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Text Chapter 253 Prelude to the decisive battle

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    Cheng Bin, a native of Wanping County, Beiping. A guy with the same name as the number one traitor of the First Resistance Army, was also a famous sharpshooter of the former regiment.  [.Com text] Growing up in the deep mountains of the Taihang Mountains, he has been farming and herding since he was a child, carrying an old rifle that was almost worn out in exchange for five wolf skins.  My father, who supported his family by hunting with sleeves, developed a good marksmanship.

    At the beginning of last year, when I went to sell leather in Wanping County, which had been lost for almost a year, I was caught by a few Japanese military police who wanted to buy leather but didn't want to pay, and were taken into the military police as anti-Japanese elements.  Not only was his prey confiscated, but he himself was sold as a laborer by the Wanping Gendarmerie and sent to the Jingbo Lake hydropower construction site.

    After being rescued by Yang Zhen at the beginning of the year, he suffered an inexplicable misfortune and suffered inhuman suffering for almost a whole year. He hated the little Japanese to the extreme and joined the army without saying a word.  Even the veteran gunners who have been traversing the mountains and forests of Northeast China for many years are impressed by his shooting skills.  Regardless of whether the gun is broken, as long as the barrel is straight, once it is handed into his hands, it will not take a long time to become a master.

    When setting up the reconnaissance camp, he was picked by Li Mingrui at a glance, but Wang Guangyu, who loves talents, forced him to stay on the grounds that he was still young and needed to improve his physical fitness.  When a regiment formed a sniper platoon, he was directly appointed as the platoon leader by Wang Guangyu.

    When I was at home, I used an old sleeve with polished rifling.  He had always used Type 38 rifles when he was in the army, and he couldn't put it down with the water-linked rifle with a scope, a thick gun body and excellent accuracy.

    In the intensive sniper training team organized by Yang Zhen himself, it was his first time to receive sniper system training, and he even outperformed many veteran snipers in the reconnaissance camp.

    Even in a competition after training, Yang Zhen was defeated by ten bullets fired at a distance of 400 meters.  After learning about his situation, Yang Zhen just laughed and scolded Wang Guangyu for being so good at hiding his secrets that he allowed such a good young talent to slip away from his eyes. He didn't say much else.

    Cheng Bin, who had always wanted to enter the reconnaissance camp, did not agree to his request.  I just told Cheng Bin that since he has become a glorious anti-Japanese revolutionary soldier, he must have the awareness that a revolutionary soldier is a brick of the revolution and can be moved wherever it is needed.  Let him work together with peace of mind.

    When he saw Yang Zhen, he just laughed and scolded him, and did not poach himself afterwards, nor did he pursue his secretive behavior, which made Wang Guangyu feel lucky even though he was ashamed.  And now, it's time for him to be richly rewarded for his secretive behavior at the risk of being scolded.

    Cheng Bin has almost never received any systematic sniper training, but he was able to defeat Yang Zhen, who had received special training for a long time in later generations. Cheng Bin's almost innate feeling for guns is absolutely superb.

    Although Wa Tianlonghe hid himself among dozens of guards for safety.  But based on the skills Cheng Bin learned since childhood and his almost natural shooting feeling.  As long as Cheng Bin was given a small gap, he would be sure to send this guy with a shining saber and a lot of guards around him to meet their Amaterasu.

    Opportunities always come suddenly.  Just when Wa Tianlong and a guard beside him were running, they accidentally slipped and tilted their bodies. Unexpectedly, they stepped on a landmine left by the 89th Regiment in front.

    In order to avoid being affected by the mine fragments, the moment Watana Takashi and his guards lay down, and when the half-slowed Watana Colonel half-pushed his head to reveal, Cheng Bin accurately seized this rare opportunity and gently buttoned the  The trigger was pulled.

    A 7.62mm rifle bullet fired from the barrel of his gun accurately hit the target. At that time, he was yelling in his heart: "Baga, there will be no end. How come there are still landmines on the road that has been waded over?"  In the head of Colonel Wada.  Unfortunately for Watanaru and Colonel, his extremely accurate bullets directly opened their skulls.

    As the saying goes, good fortune never comes in pairs, but misfortune never comes alone.  This was not wrong at all. Under the protection of dozens of guards, Colonel Watana who was not yet careful was not only killed with one shot.  Even in order to rescue him, the hurried guards stepped on three or four surrounding mines one after another.  In the violent explosion of the mine, Colonel Wada not only failed to survive, but not even a whole corpse was left.

    The incomplete corpses of Watana Takashi and Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro recognized one fact. First, on the battlefield, it is very dangerous to expose your head casually to the bunker, and it does not mean that you will be spared just because you are in the so-called rear area.  Second, there are snipers ambushing the opponent around.  Third, he should never expect that those endless mines will be cleared.

    "The ones who responded much faster than Lieutenant General Motomoto were mostly Japanese artillery.  Although it was impossible to find out the specific location of the sniper at once, the experienced veteran quickly determined Cheng Bin from the general direction of the ballistic trajectory.The approximate location of ?.  Although I dare not send anyone to arrest you because of the dense mines, I can always cover you with artillery fire.

    Just when Cheng Bin was hit and retreated quickly, the Japanese artillery shells roared over.  It's just that it's still unclear whether Yang Zhen's troops have switched to standard sniper rifles, or whether they use sharpshooters using ordinary rifles to calculate the range. Obviously, they haven't figured out one fact.

    That is, although the shooting distance of ordinary sharpshooters is only between 300 and 200 meters, the effective range of a sniper rifle equipped with a standard scope can be extended to 400 to 600 meters, or even 800 meters in open areas.  It is not impossible to hit the target accurately.

    Although the Japanese artillery shells kept exploding behind Cheng Bin, the ones closest to him were still a hundred meters away.  Although it made Cheng Bin a little nervous, he still managed to return to the next sniper point he chose unscathed.  The Japanese army, which thought its marksmanship was accurate and its soldiers were well-trained and did not need professional snipers, suffered a serious loss this time.

    The shells were fired for a while but did not bring any return. The guy who was hiding in the dark and firing a black gun didn't know whether he was hit by the shells or not fired at all.  Anyway, at least on the surface, Lieutenant General Bo, who had gained nothing from the shelling this time, decisively put an end to this meaningless behavior of wasting artillery shells.  At least it seemed to him a pointless waste.

    There was another reason why Lieutenant General Gengen Bo terminated Cheng Bin's artillery pursuit.  Since the main force of his engineering troops was still in Jiamusi, he only had an engineering brigade with him that could only build bridges and pave roads, but could not clear mines.  So he made a decision that seemed correct to everyone, and used artillery shells to remove at least all the mines on the road.

    As for whether the bodies of the dead officers and soldiers who were killed by landmines on the road, including Takashi Watana and Colonel, because no one dared to collect them, would be torn into pieces by their own shells, no one cared.  For the Japanese officers and soldiers who are still alive, as long as they don't step on those weird landmines.

    This decision was really difficult for Gengenbo to make.  The still majestic Japanese army at this time was very particular about respecting the dead in battle.  Especially in order to maintain morale, they are very particular about the preservation of the bodies of their own war dead.  Generally, they are cremated together and then taken back to the country.

    Don¡¯t look at it. The senior generals of the Japanese army just used the soldiers as fighting tools, talking animals, and necessary consumables in war.  But if someone really attacks the corpses of his own side's war dead, he will definitely be severely punished.  Because this is something that greatly affects the morale of the very superstitious Japanese army.

    Lieutenant General Bengenbo knew that his decision would probably make the division commander who was still hot under his butt change his position again.  Even if it fails, they will be sent home directly.  But Bo also knew that he had no choice.  In addition to using people to visit the minefields, the only way to clear them is with artillery shells.

    Having made up his mind, Nemotohiro said to a staff officer beside him: "In addition to leaving a basic number of shells, order the artillery to concentrate all the artillery fire on me along the road and sweep it inch by inch. Where the troops attack, the artillery shells must be mined.  Sweep there. Be sure to clean up these endless mines on the road. Also, send a report to Jiamusi immediately and ask them to send professional mine clearance engineers."

    Lieutenant General Genbo¡¯s magnanimity, although there is a suspicion of serious waste, but the efforts will always be rewarded.  After destroying more than half of the ammunition he carried, Lieutenant General Nemoto finally cleared a route that he could walk on.  Although the road that has been cleared of mines seems much more difficult to walk on because there are large and small craters everywhere, it is at least safe.

    However, after the artillery fire had completely cleared the road, Lieutenant General Genbo, who was still a little worried, directly sent the second regiment of the Jingan Army, which had finally been gathered together, after confirming again that he could not find any common people to use as human shields.  Got out.  They lined up in a row, holding hands, starting from the edge of the soil and walking to the hilly area two kilometers ahead.

    When a company of the Jingan Army, which had all its Japanese officers deployed, was forced by the bayonets of a Japanese squadron, they took to the road.  Although after seeing the corpses of the Japanese soldiers blown to pieces on the side of the road, I was frightened and hated the Japanese soldiers behind them to death.  However, the puppet soldiers with their guns put away, under the coercion of the Japanese troops behind them, could only bite the bullet and clear the way for the Japanese troops in front.

    Fortunately, as long as they didn't go astray and walked into the green gauze tents on both sides of the road, everything would be fine along the way.  At least it looks like no one has been killed or injured by the mines.  From this point of view, the Japanese army's artillery technology is still very solid and excellent.

    Seeing that the road passed by the puppet Manchukuo army was safe, the officers and soldiers of the 89th Regiment who were lying on the ground tightly on both sides of the road to avoid their own minesweeper fire also moved closer to the road one after another.  Wait until the leading puppet Manchukuo army leavesWhen we were less than 500 meters away from Wang Guangyu's preset second blocking position, all the living and healthy officers and soldiers of the 3rd Brigade of the 89th Regiment scattered on both sides of the road had gathered together.

    Looking at the hillock that was getting closer and closer, being ravaged by our own aviation forces, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  Although no bullets were fired on the hillock, the Japanese soldiers who had already suffered enough losses quickly dispersed and prepared for battle despite their reluctance.  The Jing'an Army, which was previously used as a human flesh opener, has now been upgraded to a high-level human shield.

    After returning the weapons, he was directly pushed to the front line.  Not only this company, but also their entire regiment were transferred up by Lieutenant General Genbo in order to reduce casualties and were entrusted with the important task of being responsible for the first wave of attacks.

    As for the fact that there are many children of Manchukuo's powerful people in this regiment, it is not something Lieutenant General Bo will consider.  Because looking at the dense hills in front of him, Lieutenant General Gengenbo always had an ominous premonition.

    What happened next proved the accuracy of Lieutenant General Genbo¡¯s premonition.  By the time the leading Puppet Manchukuo Jing'an Army had charged to the foot of Manggang, just after the aviation troops had withdrawn, tongues of fire were spraying out everywhere on Manggang, which had been silent just now.  Accurate mortars blasted into the sky the groups of Japanese soldiers who were still unwilling to leave the road but still appeared to be gathered together.

    What I didn¡¯t know was that although they had evacuated in the air, they were still under the threat of the aviation force lingering not far away. The heavy artillery that had previously caused huge casualties to the 32nd Regiment did not speak.  The opponent only used flexible mortars and infantry artillery to bombard the attacking Japanese troops.

    "In the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the 24th Division, the artillery shells with long flames trailing behind their tails and almost no movement other than the whooshing sound in the sky are much more terrifying than the 150mm howitzers.  Although the caliber is only 107 mm, the threat to them is much greater than the 150 mm heavy howitzer.

    The captain of the Artillery Regiment of the 24th Division, who had never seen or heard of weapons such as multiple rocket launchers in the world, after surveying the scene where the 32nd Regiment was shelled, told Genbo bluntly that this  This firepower density is at least as high as the artillery shells fired by an artillery regiment in order to create this effect.

    The captain of the artillery regiment, who had no idea what a multiple rocket launcher was, knew that in his eyes, at least one artillery regiment fired a salvo of firepower from only six multiple rocket launchers.  There is no such thing as an artillery regiment.

    This kind of rocket launcher is the best time to exert its firepower advantage when attacking heavy enemy groups.  Wang Guangyu is not a fool for the Japanese troops who are now widely dispersed. Can he use such precious rockets to defeat the Japanese troops whose largest group is no more than a squadron?

    It was an extremely lucky thing for the Japanese attacking troops to not be exposed to such horrific rocket attacks.  They didn't know that the opponent just didn't want to waste such precious rockets on them. The opponent's six multiple rocket launchers had been locked and hidden behind the soil edge they had given up, because of this natural barrier.  , the artillery regiment of the 24th Division did not even build protective fortifications.

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