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Text Chapter 601 The most fatal weakness

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    ?Speaking of this, Yang Zhen looked at the two leaders and said in a sincere tone: "As the size of the army becomes larger and larger, hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting head-on battles. After a battle, the consumption of  The number of guns and ammunition is almost astronomical, and simply relying on captures on the battlefield cannot meet the needs of the troops. "

    "Therefore, it has become an inevitable choice to establish military production capabilities that are in line with our own strategic interests and strategic decisions. Chairman and CEO, the situation in the Northeast is incomparable to that in Guanhai. Facing the Japanese and puppet troops who have an absolute advantage, the scattered  Guerrilla can only lead to a dead end!"

    "With the Americans always refusing to pay in full, and the military factory in urgent need of expansion and replacement of some equipment, we have no choice but to use most of the funds to re-export machinery and equipment, as well as military raw materials and technology. On the one hand, we take the opportunity to establish  Our own upstream military industry, such as steelmaking, non-ferrous metal smelting, and large-scale synthetic chemical plants, form a complete military industry chain."

    "On the one hand, we will expand the scale and production capacity of our own arsenal and set up our own downstream production plants, such as automobile production plants. At the same time, we will introduce a number of Soviet weapons and equipment production technologies through interest exchange, such as Soviet-made MiG-3 fighter jets,  Production technology of T-26 tanks and some anti-aircraft guns!¡±

    "Chairman, boss, to be honest, I spent 300 million US dollars in one go. I feel really bad. The allowances for the whole army, including myself, are only a few dollars of Manchukuo currency. Except for meals and military uniforms, they are all distributed by superiors.  All other expenses are included!¡±

    "Those of us who are single are better off. Those with families rely on this subsidy to support their families, and their lives are not as good as half of the local farmers. But this is a helpless choice for us. There is no other way. Who will let us  The military industry in China seems to be starting from scratch, except for some basic things. We are building a high-rise building on a construction site with nothing but a few bricks!"

    "Through this negotiation, although a relatively expensive price has been paid, if everything goes smoothly, within three years we will establish basic automobile, tank, aircraft and anti-aircraft artillery production plants, as well as initially establish steelmaking,  Non-ferrous metal smelting, petroleum refining, synthetic chemicals, thermal power generation and other basic defense industries!¡±

    "At the same time, the production capacity of the arsenal will more than triple its current level. While it can basically meet the needs of our troops themselves, it can also vigorously assist the troops in the customs. At the same time, we will also use the preferential loans from the United States to expand  The size of the aviation force!¡±

    "Chairman, boss, the Northeast is so rich. In addition to gold and timber, the Xiaoxing'anling area also has copper from Duobao Mountain, nickel from the Heihe area, and high-quality industrial coal throughout northern Manchuria. And from now on  Judging from the Japanese military information we captured, there is likely to be a large oil field between the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains!¡±

    ¡°If we make full use of these mineral products and invest them all in industrial development, we are fully capable of establishing a defense industry that is basically independent and can even meet all the needs of the army. Chairman, we cannot beg for a golden rice bowl.  Placing hope on others is the stupidest thing. We can only rely on ourselves for everything. The pie will not fall from the sky, and even if it does, it will not fall on our heads! "

    After all, Yang Zhen gave a detailed report to the Chairman and Commander-in-Chief about his experience in negotiating with the United States and the Soviet Union, as well as his original thoughts and ideas. He even reported truthfully about the Americans' attempts to bribe him.  Listening to Yang Zhen's report, the chairman's brows relaxed and frowned.

    Especially when I heard that the Soviet Union deliberately lowered the price of export coal from the base area when bartering, and set the price of those precious coals to almost catch up with the price of cabbage, causing considerable losses to the Northeast Bureau, and the Jidong Military Region imported  The supplies were in short supply, and shoddy goods often occurred, and the frowning brows did not relax for a long time.

    When the report was completed, Yang Zhen looked at the expression on the chairman's face, paused and said: "Chairman, boss, use the coal mine and graphite mine to exchange some equipment and its production technology with the Soviet Union. Although we are not satisfied, this  It¡¯s a helpless choice when financial resources are unsustainable!¡±

    "The current agreement can be said to have greatly alleviated our great financial pressure, and also introduced some of the equipment and technology that we urgently need, but it was obtained at the expense of some of our sovereignty, even though these minerals belong to us.  I currently cannot and cannot have the financial resources to develop it!¡±

    "I hesitated several times about this agreement at the time, but faced with the shortage of technology and equipment in the base area, I had no choice but to make this decision, even though I knew that this situation would alwaysIf it is leaked, it is very likely that our opponents will seize the opportunity to publicize it, reduce our prestige, and even affect the prestige of the central government!  "

    "Furthermore, in the Northeast, due to the impact of the Middle East Road Incident and the previous aggression by Tsarist Russia, not many local people have a favorable impression of the Soviet Union. Once the Japanese army seizes this point for propaganda, it will bring great consequences to us.  of passivity and pressure!¡±

    "However, relying solely on millet and rifles cannot defeat the Japanese army and regain the mountains and rivers. Even under the encirclement and suppression of the Japanese army's superior troops and firepower, it is difficult for us to survive. The situation inside and outside the customs is different from the situation we face, which determines that we can only  You can continuously enhance your own strength to obtain the most basic right to survive!¡±

    At this point, Yang Zhen sighed softly and said: "Chairman and boss, they all said that the Japanese army in the pass is strong and there are many puppet troops, but the war has reached this point, especially after the Wuhan battle, due to the changes in the Japanese army's overall strategy  After adjustment, the Kwantung Army almost concentrated most of the old divisions of the Japanese army! "

    "Compared with the ad hoc divisions, newly established divisions, and independent mixed brigades in the nature of garrison on the battlefield in the Kwantung War, the Kwantung Army, which has concentrated most of the essence of the Japanese army, is currently the strongest among all the strategic clusters of the Japanese army.  The big one, that is to say, most of the elite Japanese troops are outside the pass rather than inside it!¡±

    "In this battle alone, we encountered seven Japanese standing divisions including the 1st, 6th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th, plus 20 Japanese standing divisions that later participated in the battle.  The 5th, 28th, 29th and 51st and 57th divisions, the Kwantung Army invested up to 12 divisions and more than 200,000 troops at one time. The scale of this battle was the largest since 1977.  After the incident, except for the Battle of Songhu, the scale of the other battles on the Guan Civil War battlefield cannot be compared!"

    "In addition, the combat effectiveness of the puppet Manchukuo army is also far stronger than that of the puppet army in the pass. The sophistication of all its Japanese equipment is also far higher than that of the puppet army in the pass. Facing such a powerful Japanese and puppet army, without a powerful  With the support of our firepower, there is no way out and the ability to replenish our troops is extremely poor, there is only a dead end waiting for us!¡±

    "The difference between the situation inside the pass and the situation inside the pass determines that we can only try every means to enhance our own strength, because we do not have such a large room for maneuver on the battlefield inside the pass, and we do not have a strong population base within the pass to replenish a large number of troops.  Under the difficult situation of replenishing soldiers, increasing the firepower of the troops has become our only choice! "

    "Because the defeat in the Guanhai battlefield did not harm the overall situation, the worst it could do was give up some territory. Since the July 7th Incident, the Nationalist Government has won several battles, but it can rely on the vast area and still persist in resisting. But for the basis  The Northeast has a limited area and an even smaller population. Once the war is defeated, there will be no retreat! "

    "In the face of the large amount of troops invested by the Japanese army this time, we have exhausted all our resources and dug almost three feet into the ground. We can only barely gather enough troops to match the Japanese army. If it weren't for the Soviet Union's loan last year,  , provided us with a batch of weapons and ammunition captured in Poland, which raised our firepower level to the same level as that of the Japanese army. I can say that this battle was almost a dead end! "

    "For the Anti-Japanese Alliance that is alone in northern Manchuria, the difference between the Kwantung Army and the Kwantung Army is not only the overall strength, but also the inability to follow up is our most fatal weakness. At the end of this battle, although we have liberated the Sanjiang Province and Binjiang Province of the Puppet Manchuria  The entire province, Dong'an Province, and most of Longjiang Province and Heihe Province seem to have expanded in area, but the total population is not as large as the several large counties in the pass!"

    "Before the campaign was launched, the population of the entire base area was only over one million, and the number of people suitable for military service was less than 300,000. This includes men under the age of 40 and men over the age of 16. The successors were weak and the number of soldiers was supplemented.  Difficult, if we are at a clear disadvantage in terms of firepower, then we can only be consumed bit by bit!¡±

    "Fighting out is an inevitable choice, but when facing a powerful opponent, we don't have strong firepower, and we simply can't achieve the victory we hope for. In the vast and sparsely populated Beiman, we want to leave."  The strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside is almost impossible because the population of Northern Manchuria is so limited!¡±

    "Although the key to victory in a war lies in people, when the firepower gap is too large, if we want to win a war or even a battle, the price we have to pay will be several times or even several times that of our opponents.  Ten times, and this price is unbearable for us!¡±

    "This is the reason why I want to do everything possible to increase the firepower of the troops and build my own defense industry at all costs, even to bear infamy, because I don't want us to follow the old path of the National Government and put our own necks on the line.  Send it to someone else!"

    "With its own militaryIn terms of industry, we can meet our own needs and at the same time support the troops on the battlefield inside the pass. In order to establish our own national defense industry system and initially meet the basic firepower needs of the troops, we can say that we have sold the iron to the enemy. Although it cannot be said to be an unprincipled concession, but  Basically, I did it at all costs!  "

    Speaking of this, Yang Zhen smiled sadly and said: "Chairman and boss, I just hope that one day after the country is liberated and we establish our own political power, no one will call me a prodigal, and no one will come to settle accounts with me."  , when I go to see Marx, no one will put a cross on my portrait, it is enough to say that I am a traitor, and I have not thought about anything else. "Go and share.
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