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Text Chapter 484 Misjudgment

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    As for the fact that he was still thinking about finding the division leader, he had long since forgotten it because he was unable to protect himself.  ¡¾.,If you are still a little unclear about Kita Seiichi¡¯s previous order to make your own decision.  By this time, he had completely understood the overall deployment of Lieutenant General Seiichi Kita.

    In Gaoshan Guifu¡¯s view, whether he stayed on the front line of Zhonghoutun or Ampei Zuoyi, who stormed Deshan before, they were both abandoned sons who were left to attract the enemy¡¯s attention.  During the time when he and Lieutenant Colonel Ampei were entangled with Deshan's enemy, the division headquarters might have taken advantage of the enemy's attention being attracted here and took advantage of the darkness to get out.

    Although the enemy is currently outnumbered, the situation is extremely unfavorable for the Fourteenth Division.  Moreover, the overall war situation in Founder's territory is in chaos. Except for the northern region, the entire southern part of Founder has become a situation where you have me among you, and you have me among you.  But these circumstances did not affect Alpine Turtle Man's judgment of the situation.

    Whether it was in Zhonghoutun, where he was alone before, or in Deshan now, his head has always been clear.  And judging from the entire battle, this high-mountain tortoise commander also suffered a lot in the first stage.  But in terms of overall performance, it is still above average.  Especially the performance in the second half can even be described as outstanding.

    If it weren¡¯t for an unexpected occurrence that changed the fate of him and his current subordinates.  He may become the one who brings out the most remaining troops among the several Japanese commanders on the entire Founder battlefield, with the entire 14th Division being beaten to pieces.

    In the view of Takayama Turtle, although the opponent has now completed dividing the 14th Division, especially after the arrival of reinforcements, it has begun to gradually form an encirclement circle.  However, due to the terrain and troop strength, there will definitely be many loopholes in the encirclement.  With the ability of the division leader, when someone attracts the opponent's main attention, there shouldn't be any big problem in finding a gap to protrude.

    For Gao Shanguihu, who now has great "confidence" in the division commander, the most important thing at the moment is not to find and rescue the division commander who doesn't know where he is now, but how to lead the remaining people to break out.  As for the division commander, with the division commander's shrewdness, there shouldn't be any big problems.

    Maybe it¡¯s intentional or unintentional.  Judging from the ensuing battle situation, Gao Shanguifu, who quickly judged the situation, looked at the dense tongues of flames spurting out from the blocking position on the opposite side and the bodies of the dead who had not been dragged down in time during the previous attack.  The decision made in the shortest possible time to give up the intention of going south to join the 59th Regiment and turn around to break out to the east was really the right choice.  At least it seems like the right choice for now.

    Due to insufficient troops, Gu Jinsheng focused his main attention on the front and east of Deshan.  Especially after the Japanese army was blocked, the most likely direction to break out was to the west, and almost all of its main forces were invested.  In Gu Jinsheng's view, if the Japanese army wants to break out in person, the best way is undoubtedly to break through Deshan and then cross the Huangni River south to join the 59th Regiment.

    Or after breaking through Deshan's blockade, turn around and head west to find a way to join the second regiment west of the Ant River.  As long as Deshan is defended, the main breakout direction of this Japanese army will be blocked.  After the troops led by the political commissar came up and the troops of the 18th Regiment caught up, they could complete the encirclement of the largest Japanese army around Fangzheng County.

    He never thought that Gao Shanguifu would turn around and head east to break through Deshan in a short period of time.  Therefore, only two platoons were deployed to the east as security.  The attention of these two platoons was attracted by Deshan's frontal battle. Their defense was somewhat lax, and they were successfully attacked by Gao Shanguifu.

    The two platoons of defenders whose attention was attracted by the battle in front of Deshan reacted and tried their best to block it, but due to the huge disparity in strength and the fact that they fell into passivity from the beginning of the battle.  After these two platoons encountered a sudden attack by the Japanese army, despite tenacious resistance, they were unable to stop Takayama Kameo's full blow.

    The weak eastern defense line was broken through by Gaoshan Turtle Man in less than twenty minutes.  The defenders of the two platoons all died after a brief hand-to-hand fight with the Japanese breakout troops.  The high mountain turtle husband did not dare to delay at all and took advantage of the cover of night to change the direction of the attack in a desperate attempt.  Although in front of the defenders who reacted, they also paid a lot of price.  But in the end, he became the target of the tactics.

    " Taking advantage of his opponent's misjudgment, Gao Shanguifu managed to open a hole and escape. What he didn't expect was that he used the gecko's tail-breaking tactic to break through the defense line on the east side of the Deshan line.  But behind Deshan, perhaps intentionally or unintentionally, it does not necessarily mean that there are no other troops.

    After breaking through virtue, I haven¡¯t had time to rejoice that I made the right choice.  Not daring to delay at all, I took advantage of the cover of night.Marching rapidly due east, Gao Shanguifu and Ampei Zuoyi, who were trying to completely get rid of their opponents, ran headlong into the arms of the 1st Battalion of the 18th Regiment, which was rushing towards Deshan.

    The 1st Battalion of the 18th Regiment, which was originally ordered to reinforce Deshan, did not expect to run out of the road and move far to the northeast. The 1st Battalion of the 18th Regiment did not notice that after breaking through the 4th Brigade's defense line, it quietly took advantage of the night to attack.  The Japanese army marched eastward with all its strength.  Of course, if the battalion had not been forced to march at night and ran in the wrong direction because they could not find a guide, there would not have been such an encounter.

    After the two sides of the marching march found that they had taken the detour, they were getting farther and farther from the front line of De Shan.  He changed the superior's plan without authorization and turned around to attack Deshan from the east.  One man, after finally losing all his belongings, stood out and fled for his life.  Under the cover of darkness, even though they were only a hundred meters apart, they passed by each other, but no one paid any attention to the other.

    In fact, both parties discovered each other as soon as they met.  After all, even if they were marching at night, how could there be less noise from thousands of people rushing on their way?  Also around the battlefield, both sides were very focused. Maybe they couldn't find the marching column of thousands of people more than a hundred meters away?

    Just because they were lost, the 1st Battalion of the 18th Regiment, which was rushing to Deshan to join the battle at a rapid march, did not expect that such a large group of enemies would appear in its depth, and mistook the Gaoshan Guifu Division more than 100 meters away.  friendly forces.

    "Compared to the somewhat careless troops of the 18th Regiment, when Gao Shanguifu discovered the marching column more than a hundred meters away, he already understood that this army that was already within easy reach of him would definitely not be his friendly army.  Because he knew that except for the division headquarters whose whereabouts were currently unknown, the rest of his friendly troops were either fighting hard in the south or on the west bank of the Ant River.  In the depth of the enemy's army east of Deshan, it is impossible for any friendly troops to appear.

    After discovering the enemy's column marching next to him, Gao Shanguifu was startled. While preparing for battle, he also issued an order for the entire army to prepare for the attack.  Because he knew that at this place, which was less than a few kilometers away from Deshan, as soon as a gun was fired, a large number of enemy troops would immediately surround him.

    ¡°As long as the opponent finds me at such a close distance, I am exhausted and short of ammunition, so I am no match for them.  Although Turtle Takayama was also obsessed with the so-called Bushido spirit, he was not stupid. He simply did not think that the nearly a thousand enemy troops in front of him could be eliminated with bayonets when ammunition was already scarce.

    Although Japanese military officers are known for their recklessness, not every officer is like this.  Although he discovered the existence of his opponent first, Takayama Turtle refused Ampere's move to make the first move.  In his opinion, the opponent neither shot nor pounced upon him after encountering him.  It's not that he didn't find himself, but he probably regarded himself as a friendly force.

    After discovering this, this cunning guy simply ordered the troops to pass by the opponent without any concealment.  It was dark, and the colors of the military uniforms, the main symbol of distinguishing ourselves from the enemy at close range, were not clear at all.  In addition to the fact that both sides were on the march, no one had any other lighting equipment except a few flashlights.

    As for a flashlight, it may be able to illuminate people clearly from a distance of several meters or even tens of meters.  But in the pitch darkness, it would be difficult to clearly see the clothes on people more than a hundred meters away.  Since his opponent regarded him as a friendly force, Gao Shanguifu also planned to get away with it.

    And Hai Jingqing, the deputy commander of the 18th Regiment who led the reinforcements to Deshan, was somewhat paralyzed. He never thought that he would encounter the Japanese army in his own depth.  When he found a large group of people marching less than a hundred meters away from his own marching column, he regarded those people as friendly troops.  He was so anxious to save himself from getting lost and wasting time that he didn't even send someone to inquire.

    Although after discovering this group of people more than a hundred meters away from him, he was still secretly muttering to himself, which troop this was, and why the marching route was not towards the battlefield, but in the opposite direction?  At this time, marching eastward, is there any other mission that cannot be accomplished?  But he was in a hurry and didn't think much about it.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????But something unexpected happened again.  Just when the two armies, which had passed each other but had their own thoughts, were about to be separated, an unexpected thing changed the fate of Gao Shanguifu and his hundreds of miscellaneous troops.

    The first battalion of the 18th Regiment is a new recruit who has just joined the army, although he has completed full training.  But I was a little nervous because it was my first time on the battlefield.  While marching, not only did he not turn off the safety of his rifle, but even the bullets in the chamber were on fire.

    Since we were marching at night and not on a road with good road conditions, stumbling was inevitable.  Just when this guy accidentally tripped and someone behind him pulled himPulled to the wrong position again.  His finger directly pulled the trigger of the Polish-made rifle behind him.

    His well-meaning companion who accidentally touched the wrong place never thought that when he was marching, the safety was not turned off and the bullet was still on fire.  With this pull of the trigger, a sharp and crisp gunshot broke the original calm of both parties not to interfere and to go on their way.

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