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Text Chapter 105 Intelligence

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    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at the expressions of Guo Bingxun and Li Mingrui in front of him after listening to his words, and said silently: "No matter whether our deception method can confuse the Japanese and puppet troops, the most important thing for us now is to seize the time.  Train the troops to prepare for the more dangerous environments they may face in the future [.Com text]"

    "Common people often say that when they have food in their hands, they don't panic. This principle is the same in the military. As long as we have a strong military and politically qualified force, we will have enough confidence on the battlefield."

    "No matter how many troops the little devils mobilize to encircle and suppress us, one thing is certain. When they enter the mountains, in order to prevent us from breaking out or moving to other places, they must retain a large number of troops to maintain the blockade. The devils want to destroy us.  It is not to drive us away, so while he is advancing, his blockade will never be withdrawn. "

    "We are limited by the terrain here, and too many troops cannot be deployed at all. As long as the Japanese army enters the mountains to clear up the mountains, they must divide their troops, and their troops in each route will not be too large. Because there is no human habitation in this area for hundreds of miles.  In the primeval forests, it is not only us who face supply problems, but also the Japanese and puppet troops. "

    "And our troops are not dispersed in organizational units like the Anti-Japanese Alliance. All the troops are gathered together. Although there is a risk of being surrounded by the Japanese and puppet troops, or even being eaten here, it also allows us to  The troops we have now are relatively strong. Although the force we have on hand is only one regiment in the Guan Nei army, it is equivalent to the strength of one or even two armies of the Anti-Japanese Army in the Northeast. If the Japanese still use their methods to deal with the Anti-Japanese Army.  If the United Nations uses the old method against us, then it¡¯s not necessarily who will suffer.¡±

    "What I mean by stopping with silence is to wait until the Japanese and puppet troops are dispatched. No matter how many lines of troops they dispatch, we will respond to the changes by remaining unchanged and concentrate our superior forces to annihilate the enemy all the way first. It is better to cut off all the enemy's fingers than to hurt them.  One finger. As long as we can defeat the Japanese and puppet troops, the whole game will be saved."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen said to Guo Bingxun: "Old Guo, you have to work harder these two days. Come up with several contingency plans, formulate several more combat plans, and study the deployment of troops in wartime. Especially think about it.  Which troops can set up ambushes during combat, which can block reinforcements, and how many troops we can deploy as reserves under the existing strength. You can also take a careful look at the surrounding terrain with cadres at all levels.  Get familiar with it. In addition, find some warriors from the mountains to learn more about the winter climate changes in this mountainous area."

    "Although we have all lived in the Northeast, we have lived in cities most of the time. The climate change in mountainous areas is still unfamiliar to us. As a commander, not only must we be able to quickly and accurately grasp the situation on the battlefield,  We must have a certain understanding of the terrain, climate, and water sources in the areas that will become battlefields. Sometimes, climate can be our effective assistant.¡±

    After admonishing Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen said to Li Mingrui: "You guys have a good night's rest today and set off early tomorrow morning to pick up Huang Dali and Dong Ping. Be more careful along the way and communicate with the headquarters immediately if you encounter anything unusual."

    | "After the peace between Huang Dali and Dong Ping, no matter whether the Japanese took the bait or not, you must seize the time to withdraw. After resting, immediately change to serve as a security guard for the troops. When the enemy's situation is unknown, the security cordon of the troops must be lowered.  It's very far away. We simply can't deploy too many troops right now. In addition, we need you to conduct reconnaissance of the enemy's situation outside the mountain."

    After saying that, Yang Zhen smiled at Guo Bingxun and said, "But we should still trust the abilities of the three of them. Mingrui has been traveling around the world for many years, and his vision, vigilance and skill are all top-notch."

    "Huang Dali is a veteran scout, and he is the only veteran scout in the army who has experienced the Long March. Although he is a little irritable, he has extremely rich practical experience, and his marksmanship is slightly inferior to mine. But the biggest  The disadvantage is that I am uneducated and cannot understand maps.¡±

    "And Dong Ping has rich experience in guerrilla warfare, is also very good at politics, and is extremely calm and able to keep things under control. As long as the three of them cooperate well, there shouldn't be any big problems."

    As for Yang Zhen¡¯s evaluation of Li Mingrui and the others, Guo Bingxun thinks it is quite appropriate.  Guo Bingxun also agreed with Yang Zhen's idea of ??using silence to brake.  As an officer with a background as a staff officer, he is very familiar with the current combat effectiveness of the troops, and knows that at least the troops do not yet have the strength to take the initiative.

    There are too many problems exposed in the previous proactive attack. We will continue to solve them. In addition, many new recruits also need training.  In the past few days since entering the mountains again, the troops, especially the new recruits, have only completed formation, use of firearms and the most basic tactical training.  It can only ensure that the troops do not scatter when they are on a long-distance attack.  ?Learn how to hide yourself on the battlefield and not put yourself under the opponent's gun.

    Those so-called veterans who have fought in the war are still lacking in all aspects, especially infantry-artillery coordination and even infantry-machine coordination need to be strengthened.  And those new recruits haven't even had live-fire training yet.  When such troops are pulled out to face the Japanese army, it is not a battle, but a massacre.

    After pondering for a while, Guo Bingxun said: "Commander, based on what I know about the reaction speed of the Japanese army, once the report of our movements is received, the time until they dispatch will be faster. I think our next training will be based on the original  Should the all-weather tactical training be changed to tactics in the morning and live-fire shooting in the afternoon? Time waits for no one and we cannot put all our hope in the Japanese army and turn our attention to the north of Dunhua.  Above all. The most fundamental thing is that we must have the ability and experience to deal with emergencies.¡±

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's suggestion, Yang Zhen thought about it for a while and nodded: "I think it's okay. There are tactics in the army that are not good at climbing, and there is a queue that cannot be learned. If you want to perfect the tactics, it is simply impossible.  Most of the experience has to be learned on the battlefield. After one or two more battles, I think they will truly mature.¡±

    Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun are here to study the next move of the Japanese and puppet troops, but they don't know that Lieutenant General Sasaki Yuichi, who has arrived in Weihe County, is also meeting with Kwantung Army Intelligence Director Staff Yamaoka who was specially sent by General Ueda Kenkichi to assist him.  Daowu studied their movements together.

    After receiving information that most of the Japanese and puppet spies had disappeared without a trace after being sent out, and only a few Japanese and puppet spies had returned from the mountains, Yamaoka Michio did not dare to delay at all and immediately reported to Sasaki.  .

    Looking at the information sent by Michio Yamaoka, Toichi Sasaki did not show the excitement Yamaoka Michio imagined, but his brows became more and more frowned.  Taking the information, Sasaki looked at the map for a long time before saying, "Yamaoka-kun, do you think this information can determine the exact location of those Chinese people?"

    In response to Sasaki Chuichi's inquiry, Yamaoka Michitake hesitated and said: "I think through the reports reported by these intelligence personnel, we can basically determine the actual location of those hateful Chinese people."

    After that, Yamagang Daowu walked to the map and pointed at it and said: "Your Excellency, Commander, look at the mountainous area in the northern part of Dunhua with high mountains, dense forests, criss-crossed swamps, and no human habitation for nearly a hundred miles. There are large tracts of land in the east and south directions of this area.  Mountain forests and swamps can become a natural line of defense, and the north is connected to the mountainous ravines in the southwest of Ning¡¯an and Jiaohe, so there is a lot of room for maneuver.¡±

    "Whether it was the Imperial Kwantung Army or the Manchukuo State, after Emu County moved westward to Jiaohe Town, the garrison and police forces there retreated south to Dunhua County. Even in the old Emu County, there were only some Manchurians  The police force in the entire northern part of Dunhua is relatively empty, almost blank."

    "This is the hinterland of Zhang Guangcai Mountains, with high mountains and dense forests, sparsely populated areas, and extremely difficult to obtain supplies. Even the anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese elements in Manchukuo have never set up their so-called base here because it is difficult to obtain supplies due to the desolate population."

    "Based on the amount of grain purchased by the Chinese people after we recaptured Weihe County, the grain they seized in Weihe County should be enough to sustain them for three to five months. I think since they are not short of food, then for  To avoid the reconnaissance of the Kwantung Army, they will inevitably find a hiding place to wait, and the area north of Pipa Mountain in the north of Dunhua, which the locals call Laobai Mountain, is suitable for their needs. "

    "There are virgin forests everywhere, and there is no human habitation within more than a hundred miles. Even the imperial map, which is always known for its accuracy, is not very clear about the markings there. In most areas, even the most basic contours are not marked.  . The situation there is relatively unfamiliar even to the empire. The maps used by the Chinese are the standard maps of the captured imperial army. I don¡¯t think they don¡¯t understand this. "

    Regarding Yamaoka Michio's analysis, Sasaki Toichi shook his head and said with some disapproval: "Yamaoka-kun's analysis is very reasonable, but it is a bit too idealistic. Judging from this information, Yamaoka-kun  The analysis is very correct, but according to the comprehensive information, it is not necessarily the case.¡±

    Having said this, Sasaki smiled slightly and said: "Yamaoka-kun, if I remember correctly, your so-called intelligence agents and the agents sent by the special high-tech departments of Ning'an, Dunhua, and Jiaohe counties are not just all the way.  . Instead, starting from the northern blockade, along the west side of the blockade to the Qingshangouzi line on the southern line, at least dozens of special agent teams were deployed to conduct reconnaissance in the mountains. However, only one of those special agent teams sent back a report.  Is this normal?"

    "A full month and a half has passed, yourHow many staff members have returned?  How many more useful reports have been sent back?  Until now, your agents have seen no one alive or dead, could it be possible that these people have been taken care of by the wild beasts in Guangcai Ridge?  "

    Although Sasaki Toichi kept smiling when he said these words, his smile gave Yamaoka Michio a rather creepy feeling.  It makes people feel that it is not a smile, but a sneer that makes people feel cold to the heart.

    Yamaoka Michio, who was sweating coldly due to Sasaki Chuichi's smiling expression, hesitated for a long time but didn't know how to answer.  He regretted so much that he almost bit off his tongue: "Why did I express my position so anxiously just now?"

    In fact, Yamaoka Michio also felt that something was wrong.  Forget those who were developed from among the mountain people and were not even half-skilled intelligence officers.  But a dozen of the people he sent out were agents specially selected and trained by the Kwantung Army from expatriates who had lived in Manchuria since childhood.  These personnel have received professional intelligence training and have made great achievements in dealing with the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements who call themselves the Anti-League.

    But it¡¯s been such a long time since these imperial elite agents entered the mountain. Except for two teams who came back to replenish supplies after searching to no avail, most of the others didn¡¯t even send back a single message.  There is no way to justify this.

    Those in the Imperial Agent School are not specially trained to train losers.  These people themselves are familiar with the Manchu way of life. Even their words, deeds, and clothing are almost the same as those of the Manchus, and they themselves have received strict training.  To say that these people all failed, Michio Yamaoka, who was a senior intelligence officer of the Imperial Army, would not believe it even if he died.

    However, after careful analysis of the authenticity of this information, Michio Yamaoka believes that this information still has a certain degree of credibility.  Although very few of the agents he sent out came back, a few did come back.  The intelligence provided by these returning intelligence officers pointed to the hiding places of the Chinese people there.

    The most important thing is that a special agent disguised as an Orion traveled with the so-called China reconnaissance team for three days.  This is also confirmed by the situations in which people, despite being cautious, still leaked information when facing strangers.  Moreover, this intelligence officer was not the Manchurian intelligence officer who was not very credible, but an elite agent trained by the Kwantung Army.

    Looking at Michio Yamaoka who was suddenly sweating profusely in front of him, Sasaki didn't get angry. Instead, he threw the information in his hand on the table in front of him and said: "Yamaoka-kun, don't you believe in the truth of this information?"  Sex? ""Your Excellency, I have no doubts about the authenticity of this information. This information was obtained by imperial agents with their blood and lives. Although this information may be a deliberate illusion set up by the Chinese to confuse us.  We cannot deny the professionalism of those Imperial intelligence officers."

    "Your Excellency, General, it has entered winter in Northern Manchuria. The temperature in the mountains can reach as low as minus 40 degrees, and the snow is even up to the waist. These agents of the empire are suffering from hunger and cold in the mountains and forests, even at the cost of their blood and lives.  We have no reason to doubt its authenticity."

    "And judging from the terrain and actual situation, the hiding place of the Chinese people provided in this intelligence is very consistent with the current situation of the Chinese people. Therefore, Your Excellency, I am convinced of the authenticity and reliability of this intelligence."

    Having said this, Yamaoka Michio gritted his teeth and said: "As well as the accuracy of this information, I think it can still be trusted."

    Regarding Yamaoka Michio¡¯s explanation, Sasaki Toichi shook his head and said: ¡°Yamaoka-kun, you are the head of the Kwantung Army¡¯s Intelligence Section, and it is your responsibility to judge and analyze intelligence. But some things cannot just be based on superficial characteristics.¡±

    "What is the total strength of those Chinese people? Although we have never been able to get an approximate number, the number is at least around a thousand. Not to mention how many laborers they recruited in Weihe County, when they turned to fight and opened up the group tribes  How many soldiers were summoned?"

    "They kidnapped more than a dozen doctors in Weihe County alone. According to this analysis, their total strength will not be less than a thousand people. If they didn't have that many troops, what were they doing arresting those doctors? They shouldn't be supplying too much  There are too many, so you are willing to feed a bunch of idlers, right? But have your intelligence officers seen the full strength of these Chinese people?"

    "What they saw was just a so-called small group of China's reconnaissance troops, but did they figure out the exact location of their main force? Did they see the secret camps of those people? They just listened to the few words that those China reconnaissance troops inadvertently revealed.  Can we conclude that their main force is hiding in that area of ??Laobai Mountain?"

    "Are your agents too naive, or are the Chinese people too stupid? You can come to this conclusion without seeing their secret camp. The brains of your agents, as well as your commanderHow does the head of the Intelligence Section grow?  "

    "Also, what are those small reconnaissance troops doing? Why are they conducting reconnaissance to the north? What is their purpose? Except for some vague things, your information has not yielded anything useful."

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