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Text Chapter 252 Wang Guangyu¡¯s Feast

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    Hiroshi Nemoto, who originally did not believe Wata Takashi and his report, found out that at least according to the layout of the fortifications, when he set foot on the road where his Eighty-ninth Regiment lost almost one-third of its strength,  The defenders who had just confronted the Eighty-ninth Regiment did indeed number at least 10,000 people.

    Although the place has been completely destroyed by Japanese artillery fire and intensive air strikes, as a recognized tactical expert in the Japanese army, Nemoto Hiroshi still estimated at a glance from the remaining fortifications that there were at least 10,000 people here.  [.Com text] Moreover, the large number of 65mm and 77mm machine gun bullet casings on the ground also told him that the firepower configuration of the defenders here was quite powerful.

    Although the 89th Regiment, which was sent back from Jiangnan by Lieutenant General Genbo, suffered heavy losses, it was indeed blocked by the opponent's main force.  From the fortifications left behind by the opponent and the huge number of bullet casings, it can be seen that there are at least ten thousand anti-Manchu armed forces here. After the telegram, General Umezu Yoshijiro couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

    What he was most worried about was not that this cunning anti-Manchu armed force would fight him to the death, but that he was worried that it would flee back into the mountains and forests when his own troops were pressing down.

    In the view of General Umezu Yoshijiro, if they are once again dispersed into the Xing'an Mountains, which is thousands of kilometers in length and breadth, has dense vegetation, and is connected to other mountainous areas, it may not be possible to find them by simply gathering two divisions.  Yes.

    In the autumn and winter of last year, the Kwantung Army did not only encircle and suppress the thousands of anti-Japanese elements in the Xiajiang area, but also mobilized more than 40,000 Japanese troops and Manchurian troops. With the cooperation of aircraft above, tanks and heavy artillery below, and adopted  The tactics of combining iron wall encirclement and returning to villages and merging households were adopted.

    But even so, a large part of them slipped away.  Nowadays, these anti-Japanese armed forces have overestimated their capabilities and instead fought regular positional battles face to face with themselves, which is exactly what Umezu Yoshijiro wants.

    After receiving the telegram that Nemoto was facing the main force of his opponent, Umezu Yoshijiro ordered all the troops still stranded in Jiangnan to cross the river immediately without hesitation.  He also ordered Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro to immediately lead the remaining troops of the 89th Regiment to stick up. He must not let these anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese armed forces slip away from his nose.

    In fact, the troops of the 24th Division remaining in Jiangnan at this time, excluding the 32nd Regiment, which suffered heavy losses in the shelling and almost lost an entire large group of troops, actually only remained in Jiamusi.  The 22nd Regiment that crossed the river from the east was still intact.

    When the 32nd Regiment suffered heavy losses and the remaining strength was somewhat insufficient, General Umezu Yoshijiro immediately transported the one and a half infantry brigade of the 22nd Regiment that had not yet crossed the river to his current location by vehicle as quickly as possible.  Ferry formed a detachment with the 32nd Regiment, commanded by Colonel Kaheira Nochi, the captain of the 32nd Regiment.

    As the temporary field detachment all crossed the river, because General Umezu Yoshijiro was always on the front line to command, and often did not notify him, the division commander, to mobilize troops, he became a puppet in the hands of General Umezu who could only issue orders.  Only then did the lieutenant general gain the final command of his own troops.

    After the wild detachment crossed the river, Lieutenant General Umezu Yoshijiro, the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, Lieutenant General Iimura Rang, could not be absent from his position for a long time.  As the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army, he went to see these things that the division commander should have done in person. With persuasion that could easily be viewed as a joke, he finally handed over the command to the man he left in Jiamusi.  Lieutenant General Commander Doihara Kenji of the Fifth Army, who became the Minister of Transport and Transport.

    ¡°After returning to Jiamusi by car, he took his luxurious Kwantung Army Commander-in-Chief¡¯s special plane converted from a Type 97 transport aircraft that afternoon and returned to the Kwantung Army Headquarters.  The reason why General Umezu agreed to return to Xinjing was not because of Iimura Rang's persuasion, but because he believed that he had captured the main force of his opponent and there was no need to stay here anymore.

    If several division commanders plus a lieutenant general commander, commanding two divisions with the cooperation of a large number of Manchurian troops, cannot complete the scheduled combat plan and wipe out this bandit, then the Empire of Japan has always attracted  The proud Army should resign and apologize to the Emperor.

    The return of General Umezu Yoshijiro made all the doubts about whether it was Kenji Doihara who took over his overall command, Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara on the western front, Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi on the central front, or Lieutenant General Sawada Shigeru, commander of the Fourth Division on the eastern front.  Breathed a sigh of relief.  After all, the commander-in-chief often directly commands the following regiments without going through his own division commanders.  All the division commanders he made became commanders of the Air Force.

    And being ignored, they became a high-level messenger. Not only were they often forced to run to the front line, they even had to work part-time as senior combat supervisors.  After the commander-in-chief left, the division commanders who regained their command breathed a sigh of relief.

    Launched with the attack from the Western Front??, because his wife and children were in the hands of others, he was a bit defensive, and the offensive was somewhat delayed. Compared with the reluctant Lieutenant General Shiro Kuwahara, Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi, who had regained the command, focused on two people as soon as he came up.  The troops of the brigade advanced together.  And ordered the 22nd Regiment on his right wing to speed up the attack.

    ¡° Will Wang Guangyu, who has already led the team to withdraw to the second line of defense, let Ji Bo, who has just taken office and wants to show off his talents, get his wish?  This result was clearly expressed in the following battle.  You want to accomplish your intended battle plan objectives, and this may be possible.  But if you want to easily complete the battle plan, don't even think about it.

    When Wang Guangyu, who didn't want to let Nebo get what he wanted at all, retreated, he left behind a mobile line of mines, machine guns, and mortars between the first and second lines of defense that were several miles apart.  The firepower, and of course the lineup of snipers trained by Yang Zhen himself, can be described as a luxurious welcome feast.

    Obviously, he didn't know that his opponent had prepared a luxurious feast to entertain him. At this time, because he took over the actual command for the first time after serving as the division commander, Lieutenant General Genbo seemed to be full of pride.  After the Ninth Regiment brought painful memories to Tu Leng, he discovered that his troops had stepped into an almost endless mine array.

    These landmines are buried almost everywhere.  There are landmines on the road, in the green gauze tents on both sides of the road, and even in the drainage ditches on both sides of the road.  There are also many different ways of arrangement, making it difficult to detect.  There are trip mines, pressure mines, pull mines, and even one designed to only use one bullet.

    Although this kind of simple landmine has less lethality, it is not fatal if you step on it, or your legs and feet will be blown off like other landmines, but it is the most painful for people.  Compared with having a foot blown off, having a 6.5mm bullet penetrate the top of the foot and completely tearing the entire foot bone apart is not that much better.

    The marching speed of the 89th Regiment that stepped into the minefield and the field detachment that followed up suddenly dropped from the previous high speed of the Kanto men to that of an old lady with small feet.  Not only are they helpless against the seemingly endless array of mines that are impossible to guard against, but they also have to be prepared for cold shots and artillery fire from around them from time to time.  Those who were tortured were almost in agony.

    Every explosion, even one that only sounds like the sound of a gunshot when the Type 38 rifle is fired, means that at least one comrade has lost his combat effectiveness.  And when a slightly more violent explosion sounded, it also meant that at least one of their comrades was disabled for life or fell directly into the arms of Amaterasu.

    The troops at the front were tortured to the point of collapse.  Standing under the edge of the soil, Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro and Watanaru, who had never thought of carrying engineers before, were personally supervising the battle in a temporary simple fortification that took three or four lives of the Eighty-ninth Regiment to build.  The colonel was dumbfounded when faced with the situation in front of him.

    Looking at the officers and soldiers who were blown away one by one, or whose limbs were blown off, because no one dared to risk the same fate to carry them back, but could only be left there to die of pain, Jian Bo's eyes widened.  The child almost appeared.  His face turned even redder.

    The third brigade of the 89th Regiment, the only remaining one with combat effectiveness, was already dead and wounded before it even walked a kilometer.  It takes four people to carry one fallen soldier, and forty people to carry ten. It can still be rescued.  If this pattern continues, how many combat soldiers will he have left when he sets foot on his final destination, Heli?  Why don't they all be changed into stretcher teams?

    But before Nembo could express his anger, something even more shocking appeared in front of him.  The remaining soldiers of the 89th Regiment, who were horrified by the bombing, could not restrain the chill in their hearts. They ignored the fact that the division commander and the regiment commander were supervising the formation behind them. After marching to one kilometer, they did whatever the officers did.  Urged on, life and death refused to take a step forward.

    It is necessary to devote one's life to the emperor, and these fanatical young Japanese soldiers who have been instilled in the so-called Bushido spirit all day long are not afraid of death.  To be able to die in battle for His Majesty the Emperor and to establish meritorious service for His Majesty the Emperor's expansion of territory, in the eyes of these Japanese soldiers, it is appropriate and even more glorious.  But that doesn't mean they can endure the painful death of having their limbs blown off by landmines.

    Those who were stepped on by the landmines were killed, but the wounded who could not be saved were injured to death or bled to death, but the painful groans made the Japanese soldiers, who have always been known for their tenacity,  I can't accept it either.

    The previous painful lessons taught these Japanese soldiers that the best thing to do after their companions stepped on a landmine was to leave them alone.  Otherwise, in order to rescue this person, it may not be necessary to involve several people.

    After the first Japanese soldier who won the lottery appeared, there were severalOne of his comrades tried to rescue the comrade who had one of his legs blown off.  Unexpectedly, even if he went to rescue these comrades but failed to rescue his comrades, he would also be taken in.  One of the three people was killed and two were seriously injured by the serial mines buried next to the winning comrade.

    And a squadron leader who claimed to have studied engineering, looked at his subordinates who were miserable in the explosion, and worried that their moans would affect their morale, so he volunteered to clear mines.  As a result, seven landmines connected together were eliminated within a distance of only ten meters around those brothers.

    Just when the squadron leader thought he was done, he did not expect that a strange-looking grenade connected behind the seventh mine, which almost all Japanese soldiers had never seen, would kill him.

    This strange and powerful grenade that suddenly exploded not only took him to the west, but also implicated the three Japanese soldiers behind him who volunteered to serve as assistants and the three unlucky guys.

    After another similar incident with greater casualties occurred, the captain of the third brigade and Major Moto Jinzo, who led the team, had to order that no one was allowed to rescue those injured by landmines unless they were absolutely certain that there were no booby traps.  wounded.  The Third Brigade cannot afford to sell one, or even buy two or three.

    Even so, the various mines deployed by the opponent on this road that was less than a kilometer also cost the Third Battalion the price of an entire squadron being blown into pieces.  Facing their dead and injured comrades, the remaining Japanese troops completely lost the courage to attack. No matter how intimidated and intimidated by Major Hebei, the remaining Japanese troops never took a step forward.

    ¡°If they didn¡¯t want to replay what happened before, and they didn¡¯t know if there were any mines that had been stepped on by their comrades or exploded, these guys would have turned back a long time ago.  Compared with those endless mines that bring them more psychological panic than physical landmines, the threat of the sabers in the hands of the division commander and the company commander is simply not worth mentioning.

    ¡°Besides, for ordinary soldiers, the saber in the hands of the division commander will not be swung at them.  It can only be those officers who lead the team.  If they hadn't been killed by the mines, the division commander would have taken it out on them.  The unlucky ones will not be soldiers like him.

    In fact, Lieutenant General Jian Bo should be mentally prepared for this situation.  Because when building that simple command post for him, he should have been reminded of the sacrifice of several human lives.  It's just that Lieutenant General Nemoto, who was so proud at the time, may have noticed it but didn't think about it, or maybe he didn't care at all.

    When this fortification was first built, a Japanese soldier who was working on the construction just squatted down for a moment after filling the sacks used as a bunker with soil, trying to compact the soil in the sacks, but he was hit by a missile that had no idea when it had been mixed in.  The mine blew off half of his upper body.

    "The shovel in the hand of another soldier digging the earth directly hit a series of thunderbolts.  He and his comrades beside him were sent directly into the sky by four or five landmines that exploded at the same time.  This scene happened right under Nemoto's nose, but he didn't take it seriously.

    Now facing the Eighty-ninth Regiment, which had automatically stopped its offensive, Nemoto Bo felt even more angry.  The captains of the 89th Regiment, Watana Takashi and Colonel, directly became his best punching bags.  Although their hearts were trembling with fear at the tragic situation of their subordinates, Watanabe Takashi and Colonel had no choice but to bite the bullet and take out the bunker under the threat of the bright saber wielded by Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro, guarded by dozens of guards.  , rushing towards the subordinates who had stopped.

    "What Wa Tianlong didn't expect was that he thought he had brought a small group of guards with him, and he was walking on a road that his own men had already taken. Apart from the occasional mortar shells, there was no other threat.

    It¡¯s just that he didn¡¯t expect that the moment he stepped out of the bunker.  On the edge of a small river ditch, which was only four hundred meters away from him in a straight line, and which in the eyes of his men was more dangerous because it was covered with more mines than on the road, in a dense grass, a branch of a tree sprang up.  A Mosin-Nagant rifle equipped with a quadruple scope had already firmly placed his head in the scope.

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