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Text Chapter 482 Awareness

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    Due to the limitation of raw materials, the production quantity of napalm is seriously insufficient.  ¡¾., and the extensive use before, the bombs in the warehouse have bottomed out, and can almost be described as empty.  During ground attacks and bombings, most of the time, ordinary high-explosive bombs of 250 kilograms, 100 kilograms and 50 kilograms imported from Jiangbei and a small amount of old Soviet-made yellow phosphorus incendiary bombs were used.  , making it far less powerful than napalm.

    At the same time, those P-39 fighter jets that temporarily serve as attack aircraft cannot produce their own artillery shells for the time being, so they can only rely on the 200,000 rounds of 37-type artillery shells that the Americans provide when the aircraft are provided.  Therefore, unless attacking an extremely important target, Fang Ziyi is generally only allowed to use a 12.7mm machine gun to shoot at the ground.

    Although due to restrictions on the use of ammunition, these aircraft participating in air strikes were not able to exert their maximum power.  However, multiple batches of intensive air strikes also caused heavy casualties to the Japanese army.  In addition to directly letting the independent second garrison out without even touching the square door, suffering heavy losses in the air raid and returning home, the 14th Division itself also suffered great losses.

    The two 12.7mm machine guns carried by the 39 fighter jets are a bit weak when facing solid Japanese fortifications, and may not be very effective.  However, its intensive firepower is very suitable when strafing unprotected Japanese marching brigade and Japanese army groups exposed in the bare wilderness.

    Just on the west bank of the Ant River, a group of P-39 fighter jets used mounted bombs of 100 or 50 kilograms and 12.7 mm machine guns to attack the Japanese troops who were trying to forcefully cross the Ant River and support the Japanese troops trapped in Fangzheng County.  The Second Wing suffered heavy losses.  The one and a half brigade of the second wing that was forcibly crossed, under the intensive onboard machine guns of these P-39 fighter jets and the strafing and bombing of a large number of high-explosive bombs, the casualties they paid were far higher than those of aerial bombs.

    The Japanese army's ability to withstand strikes and casualties is much higher than that of the general army.  However, the plains on the west bank of the Ant River and the open, unobstructed river surface were under double attack from ground and air fire.  Even an army with a strong will has a limited ability to withstand huge casualties.

    Although casualties were not included in the forced crossing of the Second Regiment, which was eager to rescue the division headquarters, under the attack of ground and air fire, the casualties reached 90%.  The entire regiment was crippled.  The 59th Regiment, which had already suffered severe blood loss, also completely lost its combat effectiveness in the afternoon battle.  Faced with the embarrassing situation and the reality that reinforcements were delayed, Kita Seiichi made the decision to break out of the encirclement with all his strength.

    Compared with the other two regiment captains who could not be contacted, the only one who could be contacted was trapped on the front line of Zhonghoutun. Colonel Gaoshan Guifu was a little angry after receiving the order from the division headquarters: "What should be the next step?"  How to do it depends on your own situation. "What does this mean?

    Is this for the 15th Regiment to defend or to wait for a breakout?  Stick to it?  On the front line of Zhonghoutun, I couldn't cobble together the strength of only one brigade, so what could I do to defend it?  If he hadn't had the foresight to seize thousands of human shields and let the opponent throw rat weapons, he would probably have been crushed by his opponent without even leaving a scum left.

    If you break out, what will you do?  If he had approved it earlier and used the human shields in his hands as a cover, he would have safely withdrawn to Fangzheng County.  But now I can't keep it.  To retreat, apart from agreeing to the other party's conditions, there is almost no way out.  And those tens of thousands of special smoke shells, are they so easy to deal with?  If it were his division commander who was in charge, would he be able to deal with all these special smoke and artillery shells that hurt both the enemy and ourselves in a short period of time?

    Looking at Gao Shanguifu's downcast expression after receiving the call from the division headquarters, several officers from the 15th Regiment who were trapped in Zhonghoutun couldn't help but secretly guess what the content of the call from the division headquarters was and what it could do.  The captain's face turned so gloomy and scary.

    They only knew that this telephone line, which could barely maintain contact despite intermittent radio contact, was obtained by the commander of the company by threatening the lives of the Manchurians who were being held hostage.

    After hesitating for a long time and not figuring out how to deal with these special smoke shells, the mountain turtle man gritted his teeth, looked at the gradually darkening sky, and said to the adjutant of the regiment beside him: "Go and talk to them, just say  I promise to let go of all the Manchus here, but they must ensure our safe return to Fangzheng County."

    "And immediately send people to throw all those special smoke bombs into the well. Throw as many as you can, and put the ones that can't be thrown in their place. As long as the other party agrees to our conditions, immediately throw away all the ones that cannot be carried.  Supplies, retreat to Fangzheng County."

    The adjutant heard Gao Shanguifu's words, hesitated and said: "Your Excellency, the commander of the division, the order of the division is to let us deal with these special smoke shells first, and then find a way to retreat. If you throw away all these shells, I'm afraid we won't be able to retreat to the division."  Let the regiment head explain it. Besides, it¡¯s a one-time throw away.If you drop tens of thousands of special smoke shells, even the Tokyo Base Camp and the Kwantung Army Headquarters will not agree to it.  "

    Gao Shanguifu waved his hand to stop what the adjutant was about to say and said: "Go and execute it, it's no big deal. The empire's use of special cigarettes on the battlefield in China is an open secret, and the China army has also used it in previous battles.  No fewer special smoke shells were seized.¡±

    "At the Battle of Lanfeng, Lieutenant General Doihara threw away hundreds of rounds of special smoke shells, and he was not held accountable in any way? Since it is an open secret, it is no longer a secret. As for the investigation of responsibility, we have to wait.  If we can escape successfully, if the base camp and the Kwantung Army are held accountable, all the responsibility will be borne by me. "

    After the adjutant made up his mind, the exhausted Alpine Turtle Man did not dare to say anything more and went out to negotiate with the people on the opposite side.  Looking at the adjutant's hurried away figure, Gao Shanguifu waved his hand and said to the other dozen or so officers: "You should start preparations immediately and prepare for a breakout as soon as possible. The division and regiment headquarters have made up their minds to break out. We  The division headquarters won¡¯t wait for us if we arrive late.¡±

    "Also, restrain your soldiers and don't hurt those Manchurians. If we fight in China Pass, these thousands of people don't matter. But this is not Nanjing, let alone China, but Manchuria. We still have thousands of people in Fangzheng.  When we break out, we cannot take them all away. The most fundamental thing we have to worry about is retaliation from our opponents. "

    "I know that every squadron is very interested in these Manchu women, and they have done a lot of outrageous things in the past two days. Even everyone, from last night to today, did some things. But I  Now I solemnly tell you that I don¡¯t care about the past, but from now on, no matter who¡¯s behavior harms the breakout operation, you will commit suicide to apologize to the emperor.¡±

    Compared with the surprise of the officers of the 15th Regiment at Gao Shanguifu's decision, Chen Hanzhang and Duan Ziquan looked at each other. Although they saw the unwillingness in each other's eyes, they considered that the thousands of people trapped in the village could not give it to that person.  Although more than a thousand Japanese were buried with him, Chen Hanzhang finally nodded and agreed to the request of the turtle husband in the mountains.

    Although there is already a solution that is not a solution, how can it be easy to dig tunnels for infiltration under the nose of the Japanese army?  Because I was worried about being discovered by the Japanese army, I could only dig little by little with an engineering shovel.  Moreover, in the absence of professionals, we must try our best to prevent the tunnels from collapsing.

    This is not the extremely sticky loess soil in the pass. It is close to the river and the groundwater level is also very high.  Under the noses of the Japanese army, it was not easy to achieve concealment while ensuring that the quality of the tunnel was enough to withstand the rapid retreat of thousands of people without any problems.

    The Japanese army is not a fool. If they make such a big move under their feet, they may not notice it in a short time.  But it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be discovered for a long time.  Especially when so many tunnels need to be excavated at once, it is difficult to maintain strict confidentiality and will never be noticed by the Japanese army.

    After dawn, after receiving information from Guo Bingxun, who rushed to Tonghe County from Jiamusi, and the results of dispatching a plane to conduct reconnaissance in the shortest possible time, Chen Hanzhang and Duan Ziquan felt even more disheartened.  The people trapped on the front line of Zhonghou were not just the outer fortifications, but wherever there were Japanese troops inside and outside Zhonghou Tun, there were at least a dozen or even hundreds of ordinary people among them.

    This also means that all the tunnels are only dug around the outer fortifications, which is of no use at all.  There is simply no way to rescue all the people at once.  The Japanese troops in front of them were not the puppet Manchukuo troops, but the ferocious Japanese troops who did not take the lives of Chinese people seriously.  Once the attempt is exposed, these Japanese troops will certainly not be lenient when killing these hostages.

    Just when Chen Hanzhang and Duan Ziquan were thinking hard and couldn't find a solution, the Japanese army sent people to negotiate at this time. Although they were a little unwilling, they had no choice but to agree.  Fortunately, the retreat direction proposed by these Japanese troops was to Fangzheng County and not in other directions.

    After hesitating for a moment, Chen Hanzhang finally nodded in the face of the conditions proposed by the Japanese army.  Fortunately, after the 18th Regiment arrived, all the Sixth Brigade was already present.  Although the current strength cannot be said to be sufficient, at least it is not as stretched as it was before the Sixth Brigade arrived.  Now with the full support of the aviation force, even if these thousands of Japs run back to Fangzheng County, they will not pose much of a threat to the overall battle situation.

    Although he agreed to Gao Shanguifu's request, his behavior, which was completely different from before, also aroused Chen Hanzhang's vigilance.  After thinking about the overall situation on the battlefield, Chen Hanzhang felt that the Japanese army was desperate to shrink its troops. It should be the turtles on the mountain, not the entire 14th Division.All have to run.

    Keenly aware of the Japanese army's motive, Chen Hanzhang immediately sent a report to Wang Xiaoming and Ma Chunsheng, reminding them to pay attention to the actions of the Japanese army inside Fangzheng County, as well as the actions of other Japanese troops.  Let them be wary of the Japanese taking advantage of darkness, the withdrawal of our aviation forces, and the fact that in previous battles, the troops were too tired and suffered too many casualties to break out.

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