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Text Chapter 106 Sasaki Toichi¡¯s Decision

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    After hearing the words of Lieutenant General Sasaki, who almost pointed at his own nose and called his subordinates a loser, Yamaoka Michio, who had a strong self-esteem, could not bear it no matter how good his temper was and no matter how strict the hierarchy in the Japanese army was.  [.Com text] Not to mention that this young and successful Yamaoka Michio is also a proud and arrogant guy.

    Regarding Lieutenant General Sasaki's accusation, Michio Yamaoka restrained his anger and said in a calm tone: "Your Excellency, please don't accuse our agents like this. You have been a consultant on Manchurian affairs for many years.  I think you should understand that we previously broke into the secret camps of the anti-Manchu anti-Japanese armed forces and destroyed their determination and ability to resist. First, most of their secret camps were built in shallow mountain areas where it is easy to attack. "

    "Second, when we destroy the secret camps where the so-called anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese elements rely on to survive, we can often rely on the confessions of their so-called traitors. As the saying goes, the easiest place to break through fortresses is their interior."

    "With those traitors who know them well leading us to destroy their supplies, it is often more effective with half the effort. As for this anti-Manchu anti-Japanese armed force in China, firstly, we have not captured any prisoners of war. Secondly, so far they have not had any internal  A traitor appears."

    "When our agents who went into the mountains encountered their so-called reconnaissance troops, they once thought about capturing their personnel in order to extract confessions. However, they did not expect that these people were extremely vigilant and seemed to have received professional counter-arrests.  Prisoner training. Not only did our agents fail, they also suffered heavy losses during the capture operation."

    "Without the prisoners' confessions and without the guidance of the traitors, our agents can only bite the bullet and contact them head-on, hoping to extract useful information for us. What does this mean to the agents? I think your Excellency  It should be clear. Those Chinese people are obviously very cunning, and they don't trust our well-disguised agents, and they will kill them if there is even the slightest suspicion."

    "Don't talk about those Manchukuo agents who are greedy for life and fear of death. Even the Chinese agents that our Empire of Japan has painstakingly cultivated, except for a few individuals, most of them were discovered by them. This is beyond my imagination.  Its solution place.¡±

    "Almost all of our agents grew up in Manchuria. Their living habits and language are no different from those of ordinary Manchurians. How come they still reveal their identities? Could it be that these mainland China people can read minds and can  Can¡¯t you read the other person¡¯s mind?¡±

    "Your Excellency, I think you are familiar with the capabilities of the Imperial Agents. During the China Incident last year, the Imperial Agents obtained a large amount of information on the China Army while fighting against it, and established great military exploits for the Empire. But this time  But I didn¡¯t expect that the deep mountains and forests of Manchukuo would suffer such heavy losses.¡±

    "Your Excellency, had it not been for the request of Deputy Chief of Staff Ishihara, the Kwantung Army Intelligence Division would never have sent so many agents into the mountains and forests for a small group of Chinese army prisoners who escaped from the prisoner of war camp.  It is precisely because of such a huge loss that I believe this information is true and has credibility.¡±

    Although Sasaki was very angry at Yamaoka Michio's contradictory words, he was a China expert after all.  For Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi, who has spent nearly half of his military career in China and has a good understanding of the temper and temperament of China in most areas, Yamaoka Michio's words still make sense.

    Sasaki suppressed the anger in his heart, picked up the intelligence and read it carefully from the beginning, and said: "Yamaoka-kun, I have no doubts about the loyalty and ability of these intelligence personnel to the empire, but the credibility of this intelligence is not."  It¡¯s not big.¡±

    "So many intelligence officers have been exposed. How do you know whether the few surviving intelligence officers are those left by the Chinese to confuse our informants? Are their words meant to cover up something?"

    "Your Excellency, we are not here to evaluate the authenticity of the intelligence. It needs to be tested. How reliable is this intelligence? After we mobilize our troops to carry out a clearing operation in the area pointed out in the intelligence,  Don¡¯t you understand everything?¡±

    Although he had been suppressing the anger in his heart, these words of Michio Yamaoka finally brought out Sasaki Chuichi's anger completely.  Sasaki Toichi took a red and blue pencil and drew a large circle on the map according to the area mentioned in the intelligence, and said coldly: "Yamaoka-kun, you are talking very lightly."

    "Yamaoka-kun, based on the terrain here, how many troops do you plan to mobilize to clear this place? Ten thousand? Or twenty thousand? As a professionally trained imperial officer, you should know that we are dragging the net there.  During the campaign, the blockade must not only be lifted, but must be strengthened.¡±

    "Your Excellency, the 8th of the 4th DivisionThe team has completed the mopping up of the so-called Second and Third Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the Xiajiang area, and will soon be transferred to Ning'an and Weihe areas under your command to be responsible for the mopping up the Zhangguangcailing area.  "

    "With the assistance of the Eighth Regiment, coupled with the currently mobilized troops, I think it will be enough to complete the clearing there. Or we can use the Eighth Regiment to remove some of the Manchurian troops participating in the blockade, and then  They carried out the clearing mission. At the same time, as usual, they selected part of the Kwantung Army to be used as a supervisory team."

    "Although I was transferred to the Kwantung Army Intelligence Section Chief just at the beginning of the year, I have also heard that the Lieutenant General is known as the father of the Manchurian Army. The so-called Manchurian Army was trained and organized by your Excellency. We use the Manchurian Army to go into the mountains to clear out the enemy.  It is time to demonstrate your merits to Tokyo and the Kwantung Army.

    "Moreover, if we clean up there, even if the Chinese army is not found, then we can use the investigation method to determine the approximate hiding location of the Chinese army. Since our opponents have not been found in the mountainous area north of Dunhua, then they can only  Hiding in the mountains southwest of Ning'an was their only option after abandoning northern Dunhua as a hiding place."

    " In response to Sasaki Chuichi's rhetorical question, Yamaokamichi, who has been an underground intelligence officer since graduating from the military academy, pointed to the map and answered.  Michio Yamaoka could clearly see the contempt in Lieutenant General Sasaki's eyes after he heard his proposal to carry out a sweeping operation in the mountainous area north of Dunhua.

    The contempt for Sasaki Chuichi made Yamaoka Michio feel extremely angry.  As the head of the Intelligence Section, his main task is to provide necessary intelligence support for the operations of the Kwantung Army.  His eyes were more focused on the powerful polar bear on the Manchu-Soviet border.

    As for these anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese elements in Manchuria, it is not his main scope of work.  He was assigned by Deputy Chief of Staff Ishihara to assist the proud Lieutenant General in encircling and suppressing these thieves. In Yamaoka Michio's view, he was already overstating his talents.  As for how many troops to deploy, that is a matter for Sasaki Toichi, who is the commander-in-chief of this campaign, and has nothing to do with him as the intelligence section chief.  His mission is to provide necessary intelligence support for military operations, not to personally command the troops to participate in the suppression.

    "However, I am angry at these words of Sasaki Toichi, but after all, as a senior staff member, Yamaoka Michio's head is still relatively calm.  He knew that if he acted out of impulse, he would be the only one unlucky in the end.  Before his arrival, Deputy Chief of Staff Ishihara had repeatedly asked him to cooperate with the lieutenant general.  So after hesitating for a while, Yamaoka Michio still answered Sasaki's question.

    In response to Yamaoka Michio's answer, Sasaki responded with a sneer: "Yamaoka-kun, I don't know how your intelligence work is doing. But you still need to study military theory. Is it possible that your military knowledge  Shouldn¡¯t all the knowledge be given back to the teachers at the sergeant academy?¡±

    "Deploying the Eighth Regiment, you say it's easy. The Eighth Regiment can only dispatch more than 3,000 people. For this more than 100 miles of virgin forest, these 3,000 people are like putting 3,000 small fishes into the  In the Sea of ??Japan.

    "And see for yourself, under the premise of keeping the original blockade unchanged, how many troops can you deploy into the mountains to clear up the mountains? What we need is to annihilate these anti-Manchu anti-Japanese armed forces and maintain the stability of Manchuria, which has been the lifeline of the empire. And  It is not about fighting a rout war to defeat these anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements and turn them into rogue bandits.¡±

    "This anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese element is very different from other anti-Manchurian armed forces. They are not divided into small groups. According to the analysis of their previous battles, they have always been in a group. To suppress them, we need to  We must mobilize at least ten times its strength, otherwise it will be easy for them to escape. This is not the plains of southern Manchuria, but northern Manchuria with mountains and dense forests, and what we want is a battle of annihilation, not a battle of defeat."

    "And these Chinese people hold the empire's top secrets in their hands, and we cannot let their soldiers escape. According to the requirements of Tokyo and the Kwantung Army headquarters, we cannot even take the step-by-step approach we did with other anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements.  The only way to weaken them is to annihilate them all in one go.¡±

    "According to your method, according to our usual method of dealing with the anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese elements in Manchuria, we can only fight a rout, but cannot annihilate them all. These Chinese people are very cunning. Once they find out that I will carry out a large-scale suppression, and  If the blockade is weakened, they will look for opportunities to escape. Once they slip out of the blockade and leak the empire's secrets, not only me, but you, Yamaoka-kun, will not be able to explain it to the Kwantung Army and the Tokyo headquarters."

    "So Mr. Yamaoka, what I need is not these possible or rough guesses, but their exact location. Tell your agents not to send back these without seeing their secret camp with your own eyes."  What a great report.¡±

      "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, I'm sorry. The mountains are now blocked by heavy snow, and it is very difficult for our agents to move in the mountains, especially supplies. And according to the weather information sent by the Kwantung Army Aviation Corps, in the next few days, the entire  The mountainous areas in the north of Dunhua and the southwest of Ning'an will face heavy snowfall, and the temperature will drop to below minus 40 degrees. According to the estimated snowfall amount in the report, after this snowfall, the snow in the mountains can even reach waist depth.  . Under this situation, our intelligence personnel may have lost their ability to move. "

    "In order to protect the safety of these intelligence personnel that the empire has painstakingly cultivated, I will order all of our intelligence personnel, except for the intelligence personnel of Manchukuo, to withdraw from the mountainous area."

    "Your Excellency, the Kwantung Army's intelligence department can no longer afford to suffer such heavy losses. You should know that these intelligence personnel have been painstakingly trained by us. They are prepared to deal with changes in the situation in the future. They are not here in Northern Manchuria.  To deal with these thieves in the deep mountains and old forests."

    Having said that, Yamaoka Michio took out a report from a folder in his hand and handed it to Sasaki and said: "However, in order to avoid the gap in intelligence caused by our intelligence personnel after the withdrawal. I have already contacted the aviation force  I contacted them and asked them to send reconnaissance planes to carry out large-scale aerial reconnaissance again after the snowfall in the mountainous areas at the junction of Ning'an and Weihe, north of Dunhua Emu Town. I think with the snow as a reference, aerial reconnaissance can be faster.  to find these Chinese elements.¡±

    "In addition, Lieutenant General, I would like to advise you. Since Lieutenant General has mobilized a large number of troops to strictly blockade this area of ????the mountain forest, you can also mobilize some troops from these blockade troops to go into the mountains and actively search for it.  Rather than sending out a few small troops to provide support and supplies to the agents entering the mountains, the Imperial Army has always taken the initiative to seek battle, and has never been in such a situation of avoiding battle. "

    "Your Excellency, if you let these Chinese people go, the Kwantung Army and Tokyo will certainly not forgive you. But these intelligence personnel of mine are painstakingly trained by the empire and serve the entire empire's jihad, not just you. If  Therefore, the losses are too great, and I am afraid that the Kwantung Army and Tokyo will not be able to spare you. As for the reason for the withdrawal, I will explain it to Commander Ueda Kenkichi, Chief of Staff Isotani Rensuke, and Deputy Chief of Staff Kanji Ishihara. Please don't worry.  ¡±

    Having said this, Michio Yamaoka looked at Sasaki, whose face was ashen after hearing what he said, and then smiled and said: "Your Excellency, there is one more thing that I have to remind you. Although you have formulated  They have the patience to complete the tactics of a long-term siege, but General Ueda Kenkichi and the Tokyo base camp may not have this patience. According to my estimation, the food and ammunition obtained by the Chinese in Weihe County are enough to support them.  This winter. And if you wait until next spring, I¡¯m afraid you¡¯ll be wondering how to explain it to the Kwantung Army Headquarters and Tokyo Base Camp.¡±

    "So I suggest you take advantage of the snow, which will reveal the whereabouts of those Chinese people, or send troops to follow my suggestion and conduct a sweep of the mountainous area north of Dunhua to determine the exact hiding place of those Chinese people.  After all, the swamps in the north of Dunhua cannot serve as a barrier in the cold winter that can freeze all life."

    "In addition, there is another suggestion for your reference. If the troops of the Fourth Division are used to undertake blockade tasks, it is still possible. If they are used as the main force to enter the mountains to clean up, please consider it carefully. If it is convenient for you, you can still  I advise you to report to Commander Ueda Kenkichi and transfer the troops of the 12th Division to take over the 4th Division. Otherwise, if something abnormal happens to the troops of the 4th Division, your entire clearing plan may be jeopardized."

    "Your Excellency, I have said everything that should be said and should not be said. As for whether you can listen to it or not, that is your personal matter. Please take care of yourself. I will take my leave." After that, Yamaoka Michio did not say anything.  Seeing the expression on the livid face of Sasaki Chuiichi who was angry at his words, he walked out of Sasaki Chuiichi's office without looking back.

    "Baga." Looking at the back of Yamaoka Michitake as he walked away, Sasaki was completely angered by his attitude and drew out his saber and split the desk in front of him and the map on the table into two pieces.

    Although angry, Sasaki Toichi had to admit that what Yamaoka Michio said still made sense.  Indeed, neither the Kwantung Army Headquarters nor the Tokyo Base Camp would give themselves this time.  Although Commander Ueda Kenkichi agreed with his opinion, he had called him several times to inquire about his progress.  Although he didn't say much after getting his answer, the few words he revealed already made Sasaki feel tremendous pressure.

    Because he knew that this was not only the intention of Commander Ueda Kenkichi, but also the intention of Tokyo and even the Emperor.  As the top military adviser to the puppet Manchukuo for many years, he served inHaving given strong support to the Kwantung Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, he knew that what made the Emperor and Tokyo anxious was that these Chinese people were not simply anti-Manchu anti-Japanese elements. They held the empire's top military secrets in their hands.

    After pondering for a long time, Sasaki called to the combat staff and issued several orders in succession: "1. Immediately contact the Kwantung Army headquarters and ask them to send planes after the snow to attack the southwest of Ning'an, Dunhua Emu, and the north of Qingshangouzi line.  Large-scale aerial reconnaissance was conducted again in the mountainous areas.¡±

    "Order the 8th Regiment attached to the 4th Division not to make corrections after arrival, but to immediately prepare to enter the mountains. In Dunhua and Ning'an, the Manchurian Forest Police Brigade and

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