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Text Chapter 279: Dignity must be achieved through strength

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    Yang Zhen didn't care too much about funding. We are all one family. Future work cannot be carried out without the support of local work, as long as he retains enough funds.  [.Com text] Too many are equal to causing trouble for yourself.  It is also reasonable to turn it over.

    But Yang Zhen must firmly control the military factories and weapons and equipment in his own hands. This is what Yang Zhen must insist on.  The ammunition produced in one battle can be piled up into mountains, and the weapons and equipment required for the expanded army of more than 100,000 are even more astronomical.  If we don't have strong logistical support, how can we fight this battle?

    Yang Zhen agreed readily and exceeded the amount proposed by the two of them, which made the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu slightly stunned.  The two of them, especially the commander-in-chief, who knew Yang Zhen well and were already ready to bargain with him, did not expect that Yang Zhen not only agreed so happily, but also exceeded his own requirements.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s surprisingly cheerful attitude not only satisfied the commander-in-chief, but also immediately attracted the favor of the director of the Northeast Working Committee whom he met for the first time.  In the process of establishing the Production and Construction Corps, this director made great efforts.  From overall planning to immigration, he completed almost everything by himself.  This is not unrelated to the good impression Yang Zhen left on him when they first met.

    People in the war years were far less procrastinating than later generations in doing things, let alone having to study everything over and over again.  For something like this, just the three of them made the decision.  Yang Zhen agreed readily, and the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu did not push back.  Besides, Yang Zhen was telling the truth.

    After Jiangbei agreed to grant a loan of 20 million rubles, Yang Zhen, who had already solved the problem of funding for various arsenals, left the Wutong River Gold Mine, which has the largest gold output in Sanjiang Province, in addition to supplementing the military region's financial consumption and providing support to Japanese prisoners of war and  In addition to the hard-core traitors undergoing labor reform, part of the reason was to secretly provide part of the funds to the central government.

    Looking at the cheerful Yang Zhen, the commander-in-chief smiled and said: "The fact that Jiangbei agreed so happily this time is directly related to your outstanding performance in this battle. I heard Ivanov, political commissar of the Far East Military Region, say  After the documentary filmed by the photography team they sent was sent to Moscow for screening, even Comrade Stalin was shocked and praised you for being able to reach an agreement so quickly. This was because Comrade Stalin personally ordered it.  Execution has already begun.¡±

    "However, General Abanashek, commander of the Soviet Far East Military Region, once mentioned to me that the Red Army General Staff hopes that we can provide the new Japanese tanks and various new artillery captured in this battle against Japan to the Soviet comrades  In part, they wanted to use it as a sample to study.

    "In order to express their gratitude, they are willing to provide us with 24 Polish Army's latest 7tp tanks that they planned to keep for free. In addition, the Far East Military Region also provided us with a group of artillery and armor instructors for free in their own name. And  We are willing to train thirty pilots for us in the Far East Military Region Aviation Force.¡±

    Speaking of this, the commander-in-chief said with some emotion: "And this batch of tanks and some weapons and ammunition have been transported to Jiangbei. I saw it with my own eyes when I returned. You don't know, after seeing this batch of tanks stacked in the Soviet Far East Military Region Commander  When the headquarters is located and we urgently need weapons and ammunition during the battle, I have a feeling that these things may have been transported for some time. "

    "From this point, it can be seen that they have already agreed to the idea we proposed. The reason why they have not nodded to our deal before is probably because they are waiting to see the outcome of our battle.  Take it out and trade with us. If we win, we will be happy. If we lose this time, it won't happen at all, isn't it? "

    Yang Zhen was not surprised at all by the commander-in-chief's emotion.  He had already understood the Soviet character, so he didn't feel any surprise at the moment.  In Yang Zhen's opinion, it is still the sentence in the Internationale: "There has never been a savior."

    So Yang Zhen smiled slightly at the Commander-in-Chief's final words: "Commander-in-Chief, this is nothing. Dignity is never without price. Everything must be earned by oneself through strength. I still say the same thing.  , you don¡¯t have the corresponding strength, even if you ask for food, no one will give it to you. If you fight well, someone will naturally come to your door.¡±

    "Because if you fight well, you can bring them great benefits. If you fight poorly and you cannot bring them the benefits they want, no one will pay attention to you. What Jiangbei will seize is useless to them.  , almost equal to scrap iron materials and equipment to expand our strength and ensure the security of its eastern border."

    "In this way, they can free up the hundreds of thousands of troops originally used to defend against the Kwantung Army, as well as a large number of artillery, aircraft, tanks and other technical equipment for the future European battlefield. Europe is now fightingIt is extremely lively. For Jiangbei, they are much more stressed than us.  "

    "If we win, we can prevent the hundreds of thousands of Kwantung Army from entering the border, and we can also prevent the Kwantung Army from putting pressure and threats on its eastern border. This batch of weapons and ammunition can be the icing on the cake for us. If we lose, they can't find it for the Japanese army."  "Whether it was out of the need to eliminate the world's first socialist regime, or based on plundering the Soviet Union's rich mineral and agricultural resources, the German army in the east was increasingly threatened.  Advancement is inevitable. I bet that within two years, after eliminating Britain and France and relieving their worries, the German army will definitely advance eastward. "

    "I can see this trend, and with Stalin's shrewdness, I may not be able to see it. They are holding us up and stabilizing the eastern front, so that he can fully deal with the possible war in the western region and deal with the German army. Two  Fighting on the front line is not a pleasant thing for any country, let alone an army like the Japanese army that is definitely not weak in combat effectiveness."

    "So, Commander-in-Chief, don't sigh. The better we fight, the more supplies we can get. But there is one thing I hope the Northeast Bureau can be mentally prepared for. First, on the day when the Soviet-German war really breaks out, the Soviet Union will inevitably  It will cut off the import channels for our military¡¯s supplies to meet its own needs.¡±

    "Another point is that we must be careful. Once Jiangbei feels that the development of our army's power will bring even a slight threat to it, it will cut off the supply of supplies to our army. However, this is not very likely until the war in Europe has completely subsided.  At least for now, our relationship with Jiangbei is about two things benefiting from cooperation and two harms from dividing it.¡±

    "As for Jiangbei's request that our army provide the latest weapons captured by the Japanese army, we can agree. I have extracted one Type 99 heavy mountain gun and one Type 95 75mm field gun from the captured Japanese equipment. Type 91  Two 105mm field guns and corresponding ammunition were transferred to Jiangbei. In addition, four of the latest captured Japanese Type 97 tanks were transferred to Jiangbei."

    "But there is one thing. They will provide our army with 10,000 tons of gasoline and diesel at least before the middle of next year. Two thousand tons of aviation fuel, as well as necessary aircraft parts and spare engines. In addition to these, I also want four hundred  A truck. Tell them they don¡¯t need a loan, we can buy them in cash and pay them in Japanese yen at the international exchange rate.¡±

    Although Yang Zhen looked calm on the surface, he was actually slightly excited inside.  Although this batch of arms and supplies is second-hand Polish equipment captured by the Soviet army, it currently solves its urgent needs.  With this expansion of the army, the number of weapons in stock simply cannot meet the needs.

    Infantry weapons can only meet half of the needs, especially the gap between light and heavy machine guns.  Although the arsenal has begun small batch production of Japanese-style PK general-purpose machine guns with a caliber of 77, no one thought that the quality of the machine guns was very good, but the problem was with the Japanese ammunition.

    The shells of Japanese-style bullets are relatively soft and cannot withstand the chamber pressure of this machine gun.  At high rates of fire, cartridge cases generally fragmented.  If improvements were made based on the bullet's performance, the rate of fire would drop to a level that Yang Zhen simply couldn't accept.  If it has this rate of fire, what kind of general-purpose machine guns can we produce? We can just produce crooked light machine guns and Type 92 heavy machine guns.

    To increase the rate of fire, in addition to re-producing bullets yourself.  Just like the Japanese light and heavy machine guns, a mechanism is added to the machine gun to oil the bullets when shooting.  As a result, all the seventy-seven bullets in stock would be unusable, and an oil tank would also be added, which was difficult for Yang Zhen to accept.

    In desperation, Yang Zhen could only order the military factory to change the 200 PK general-purpose machine guns that had been produced back to the original Jiangbei standard 7.62mm bullets.  Under the premise that the bullets currently produced are still Japanese-style 65 and 77-caliber, these machine guns can only be used as reserves.

    Unable to effectively resolve the conflict between chamber pressure and bullets, the arsenal can only continue to produce Japanese-style Type 96 light machine guns imitated through reverse mapping.  As for heavy machine guns, due to limitations in steel, production has been hovering within five guns per month.  Looking at these "old-fashioned" weapons produced with excellent nickel-chromium alloy steel, Yang Zhen himself felt distressed.

    These second-hand weapons provided by Jiangbei can be used to replace the other-name caliber rifles in the army.  It was handed over to the Production and Construction Corps for reserve use.  You can even re-establish some strategic reserves for your inventory that has been basically empty.  It is also possible to at least adjust the calibers of weapons used by the main force to 65, 77 and 79 calibers.

    This expansion of the troops is because the troops have almost quadrupled on the original basis.  In order to make up for the shortage of equipment, Yang Zhen not only distributed all the Italian-made rifles originally used for training, but even Ma Chunsheng handed over the ammunition.Not counting the largest number of Italian rifles seized from the treasury, all rifles with up to four calibers were issued.

    In terms of caliber, only the largest number of Czech, Liao-13 and other 79-caliber rifles can be mixed with Japanese rifles.  The rifles in the first column were replaced with 79-caliber rifles, and the second column was all equipped with Japanese equipment.  As for the French Leber, the American-made Shui Lianzhu, and the Austro-Hungarian Mannlicher, they were adjusted to the armed forces of each division.

    This number of rifles is barely enough, but with the addition of light and heavy machine guns to make up for previous battle losses, the gap is huge.  Even the three brigades that gave priority to ensuring the expansion of the main force were reluctant.  Moreover, there are many types of machine guns with three calibers, which is also not conducive to logistics supply.

    The shortfall in equipment even made Yang Zhen regret that he had promised to provide a full set of Japanese equipment for the proposed Korean independent division.  Now with this batch of equipment, at least the caliber of the unit can be simplified.  In addition, some reserves can be re-established.

    ¡° In addition, the quality and quantity of the arsenal¡¯s products are steadily improving, so by the beginning of next spring, the troops should be able to reserve some ammunition and spare weapons.  As long as he can reserve enough ammunition and supplies before the outbreak of the Soviet-German war, what if those bastards in Jiangbei cut off his blood vessels with the weapons and ammunition seized during the battle?

    "Although people like Jiangbei are given rice bowls and chopsticks, they are also given rice and teach you how to cook.  But the means of farming are not given to you.  Yang Zhen despises the idea of ??having to go out to buy food if he wants to eat, but he also knows that this is the best benefit he can get for himself at the moment.

    We must know that the quantity of this batch of weapons, equipment and ammunition, except for aircraft, must exceed the weapons and equipment purchased by the Nationalist Government in Guan Nei with a loan of more than 300 million US dollars from Jiangbei after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War.  This does not include military raw materials and the ammonia production plant.  Although the quality of weapons made in Poland may not be as good as those in Jiangbei, the quantity satisfied Yang Zhen.

    In his excitement, Yang Zhen forgot that the training of the so-called reservists in his huge production and construction corps also consumes a lot of ammunition.  Whether his ammunition reserve plan, especially the reserve of Japanese-style ammunition, can meet the standards he has in mind depends on how much the arsenal's production capacity can be increased.

    Looking at Yang Zhen, who looked a little excited but didn't know where his soul was wandering, the commander-in-chief frowned slightly, but then he was relieved.  Knowing that Yang Zhen had so many tricks in his heart, he thought that Yang Zhen's rare appearance of such an idiot was because he was a little over-excited.

    No wonder, since the September 18th Incident, the Northeast has been carrying out arduous guerrilla warfare for several years. Almost every rifle and every bullet has to go through a bloody battle to obtain the general command.  I once wanted more than anyone else to obtain these weapons and equipment that could only exist in the hearts of the Anti-Union soldiers.

    The commander-in-chief has been thinking that if he crossed the river several times to ask for help, even if he got one-tenth of the number of these weapons, the situation of the Second Route Army might be much better.  Thinking of this, the commander-in-chief couldn't help but look at the young man in front of him who was almost half his size, and a feeling of jealousy suddenly arose in his heart.

    What he had risked his life and crossed the river several times to ask for help was not exchanged for, but he got it easily in his hands.  Not only did he get it, but the amount even exceeded the initial amount he had set when he discussed the matter with himself.

    But the commander-in-chief, who saw with his own eyes the reversal of the situation in the Anti-Japanese War in Xiajiang, suddenly felt a trace of jealousy in his heart.  But he also knows that there is no such thing as a pie in the sky.  Yang Zhen is right. If you want others to respect you and help you, you must give them visible and tangible benefits.  Otherwise, everything is just delusion.

    There is no savior in this world. The so-called internationalist spirit is illusory for national interests, and only interests are the most real.  Although the commander-in-chief did not want to admit it, the reality clearly told him that if Yang Zhen had not repeatedly defeated the powerful Japanese Kwantung Army, occupied almost the entire Sanjiang Province of Manchuria, and changed the overall posture of the eastern defense line in Jiangbei.

    It was an excellent opportunity to catch up with the Japanese army's repeated provocations and the outbreak of war in Europe.  Let Jiangbei feel that supporting the Anti-Japanese Alliance can greatly reduce the military pressure on its eastern border and free up more energy to deal with the war situation in Europe.  Jiangbei, I'm afraid I won't even give him a bullet.  Just like they did against the Alliance.

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