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Text Chapter 250 The First Battle

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    In order to ensure that the attack was carried out in strict accordance with the battle plan he formulated, General Umezu Yoshijiro ignored the harmony between Japan and Manchuria that he repeatedly emphasized after taking office.  , seize the time to repair flood-damaged roads.

    More than 5,000 laborers were also recruited from Jiamusi to undertake the transportation of military rations and other military supplies.  [.Com text] The Japanese army has made great progress, causing the residents of Jiamusi City to complain incessantly.  All fools know the consequences of being captured by the Japanese army and working as coolies. If you don't get a penny, you will never come back.  In recent years, they have seen much more of the fate of workers in the customs.

    In the past few years, truckloads of laborers captured from the customs have been pulled northward, but few of them have come back.  Last winter, two Shandong laborers ran away from Heli. When the temperature was 20 to 30 degrees below zero, they wore two cement bags and went around begging for food.  It was hard to stutter, but before I could eat it, I was caught by the Japanese military police.  He threw it into the wolf-dog pen on the spot and fed it to the wolf-dog.

    At this time, the Northeastern people who have not yet enjoyed the so-called hard-working service enacted by the Kwantung Army, which is actually forced labor treatment, naturally do not understand the blood and tears of the laborers in the Kwantung Army.  After the Japanese army carried out so-called hard-working forced labor throughout the Northeast, and workers dispatched from counties in the Northeast also suffered inhuman abuse, and a large number of abnormal deaths, they could deeply appreciate the blood and tears of those workers in the customs.

    However, for the current labor force in Northeast China, the Japanese army conscripted very few workers.  Most people have no idea what fate they are about to face.  It was just that the compatriots in the pass made them somewhat vigilant, so when the Japanese army forced labor, almost no one was willing to go.

    Of course, slaves who have subjugated their country have no right to do so. Even if you don¡¯t want to go, you still have to go under the threat of a bayonet.  Even if you are the backbone of your family, your whole family will starve to death if you leave. As long as the Kwantung Army takes a fancy to you, you have to go.  Thanks to the high-intensity work of a large number of laborers working day and night, the road that was destroyed by the flood was finally completed before the full-scale attack was launched.

    By the end of August, all preparations for the Japanese army were in place.  Umezu Yoshijiro, who was already a little impatient, set the time to launch an attack on all fronts on the same day that Germany, Japan's ally in Europe, invaded Poland, that is, September 1, 1939.

    It¡¯s just that the attack was launched a few hours later than their ally Nazi Germany, from dawn to 7 a.m.  Five days before launching the attack across the board, in order to weaken the opponent's resistance, Umezu Yoshijiro dispatched a large number of aircraft to carpet bomb all strategic and tactical targets in Jiangbei.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s ears are sharp because of the dispatch of the reconnaissance battalion, and Umezu Yoshijiro, who has the Kwantung Army Intelligence Department, a very powerful intelligence agency, is not bad either.  Although all the reconnaissance planes were sent out, they still could not figure out the location of the opponent's arsenal.  But the location of Yang Zhen's headquarters was clearly discovered by him.

    On August 31, the day before the attack was launched, under the personal supervision of Umezu Yoshijiro, Lieutenant General Teramoto Kumaichi sent all the aircraft that could be sent out, including Type 97 and Type 98 light bombers, as well as  Due to its poor performance, the Japanese army used it as a straight-line forced landing training aircraft with a combat radius of only 400 kilometers, a Type 93 medium bomber.

    And after taking over and refueling the oil bombs, after receiving a good punch while waiting, they collectively went to the west. All Chengren's 98th Aviation Squadron, and the 97th Type Heavy Duty Squadron of the 61st Squadron that had just withdrawn from the Nomonhan front line.  bomber.  Of course, we can't forget the 12th Air Force equipped with advanced heavy bombers from the Italian allies, all of which were sent out.

    In order to increase the intensity of air strikes, when the opponent has no aviation and no air threats, the Type 97 fighter jets originally used to escort bombers are also equipped with 250 kilograms of bombs to participate in ground bombing.  Even the Type 97 reconnaissance aircraft responsible for reconnaissance missions and artillery corrections were equipped with 100 or 50 kilogram bombs.

    Japanese aircraft came out in droves and bombed Yang Zhen's headquarters in the Xingshan Fortress area, as well as all roads in Luobei, Tangyuan, Fengshan, and Tonghe.  On the afternoon of August 31st alone, in fact, because Yang Zhen had already led the front troops to move forward to the already deserted headquarters in Tangyuan, nearly 300 100-kilogram bombs were dropped.  .

    With the Japanese army concentrating hundreds of planes to bomb in turns, not only the roads in Yang Zhen's control area were bombed into a mess, but all kinds of transportation could only be carried out at night.  Even several docks in the Soviet Union that were directly connected to Luobei and Suibin across the river from Yang Zhen's base area also dropped many bombs intentionally or unintentionally by the Japanese army.

    Of course, in the face of strong protests from the Soviet representatives who were negotiating in the Nomonhan area between Japan and the Soviet Union at this time, the Japanese army resorted to the excuse of "accidental bombing" that a certain superpower often found in the following decades.  ??It stated that although it cannot completely prevent the occurrence of such incidents in the future, it is willing to compensate for all losses caused by such incidents.

    However, since this loss was caused by the Empire of Japan in order to exterminate bandits in Manchukuo, then naturally the imperial army should not bear this money.  As the beneficiary, Manchukuo should be fully responsible for such losses.

    Lieutenant General Iimura Rang, chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, clearly expressed his opposition to starting such strategic bombing of enemy-controlled areas in advance before the entire army took action.  In his opinion, launching such a large-scale bombing before the attack is not a clear warning to the opponent that his attack is imminent?

    General Umezu Yoshijiro sneered at Lieutenant General Iimura Rang¡¯s objection.  In the view of General Umezu Yoshijiro, his troops are mobilized so frequently that even a fool can smell the different meanings.  If the other party was not prepared, the bombardment of the airport would not have occurred.

    Since the entire operation has been exposed, it is better to concentrate the superior aviation forces to weaken the opponent's combat potential as much as possible before the full-scale war begins.  Even if it cannot completely lose its combat effectiveness, it will at least cut off the supply of its frontline troops.

    The large-scale bombing by the Japanese army did bring a lot of trouble to Yang Zhen.  The movement of troops, the forwarding of supplies, and even the transfer of residents on preset battlefields can only be carried out at night.

    Fortunately, the Japanese army did not have the strength of the US military in the Korean War. They could complete the bombing during the day and send night bombers to keep an eye on the sky at night and blow up everything below at the slightest sign of trouble.

    Moreover, the night flying capabilities of the Japanese aviation forces at this time were extremely poor, and a considerable number of troops even had no night flying capabilities.  After only one night flight bombing involving four BR-20s and two Type 97 heavy bombers, they either lost their way and hit the mountains, or disappeared without knowing where they flew. No matter what General Umezu Yoshijiro urged,  , Lieutenant General Teramoto Kumaichi no longer dared to organize night flight bombings.

    The Type 97 heavy bomber is a cutting-edge heavy bomber that the Army has just begun to equip.  Due to limited production capacity, the entire army did not equip a few aircraft, and only a few battle teams were equipped in total.  There was an inexplicable bombardment a few days ago, and a whole fleet of Type 97 heavy bombers had already set off firecrackers.

    With the new heavy bombers transferred to this team this time, Teramoto Kumaichi no longer dares to take this risk.  If these precious bombers, which the Army has always been proud of, are lost again, the Army Ministry will not be able to spare itself.  Even General Umezu may not be able to shoulder this responsibility.

    And not just aircraft, even these well-trained pilots are the eyes of the Army Ministry.  If the losses were too great, Lieutenant General Tojo, the former military police commander of the Kwantung Army and current director of Army Aviation, would have to remove himself from his post.

    General Yoshijiro Umezu has nothing to do with himself, and he can stand and talk without pain in his back.  He, Teramoto Kumaichi, could not let General Umezu do whatever he wanted.  The Kwantung Army only has a few heavy bomber fleets. If they are all lost, who will bear the responsibility?  Therefore, despite the urging of General Umezu Yoshijiro, Lieutenant General Teramoto would not follow his orders to carry out night flight bombing.

    Because Lieutenant General Teramoto was too cautious, even though the indiscriminate bombing by the Japanese army caused considerable inconvenience to Yang Zhen, it did not completely prevent Yang Zhen from mobilizing his troops.  As late as August 29, Yang Zhen's various units had arrived in their respective combat areas and were fully deployed before the Japanese attack was launched.

    The punctual Japanese army, in accordance with the established battle plan on the morning of September 1st, forced to cross the Songhua River at seven o'clock under the cover of fierce artillery fire from the south bank and the cover of more than a dozen aircraft.  In order to carry out this forced crossing and defeat the defenders in Jiangbei in the shortest possible time, the Japanese army concentrated a large number of pontoon troops. In the first wave, a regiment of troops was transported.

    "What puzzled General Umezu Yoshijiro, who came to the north of the Songhua River to command the forced crossing, was that his opponent did not make any defense against the natural danger of the Songhua River.  The 89th Regiment of the 24th Division, the vanguard commanded by Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi, landed on the north bank of the Songhua River without encountering any resistance.

    The success of the first battle made General Umezu Yoshijiro, who was cautious by nature, suddenly become calm.  At the same time, he ordered the 89th Regiment Wa Tianlong and Colonel not to stay, and to sweep towards the north bank with all their strength.  On the one hand, in addition to the second echelon of the Jingan Division of the Puppet Manchukuo Army crossing the river to cooperate with the 89th Regiment's sweep of the north bank, the third echelon of the 32nd Regiment, Colonel Nochi Kahei, immediately stopped crossing the river and assembled in the south of the Yangtze River.  On call.

    "Just when the 24th Division was wondering why the Commander-in-Chief issued such a strange order, and watching the 89th Regiment and the Jing'an Division of the Puppet Manchukuo Army moving further and further away, intensive artillery fire suddenly rang out from Jiangbei.

    A hail of bullets consisting of intensive blasting anti-personnel grenades with a caliber of at least 150 mm and a strange artillery shell with long fireworks on its tail suddenly exploded above the head of the 32nd Regiment gathered at the riverside.  .  ?The concentrated rain of bullets completely covered the gathering place of the 32nd Regiment.

    Originally, the 89th Regiment encountered no resistance when crossing the river, and the process went extremely smoothly. However, the 32nd Regiment, which was a little careless and had almost no precautions, suffered heavy casualties from this sudden shelling.  Especially those strange cannonballs with long fireworks trailing from their tails. Not only are they extremely lethal, they also fire extremely fast.  Apart from the whizzing sound of artillery shells across the sky, there was almost no loud sound when the artillery fired.

    Just when the 32nd Regiment encountered intensive artillery fire, the 89th Regiment and the Jing'an Division, which had always been described as unobstructed, also heard intensive gunfire and heavy fire at the same time.  Explosion.

    Before Umezu Yoshijiro could recover from the sudden blow, the dozen or so planes in the sky that had been dive-bombing and strafing without scruple suddenly suddenly fell to the ground covered with fire.  Use yourself to practice Newton's law of universal gravitation.

    Seeing that several friendly aircraft were shot down in the blink of an eye, the remaining Japanese aircraft changed their previous arrogant attitude and did not dare to fly almost touching the treetops like before. They immediately climbed up as fast as possible.  .  But when they turned around and carefully turned back to the battlefield, they didn't notice anything strange on the ground.  The anti-aircraft firepower that had just been directed at him was almost as if it didn't exist.

    Although they did not find out what actually shot down their friendly aircraft, when these Japanese aircraft bombed the ground again, they did not dare to use high-precision dive bombing.  Not suitable for horizontal bombing under tactical conditions.

    Umezu Yoshijiro, who realized that the situation was wrong, immediately ordered the combat staff around him: "Tell Lieutenant General Teramoto to have his aviation force find the artillery of those gangsters at all costs and kill them. Order Takashi Watana and Colonel to immediately report what happened to them.  What kind of resistance was encountered. The opponent¡¯s strength and firepower.¡±

    This was the first time they had come into contact with Yang Zhen's subordinates. They didn't know the reality of the opponent. Under the firepower of the opponent, Watana Takashi and Colonel, who had used the puppet Manchukuo army as scapegoats, received an order from General Umezu Meijiro to report the enemy's situation.  , and immediately called back without any ambiguity: "At least we encountered tough firepower attacks from opponents equipped with a large number of heavy machine guns, mortars, and infantry artillery. According to the standards of previous battles with the Kwanai China Army, the Eighty-ninth Alliance encountered at least  It has the strength of an army or even more.¡±

    General Umezu Yoshijiro frowned tightly regarding the report from Watanaru and Colonel.  He simply did not believe that his opponent would put the main force in front of him.  The opponent is not an idiot. He puts his eggs in one basket when he does not have an advantage in strength or firepower.

    General Umezu Yoshijiro, who did not believe what Takashi Wada reported to Colonel, immediately ordered Lieutenant General Nemoto Hiroshi, the commander of the 24th Division who had crossed the Songhua River, to personally go to the 89th Regiment position to find out the truth.

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