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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 697 Interlude after the air battle

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    The Kwantung Army military police did not find out the spies, but they did not expect that when they pulled out the radish, they brought out a pile of mud instead of the radish. The spies did not find out, but they found out the corruption of several senior officers. This time  It doesn't matter if you follow the clues, but you will offend a large number of people.

    These days, no one who can reach the rank of colonel has a few backings. Those colonels are silent about the use of the proceeds from the embezzlement of high-quality aviation gasoline smuggled and sold, and they are also very arrogant.  Nor does he take the things he has committed seriously,

    I think there must be some confidence that there would be such arrogance there. Although General Umezu Yoshijiro ordered a strict investigation at the first time, the Kwantung Army had not yet launched a comprehensive investigation on the matter. Someone above had already started to act, and came.  The first one was bigger than the last one, and even alarmed Prime Minister Lu.

    The investigation of the leakers has not yet been completed. The Kwantung Army here has not yet come up with its opinions on how to deal with several colonels suspected of corruption. Over there, someone is suing the aviation army for its unfavorable operations in front of the emperor. The so-called spy investigation is only intended to  Just shirking one's own responsibilities,

    The most important thing is that not only did someone file a complaint against the Kwantung Army, but someone even vaguely mentioned old things again, wanting to investigate the responsibility for the defeat of last summer's battle. After several overt and covert fights, under the personal intervention of the emperor who did not want to make the truth bigger, and various parties  With the compromise of all forces, the case of tracing the national traitors within the Kwantung Army was hastily concluded.

    Even among the several colonels who were harmed by Chi Yu, the most unlucky one only received a warning. The rest did not even receive a warning. They were only transferred from the Kwantung Army and were transferred to the country or other countries.  After serving in the Taiwan Army, not only did these colonels receive any punishment, there was even a guy who was transferred to the Taiwan Army and was promoted from colonel to major general.

    However, for the Japanese army, this matter will never be clarified. Naturally, someone has to take the blame. After all, not only the top brass of the military must be given an explanation, but also those who have repeatedly protested and asked the Kwantung Army to conduct a thorough internal investigation and arrest the suspects.  Those pilots who leaked the secrets of the Army's latest aircraft have an explanation.

    After checking again and again, we found that all the people handling the matter were people with strong backgrounds, and that one could not be touched. In the end, the unlucky ones were the test pilot from the Embassy in Italy who specialized in inspecting the latest German and Italian aviation technology, and the one who received the ME-109 fighter jet.  The combat consultant of a flying team became the biggest victim and unlucky guy.

    One was accused of falsifying research and acting as a spy for the Soviet Union, and was ordered to commit seppuku as an apology to the emperor and the people. The other was accused of leaking military secrets to the Manchus at lightning speed. He was arrested and executed immediately. But this unlucky man  It's miserable, but it's just too lustful, because the so-called Manchu women are prettier than Japanese women. Whenever I have a little time, I just go to the brothels run by the Manchus.

    However, at the request of the Emperor, although the Army had made a rough understanding of the matter, it also accelerated the development of new fighter aircraft. Of course, these are all things for later. The aftermath of this air war in the Japanese Army  It's not something that Dawn and her subordinates who are about to leave the battlefield should worry about now.

    Seeing that the sky was empty, and then looking at the wreckage of enemy and friendly aircraft on the ground, Ming Ming, who knew that the fuel supply of each fleet was running low, shook his head and said: "Everyone, pay attention, retreat immediately, the military region is assigned to a direct reconnaissance team from the Nenjiang Military Region  The battalion is operating in this area, and the parachuting brothers will find a way to meet them. I hope they have good luck and can be rescued by the brothers directly under the reconnaissance battalion before they are caught by the little devils. "

    After receiving the order from Li Ming, all the aircraft groups arranged in neat formation according to the requirements of the training outline and returned to various airports in Qiqihar. Only Yu Ming, who had lost almost all his brothers, knew that there was no hope, but still looked at the battlefield helplessly.  , reluctant to evacuate for a long time,

    What Lai Ming and Yu Ming didn't know was that after they flew away, a small-scale fight took place on the ground where the air battle took place. It shouldn't just be said that it was four people.  Individuals, to be precise, a melee between four enemy and friendly pilots,

    As a squad leader, Shen Pai was very depressed. As a veteran who had participated in several air battles, he made the mistake that only rookies make. Because he was too excited, he forgot to keep a certain distance when diving to attack, resulting in firing.  It was too late. When his guns hit the enemy aircraft, he was hit by a 37mm shell from his own and the enemy aircraft exploded on the spot. He bit too tightly and suffered a fish pond disaster.

    The tail of the Zero fighter that exploded in the air hit the propeller of his own aircraft. Apart from the fuel tank and cockpit, the most vulnerable parts of the entire aircraft were hit by a  Hit by something far more lethal than a twenty-millimeter aerial cannon, the propellers of the entire plane left where they were supposed to be and went to freedom.?

    And without the propeller, it means that there is no power. The plane that has lost its power is like a kite with its string broken. It does not even have a spin, and then plummets. In desperation, no matter how hard you want to let go of your beloved,  Shenpai can only skydive because of his landline.

    When Shen Pai's feet landed on the ground, he released the parachute in the shortest possible time, took out the Soviet-made Tokarev pistol and prepared to head northeast, but found that not far from where he landed, a man  My comrades who were also parachuting were struggling in the chaos of parachutes.

    After hurriedly rushing over, it took a lot of effort to rescue this comrade who was trapped in his parachute. The two of them were about to take a big step, at least now they were trying to find a hiding place in the empty prairie.  location, otherwise, on this bare winter grassland in enemy-occupied territory, we can only sit back and wait for death,

    I don¡¯t know whether it was luck or misfortune, but just as the two were preparing to evacuate this unobstructed grassland, two Japanese RE fighter jets, which had to make an emergency landing because their damn engines malfunctioned again, made an emergency landing.  before them,

    When the two Japanese pilots who had made an emergency landing finally stabilized the plane and jumped out of the cabin, they immediately spotted the two people who were preparing to escape. The two sides had not enjoyed fighting in the air, and no one expected to meet again on the ground.  As soon as they met, it was obvious that they were enemies, and they were extremely jealous. Both parties drew their pistols one after another, and started a pistol battle on the ground across the plane.

    It¡¯s just that the Southern Type 14 pistols equipped by Japanese pilots are not as good as the Soviet-made Tokarev TT Type 33 pistol in Shen Pai¡¯s hand, which is the standard pistol for Anti-Alliance pilots, in terms of range and power.  The comrade Pai rescued was even more perverted. He actually brought a speed machine.

    This pistol melee lasted for five minutes. Due to the huge gap in weapons between the two sides, it ended with almost no suspense in the failure of the two Japanese pilots. Although the two Japanese pilots had engine failures during the air battle, they were ahead of their opponents.  The two Japanese pilots who had made an emergency landing before and escaped with their lives had good luck deserting them this time.

    One of the two Japanese pilots was shot to death because at a critical moment, his old Southern Type 14 pistol, which had always jammed in his hand, got jammed for no reason and was unable to shoot. The other one was firing.  After taking out all the bullets, he dropped the pistol, turned around and ran away.

    Even this guy with extremely quick movements had already run out of the range of the TT 33 pistol in Shen Pai's hand, but he didn't want to be caught by Shen Pai's comrade who actually took the speed machine to the sky with the speed machine in his hand.  After turning into a carbine with a range of 200 meters, he shot the head with one shot.

    This comrade's marksmanship made Shen Pai feel inferior. Later, Shen Pai found out that compared to his experience of graduating from Jiamusi National High School, this man was originally a company commander in the Guan Nei army before he was transferred to the Northeast and was selected to join the aviation force.  He is not as good as himself, but he is a serious member of the main force, and he has fought in many big battles and fierce battles. With his marksmanship, it is not surprising.

    After killing two Japanese colleagues, the two people who were about to continue escaping suddenly discovered the Japanese aircraft in front of them. It seemed that there was nothing serious wrong with it, and the remaining fuel was enough for them to return to Qiqihar from here. With this discovery, they couldn't help but  It made the two people¡¯s eyes light up.

    Looking at the relatively complete plane, the two people looked at each other and gave up their plan to escape on foot. They jumped on the plane and prepared to fly back to their base, because they knew that it would be difficult to escape the pursuit of the Japanese army on foot alone.  , although two people are forced to squeeze into the cockpit of a single fighter, which seems a bit crowded, it is still better than not being able to escape.

    What surprised them was that the plane seemed to be intact, but the engine of the plane allowed them to fiddle with it in every possible way, but they just refused to give face. No matter what they did, it just wouldn't start, and the propeller was spinning underneath, almost.  Not being exhausted, and not getting the plane, which at least appeared to be intact on the surface, to start up,

    The engine of the aircraft here could not start, but the cavalry sent by the Japanese army over there to hunt down the anti-alliance pilots or rescue their own pilots did not delay at all. They turned the propeller desperately on Shen Pai's side, trying to  When the plane started up, the sound of horse hooves over there was clearly audible.

    The Japanese cavalry who came over clearly discovered the two guys who were very busy. Even with the help of binoculars, they accurately judged that the two men were not their own. After discovering the attempt of the two men, the Japanese cavalry immediately  Shooting, trying to stop their immoral behavior of abducting Imperial Japanese property and escaping for their lives,

    ??The bullets constantly passing over the head, the puffs of smoke rising from the blows under the feet, and the sound of horse hooves getting closer and closer, even clearlySeeing the ferocious faces of the opposing cavalry, the two people who had tried their best and failed to start the plane even became a little desperate.

    Knowing that on such a flat grassland, two legs alone would never be able to run with four legs. They thought that they would not be able to escape today and did not want to be prisoners. After looking at this damn aircraft in despair, not only did they  Instead of helping himself out of danger, the plane crashed into a desperate situation and he invariably pressed the last bullet in his hand into the gun chamber, preparing to keep the last bullet for himself.
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