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Text Chapter 278 The change in Jiangbei¡¯s attitude

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    Yang Zhen, who was in a meeting in the Northeast Bureau, received a telegram from Li Yanping about Du Kaishan's behavior after learning about the family change. After thinking about it, he drafted a reply to Li Yanping in person, asking him to withdraw the manpower he had sent to follow him at a distance because he was worried about it.  Come.  [.Com text] Just like myself in the previous stage, it is up to Du Kaishan to solve this kind of thing himself, and there is nothing others can do to help.

    This time, Yang Zhen rushed from the headquarters in Xingshan Fortress to the Northeast Bureau's headquarters in Luobei for a meeting overnight, and he left in a hurry.  The original idea of ??having a good talk with Du Kaishan had to be postponed.  The reason for rushing back to the Northeast Bureau for a meeting this time was a top-secret telegram from the commander-in-chief who had just returned from Jiangbei.

    The commander-in-chief's trip to Jiangbei this time was not only to negotiate the introduction of military production lines, but also to purchase several transport aircraft from Jiangbei as proposed by Yang Zhen, and to help open a direct flight to Yan'an via Jiangbei with refueling in Outer Mongolia.  air routes.  In order to open up a direct line with the central government.

    Yang Zhen received a call from the central government before the launch of this campaign, that is, after this group of cadres, most of whom were transferred from Xinjiang, set out from Xinjiang.  The central government directly informed in the telegram that as the traffic environment in the northwest deteriorates day by day, the original route to the northeast via Gansu, Xinjiang, and the Soviet Union had to be temporarily suspended.

    Cadres passing through Lanzhou have been unreasonably arrested several times by the local military and political authorities, and have even been secretly kidnapped and then disappeared.  Out of the need to protect the safety of cadres, this group of cadres will be the last batch of cadres to be transferred from Guanhai to the Northeast before the safety of transportation lines is restored.

    Eager to re-establish direct contact with the central government, Yang Zhen accelerated the progress of discussing with Jiangbei the opening of the original air route in order to shorten the time on the road.  In order to purchase the transport aircraft he needed, Yang Zhen even endured the huge price of one ton of gold offered by Jiangbei Lion for one aircraft, and trained air and ground crews all settled in Japanese yen in spot currency.

    "What Yang Zhen didn't expect was that after the battle, Jiangbei's attitude of being somewhat ambiguous and even demanding a price suddenly changed.  The transformation was so big that Yang Zhen, who felt he had a relatively strong psychological endurance, felt quite overwhelmed.

    Jiangbei not only once again agreed to provide three low-interest loans with a total value of 20 million rubles this time, but also agreed to Yang Zhen's sale to the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the premise that the pilots would handle the matter themselves. Five Li-II aircraft, which were also the latest in the Soviet army, were sold to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Transport aircraft.  He also agreed to transfer to Yang Zhen's command two C-46 transport planes newly imported by the Soviet Army from the United States with a carrying capacity of eight tons in accordance with Yang Zhen's request.

    As for the weapons and ammunition that Yang Zhen wanted to buy that the Soviet army captured during the invasion of Poland, the production line was also very generous.  It means that these weapons can be sold at half price according to the standards of second-hand goods.  The ammunition can be sold at 30% of the international market price.

    As for the military production lines that Yang Zhen requested, all Polish weapons production lines and two ammunition production lines confiscated in Western Ukraine and Western Belarus can be provided at 60% of the actual value.  It's just that Poland's industry is mainly concentrated in the western part of the former Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  There are not many military industries in Western Ukraine and Western Belarus that originally belonged to Tsarist Russia.  This is available in limited quantities.

    Jiangbei even proposed to cancel the previous contract for a small synthetic ammonia plant. The other party would transfer a medium-sized synthetic ammonia production plant located in Lviv, an important industrial area in Poland, to the Anti-League for free.  He even promised to transfer all captured Polish Air Force aircraft to Yang Zhen.

    Of course, Yang Zhen still needs to pay a certain amount of disassembly, assembly and transportation fees for these materials.  Moreover, those Soviet experts who came to help also needed to be paid double the average domestic salary.

    Although these things are originally second-hand goods, they should be sold at second-hand prices.  But under the current situation where his only outsourcing channel is in the hands of others, Yang Zhen can only endure what he considers to be an immediate act of cheating and erecting a memorial arch.

    It is obvious that Jiangbei is very satisfied with the fact that he has expanded Yang Zhen's army and achieved surprising results, and the benefits he has gained are far greater than his initial investment.  From Moscow's point of view, it is quite economical to exchange a pile of useless scrap metal and almost free factory equipment for a stable eastern border.

    With the situation in Europe deteriorating day by day, the Soviet Supreme Command is very satisfied with the ability to maintain a stable border in the east.  In the view of the Soviet Supreme Command, since the Soviet army has decided to solve the Finnish problem through force, maintaining a stable eastern border is more important.

    Under the so-called suggestions of the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Army, the negotiations, which had been delayed for two months, suddenly made rapid progress.  After Jiangbei changed his mind, he either delayed as long as he could, or the lion's behavior was asking for prices.  Negotiations that had been delayed for a long time were concluded in just five days.An agreement was reached that made Yang Zhen quite satisfied. Jiangbei not only basically met all the requirements made by the commander-in-chief, but even added some additional assistance projects.  For example, Yang Zhen originally ordered two Li-II transport planes, but this time Jiangbei simply generously added three Li-II transport planes.

    He also promised to give away all the Polish Air Force aircraft and some Army tanks captured by the Soviet Army in the Polish campaign, which Yang Zhen had not originally proposed, for free.  Of course, one premise for this is that the training of personnel who use these equipment must all be conducted in Jiangbei, and all instructors must be from the Soviet army.

    As for the previous refusal to admit that the Soviet Army purchased the C-46 transport aircraft from the United States, which was the latest model even in the United States, this time it also agreed to resell two of them.  Jiangbei's performance this time once again proved that dignity is achieved by strength. Without strength, no one will pay attention to you even if you come to ask for food with a golden rice bowl.

    These captured Polish Army weapons and equipment were equivalent to a pile of scrap metal for the Soviet army.  Whether it is the WZ 29 rifle produced in imitation of the German Type 1924, the WZ 25 modified Soviet Mosin Nagan rifle or the WZ 192 produced in imitation of the Belgian FN 1918 light machine gun  Both the Type 8 light machine gun and the WZ Type 30 water-cooled heavy machine gun use 79 bullets.

    Its artillery equipment, including French-made or Polish-imitation French 75-mm mountain field guns, or 100-mm light howitzers produced in Austria-Hungary and the Czech Republic, were all useless antiques for the Soviet army.  Especially the 69mm mountain guns produced in France after World War I were not even considered antiques for the Soviet army.  Not to mention that many of the Polish Army weapons and equipment captured by the Soviet army were Soviet mountain field guns from the First World War that Poland captured during the Soviet-Polish War.

    For the Soviet army, which was vigorously expanding its military strength, these weapons and equipment were of little use because of the different calibers, and they had to be taken care of to maintain.  In wartime, it is easier to cause equipment confusion due to different calibers of weapons.  It's better to package it all at once and give it to Yang Zhen cheaper.

    But even if these are scrap metal in other people's eyes, they are still in their hands.  Under the premise that you can't bring him any benefits, even if you hold up the gold bar to buy it, you won't give him even a bullet or a rifle.

    Jiangbei designated this time Yang Zhen¡¯s low-interest loan of 20 million rubles from Jiangbei to purchase these burdens in their eyes, almost killing two birds with one stone.  Not only was the loaned money not even used, it returned to his own pocket.  They got 20 million rubles for nothing, and Yang Zhen had to accept such a huge favor from them.

    After all, they would have to take certain military and diplomatic risks by selling arms to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Although after Yang Zhen's army grew rapidly, the risk they took was almost minimal.  But for Jiangbei, which has always adhered to the great principle of Soviet interests first, this risk is still very high.

    Although Jiangbei¡¯s attitude has changed a lot this time, he is also very generous with his actions.  However, Yang Zhen's wish to purchase raw materials such as nickel chromium and other stocks seized by the Soviet army in Poland was rejected.  Only the seized stocks of 1,500 tons of high-grade nickel-chromium alloy steel imported from Germany by Poland before the war and 2,000 tons of explosives used in making artillery shells were promised to be sold.

    The opinion they gave was that Yang Zhen¡¯s headquarters does not yet have such advanced technology as smelting nickel-chromium alloy steel, and it does not even have a regular steelmaking plant.  It would be better for the great Soviets to provide these special steel materials needed for making guns.  These raw materials that Yang Zhen had always wanted to obtain, no matter what the commander-in-chief said, the other party would not speak.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s request for Jiangbei to provide a set of steel-making equipment so that he could use the iron ore resources in Xiaoxing¡¯anling to build a steel plant and achieve self-sufficiency in steel for guns was also rejected unceremoniously.  Jiangbei's answer is also very clear. The huge cost of building a modern steelmaking plant is not what you can afford now.

    Without air control, it is neither necessary nor useful to build a steel plant.  The great Soviet Union is ready to provide you with high-quality steel at extremely favorable prices.  Moreover, the captured Polish steel mill equipment was also needed by the Soviets.

    It is obvious that although Jiangbei is surprisingly generous this time, he does not intend to let go of control of raw materials.  In other words, Yang Zhen has now established a modern arsenal, but the blood transfusion tubes are still in his hands.  The supply of raw materials to the arsenal can be cut off at any time if Jiangbei wants to.

    Without high-quality nickel-chromium alloy steel, it is useless even if you produce a bunch of astronomical amounts of ammunition, but cannot build guns to fire these ammunition.  Without raw materials, no matter how advanced the equipment in those arsenals is, it is just a pile of scrap metal.

    Yang Zhen was urgently summoned to the Northeast Bureau this time, in addition to meeting with Li Yanlu, to discuss whether the deal was a good or bad deal.It¡¯s not done.  Twenty million rubles, this amount can be described as an astronomical figure in the eyes of the commander-in-chief and other leaders of the Northeast Bureau, and it must be implemented with great caution.

    After listening to the commander-in-chief's narration about the negotiation, Yang Zhen said without hesitation: "Do it, why not do it? Use 20 million rubles to buy more than ten divisions of weapons and equipment, as well as a large number of weapons production lines.  Why not do such a good deal? "

    "Didn't Jiangbei promise that we can use coal, agricultural products and part of the cash to repay the loan within five years? Then what are we waiting for? According to the current output of 60,000 tons of coal per month in the Heli area, in addition to the part for our own use,  We can use 40,000 tons to pay off the debt, so there¡¯s nothing to worry about.¡±

    "Now that the war in Europe has started, Jiangbei is so generous when it comes to us. One is willing to fight, and the other is willing to suffer. What is there to worry about? After passing this village, there will be no such store."

    After the commander-in-chief and the newly arrived director of the Northeast Working Committee Li Yanlu looked at each other, he hesitated and finally said: "Now the military mission is overriding everything, and we agreed to repay the loan with Heli coal. But Comrade Yang Zhen now controls Jidong  You must hand over the several coal mines and gold mines in the hands of the military region. The coal and gold produced will be used by the Northeast Bureau. "

    "In addition, after the 20 million ruble loan for the purchase of weapons and military production lines is used, there will be about 2 million rubles left. Half of this money will be handed over to the Northeast Bureau. The Northeast Working Committee has begun work, and local governments have been formed in various places  Finished. But funding is extremely tight.¡±

    "The funds you allocated can only maintain the daily work of the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Working Committee, that is, they can only feed the staff. In the current situation where there is no source of funds, we can only reach out to you.  And you must hand over 50% of the funds seized in future operations to the Northeast Bureau. "

    Looking at the commander-in-chief who was talking to him so seriously for the first time, and how he and Li Yanlu were speaking so loudly, Yang Zhen smiled without any hesitation and said: "Commander-in-Chief, Director Li, isn't that what you said?  Have you noticed? These coal mines, gold mines, and even the loans are not my personal property, they are the wealth of the country and the nation, and they should be handed over to the superiors for unified management. "

    "The principle of our party is that the party commands the gun, not the gun commanding the party. The Jidong Military Region is the party's team, not my personal team, Yang Zhen. It is necessary to obey the command of the Northeast Bureau. I want money from my son, what else can I say?  of?"

    "In this way, among the several coal mines in the Heli area, the military region will keep one to rehabilitate prisoners of war, and the rest will be handed over for free. As for the gold mines, the tens of thousands of troops in the military region of the general command are also waiting for rice to be put into the pot, so they must be left to me.  Next. I think the Wutong River gold mine will be left to us, and I can hand over the rest."

    "In addition, do not turn over half of the balance of the loan. In this way, no matter how much it is, in addition to leaving 30% as working capital, the military region can all be handed over to the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Working Committee for unified use. However, the funds seized in combat can only be turned over at most  Thirty percent.¡±

    "Commander-in-Chief, Director Li, the tens of thousands of troops in the military region need to eat horses and chews for a month is an astronomical figure. It is helpless for me to keep these things. The emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers. As the commander of the military region, I cannot let the troops go hungry.  Go fight with your stomach. You can¡¯t even leave some cigarette money for the soldiers.¡±

    "In terms of funding, I can follow the requirements of the Northeast Bureau, but the military factory must be managed by the Jidong Military Region and cannot be handed over to the Northeast Bureau. We can directly allocate the supplements needed by the First Army and the Third Route Army from the inventory. And this purchase  All weapons and equipment were handed over to the Jidong Military Region.¡±

    "Our troops have a large number of people. After the expansion, the main force plus local troops will be nearly 100,000 people. There is a huge demand for weapons and equipment, especially ammunition. As the main force in the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, the Jidong Military Region, which is under the greatest pressure, must ensure that equipment, ammunition  Supplement.¡±

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