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Text Chapter 602 Adjustment

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    Yang Zhen's words surprised the chairman. Seeing Yang Zhen's face with a hint of worry when he said these words, the chairman who instantly understood what Yang Zhen was thinking waved his hand and said: "This matter  , we know, the central government understands your painstaking efforts. As for others, I think everyone will understand your efforts!"

    "Comrade Yang Zhen, don't worry, this matter has been settled. The central government will solve it for you. Don't have any psychological worries, let alone any burdens. You have done a good job. It seems that you have started from scratch recently.  It¡¯s not easy to open up a vast world in such a difficult environment!¡±

    "The central government is well aware of your hard work and dedication. From now on, as long as it is beneficial to our development and beneficial to China's anti-Japanese cause, you can feel free to do it boldly without any worries. If you can win more  Foreign aid, when it¡¯s time to give in, you can give in. I believe you, Comrade Yang Zhen, will have a bottom line in your heart!¡±

    Having said this, the chairman looked at Yang Zhen and said: "Now tell me what new plans you have for the next step and how you need the central government to cooperate. As long as the central government can do it, it will go all out. Your vision is  If you believe it, the central government also believes it and raise it all!¡±

    After hearing the chairman's words, Yang Zhen paused and said: "Chairman, our next step is to decide that if the Japanese army does not launch a large-scale attack within a year, we will make full use of this opportunity of US assistance.  Seize the time to establish an effective industrial base and expand the scale of the arsenal to prepare for future wars!"

    "The second is to train our troops with all our strength. Although this year's battle has achieved great results, the casualties have also been quite heavy. More than half of our more than 200,000 troops participating in the battle were killed or captured. Although a large number of laborers were rescued, these new recruits  It takes time to build combat effectiveness!¡±

    "Furthermore, it will take nearly a year for the tanks, aircraft, and expanded armored and aviation forces we obtained through international relations and barter exchanges to form combat effectiveness. Therefore, these two items will be the focus of our work in the next year.  Top priority!¡±

    "In addition, we must seize the time to reserve various strategic materials, such as grain, oil, and military raw materials that we cannot currently produce, such as the raw materials needed to make guns and ammunition. We must complete a year's reserve by at least June next year.  , and besides, just hoarding ammunition!¡±

    "The most critical thing is to seize the time to airlift weapons and ammunition into the customs. We have decided to airlift some of the original Japanese equipment and 70% of the Japanese equipment captured in this battle to the customs, and prepare to airlift it before the end of the year.  Prioritize the allocation of 20 million rounds of 65 and 79 bullets, and 9 million rounds of 77-caliber Japanese machine gun bullets!"

    "In addition, we airlifted 200 75mm mountain guns, 90 field guns, 210 92 infantry guns, 70 37 level guns, 3,000 self-produced submachine guns and 420 ammunition.  Ten thousand rounds, 150,000 Japanese-style grenades, 200,000 self-made grenades, and more than 50,000 kilograms, as well as some field telephones, radios, walkie-talkies and other communication equipment!¡±

    "At the same time, we will allocate 200,000 rounds of infantry artillery and Japanese 90-caliber and 80-caliber mortar shells, 20,000 Japanese-style 75-mountain artillery shells, and 7,000 field artillery shells. According to this plan, before June next year, we will  Prepare to airlift weapons and equipment that can equip thirty to fifty infantry regiments and twenty artillery regiments for the troops within the customs!"

    "Chairman and boss, next year may be the most difficult year we have to face, so we must make all preparations, but this preparation cannot only be completed by the Anti-League itself, we need the cooperation of the internal teams.  Because our strategic goal next year is to open up direct land connections with the customs! "

    "So, I have a heartfelt request here. I implore the central government to give priority to allocating the equipment transported by air to the troops adjacent to the northeast and the troops that can be used as the second echelon. Our plan for next year needs to be within the pass.  The troops must be dispatched at the same time to cooperate, otherwise, the Anti-Japanese Alliance alone will not be able to achieve this strategic goal! "

    Yang Zhen's handiwork shocked the chairman and the commander-in-chief. Fifty regiments with Japanese-style equipment are equivalent to re-equipmenting the main force of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and the 129th Division. Twenty artillery regiments, if  All in place will greatly change the weak firepower of the troops inside the pass. Not only are they short of artillery, they are also short of batteries. Most of them can only rely on homemade black powder with very little power to attack the enemy. This makes the attack extremely weak, and troops often face the Japanese army.  The current situation of the base being helpless.  ""net

    The Hundred Regiment War, which was launched in July and is now in full swing, is due to the weak attack power. When concentrating superior forces to face the strongholds held by a small number of Japanese and puppet troops, it has failed to attack many times and suffered serious consequences.  A lot of casualties occurred.

    If Yang Zhen promises?The equipment of the twenty artillery regiments is all in place, which will greatly enhance the firepower allocation of the troops and effectively alleviate the difficulties faced by the troops in tackling difficult problems. The firepower and combat effectiveness of the troops within the customs will be greatly improved. At least the troops will not  Once again, there are more people than guns, and more guns than bullets.

    Looking at Yang Zhen's young and resolute face, the chairman and the commander-in-chief looked at each other before the commander-in-chief said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, if you take out so much equipment to be airlifted into the country at once, will it affect the overall operations of your troops?"  The strength, Japanese-style equipment of fifty regiments, would be painful for anyone to use!"

    In response to the commander-in-chief's question, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Chairman, boss, for our future development, working alone can no longer solve the problem. Without the support and cooperation of relevant troops, we will simply not be able to achieve next year's operational goals. And  It has been impossible to open up the connection with the customs. Unless the entire Northeast is completely liberated, we will not be able to support the human resources needed to continue the fight! "

    "Currently, the connection between Northeast China and Guanhai relies entirely on air transportation, which is not only expensive but also not very safe. The most important thing is that we need to pass through the Soviet-controlled area. From this point of view, our route is far from stable.  The financial pressure on the military region is also quite high!¡±

    "Not counting the fact that the Soviet Union can cut off our contact with the customs at any time due to changes in the international environment, so far, the transit fees we owe the Soviet Union alone have reached more than three million rubles, and according to our existing fiscal revenue,  It is simply impossible to repay. If the Soviet Union acts in its own interests, it can cut off our connection with the customs at any time on the grounds of defaulting on transit fees! "

    "Furthermore, the frequent use of transport aircraft will also have a considerable impact on the life of the transport aircraft. In the case where there is basically no self-production capability for all components and all components are dependent on imports, once the key components age due to frequent use, the air transport will be aggravated.  The insecurity!¡±

    "Air transport is neither railway nor road transport. Once an accident occurs, it will only result in a plane crash and fatalities. There is basically no possibility of people on the plane surviving. Therefore, it is important for us to open up road connections with the interior of Kansai.  It is said to be extremely urgent and may even affect our life and death!¡±

    "A single beauty is not spring, but a riot of colors is spring. We are fully equipped, including aircraft, tanks, and heavy artillery. The equipment of the Big Brother troops in the pass is in tatters. As troops fighting under the same flag, this is not normal. The entire army is  A game of chess cannot work without anyone. Only when the whole army is strong can we get more support!"

    Yang Zhen's words were very sincere, and the chairman and the boss stared at him for a long time before nodding slightly and said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, we are very pleased that you have this idea. As the military chief of the Northeast Theater, you have  You must have your own reasons for this idea, and we can agree with it, but there is one thing that must not let the combat effectiveness of the Anti-Union decline! "

    Having said this, he looked at Yang Zhen and turned to the commander-in-chief: "It seems that Yang Zhen has made a lot of money this year. Fifty regiments of Japanese equipment plus twenty artillery regiments  , we princes from all walks of life will probably regard you as the God of Wealth descending to earth!"

    After that, the chairman lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, based on the changes in the situation in Northeast China after this battle, the Central Committee believes that after this battle, the overall anti-Japanese situation in Northeast China has been resolved.  Regarding the overall change, the central government believes that under the current situation, the overall military deployment in the entire Northeast is no longer suitable for the current situation! "

    "It has come to a time when there must be a unified military command organization that is fully responsible for the military struggle in the Northeast. The previous situation of fighting independently must be changed. The entire Northeast battlefield must become a unified chess game. We must clenched our fists.  Beating people can no longer be like the way it was before!¡±

    "Based on the current situation, the Central Committee has decided to adjust the military deployment in the Northeast. In view of the fact that the Third Anti-Alliance Army is now in name only, and the First Army is weak in strength and is not suitable to exist as a separate strategic organization, the Central Committee has decided to cancel the original First Anti-Alliance Army.  and the Third Route Army, as well as the establishment of the Jidong Military Region!¡±

    "At the same time, the Northeast Military Region was established to be responsible for the military struggle in the entire Northeast. At the same time, the Northeast Field Army was established to be responsible for the military struggle against the enemy in the Northeast. In view of your outstanding performance in the previous military struggle, the Central Committee decided to appoint you as the second secretary of the Northeast Bureau.  He is also the commander of the Northeast Military Region and the commander of the Northeast Field Army, with full authority to direct the anti-Japanese struggle in Northeast China!"

    "Comrade Wei Zhengmin is appointed as the political commissar of the Northeast Military Region, Comrade Yang Jingyu is appointed as the deputy commander and deputy political commissar, and Comrade Li Yanping is appointed as the deputy political commissar of the Northeast Military Region and political commissar of the Northeast Field Army. In addition, the central government decided to transfer Comrade Xiang Ying, the former deputy commander of the New Fourth Army, to the post of Northeast  Director of the Political Department of the Military Region, Comrade Zhou Zikun, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the New Fourth Army, was transferred to serve as Chief of Staff of the Northeast Military Region.?¡±

    "The Central Committee has decided that you, Comrade Wei Zhengmin, Comrade Yang Jingyu, Comrade Li Yanping, Comrade Xiang Ying, and Comrade Zhou Zikun will form the Northeast Military Region Party Committee. You, Comrade Wei Zhengmin, Comrade Yang Jingyu, and Comrade Li Yanping will form the Standing Committee, with you as the party committee  First Secretary, Wei Zhengmin serves as Second Secretary!¡±

    "As for the commanding authority of the Northeast Field Army, it was reorganized on the spot from the former Jidong Military Region. Comrade Guo Bingxun was appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Northeast Field Army, Comrade Gao Yumin was appointed as the Director of the Political Department of the Northeast Field Army, and Comrade Zhang Zhenhua was appointed as the Logistics Minister and Acting Political Commissar. At the same time, the Central Committee decided to agree with you  Report and appoint Comrade Wang Guangyu as deputy commander of the Northeast Field Army." Guiqiu shared.

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