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Text Chapter 251: The Nightmare of the 89th Regiment

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    Wang Guangyu, who was responsible for the middle blockade mission, did not set up the first blockade position on the bank of the Songhua River, which has always been considered a natural barrier. Instead, he set up the first blockade line about two kilometers north of the outer embankment of the Songhua River, between Jiamusi and Henan.  Behind a naturally formed soil edge on both sides of the highway.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    The location of this soil edge is very special. Due to the obstruction of the outer embankment on the north bank, the Japanese troops on the south bank of the river cannot be seen at all.  Similarly, even if the Japanese troops had crossed the river, they would not have been visible without crossing the outer embankment of the Songhua River.

    But although the actions of the Japanese troops inside the embankment cannot be seen here, most of the actions of the Japanese troops on the south bank can be clearly observed.  Moreover, there is an open space of two thousand meters between it and the outer embankment of the north bank. If the Japanese army that has crossed the Songhua River wants to continue to expand northward, its extremely wide shooting range will just cover the highway tightly.

    Wang Guangyu took a fancy to this place as early as when he arrived on the other side of Jiamusi.  Not only is the location excellent, the most important thing is that this ridge of soil about ten meters high is also covered with dense bushes and willows.  Behind is a large birch forest and an endless green gauze tent that is almost as tall as a person.  It can provide a natural concealment for blocking troops.  At that moment, Wang Guangyu decided to use the natural terrain here to set a trap for the Japanese.

    I don¡¯t know whether Wada Takashi and Colonel were lucky or unlucky. After the Jingan Division crossed the river, they suddenly and unexpectedly decided to serve as the outpost of the Jingan Army First Division, despite the firm opposition of Misaki Johei, the commander of the First Division of the Jingan Army.  The first regiment of the army took over from its own troops and served as the outpost for the entire Japanese battle.

    According to his idea, the Jingan Army performed well in the battle against the Jiangnan region of China along with the Japanese Central China Expeditionary Force, defeating the Sichuan Army troops in the China government army, which were always known for their tenacity. Now it is no longer a problem to deal with these bandit armed forces.  What's more, having these Manchus fighting on the front line for the imperial army can greatly reduce the casualties of the imperial army.

    It¡¯s just that he never thought that the Sichuan Army, which was defeated by the Jing¡¯an Army at that time, was said to be organized as a division, but its actual strength was less than a battalion.  Its single-person rifles made in Sichuan only have a few light and heavy machine guns, and even the small mortars commonly used by the Sichuan Army do not have any weapons and equipment. They are simply incomparable with the full set of Japanese-style weapons, infantry, artillery and cavalry. The Jing'an Army has a complete set of weapons and equipment.  .

    ??And the Jingan Army at that time was formed by what Japan calls rural youth, and they were all authentic Japanese from top to bottom.  Except for the officers above the mid-level who are Japanese, the officers and soldiers at the lower level are all so-called Manchus. At least they cannot be compared in terms of loyalty.

    The Japanese soldiers in the previous Jing'an Army, which had relied on the Japanese army to achieve great power in the Battle of Nanjing, had been organized as early as last year after the Wuhan Battle. Due to the rapid expansion of the army, the Japanese army's base camp, which was temporarily lacking in qualified soldiers, had already been organized.  He joined the regular Japanese army and was taken to the pass to fight.  Although the current Jing'an Army still bears the same name, it is no longer comparable to before.

    Looking at the expressions of Wa Tianlong and Arrogant, Misaki Johei, who was only a reserve lieutenant colonel in the Japanese army before taking up the post of commander of the First Division of the Jing'an Army, knew that he, the Manchurian Major General, could not do anything to the Japanese active-duty colonel.  Although they are all Japanese, there are still differences between Japanese and Japanese.

    After several warnings were ineffective and Watana Takahiro insisted on his decision, Misaki Johei, who knew that his subordinates were transferred from Fujin to Jiamusi to join the war, was showing signs of instability, helplessly said to Watana Takashi and Osaka: "Wada-kun, now  The Jing'an Army is no longer the Jing'an Army formed by the imperial youths from the countryside the year before last."

    "Except for a few mid-level and senior officers, the lower-level officers and soldiers have already been replaced by Manchurians. They are no longer the same as the previous Jing'an Army. How much loyalty there is has not yet been tested. You are so  If you push them to the front line rashly, something will happen.¡±

    For Misaki Johei¡¯s earnest persuasion, Watana Takashi didn¡¯t even listen at all.  In response to Misaki Johei's last warnings, Watana Takashi and Colonel Said even more arrogantly: "It would be better if they rebelled, and I would deal with them as well. Shit Manchurians are not inferior Chinese people."

    "Their Manchukuo was established with the protection of the bayonets of the Imperial Japanese Army. Now the imperial army has dispatched elite divisions to suppress bandits in Manchukuo. If they dare to serve the imperial army without repaying the favor,  , he should have died long ago. The empire is not a garbage dump and accepts all troops."

    Wada Takashi's arrogance and look down on the puppet Manchukuo army made Misaki Johei very angry.  But neither the angry Misaki Johei nor the arrogant Watana Takako expected that in addition to the regiment commander and two battalion commanders, the other company and platoon officers, including a battalion commander, who were forced to switch marching orders  The Jingan Army regiment, which was already a Manchurian, had already had the only so-called Manchurian among the three battalion commanders when it was first transferred to Jiangnan for defense.Li Qing and translator Yang Dongliang took the lead in making secret contacts with Jiangbei.

    If it were not for the fact that after being bombarded at the airport, General Umezu Yoshijiro strengthened the supervision of the puppet Manchukuo army for fear that someone within the Manchurian government would collude with Jiangbei, and collected all the ferries on the south bank of the Yangtze River and put them under the unified control of the Japanese army, perhaps it would not have arrived yet.  On the battlefield, the so-called elite of the puppet Manchukuo army, whose military morale had already fluctuated, had already revolted.

    Wa Tianlong and Colonel General Li Qing's regiment moved forward to replace their own troops. Although it was somewhat clear that the Jingan Army would be their scavengers, they were in line with Li Qing and Yang Dongliang's intentions, who had already made up their minds to defect to Jiangbei.  As for the Japanese officers in the army and several unreliable company and platoon leaders, Li Qing had already arranged for his confidants to take special care of them.

    When the vanguard battalion led by Li Qing arrived less than a hundred meters in front of Wang Guangyu's position, Wang Guangyu, who had already received notification from the headquarters, did not order to fire, but immediately commanded the troops to move to both sides to make way for the gap.

    After crossing the edge of the earth, Li Qing, who had no way out, raised the pistol in his hand and fired three shots into the sky as an order to take action.  After receiving his order, he had already secretly arranged for the regiment leader to work with the people around the Japanese officers to kill several Japanese officers and several die-hard traitors.

    After finishing all this, Li Qing turned around and said to most of the troops who were still confused: "Brothers, the little devil has asked us to beat our own compatriots as scapegoats. This has been more than once. How many things have we done for them before?"  It¡¯s an immoral thing. Now we can no longer sacrifice our lives for them and kill our own compatriots.¡±

    "Now that I'm done with it, if you want to leave with me, just leave. If you don't leave, when the war is over, the Anti-Japanese Federation will give you travel expenses to go home. Those who stay to participate in the Anti-Union will promise to forget the past."

    Looking at the dark muzzles of the anti-union forces that surged up around him and pointed them at him, even those who had different opinions did not dare to have any opinions.  They all followed the order wisely and removed the bolts of the weapons in their hands, and then walked back.

    Not knowing the details at all, seeing Li Qing leading the vanguard without firing a shot across the edge of the earth where an ambush was most likely to be, Wa Tianlong and Colonel proudly touched their neatly trimmed snot beards.  He looked at Misaki Johei beside him, waved his hand, and immediately followed with the follow-up troops.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Just when a brigade as the vanguard had just reached a distance of less than 200 meters from Tu Ling, Tu Ling, who had been silent just now, suddenly experienced a sudden change in the situation, and a dense rain of bullets suddenly appeared.  The light and heavy machine gun bullets mixed with a large number of mortar shells and infantry artillery shells knocked down the unprepared Japanese troops like water.

    Before the Japanese and puppet troops of the 89th Regiment and the remaining regiment of the 1st Division of the Jingan Army, who were beaten dizzy, could react, artillery shells were also heard from the south bank of the Songhua River behind them at almost the same time.  Explosion.  Watana Ryuji's first thought when he encountered the front and back attacks was that he had been attacked by a large number of anti-Japanese armed forces.

    The distance of two hundred meters is almost the best range for the numerous light and heavy machine guns of the opponent.  The leading Japanese brigade, supported by the only remaining infantry regiment of the Jingan Army, was hit by machine gun bullets and mortar bombardment, and it didn't take long to wipe out two entire infantry squadrons on the spot.

    The Jing'an Army was even more unsatisfactory. One regiment was dispersed on the spot by a burst of mortar shells.  Perhaps out of resentment at these guys' willingness to act as Japanese lackeys, the opponent's mortar fire was mainly focused on their heads.

    That flaming patch of earth has almost become a nightmare for all the officers and soldiers of the 1st Brigade of the 89th Regiment.  The crazy Wa Tianlong organized several strong attacks by the Japanese army, but was beaten down by the opponent's heavy firepower.  He didn't even touch the edge of the opponent's position.  Only once, at great cost, did he advance to a distance of less than fifty meters.

    Just when the Japanese soldiers, who had already seen the faces of the opponent's machine gunners, fixed their bayonets and prepared to completely defeat their opponents at once, they were hit back by a weapon that exploded and shot out countless steel balls fifty meters away.

    When retreating, the Japanese army panicked and fell into a small but dense mine array.  When a Japanese squadron that launched the attack withdrew, only three men were left.

    Several attacks did not achieve any results, but he lost an entire infantry group and a half in a daze. Although the always confident Colonel Watana Takane was like a mad dog, almost every squadron leader who was still alive was hit by him.  mouth.  Although he was furious, Watana Ryuhe, who had suffered enough, did not dare to attack rashly.  Only then did he get the call back to General Umezu Yoshijiro.

    When Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro arrived at the front-line Japanese position, he took a breath of cold air at the sight in front of him.  From that edge of earth to the starting position of the 89th Regiment's attack, the distance was only a few hundred meters, and there were people everywhere.There are layers upon layers of corpses of Japanese and puppet soldiers.  The blood dripping from the corpse formed a very eye-catching red river, flowing slowly.

    The painful groans of dozens of wounded soldiers who were left on the front line and could not be withdrawn made the morale of the follow-up troops extremely low.  Under the opponent's intensive machine gun fire, no one could rescue these wounded soldiers.  We can only watch helplessly as the blood flows little by little towards their final death.

    Genbo, who had participated in the North China Campaign and the Guangzhou Attack Battle as captain of the Infantry Regiment, deputy chief of staff of the North China Front Army, and chief of staff of the 21st Army, saw this for the first time the miserable appearance of the imperial army in front of him. He became furious and showed no polite words.  He slapped them wildly, turning the faces of Wa Tianlong and Colonel into pig heads.

    Corporal punishment, especially slapping, is generally a method of punishment used by middle- and senior-level officers against junior officers in the Japanese army, or by veterans against new recruits.  It wasn't the first time that a dignified division commander slapped a major commander in front of everyone, but it was also extremely rare.

    Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro, who waited until his hands were red until he stopped, did not relieve his anger. He angrily cursed Wada Takashi and Colonel again, and then asked General Umezu Yoshijiro, who had passed through Jiangnan, to report the situation here.  A detailed report was given and Jiangnan was asked to provide fire support and a large amount of aviation cover.

    To the request of Nemoto Hiroshi, his old colleague in the North China Front Army, Umezu Yoshijiro responded very simply.  Directly transport the direct artillery regiment of the 24th Division, which has been staying in the south of the Yangtze River, across the river as quickly as possible.  At the same time, the 61st team, which was bombing all strategically valuable targets in Luobei, was ordered to immediately move their targets.

    In order to achieve a breakthrough as soon as possible, the Japanese army mobilized a large number of bombers to carry out carpet bombing, using a large number of explosive bombs and incendiary bombs to repeatedly bomb this several kilometers long soil ridge.  Fourteen 75mm mountain cannons blasted from the outer embankment on the north bank of the Songhua River to the earth edge, trying to use artillery fire to clear out all the mines placed by the opponent.

    When the troops were mobilized this time, a heavy bomber fleet, a dozen light Type 98 bombers, and a mountain artillery regiment were mobilized. In the words of Lieutenant General Iimura Rang, there would not be even an ant left on the north bank of the river this time to cover the fire.  after finishing.  Watana Takashi, who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, was forced by Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiro personally to take charge of the crime, and personally led the 89th Regiment to launch the charge.

    In fact, the Japanese army had no need to mobilize troops.  Wang Guangyu, who ruthlessly tore off a piece of meat under the nose of Umezu Meijiro, had already given up.  When Ben Genbo arrived at the position of the 89th Regiment, Wang Guangyu had already led his troops under the cover of the green gauze tent to withdraw to the preset second blocking position, which was a long stretch of land three kilometers behind this earth edge.  Post.

    Wang Guangyu is not stupid. In front of him, he is a reorganized division of the Japanese army.  Here, he only has the strength of one reinforced battalion, plus at most a dozen heavy machine gun companies specially drawn from the rest of the troops in order to strengthen the firepower, and two regiments of mortar companies.

    However, in order to confuse the Japanese army, Wang Guangyu used an infantry regiment on the first night to build enough fortifications for 10,000 people on this soil ridge before the Japanese army arrived.

    Therefore, with the extraordinarily equipped light and heavy machine guns, mortars, and a 150mm howitzer battery that used almost all the traction horses in his brigade, Yang Zhen strengthened his multiple rocket launcher battery and caused a lot of damage to the Japanese army.  The impression that Yang Zhen's main force is here.

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