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Text Chapter 699 Yang Zhen¡¯s Heart Problem

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    Yang Zhen, who is familiar with history, does not want to repeat the mistakes of Germany and Japan in the following years, but the current reality is that Yang Zhen has to bite the bullet and get the ducks on the shelves, allowing those pilots who have just completed training to go to the battlefield. Under the flames of war,  Fortunately, the Japanese have always been stingy and are not as generous as the Americans a few years later. Even the largest fleet of more than a hundred aircraft will end.

    Moreover, the armor and firepower of the Japanese bombers are far inferior to those of the US bombers. In addition, the new combat aircraft are slowly replenished, which will not cause the aviation force to bleed too fast. If it is like the US military, there will be a thousand aircraft at every turn.  Bombing, or the aircraft replenishment far exceeds the consumption, I am afraid that the small amount of aviation force the Anti-Japanese Alliance has on hand will not be able to last for a year.

    In fact, the current recruitment of pilots is slow. It is not that there is a problem with the pilot training system. According to Yang Zhen's design, the pilot training system of the Anti-League can even be said to be the most advanced in the world. Although it is due to the lack of intermediate trainer aircraft, and the lack of junior trainer aircraft.  Then go directly to the advanced training aircraft, changing the three-level training system in general countries to two-level training.

    But for each pilot, before they actually go to the battlefield, they must conduct air combat simulation training with various enemy aircraft that have been painstakingly collected. This includes not only various Japanese fighter aircraft, but also those transferred from Jiangbei.  Due to the large arrival of American fighter jets, various miscellaneous aircraft have been turned into reserve forces.

    The training for fighter pilots, in addition to air combat training, also includes various trainings such as attacks on bombers and transport aircraft, ground attacks, and all training to deal with various emergency situations encountered in air combat, and this  Yang Zhen also mandated that the simulated actual combat training must last for more than twenty hours.

    Not only do they have to undergo actual combat training, but the positions of pilots of each aircraft type are not fixed. There is a certain amount of flight training time each year. In other words, bomber pilots have to spend one or two hours of flying time every year.  The same goes for pilots of fighter jets and transport aircraft. This training model is unique in the world.

    The problem lies in the selection of personnel and the supply of fuel and parts. The most fundamental thing is the selection of pilots. The population base of the base area is too thin, and the selection conditions for pilots are too high. They must have a certain level of education and  Although considerable physical fitness is required, the selection of pilots has not been fast enough to meet the needs of the development of the army.

    Although the training of the first batch of aviation troops of the Anti-Japanese Alliance only took a little more than half a year, what kind of training method was it? All pilots were carefully selected from the entire army at the company and platoon level and had a certain cultural foundation.  cadres, as well as graduates of the Puppet Manchukuo National High School selected in the base area,

    These people studied flight skills during the day and theory and Russian language at night. In less than two months, the first batch of pilots were flying solo. In order to gain speed, they trained non-stop for more than half a year.  A group of selected pilots even crashed due to excessive fatigue under intense training and training.

    This kind of training method can be used in emergencies, but it cannot last long. Within half a year of training, nearly ten Soviet-made wave-2 training aircraft were dropped. Due to the high-intensity training, more than ten people were injured and killed. Jiangbei was used to train the Anti-Japanese Federation.  In the words of the air force personnel of the aviation force, Chinese comrades are crazy,

    If subsequent pilot training is still carried out according to this standard, judging from the current situation that all aviation training has been transferred to the base area, not to mention these carefully selected pilot students cannot afford to lose, even the most basic trainer aircraft  Can't afford to fall,

    The entire army now only has more than thirty Bo-2 trainer aircraft, twenty American-made trainer aircraft, more than ten Japanese-made Type 99 advanced trainer aircraft captured in Harbin and a batch of miscellaneous trainer aircraft. If it falls at this speed, it will  Soon, I'm afraid there won't be even one training aircraft in the three aviation schools.

    After the first batch of pilots graduated, despite the urgent need for a large number of pilots, after studying with the aviation force, Yang Zhen made up his mind to modify the aviation training syllabus and extended the training period to ten months, but increased the number of hours of flight training.  Ten more hours were added, so the speed was even slower,

    What's more, the aviation force, as a technology-intensive service, not only requires a large number of educated pilots, but also has certain requirements for the educational level of ground staff. Let an illiterate guy who can't even understand the principle of an engine repair a plane like this.  One of the most high-tech airplanes of our time, that¡¯s not a big joke.

    The population is sparse and the cultural foundation is too weak, which makes it difficult to select pilots. Although priority has been allocated to the aviation force, the gap in personnel is still large. With other military services also developing rapidly, Yang Zhen cannot always recruit all the pilots.  It would be appropriate to allocate the entire population to aviation.

    Not only the aviation force, but also the technology-intensive arms in the army?'s artillery, armored forces, and even the military industry sector also need a large number of intellectuals. A modern army needs not only strong generals who are good at fighting, but also a large number of intellectuals.

    The problem of lack of technical personnel does not only appear in the aviation force. The armored force, which is currently receiving large-scale tanks from Jiangbei, also has considerable problems. There is still not enough technical personnel, which has become Chen Hanzhang's biggest headache at the moment.  Whether they are cadres transferred from the central government or cadres selected within the army, they have indeed rich practical experience.

    But the cultural level is too poor. Many people can barely read newspapers and understand maps. They all learned it in the army. How can these people even know what ABC is and how a carburetor works?  For people who don¡¯t know anything about it, it¡¯s really difficult to learn how to repair tank transmitters.

    Although the tank is made of steel and looks rough and thick-skinned, in fact, as the most technologically advanced unit and equipment in the army, it is also very tight inside. Its emergency repair capabilities are directly related to the success of this unit.  combat effectiveness on the battlefield,

    In the base area, not to mention college students, even graduates from national high schools are far from meeting the needs, and there are even insufficient people of suitable age for recruitment. The foundation is too thin, and the selection speed of technical personnel in various professional arms, including pilots, cannot keep up.  The rapid development has almost become a worry in Yang Zhen's heart.

    After all, I have repeatedly emphasized that only personnel and equipment can be used here, and equipment must not wait for people. But now it is happening right in front of me. According to the actual situation in the area, it is difficult to support the large-scale expansion of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, even if it is  Although a big city like Harbin was captured, the supply and demand ratio of intellectuals was still far from meeting the needs while an inventory still needed to be carried out.

    Three thousand people, not to mention it will take a long time to go to the Northeast together. Even after arriving in the Northeast, there is no training for more than a year, and it is difficult to use. There is no way. Almost all schools in Chongqing have mastered the situation.  Under the situation that the education level across the country is low, these three thousand people are already the greatest efforts of the central government.

    Before Yang Zhen flew back to the Northeast from northern Shaanxi, although the central government had promised to do everything possible to recruit 3,000 intellectuals with a middle school education or above for the Anti-Japanese Alliance within three months, the water from far away could not quench the thirst for nearness.  Not to mention that the transfer of these 3,000 people alone would take three months or more. Even after arriving in the Northeast, they would not be able to work without more than a year of training.

    Yang Zhen also knew that these 3,000 cadres with junior high school education or above were almost all they had for an army whose overall cultural level was not high, and even many division-level commanders were illiterate.  From this point of view, the central government is really throwing the pot away.

    Although Yang Zhen is not satisfied with the educational level of these people, he can only make do with it for the time being. Think about the situation in later generations where college graduates are all over the streets and are even cheaper than pork. At present, junior high schools have already become popular in later generations.  The level of hydration has become the status quo of intellectuals, and Yang Zhen can only smile bitterly.

    You have to know that in the future, unless you really don¡¯t want to hang out in school, it will be difficult for most people to get a junior high school diploma. Even the gangsters on the street who are carrying kitchen knives to chop people are at least junior high school graduates.  Nowadays, a junior high school graduate is almost a pretty good intellectual. As for a college student, it is even more priceless.

    Yang Zhen couldn't help but smile bitterly when he thought about the reason why the only thing he did after arriving in northern Jiangsu from Wannan was to shoot to death a brigade political commissar of the Suluyu Detachment of the 18th Group Army that had not yet been incorporated into the New Fourth Army.  No matter what was done within the Fifth Division, logically speaking, it was definitely not under the control of myself, the political commissar of the New Fourth Army who had actually resigned.

    But after hearing that a cadre from the southward detachment of the 18th Group Army who had just been assigned to the New Fourth Army came to the meeting, he said that this guy killed more than a dozen anti-Japanese students who joined the army in one go in the name of a Trotskyist and made false accusations.  After later generations saw certain events when reading certain war histories, Yang Zhen immediately ordered the arrest of this guy who was attending a meeting in northern Jiangsu.

    After a hasty interrogation, Yang Zhen exercised his final decision-making power as a political commissar for the first time. Regardless of the opposition of everyone, he ordered this guy who had gone through the Long March to be shot. How many local cadres he had killed, Yang Zhen could not and did not care about it. That was a  The 15th Division's own internal affairs, but there are more than a dozen young students joining the army, including several college cadres, and the rest are at least high school graduates.

    This number made Yang Zhen's heart ache and almost bleed: "I want to get a college student and I don't have anywhere to get it. I might as well just kill you. Damn you prodigal bastard. Keep a scum like you here."  What's the use?" If it weren't for other people, especially the one who respected Yang Zhen.When the important first secretary of the East China Bureau came forward, Yang Zhen almost killed him with his own hands.

    With Yang Zhen's character, if it weren't for the protection of the intellectuals in the Suluyu detachment, he would not be so reckless. In order to protect the intellectuals from persecution, and for the dozen young students who were unjustly killed, he shot and killed a person who had gone through the Long March.  For regimental cadres, this is the first time for this army, which has experienced numerous counter-revolutionary campaigns and many cadres and soldiers have been unjustly killed.

    Although Yang Zhen's move caused dissatisfaction among some people in the army, it also attracted a lot of criticism. Many people thought that his hand was stretched too long and that it was too much. If all the cadres in the army did this,  , then who dares to oppose the special forces, but he has won the favor of the majority of intellectuals. In the later words of the New Fourth Army cadres, people are angry for beauty, and Political Commissar Yang is angry for knowledge.
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