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Text Chapter 280 Yang Zhen¡¯s thinking and vision

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    Now that the main things have been agreed upon, the rest can be easily solved. When the arsenal was being built, Yang Zhen insisted on more than doubling the area of ??the factory.  [.Com text] This approach, which clearly gave people a wasteful feeling before, now shows its effect.  At least there is no need to delay the installation of machines and equipment because Beiman cannot carry out construction in winter.

    Yang Zhen was eager to go to several districts to inspect the work. After talking about the agreement with Jiangbei, he obviously had spare money on hand for the establishment of the Production and Construction Corps and the implementation of nine-year compulsory education in the base area, and he seemed a bit wealthy.  The commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu agreed without any consideration.

    Although setting up a production and construction corps seems a bit cumbersome at first sight, immigration is especially troublesome.  But the benefits are obvious.  Especially if sufficient preliminary preparations have been made, even the most difficult immigration work will not be greatly hindered.  Regarding this idea, Li Yanlu, who is mainly responsible for administrative work, expressed his full support on the spot.

    Not only did they give priority to the deployment of local staff, but they also agreed to import 16 tractors at a time in coordination with Jiangbei on the basis of the six French-made crawler tractors seized in Jiamusi and the 40-tael Soviet-made high-horsepower tractors that Yang Zhen had imported in advance.  High-horsepower tractors are given to the Production and Construction Corps for use.  And happily accepted Yang Zhen's invitation for the commander-in-chief and himself to concurrently serve as the first political commissar and first secretary of the Production and Construction Corps, and to serve as temporary commander.

    As for the nine-year compulsory free compulsory education system, although the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu feel a certain amount of pressure, it is of course mainly financial.  But Yang Zhen's idea was greatly appreciated.  Li Yanlu, in particular, repeatedly praised Yang Zhen for his vision and his far-sightedness.  We know that education is the foundation of a century-old plan, and education is the fundamental principle of the country.  Although it will bring a certain amount of pressure, with Yang Zhen's financial ease, it is not a big problem that cannot be solved.

    Li Yanlu not only appreciated Yang Zhen¡¯s idea, but also stated on the spot that he would give priority to allocating 50,000 rubles from the remaining part of the Jiangbei loan as start-up capital.  The 100,000 counterfeit Manchu coins and 50,000 yen that Yang Zhen brought this time were all invested at once.  From now on, in addition to military needs, education funds will be allocated first.

    Li Yanlu's compliments made Yang Zhen blush somewhat, but at the same time he also gave a thumbs up secretly in his heart.  As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the farther you can see.  After all, he is the person who has overall control, and his vision is different. He immediately sees the idea.  Not to mention anything else, just this mind and magnanimity are not something that I can compare with.

    "It's just that the development afterwards made Yang Zhen, who was the boss and handed over the matter to Li Yanping, the political commissar of the military region, somewhat unexpectedly.  In particular, the amount of energy invested by the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu was something Yang Zhen had not expected in advance.  Except for the mathematics textbooks that still maintain the teaching materials used by the Puppet Manchukuo, with only appropriate additions and deletions, the Chinese textbooks were all compiled by the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu who took time out of their busy schedules.

    In addition to some basic enlightenment texts such as the Three-Character Classic and the Thousand-Character Classic, many selected fragments of the works of central leaders specially flown in from Yan'an are included in the curriculum for upper primary school and junior high schools, such as the famous "Stars"  The essence of "Fire Can Start a Prairie Fire" has been selected as a high school textbook.

    As for foreign language teaching, at Yang Zhen¡¯s insistence, the principle was adopted on a voluntary basis. In addition to retaining some Japanese courses, Russian and English majors were also opened.

    It¡¯s just that in the base area, it¡¯s easy to find teachers for the Russian major.  There are readily available Belarusian teachers in Jiamusi, but English majors are hard to find.  In the end, it was the central government that transferred a group of intellectuals who came to Yan'an to participate in the revolution, which alleviated the shortage of foreign language teachers.

    In order to ensure the quality of teaching and enable students to develop morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and physically.  Yang Zhen also launched a thrift campaign in the army, starting from himself, calling on every soldier to stipend every surplus and donate it to the school.  After the schools were built, the money saved was used to equip each school with sports equipment and musical instruments specially imported from Jiangbei.

    Yang Zhen was very enthusiastic about investing, but due to differences in thinking, he did not think very long-term.  He only considers the resumption of classes for primary and secondary school students and ensuring that no child will miss school due to family reasons.  However, I have not considered the future prospects of those students who are in high school or are about to graduate from high school.

    In this regard, Li Yanlu, as the first secretary of the Northeast Bureau, the commander-in-chief and the director of the Northeast Working Committee, has to consider the long term than him.  After the capture of Jiamusi, in addition to continuing to maintain the original Puppet Manchukuo Jiamusi Normal School and Medical College, classes continued.

    After careful discussion, the two of them negotiated hard with Jiangbei and achieved a quota for a certain number of international students each year who would be provided with partial scholarships by the other party.  In addition to the children of martyrs of appropriate age, the Northeast BureauStarting from the end of the year, one hundred and twenty students will be selected from all high school graduates to study abroad in Jiangbei.

    However, although this resolution was made by the Northeast Bureau, serious differences arose when it was finalized because Yang Zhen knew about it and interfered.

    Jiangbei means that based on actual needs, these international students will be admitted to Moscow University, Minsk University, Kiev University, Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, and Stalingrad University after completing half a year of preparatory studies in a ratio of four to six in arts and sciences based on actual needs.  The College of Engineering studies liberal arts majors such as law, literature, and translation, as well as science majors such as chemistry and dynamics.

    But Yang Zhen insisted not to go to any universities in Europe except those in Moscow and Sverdrovsk.  Either choose the nearest university in the Far East, or these two places.  Don't go to the others either.  Yang Zhen's attitude not only confused Jiangbei, but even the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu didn't understand what he meant.

    Although Jiangbei has repeatedly explained that due to historical reasons, the teaching level of universities in Europe is generally higher than that in the Far East.  And the recommendations are all well-known comprehensive universities.  For example, the University of Kiev and the University of Minsk, as well as the Institute of Technology in Leningrad, are famous universities in the Soviet Union and even in the world.  But no matter how Jiang Bei tried to persuade him, Yang Zhen remained unmoved.

    Finally, after repeated discussions, Jiangbei finally agreed to open a group of study abroad classes for this group of students at Vladivostok Medical University, Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute, and Ural Kirov Polytechnic Institute.  Learn about the medical, metallurgical, mining, machine manufacturing, chemical and other specialized talents that are in short supply in the study base area.

    It is the first time that two of these three universities are open to foreign students.  In particular, Sverdrovsk, where Ural Kirov Polytechnic Institute is located, strictly prohibits entry by all foreigners.

    Of course, Yang Zhen also gave some face to the European schools that Jiangbei strongly recommended, choosing the Moscow Institute of Finance and Economics and the Moscow Agricultural College to train ten students each, and the Moscow Aviation Institute to train forty students.  As for the famous colleges recommended by Jiangbei such as the Leningrad Institute of Technology and Kiev University, which would be located on the future main battlefield between the Soviet Union and Germany, Yang Zhen did not choose any of them.

    Not only was the school where he studied abroad chosen by Yang Zhen himself, but also the majors he studied were also chosen by Yang Zhen himself.  Regarding the Marxist-Leninist studies, language, literature, music and art majors recommended by the other party, and even the legal majors, he canceled them all with one stroke of his pen.

    In Yang Zhen's words, while the situation has not yet been alleviated and there is a severe shortage of professional and technical talents of all kinds, it is not a waste to learn things like Russian literature, opera, music, and Marxist-Leninist thought.  .  If you want to study, don't stay here with me. If you like it, go and learn it.

    ¡°Except for a few agriculture and medicine, all the courses he chose for these international students were metallurgy, chemistry, machine manufacturing, mining, power, aviation, finance, and even shipbuilding and railway professional courses that were not available in the base area.  Moreover, twenty of the best international students were specially selected to study in the Department of Physics at Moscow State University, choosing to study atomic physics, which was just established in the Soviet Union and was still an unpopular course.

    Not only did Yang Zhen personally select schools and majors for these international students, but he also more than doubled the original number of 120 candidates with a stroke of his pen.  The original number of one hundred and twenty people was directly changed to three hundred people.  He also stated that if Jiangbei is not willing to provide scholarships to the 180 extra people, all their expenses during their stay in Jiangbei can be paid by the military region.

    ¡°And after the first batch of international students completed their Russian language training at the end of that year, Yang Zhen also said that the number of international students selected would double every year in the future.  If Jiangbei is not willing to bear this cost, the Chinese Party, that is, the Northeast Bureau itself, can be responsible for it.

    Four years later, Yang Zhen established the first comprehensive polytechnic university in the base area based on the first batch of international students who returned after completing their studies, except for a small number of students who continued their studies.  The Jiamusi University of Technology, which Yang Zhen insisted on establishing, and the former Puppet Manchuria Jiamusi Medical College, which Yang Zhen insisted on allocating to the military region and renamed as the Jidong Military Region Military Medical College, together provided a large number of urgently needed professionals after the founding of New China.

    No matter how difficult the conditions are or how great the financial pressure is, the Northeast Bureau, with Yang Zhen¡¯s insistence, selects international students to study in Jiangbei every year according to the plan, and the number is increasing year by year.  Even after the Soviet-German War broke out and Jiangbei completely stopped providing scholarships to these international students, the Northeast Bureau still used 80% of the remaining financial balance to insist on selecting international students.

    Not only that, after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Jiangbei was unable to continue to accept Chinese students due to lack of supplies.  In order to obtain Jiangbei's consent to continue taking over international students, the Northeast Bureau even agreed to provide Jiangbei with money every year.??10,000 tons of meat products, 100,000 tons of grain, and 300,000 tons of high-quality industrial coal as compensation.

    It was Yang Zhen¡¯s persistence and hard work that made the commander-in-chief and Li Yanlu, who had already planned to withdraw the international students after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, finally agree to this plan to exchange materials for international students, which was almost the limit of what the Northeast Bureau could bear.  For the sake of educational development, in Yang Zhen¡¯s words, don¡¯t talk about being a trousers, even if you sell iron, you must grit your teeth and continue to provide.

    If it were not for the rapidly developing production and construction corps, in addition to supplying its own needs, there would still be a considerable surplus in the grain produced every year.  The 100,000 tons of wheat in this exchange plan will not come out even if it is really sold out, let alone being used as pants.  Even so, these 100,000 tons of wheat and 10,000 tons of livestock products account for almost 70% of the Production and Construction Corps' average annual fine grain output, and more than half of the meat output, especially beef output.

    Although the price paid to cultivate these high-level talents is huge, the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Working Committee have gone bankrupt.  But compared with the huge contributions made by these students from the Sanjiang area, at least in Yang Zhen's view, the price was worth it.

    In the first few years after the founding of the People¡¯s Republic of China, students from Jiamusi University of Science and Technology accounted for a large proportion of the teachers in various professional science and engineering colleges established to cultivate various specialized talents urgently needed for the construction of New China.  Among some majors such as mining, metallurgy, and shipbuilding that are relatively cold and urgently needed after the founding of the People's Republic of China, they even account for more than half.

    After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the leaders and the founding Prime Minister praised the Northeast Bureau in public more than once for its far-sightedness and choosing a large number of students to study in the Soviet Union despite financial constraints and the rush of the war. This far-sighted move laid a foundation for the construction of New China.  Solid talent base.

    Of course, these are things that Yang Zhen has not thought of now. All he knows is that in the coming years, in the entire base area, education expenditure will be the third largest financial expenditure after military expenditure and military industry.

    Since the military can rely on the seizure and confiscation of Japanese and puppet assets in the liberated areas and secret smuggling activities to meet most of the funds it needs, and military investment is mainly carried out by the Jidong Military Region, education expenditure is actually the largest expenditure item.

    Even a few years later, with the successive victories of the war and the arrival of some US aid, the economic situation of the Northeast Bureau is getting better and better.  However, education funding always accounts for more than 30% of the entire funding expenditure.

    After the full-scale outbreak in the Pacific, the annual US$100 million in aid provided by the United States, in addition to military expenditures and investment in the military industry, left over US$20 million, in addition to subsidizing the central part, and half of the remaining funds.  All invested in education.

    From the selection of the first batch of students studying in the Soviet Union to the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, when the matter of studying abroad was transferred to the Ministry of Education of New China, an astronomical amount of money was spent in the entire ten years in exchange for tens of thousands of highly educated professionals.  .  Among them, more than 20,000 people returned from studying in the Soviet Union.  These talents built the foundation for the establishment of post-industrialization in New China.

    Not only that, with Yang Zhen¡¯s vigorous promotion, the Sanjiang area not only became the first area in the country to completely eliminate illiteracy for a long time after the founding of the People¡¯s Republic of China, but also the area with the highest average education level.  It is also an area with the highest proportion of college students among the average population.

    Until decades later, the elders in the Sanjiang area gave a thumbs up when mentioning Yang Zhen, and said with emotion: "We can produce so many college students here, from old to young, there are no illiterate ones. It's all thanks to those years."  Commander Yang. Without him, our educational foundation would not be as good as this."

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