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Text Chapter 698: Ten Years in the Air Force

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    Some people always say, don¡¯t give up any effort until the last second, because maybe a miracle will happen at the last second. No matter whether this sentence is right or wrong in other things or other people, but this  At least it is true for Shen Pai and his comrades. Many times, miracles often happen at the last second.

    Just when the two men were facing the enemy who had rushed only a few hundred meters away from them, and were preparing for the last fight, a miracle really happened. A shot of the 38-type lance hit the engine.  The sixty-five bullets made the engine of the plane that almost saved them from being driven to a dead end finally start to spin.

    Seeing that the damn transmitter finally started, the two of them didn't bother to figure out what miracle had happened to make the damn plane finally move. They hurriedly jumped on the plane and pursued them until they were close.  The Japanese cavalry who were just a short distance away took off forcefully under a hail of bullets.

    Fortunately, these guys came out in a hurry and did not carry heavy machine guns. Otherwise, the two of them might have been shot down even if they took off. The shooting elevation of the crooked light machine gun is too small, and its ammunition supply system is easily jammed when fired at a large elevation.  , but the Type 92 heavy machine gun is not given for free. Due to the poor fuel tank layout of the aircraft's body, it will explode in the air after receiving several heavy machine gun bullets.

    It wasn't until they struggled to fly back to Qiqihar and looked at the 65mm bullet stuck in the main position in the engine that the two of them remembered that if the bullet that hit the fuel valve had been deflected a little further, the fuel supply pipe would have been hit.  Road, I'm afraid that the two of us have no idea whether we can even enter a prisoner of war camp, let alone escape.

    Although I have never flown this kind of aircraft, fortunately, the current aircraft, especially the basic combat structure, are all very similar. It is far from being as clear as possible in later generations. Everyone is a pilot, and they fly fighter jets, so it is difficult to control them.  Although it was a bit strenuous, it didn't take much effort.

    The final outcome of this small-scale ground duel after the air battle was that an RE 2,000 fighter jet made an emergency landing. Before the Japanese ground troops arrived, it staggered and barely managed to fly back into the sky. However, this plane  The destination of their return was not the Japanese military airport where they set out, but the Anti-Japanese Alliance Airport in Qiqihar.

    However, because it did not have the standard identification mark of friend or foe of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and the wings and fuselage were clearly painted with the Japanese army's logo, it was not a standard fighter equipped by the Anti-Japanese Alliance. When this aircraft appeared staggeringly in Qiqihar  When we were over the airport, we almost didn't miss the fact that Yang Zhen was at the airport at the moment and the highly alert anti-aircraft artillery at the airport was shot down.

    Had it not been for the fact that Liming, who had just landed shortly after receiving the report from the air defense sentry, had a suspicion about the Japanese aircraft that came alone and flew like an 80-year-old old man who still had tuberculosis, and stopped the aircraft.  The anti-aircraft artillery troops opened fire,

    Two P-39 fighter jets took off in an emergency to check what was going on. They recognized that the enemy plane flying to nowhere with its canopy was actually two of his comrades. I am afraid that these two were from the Japanese army.  The guy who narrowly escaped death did not die under the Japanese machine guns. Instead, he died under the gunfire of his comrades inexplicably.

    Waiting for two guys squeezed into the small cab of the RE 2,000 fighter jet, they barely managed to get the aircraft's wheels to touch the runway. The engine stalled completely again and the aircraft took a lot of effort to stop.  , everyone knew what happened on the ground after they evacuated,

    After listening to the accounts of these two guys, if they had not seen the plane they flew back with their own eyes, as well as the flight map bag and pistol they snatched from the two Japanese pilots who were killed, I am afraid that everyone would  They would not believe that these two guys actually killed two Japanese pilots after landing, not only snatched their plane, but even flew this piece of junk into the sky in front of the Japanese cavalry who rushed back.  ,

    Almost all the pilots who participated in the battle knew the performance of this kind of aircraft in air combat. This kind of aircraft, which did not even need to be fought by themselves, would fall down by itself. For all the pilots who participated in the battle, the impression was even better than that of Zero Fighter and ME.  Fighter 109 is even more profound,

    For all the pilots who experienced that air battle, it undoubtedly requires great courage to fly this kind of fighter into the sky. These two guys were actually able to start up the plane in such an emergency situation and struggled to fly.  Coming back undoubtedly requires great courage.

    Although I admired him, I still had to do what needed to be done. After listening to the report, Liming still asked people from the Political Department and the Social Department to review the two as he did with all pilots rescued from enemy-occupied areas.  At that time, his decision was vetoed by Yang Zhen, who had just listened to Yu Ming's report.

    After arriving in Qiqihar, Yang Zhen did not rush back to the Jiamusi Military Region garrison, but stayed on the spot.??Qiqihar, prepare to inspect the Nenjiang Military Region. After all, just after the formation of each military region was completed last year, Yang Zhen was transferred to the customs by the central government. He has not had time to carefully consider the formation of each military region.

    After returning to the military region headquarters, the entire army is currently undergoing a comprehensive refit, and various things are complicated. I want to take a closer look, but I don¡¯t know why it is the Year of the Monkey. As for why I am still waiting at the airport, the reason is simpler.  Well, almost all the fighter jets stationed at the airports in Qiqihar and Nenjiang Military Region took off this time. With Yang Zhen's character, he would never wait for his subordinates who were fighting hard to return before leaving on their own.

    After the entire fleet returned, after listening to Li Ming's report, Yang Zhen felt heartbroken. He didn't feel sorry for the plane, but for the pilots. The plane was gone, but he could still find a way to get it again. This time, the Soviet Union and the United States shipped it.  Among the fighter jets, due to the insufficient number of pilots, nearly one-third are kept in secret warehouses as reserves.

    However, the loss of pilots cannot be undone overnight, especially in Yu Ming¡¯s squadron, where almost all pilots were shot down. For the Anti-Alliance Aviation Force, which currently has a large proportion of new pilots with no actual combat experience,  It's quite rare,

    But now, in the entire squadron, except for a few pilots who escorted him, only Yu Ming, the squadron leader who was protected by his subordinates to the death, was left. Yang Zhen was not opposed to the model of training by playing, and he believed that this model  It is more conducive to the rapid growth of the aviation force,

    What a soldier is, is to go to the battlefield and fight the enemy with live ammunition. Otherwise, even if he completes all flight training with the best results, as long as he has not been on the battlefield for a day, he is not a real pilot and will never become one.  a true soldier,

    But with the current shortage of veteran pilots with actual combat experience, this loss undoubtedly makes Yang Zhen feel quite distressed, but distressed nonetheless, Yang Zhen also knows that this is the necessary price for growth, and there is no one else in the world.  An army can achieve zero casualties, which is impossible even for the US military in later generations.

    Especially when facing an opponent as stubborn and cunning as the Japanese army, it is difficult to avoid heavy casualties in combat. For a service like the aviation force, which looks very prosperous, but in fact the casualty ratio is not lower than that of the army,  It is even more difficult to avoid,

    What the Air Force is comparing is not only the country's industrial base, the research and production capabilities of new aircraft, but also the foundation and foundation of an army, that is to say, the training ability of pilots. Without well-trained pilots, you will be left with nothing.  What's the use of having too many planes? They're flying into the sky, but they're still serving as targets for others.

    The more high-tech a branch or service is, the higher the quality requirements for its personnel. How about a one-year army, a ten-year air force, or a hundred-year navy? An infantry can be formed in three months, and it can be completed in half a year.  Basically, they can pass the test, but half a year is only enough for one pilot to complete the theoretical training.

    Different from the personnel-intensive army, the Air Force, as a new service that has been around for less than 30 years, has very high requirements for personnel quality. If the Army needs personnel, then the Air Force needs real talents. This  The two points can be said to be fundamentally different.

    As far as Yang Zhen knows, in addition to their own industrial reasons and the rapid development of new aircraft models by their opponents, a large part of the final defeat of the German and Japanese aviation forces in the air combat during World War II was due to excessive war losses.  The supply of excellent pilots is slow,

    Especially in Japan, which has always emphasized the elite training model. After the old pilots trained before the war were exhausted, the new rookie pilots had little choice but to die every time they flew into the sky. The failure of air combat directly led to the loss of air supremacy.  , without air supremacy, no matter how much weapons are produced, it will not be able to make up for the huge consumption of the war.

    The United States and the Soviet Union relied on their strong talent base before the war and the training model of almost group production during the war, so that the complement of pilots, despite the huge consumption over a long period of time, not only did not decline like Germany and Japan.  , on the contrary, it became stronger during the Vietnam War. The aviation schools behind it continued to send a large number of pilots to the battlefield.

    Of course, this is related to the fact that the Soviet Union had widespread flight education across the country before the war, organized a large number of various flying clubs and flying schools in the private sector, and relied on private organizations to train a large number of pilots, which could effectively make up for the huge losses in the early stages of the war in the Soviet Union.  Vast, extremely vast in depth,

    The German Air Force lacked strategic bombers and had an extremely limited combat range. Most of them were fixed on both wings of the battle line and could not penetrate deep into the interior. They had no impact on its various flight schools. Although the Soviets had a huge need for pilots, they could still operate in an orderly manner.  Carry out necessary training,

    ??The United States relies on its unique geographical environment.There has not been a single bomb dropped on the ground, so you can train pilots in a down-to-earth manner without having to worry about being visited by enemy aircraft during training. At least you don't have to fly around. The experienced old pilots will suffer a huge loss.  , or they are tied to the battle line and cannot be moved back, leaving novices who have just left aviation school to fight against the American and British bombers armed to the teeth.

    Isn¡¯t it that besides being on the battlefield, most of the blood of German pilots was depleted bit by bit when the United States and Britain bombed the homeland? As the homeland air defense situation becomes more and more serious, those who were killed as soon as they left the aviation school  Most of the pilots sent to the battlefield are meat buns who beat dogs and never come back.
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