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Text Chapter 483 The Last Chance

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    After getting Chen Hanzhang's reply, Gao Shanguifu was also unambiguous.  [ka".Com text threw away all the baggage and materials that could not be carried, carried the wounded and slipped back to Fangzheng County in the shortest possible time. Fortunately, Zhonghoutun was very close to Fangzheng County, so there was no need to worry for too long.

    But when he arrived at Fangzheng County, Gao Shanguifu was shocked to find that the streets in the entire county were full of discarded heavy equipment that could not be carried away and had been damaged. There was no longer a single Japanese soldier, not even a puppet Manchurian soldier.  The police don't have one.  At this time, the Deshan line in the southeast of the county was filled with gunfire.

    Everything in front of him, coupled with the sound of gunfire on the front line of Deshan, made him understand that he and the thousands of people trapped in Zhonghoutun had been abandoned by his immediate boss, Lieutenant General Kita Seiichi.  The division headquarters did not wait for him at all, but broke through in advance.

    He knows that his opponent who only agrees to withdraw to Fangzheng County will not let him go easily. Fangzheng County is really not a place for a turtle man to stay for a long time.  Although he was very disappointed with Lieutenant General Kita Seiichi's decision, he did not dare to make any stop in Fangzheng County. He led the team directly through the city and chased in the direction of Deshan, who was fighting fiercely.

    Although the fact that he was abandoned by the division commander made him feel very depressed.  But he can do it if Kita Makoto is thrown away. If he is asked to leave the division headquarters behind, he will have no choice but to dare to do so.  You can find excuses to throw away more than 10,000 rounds of special smoke shells.  But for the division commander who refused to save him, no matter what the reason was, no matter whether the division commander lived or died, he could not escape severe punishment.

    But in order to stop the pursuers, when this guy was about to run away, he used up a lot of gasoline left by Kita Seiichi, and took the time to set the entire Founder County on fire.  When he ran out of the city along the breakout route of the 14th Division, Fangzheng County behind him was already caught in a fire.

    When Gao Shanguifu, who used fire to prevent his opponent from pursuing, rushed to the Deshan line, he found that the only ones who chose to break out were the division search regiment and baggage regiment, as well as the artillery regiment, which had lost almost all its artillery.  However, there was no trace of the division headquarters and the troops he had left in Fangzheng County.

    Seeing Gao Shanguifu arrive, he was commanding three regiments with different formations and almost no professional infantry. Each of them had about a thousand people. They were working with Deshan on the front line to take over the Duliu Brigade's responsibility to block the Japanese breakout in Fangzheng County.  A regiment and two battalions were engaged in a fierce battle with the search team leader Abe Zuoyi, Lieutenant Colonel Anbei, who could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

    Lieutenant Colonel Ampere, who was on the left, was born in the cavalry, and his 16th Search Wing was only reorganized from the cavalry into a search wing at the beginning of the year.  In addition to a cavalry squadron and a motor vehicle squadron, the actual strength of the combat vehicle squadron that was originally planned to be incorporated only had personnel, and the required Type 92 cavalry combat vehicles were not yet in place.

    ??In other words, as the commander of the company, he only had two squadrons on hand. The automobile mobile squadron was disabled early in the first phase of the battle. He only had one cavalry squadron on hand that could be used for assault.  As for those artillerymen who are temporarily issued weapons, if you ask them to fire cannons, it is a bit difficult to ask them to act as infantry to fight.

    At this moment, fighting on the front line of Deshan turned out to be heavy baggage troops who had always been looked down upon by infantry and cavalry.  Although the combat effectiveness of these heavy troops is not much worse than that of infantry due to the Japanese army's training system.  However, since most of the heavy baggage troops were transferred to the Second Regiment before this battle, there were only 200 people on the front line of Deshan at this time.

    Even if it has a certain combat effectiveness, it cannot play a decisive role because of insufficient military strength.  In other words, the only ones with real combat effectiveness on the Deshan front line were two hundred heavy troops and a cavalry squadron.  Moreover, these patchwork breakout forces, even including the lightly wounded who were still able to move, were only a thousand men.

    Most of these thousands are not professional infantry, and their technical and tactical levels can only be described as unsatisfactory.  Even if they are equipped with a large number of light and heavy machine guns and only a few mortars, their combat effectiveness is still limited. When facing an opponent whose combat effectiveness is not much lower than theirs, and whose firepower and troop strength exceed their own,  It is simply impossible to achieve results in a short period of time.

    Even though we tried our best, attacking on the offensive was still only slightly better than being miserable.  In addition, although this commander is a graduate of the Army Sergeant School, he is from the cavalry department.  It is not surprising that people with cavalry background are allowed to command infantry operations, and with a group of people who have become monks under their command, it is not surprising that the offensive has not made much progress.

    Although Ampei Zuoyi is a graduate of the Army Sergeant School and has also studied at the Xi Zhi Wild Cavalry School, he is naturally an expert in commanding cavalry operations.  It's just that although this guy is considered outstanding among the cavalry, he studied the cavalry department at the Army Sergeant School.  Such an amateur commander commanded a group of miscellaneous troops to break out and end the encirclement.The results can be imagined.

    Not to mention that the skirmisher lines were in a mess, the covering firepower and the charging troops were often out of touch.  In addition to the artillery, which can barely cope with it, the search troops and baggage troops are also extremely unsuited to night fighting.  The troops who launched the charge were knocked down in rows under the intensive firepower of the opponent.

    By the time the turtle husband arrived, a full hour had passed since the breakout time.  One-third of the breakout troops suffered casualties, but they had not even broken through the opponent's first line of defense.  Ampei Zuo, who had been beaten to death, was naturally overjoyed when he saw the infantry captain arriving.

    Facing Ampei Zuoyi who breathed a sigh of relief after seeing him, Alpine Turtle Man couldn't relax at all.  There is a blocker in front and a pursuer behind.  And without the support of heavy weapons, even if Deshan's troops are now less than 1,000, and most of the troops are non-infantry, how long can a team of less than 2,000 last?

    Knowing that the situation is tense, the pursuers behind will not leave much time for themselves.  The turtle man in the mountains gritted his teeth and gathered the more than a thousand men on hand according to the four infantry squadrons he had temporarily formed previously. Except for leaving one squadron plus the artillery and heavy troops to turn around to stop the pursuers who might rush up at any time, he concentrated the rest.  All forces launched successive attacks on the front line of Deshan.  Trying to break through the opponent's defense before the pursuers arrive.

    Although the Japanese army commanded by Takayama Turtle only had more than a thousand soldiers, they were regular infantry after all.  Whether it is tactical level or attack power, compared with those non-professionals, it is not even a little bit higher.  He launched the charge with all his strength, and the pressure on the defenders, who had previously been able to fight with ease, doubled.

    Although after the Japanese reinforcements arrived, facing more than a thousand Japanese troops in many places at once, the frontal defense pressure increased sharply.  However, as Wang Xiaoming's old subordinate, Gu Jinsheng, the commander of the 4th Brigade and 14th Regiment who commanded two battalions to take over the defense of Duliu Brigade in Deshan, did not passively defend.

    In addition to concentrating the main force on the front of Deshan, and forming a relatively wide defensive depth as much as possible, and concentrating firepower, especially powerful anti-aircraft machine guns and mortars, to suppress the opponent's frontal attack.  Gu Jinsheng also used a company of troops on hand as a reserve force to continuously carry out counterattacks on the flanks of Gaoshan Guifu from the right wing.

    Although the pressure was great, Gu Jinsheng, who had been a combat consultant beside Yang Zhen for half a year, had a good grasp of the battle situation.  Having received a telegram from the brigade political commissar Duan Ziquan, he knew that the two battalions in front of him, commanded by the political commissar himself, were passing through Fangzheng County and were about to arrive at the battlefield.

    Behind him and to the southeast, the main force of the 18th Regiment has arrived at the front line of Shipi Puzi. One of the battalions is heading northward, and is no more than a mile away from him.  With reinforcements about to arrive, although the Japanese offensive was extremely fierce, he still fought calmly.

    In contrast to Gu Jinsheng, who was still able to relax despite the increased pressure.  When the gunshots deployed at Fuyu's front-line blocking position behind him rang out, his opponent Gao Shanguifu was a little helpless.  He didn't expect that his opponent would move so fast. He actually caught up with Fangzheng County, which was burning at the moment. He could see the flames rising to the sky from the front line of Deshan.

    The somewhat impatient Alpine Turtle quickly adjusted his deployment even though he was still unable to break through the opponent's blockade in a short period of time despite using up almost all his strength.  Instead of breaking out from the front to the south, we turned around and headed east, that is, towards the mountainous area east of Fangzheng that has now become the second vertical depth.

    In the view of Takayama Turtle, that side has now become a deep area for the opponent, and most people would not think that they would choose to break out eastward.  Moreover, the previous breakout actions by himself and Ampere Zuoyi should have attracted most of the opponent's attention to the front.  There shouldn't be much resistance on the east side, which has been silent all this time.

    Although it was too late to conduct battlefield reconnaissance, it was impossible to determine whether the eastern part was the opponent's weak point of defense.  But the development of the situation did not leave much time for the mountain turtle husband to think.  In accordance with the Japanese army's usual gecko tactics when they were passive, a squadron was left behind, as well as two squadrons of heavy supplies quickly transferred from the direction of Fuyu behind them, and they continued to attack in the direction of Deshan to attract the opponent's attention.

    Gao Shanguifu himself quietly led the remaining troops to change their route eastward, trying to break out from the east.  In order to break through the opponent's blocking line in the shortest time, during the process of breaking out to the east, Gao Shanguifu changed his previous strong attack tactics under the cover of limited firepower.  Neither light or heavy machine guns were used, nor flares were fired.  Instead, they took advantage of the cover of Deshan's fierce fighting to quietly turn around and head east.

    During the breakout process, Gao Shanguifu personally ordered the opponent not to shoot, absolutely not to shoot.  Once you encounter an opponent, you must not engage in any entanglement with the enemy.  Except for the stipulated covering troops left behind, the rest of the people broke out to the east with all their strength and were not allowed to do anything.Put aside.

    And it was strictly stipulated that each squadron was not allowed to smoke or talk during the breakout process. In short, they were not allowed to do anything that might reveal the whereabouts of the breakout.  When encountering an obstruction, try to engage in close combat with the opponent. If possible, do not shoot, but always use a bayonet to solve the problem.

    Gao Shanguifu understood that whether he could succeed in turning around and breaking out eastward at this time depended on whether he could achieve tactical surprise.  Once the opponent reacts and quickly reinforces himself when he breaks through, he may not have to hold him back for more than half an hour, and he may never have a chance to stand out again.  For Takayama Turtle, this opportunity is already the last chance.

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