhen nodded and said: "As for this matter, let me start first. Again, except for some industrial construction issues, I will not be involved in the future construction of the base area.  All economic work and other matters will be handed over to the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast People's Government."

    Looking at the expressions of the two people after hearing his last words, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "The economic construction of the base area is the work of the local area, and it is also the main work of the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast People's Government in the future. Right now we  Although the organizational structure is still somewhat incomplete, the general framework is complete, and they still need to grasp the overall situation of local work. "

    "And now there is basically a big air in every aspect."It has been set up, and there are not many places that need my help. I am a soldier and I have to abide by my duties. It is better not to interfere too much in local affairs. In the future, in terms of the introduction of non-military equipment, the rest of the work will still be done.  It's better to be in charge of the Northeast Bureau. If you overstep your authority too much, you'll sometimes be annoying.  "

    "With the gradual stabilization of the economy in the base area and the great development that is about to begin, I think the central government will send capable people to take over. The central government still has talents who are good at economic management, and they are not even half as good as me.  Those who are above are much stronger.¡±

    "Professional things still need to be done by professional talents. I am a frizzy person with a bad temper. If I don't get distracted too much, interfering in local work will delay important things.  Since we require the troops to completely withdraw from local work and stop doing business, it is up to me, the commander of the military region, to take the lead."

    "At the same time, as the Americans' Lend-Lease Act officially begins to be implemented, our troops will also have a considerable improvement in equipment. I will also calm down to study military issues and adjust our strategies and tactics according to changes in the situation.  , We can't continue to do our jobs like this, soldiers, war is our real stage, as for the economy, isn't that beside the point? "
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