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Text Chapter 249 The Prelude to the War

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    As the flood season of the Songhua River gradually passed, the small actions before the battle between the two sides facing each other across the river became increasingly frequent. Faced with the two concentrated Japanese divisions and a large number of puppet Manchu troops, Yang Zhen attacked all three supplementary regiments.  The troops were scattered and replenished into the three main regiments and divisional troops.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    In addition to the original troops, the basic regiment of each military division is also transferred to a supplementary battalion in an integrated manner.  The total number of troops reached 1,800.  At the same time, each county also formed local armed forces such as county brigades.

    With the addition of three supplementary regiments with a total number of 20,000, the strength of the three main regiments has also expanded sharply to more than 10,000.  Since the existing establishment could no longer meet the current situation of the army, after several discussions, Yang Zhen decided to expand the three main regiments into three main brigades.  Each infantry brigade has two infantry regiments, a shelf regiment with only backbones and cadres, a mountain artillery battalion and a 120mm heavy mortar battalion.

    The original organizational structure of each regiment remains unchanged, except for the addition of a six-gun anti-aircraft machine gun company and a sniper platoon.  The military region used the 107mm multiple rocket launchers produced during this period to form a thirty-six-gun rocket artillery regiment.  Together with the field artillery battalion of the original artillery regiment and the field artillery in stock, it formed the artillery force directly under the jurisdiction of the military region.

    Although Yang Zhen wanted to set up a multiple rocket launcher battalion for each brigade, due to the rocket production capacity, he could only prioritize the formation of artillery regiments directly under the military region.  In order to ensure the ammunition supply capacity of the rocket artillery regiment directly under the military region despite limited production capacity, at the end of August, Yang Zhen used a large portion of his loan to urgently order 3,000 rockets from Jiangbei.

    ¡° Even if we work overtime and produce, we can only maintain the supply of thirty-six multiple rocket launcher ammunition for one regiment. The rocket launcher battalions directly under each brigade can only wait until the production capacity increases in the future.

    The brigade commanders and political commissars of the three brigades were directly promoted from the original regiment commanders and political commissars.  After all the equipment and soldiers were replenished, Yang Zhen's first sentence was to complete the training of the troops in the shortest possible time.  Due to the tense situation, Yang Zhen only gave a few brigade commanders and political commissars a week to get used to the troops.

    At the same time, in order to ensure the number of troops, especially to replenish troops, Yang Zhen adopted a universal compulsory military system among the immigrants in Yilan, as well as in Luobei, Heli, Tangyuan, Suibin and other areas under his control.  Using the method of drawing two from the fifth and one from the third, six independent regiments with a strength of 2,000 each were expanded as quickly as possible.

    Of course, with the common people generally refusing to serve as soldiers, it was impossible for Yang Zhen to follow the Japanese practice, especially the method of replenishing troops on the front line by miscellaneous troops.  Troops were mobilized to surround a village, a machine gun was installed, and all the people of the right age were changed into military uniforms, and all were taken away to capture Ding by force.  But when it comes to recruiting soldiers, the method of ancestors still has to be used.

    In addition to all political workers being sent out to recruit soldiers and promote the concept of protecting the country and protecting the country, Yang Zhen also made a very damaging move.  Find a room, burn a big kang, and all the young people are called to a meeting on the kang.  As soon as he couldn't bear it, he stood up and was immediately honored with a red flower belt.

    August is the period of summer, a season when even shirtless people find it too hot. Who can bear to stay on a red-hot kang for a long time?  In less than half an hour, everyone in the meeting had volunteered.  However, after this method was used once, no one was willing to go to the meeting no matter how much the regional cadres tried to persuade them.

    ??????????????????????? Later, when various preferential care policies were implemented, the preferential food grains for those who served in the army were distributed on a monthly basis, and the quantity and quality were absolutely top-notch.  Each family is also given three pounds of meat and one pound of sugar every month.  When the land was divided, the military families gave priority to selecting good land, and the animals allocated to them were the best.

    And all the land in your family was cultivated with the help of the mutual aid association organized by local cadres. Even if an immediate relative in the family gave birth to a child, he was given priority in rationing ten pounds of eggs and a series of preferential treatment. Everyone saw it with their own eyes, and it slowly changed the difficulty of recruiting soldiers.  situation.

    What really fundamentally changed this situation was Yang Zhen's continuous victories, which allowed the people to really see hope and the hope of defeating the Japanese army.  After winning the war, those who joined the army did not have to worry about retaliation from the Japanese army at home, nor did they need to worry about being massacred by the Japanese army in Chenggou for supporting the Anti-Japanese War.  The enthusiasm of the people to join the army really increased.

    In the later stages of the campaign, when Yang Zhen took advantage of his victory and launched the Battle of Jiamusi, he mobilized nearly 10,000 people into ten militia regiments in Tangyuan County, which had a population of less than 100,000, in just two days.  Later, when they swept across the Sanjiang area, at least 6,000 people were directly incorporated into the army.

    For Yang Zhen and his troops, winning the battle is the foundation of everything. Without winning the battle, everything is empty.  Under the constant victory, it is not only the morale of the troops that is inspired, but also the hearts of the people who were once despairing.  The work of reducing rents and interest rates in the rear was also carried out smoothly with the victory of this later known as the Autumn Battle.

    ?Of course, these are all words later, at least now Yang Zhen is still having a headache about replenishing his troops.  In addition to using almost every possible method of recruiting troops, Yang Zhen even recruited all the beggars in the larger counties of Luobei, Suibin, and Heli, and the monks in temples of all sizes as long as they were of appropriate age.  Pull them all out to replenish the troops.

    No matter what, with all means being used, it was fortunate that ten more independent regiments were formed as reserve troops before the battle started in full swing.  The commander-in-chief, who only knew that there was no other way except to recruit soldiers, could do nothing but scold him for his wickedness after learning about his methods of recruiting soldiers.

    ??The old Chinese tradition is that a good man should not be a soldier, and a good man should not be a soldier.  Especially under the current situation where the country is in ruins, there are even fewer people willing to serve as soldiers.  Who is willing to risk retaliation by the Japanese army to join the army when the Japanese army still has an absolute advantage?

    Knowing that Yang Zhen had no choice but to do so, the commander-in-chief, forced by the situation, could only lead the Northeast Bureau team that had been formed and two high-power radio stations to go north first.  Arrive at Fengxiang Town, Luobei County, the address chosen by Yang Zhen for the Northeast Bureau, and wipe Yang Zhen's butt.  In fact, as the situation becomes increasingly tense, Yang Zhen's wedding originally scheduled for the end of August can no longer be held.

    Except for the fact that Yang Zhen went to the front line every day to observe the enemy's situation, analyze more intelligence, and form supplementary troops, he was too busy to be distracted.  As the deputy director of the Logistics Department, Zhang Ting was also busy mobilizing food, clothing, and a large number of medical equipment to accompany the army in preparation for the war that even a blind man could smell the atmosphere. She was also very busy.

    The groom-to-be and bride-to-be, who are just around the corner, are too busy to see each other all day long. What else can they do about this wedding?  The Northeast Bureau, which is responsible for the construction of local party organizations and political power in the entire Northeast, has just been established and has a lot of things to deal with.

    With the delay in the arrival of former Fourth Army Commander Li Yanlu, the Organization Minister and Chairman of the Northeastern Local Working Committee in charge of local government construction, the commander-in-chief, who had to take on both his duties first, was also busy with his feet hitting the back of his head.  The construction of political power in the base area has reached a situation that cannot be delayed.

    In desperation, the commander-in-chief, unable to force Yang Zhen to get married, could only persuade Yang Zhen to use the victory of a war as his wedding gift, and led the Northeast Bureau to go north to work.

    After seeing off the Commander-in-Chief, Yang Zhen, who rarely took the time to spend a short time with Zhang Ting who came to see off the Commander-in-Chief, watched as the image around him changed from being aggressive and capable in front of others, to being like a little bird clinging to someone around him.  The woman who became his fianc¨¦e, although hesitant, still put her hand firmly on Zhang Ting's shoulder.

    Snuggled next to her fianc¨¦, Zhang Ting looked sweet and happy after working hard to achieve what she wanted in her heart.  Although we were busy during this period, even though we worked in the same army and were within easy reach, we rarely saw each other.  The wedding had to be postponed due to the tense situation, but Zhang Ting still felt infinite happiness.

    The sweet time between the two people hugging each other did not last long. Although they were unwilling, they were still interrupted firmly by Guo Bingxun.  After taking the telegram from Guo Bingxun's hand, Yang Zhen looked at it carefully, turned around, kissed Zhang Ting's face gently and said: "I don't have time to accompany you anymore. After this battle is over, I will accompany you properly.  Pay more attention to yourself and don¡¯t let go of the guards wherever you go.¡±

    After touching the place where Yang Zhen had kissed, Zhang Ting raised her head and straightened the collar of Yang Zhen's military uniform, even though her face was crimson. Although she was extremely reluctant to part with this rare warm moment, she still said: "Go ahead,  How can a good man protect his family and country and indulge in the tenderness of a woman? Don't worry about me, I will be careful. You should also pay more attention to your health. It is not good to stay up all night. "

    After saying that, Zhang Ting shyly kissed Yang Zhen back, turned around and ran away.  And her two guards, who turned around and didn't dare to look when she and Yang Zhen hugged each other, saw their leader leaving and quickly followed him.

    After looking at Zhang Tingjiao's beautiful back absentmindedly for a long time, Yang Zhen took the reins handed over by Xiao Huzi and said to Guo Bingxun: "Old Guo, go back to the headquarters immediately and convene various departments for a combat meeting. After the meeting,  The front finger is about to go south."

    After Guo Bingxun got on his horse, he heard the words and smiled at Yang Zhen: "It seems that Umezu Yoshijiro can't wait any longer. Okay, let's have a good meeting with the number one scholar at the Japanese Army University this time, and single-handedly create the Ho-Mei Agreement."  . What kind of person is the backbone of the Saber Group, the deputy minister of the Army Ministry, and the current commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army."

    The two of them spoke lightly, but in their hearts neither of them wanted to delay.  After rushing all the way back to the headquarters, we immediately held a combat meeting with the three main brigades and the main leaders of each military division who had been notified yesterday and had arrived one after another.

    At the meeting??Zhen said straight to the point: "This morning, the Japanese army dispatched a large number of aircraft. With the support of artillery firepower, they launched a carpet bombing of our army's positions in Jiangbei. According to the Japanese army's consistent style, its large-scale offensive will be in these two  The sky is unfolding. Now Chief of Staff Guo will talk about the headquarters¡¯ combat determination.¡±

    Hearing Yang Zhen's signal, Guo Bingxun stood up and came to the large map hanging on the wall and said: "The situation is tense, so I won't say any more nonsense. On the Eastern Front, the enemy in front of us has troops deployed in Fujin, Tongtong,  Two infantry brigades of the Japanese 11th Division and a reorganized regiment of the Japanese 4th Division in the Jiang area and strengthened a brigade of the Puppet Manchukuo Jing'an Army."

    "On the western front, the Japanese army deployed two infantry squadrons from the 70th Regiment of the 25th Division, the 1st Battalion and the 2nd Battalion of the 14th Regiment in the Yilan and Fangzheng areas. They also reinforced the Puppet Manchukuo 4th  The military area was mixed into the 16th and 17th brigades, the 6th cavalry brigade and other puppet troops. "

    "On the middle line, that is, in the Jiamusi area, there are currently 40 regiments of the 24th Japanese Division reinforced by the 25th Division, two brigades of field artillery, and one brigades of Independence Mountain Artillery. In addition, there is a group of troops known as the most powerful combat force of the puppet Manchukuo army.  The first division of the Xing'an Army was assigned to fight."

    "According to current understanding, the main battle plan of the Japanese army is that the enemies on the eastern front in Fujin and Tongjiang will strictly block the banks of the Songhua River in this section to prevent the possibility of our army advancing eastward. The enemies on the western front are led by Shiro Kuwahara, commander of the 25th Division of the Japanese Army.  Under the command of the lieutenant general, the main purpose of the operation is to launch an attack on the flanks of our army in Tonghe and Fengshan from Yilan and Fangzheng, with the front pointed directly at Foshan."

    "Cooperating with the Japanese and puppet troops who attacked from Suiling and Heihe, they cut me in half and cut off our army's retreat into the mountains. We cooperated with the main force of the Japanese army that attacked from the middle and surrounded and annihilated our army east of Tangyuan County.  The narrow area of ??Sanjiang Plain west of Fujin and Tongjiang."

    "The Japanese army on the middle route attacked from the front of Jiamusi and advanced towards Heli to the north of the Songhua River, echoing the enemies on the east and west fronts. They pressed our army step by step to its scheduled combat area. The Japanese army had a huge appetite. They wanted to  Kill us all in one fell swoop.¡±

    "In order to defeat the Japanese army's heavy siege of our army, the headquarters' strategic intention is for our army to strengthen the headquarters with a battalion of field artillery from the third brigade Du Kaishan and Tao Jingfei, with the cooperation of the three-district cadre regiment and local troops.  Below, hide in the mountains east of Tonghe, and cooperate with the main force to attack the 25th Division on the eastern front. "

    "At the same time, Wang Guangyu's brigade is arranged in a trapezoidal configuration along the road from Jiamusi to Heli on the central line, and the resistance is launched step by step. Gradually lead the main force of the Japanese army to the mountainous area east of Tangyuan. You should not fight hard, but take advantage of the favorable terrain and take various measures.  The tactical resistance of mine warfare and sparrow warfare should not only prevent the Japanese troops from entering the Luobei area, but also not cause excessive casualties and cause inconvenience to subsequent operations. "

    "The headquarters has decided to allocate all the Taisho four-year-old heavy artillery and all the artillery shells in stock to the 1st Brigade to strengthen its blocking firepower and give the Japanese army in the middle the impression that the main force of our army is in the middle line."

    "The Second Brigade Liu Changshun's headquarters, in cooperation with the Rocket Artillery Regiment and Field Artillery Regiment directly under the headquarters, under the unified command of the Commander and myself, hid in the mountainous area southeast of Tangyuan and waited. Once the Japanese troops from the East Route entered the territory of Tonghe, they would attack immediately.  Cooperate with the troops of the third brigade to completely annihilate the Japanese enemies on the eastern front."

    "The troops in the first and second military divisions must be well prepared and under the unified command of political commissar Li Yanping. They must closely monitor the movements of the Japanese and puppet troops opposite their respective defense zones to prevent the Japanese and puppet troops in Heihe and Fujin from fishing in troubled waters."

    "At the same time, all ministries must do a good job in clearing the country within their respective defense areas. Take away all the food and all materials that can be taken away, and burn those that cannot be taken away. All wells along the road must be filled up. Let the Japanese and puppet troops going north get a  There is no grain of food to supplement, no clean water to drink, and no intelligence support.¡±

    ¡°In addition, the reconnaissance battalion directly under the military region must be organized as a company-level unit, secretly sneak into enemy lines, and continue to perform the tasks of collecting Japanese intelligence and cutting off Japanese supplies.¡±

    ¡°All ministries must immediately start preparations when they return, and the political workers of each ministry must do a good job in mobilizing the troops to ensure that each ministry successfully completes the tasks assigned by the headquarters.¡±

    When Guo Bingxun's words fell, Yang Zhen stood up and looked solemnly at the brigade commanders, political commissars, military division commanders and political commissars: "This is a battle related to our life and death. If you win, you will represent us.  Completely establish a foothold in the Xiajiang area. If we lose, we will have no choice but to retreat to Jiangbei or return to the mountains and forests to live a half-starved life."


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