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Text Chapter 104 Enemy Situation

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    After placing the commander in chief to rest, Yang Zhen, who was eager to understand the changes in the enemy situation around him, immediately found Li Mingrui and Huang Dali.  [.Com text] Looking at Li Mingrui, who had not seen him for more than 20 days and had lost weight, Yang Zhen said: "Mingrui, what did you find this time? What is said in this telegram is not as clear as what you reported in person.  "

    Hearing Yang Zhen's question, Li Mingrui said quickly: "Commander, according to the plan you made this time, we will first go north, and then go south to operate on the west side of the entire blockade of the Japanese. After more than ten days of activities, we did find that  We killed many suspicious people, captured more than 20 people, and had more than ten contacts with small Japanese troops entering the mountains."

    ¡°After interrogation, we can be sure that among those we captured and killed, except for two or three people who secretly went into the mountains to get some mountain goods for the New Year, the remaining more than 30 people were disguised as mountain goods traders and hunters.  Japanese spies. Especially the dozen or so people killed were all Japanese spies in makeup.¡±

    "There are more than 20 puppet Manchukuo spies among these people, and the rest are Japanese spies born and raised in Manchuria. Commander, although the puppet Manchukuo spies are a bit more cunning, they are more afraid of death, and it is easy to pry their mouths open. They are the most difficult to deal with.  It¡¯s those Japanese spies.¡±

    "Most of these Japanese spies grew up in the Northeast, and their Northeastern dialect is extremely authentic. Even every move in their words and deeds is no different from the Northeastern people we have come into contact with. It is extremely difficult to distinguish based on language alone. If it weren't for  You taught us to take off their pants to see if they were wearing underwear, what kind of underwear they were wearing, and the compasses they carried, which almost fooled them a few times. "

    "Before our departure, you repeatedly explained that although the Japanese are very similar to the Chinese in appearance, especially those Japanese spies who have lived in China since childhood and have been deliberately trained by them, whether it is language or clothing,  Even the habits are almost the same as those of Chinese people.¡±

    "But there is one thing they cannot change because they think they are preserving their traditions, and that is the habit of wearing diapers that they have developed since childhood. As for the Chinese, wealthy people are used to wearing underwear. As for the poor, generally they don't wear underwear. No one  I would choose their kind of diapers that waste fabrics and don¡¯t protect anything. And most of the rich people who go to the mountains in this season are not so leisurely, so we will follow your method when it comes to identifying Japanese spies.  Almost every attempt is made, and nothing is missed.¡±

    Regarding Li Mingrui's report, Yang Zhen nodded and said: "You have done a good job. However, your task is not only to eliminate the spies who entered the mountain, but also to turn the attention of the Japanese and puppet troops to the mountainous area north of Dunhua.  how's it going?"

    "Commander, don't worry, we dare not forget what you told us. We will focus our attack on the Japanese and puppet spies, because although these people do not have much combat effectiveness, they are the most harmful to us. So we are fighting against  When encountering small groups of Japanese and puppet troops, they almost always try to avoid encountering them except when necessary, and instead focus on these spies.¡±

    "When we met those few people who were definitely ordinary people, the few words we revealed inadvertently also pointed our secret camp to the mountainous area in the north of Dunhua. In order to deceive the enemy, we took many measures  Using this method, we even deliberately spared a few puppet Manchukuo spies. However, in order to appear more realistic, we executed several captured Japanese spies in front of those puppet Manchukuo spies.¡±

    "If I hadn't received your telegram, the commander-in-chief had already passed Mudanjiang and asked us to respond. At this time, I think we would have done almost everything we should have done for this mission. However, in order to better complete the mission, before responding to the commander-in-chief  At that time, I only led two teams, and the rest were led by Huang Dali and Dong Ping to continue dealing with the Japanese and puppet troops. "

    "It has been five days since we separated. If there are no accidents, they should now follow our predetermined plan and launch near the Laobai Mountain line near the blockade in the north of Dunhua. They will attack in small teams and consciously and proactively search for the Japanese puppets.  The military's contact with the small troops in the mountains is the final stone for our plan."

    After listening to Li Mingrui's report, Yang Zhen nodded with satisfaction, turned around and said to Guo Bingxun next to him: "It seems that they did a good job. Not only did they strictly implement the tasks assigned by their superiors, but they also responded to changes in the situation."  He is flexible and does not rigidly implement the battle plan assigned by his superiors. It is good and progress has been made.¡±

    Hearing this, Guo Bingxun also nodded: "I think their mission has almost been completed. I think they can be notified to withdraw in a few days. Now that the weather is getting colder day by day, and they are far away from supplies, it is better to withdraw earlier."  It¡¯s better to rest.¡±

    "If they can do this, if they believe it, then the area from the upper reaches of the Mudan River in Dunhua to the Hailang River has both high mountains, dense forests, and large swamps.Judging from the complex terrain, even if it mobilizes heavy troops and adopts a dragnet-style clearing campaign, it will not be completed in less than a month and a half.  This area is not the shallow mountainous terrain of Wuchang and Acheng, but has real high mountains and dense forests.  Coupled with the time it takes for them to mobilize enough troops, they should be able to buy us two months.  "

    "If you still don't believe that they have done this, I can only say that it is better to let them withdraw as soon as possible. If their small troops stay there, they will not be able to contain the enemy and cooperate with our operations, nor can they guarantee their own safety.  Security. On the contrary, it disperses our own strength.¡±

    Having said this, Guo Bingxun turned the topic to Li Mingrui and said, "Did you suffer any casualties when you went out this time? How is the current supply situation?"

    "Except for two minor injuries, there were no casualties. This is because we agreed not to contact the Japanese and puppet troops entering the mountain before arriving at Pipa Mountain and try to avoid them. During the activities, the distance between the teams was  Strictly in accordance with the commander's requirements, it should not exceed five miles, and the opponent was a Japanese spy with poor combat effectiveness, so except for two soldiers who were slightly injured, the rest were fine. "

    "One of the two wounded was injured when he was arresting the agent. He did not expect that the agent who was deliberately hiding would resist and was cut open by a knife. The other was when he was camping and was almost touched by the little Japanese agent.  The sentry was injured by a grenade thrown by a Japanese agent during the counterattack. He suffered a few shrapnel on his buttocks, but the injury was not serious and did not affect the march and combat of the troops. "

    "That night was very dangerous. Six agents used our campfire to find a team's camping site. If the commander hadn't given us special training and specifically taught us how to camp in the mountains and forests at night, this team would have used  The grenade set up a trip mine and acted as an alarm, and we really suffered a big loss. "

    "However, although the casualties were not large, the supplies were almost exhausted when I separated from Huang Dali and Dong Ping. Commander and Chief of Staff, you two just said that the weather is getting colder every day, so when you are doing outdoor activities  , in order to maintain the strength of the soldiers, although many methods were thought of, the supplies were consumed quickly. "

    Having said this, Li Mingrui took out a notebook from his shoulder bag, walked to the map hanging behind Yang Zhen, looked at Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun and said: "Commander, Chief of Staff, let me report what we did on the interrogation day.  Some situations I got when I was a fake spy.¡±

    After seeing Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun nodding, Li Mingrui pointed at the map and said: "Commander, your estimate that the southern edge of the Japanese blockade is in the upper reaches of Mudanjiang is a little inaccurate. Maybe the Japanese don't leave us much room for movement.  , so their southern edge of the blockade did not choose Mudanjiang, but was placed north of the Emu Town and Qinggouzi lines. Their western blockade was not on the Wei'an Mountain line, but on the Ant River line. "

    "This time the Japanese and puppet troops mobilized to encircle and suppress us include two mixed brigades from the Fourth Military District of the Puppet Manchuria, as well as four military police companies stationed in Harbin, the Ning'an Military Police Regiment, plus the Ning'an Forest Police, Binsui Guards  Two regiments of road police stationed in Wuchang and Maoershan, as well as part of the Japanese independent fifth guard force."

    "Furthermore, as the Japanese and puppet troops have completed their suppression of the Xiajiang area, the Japanese army has recently decided to transfer a regiment of the Japanese Fourth Division from the Xiajiang area to suppress the Japanese anti-alliance forces in the North Manchuria area to strengthen the attack on areas where we may be hiding.  Blockade and prepare to participate in the encirclement and suppression of us.¡±

    "The two mixed brigades of the Puppet Manchu Army are stationed in Changting Town in Ning'an and Emu Town in Dunhua. Their troops are mainly distributed on the southern and eastern fronts. The thin line consists of the so-called former stationed in Wuchang and Mao'er.  There are two regiments of the Binsui Railway Road Protection Police in Shanshan. The task of blocking the northern line is carried out by two squadrons of the Japanese Independent Fifth Guard Corps, as well as the Ning'an Military Police Regiment and the Ning'an Forest Police.

    "However, in order to strengthen the monitoring of the Puppet Manchukuo Army, the Japanese army did not station large groups of Japanese troops in other directions, but almost every Puppet Manchukuo Army had at least a small group of Japanese troops. All radio stations of the Puppet Manchuria Army and Police were controlled.  In the hands of the Japanese army. Moreover, the Japanese and puppet troops sent a large number of so-called propaganda squads to almost all the group tribes and market towns around us."

    "According to the confessions of the captured puppet Manchukuo agents, in order to clear us out this time, the Japanese army specially transferred Lieutenant General Sasaki, who was originally the top adviser to the puppet Manchukuo Military and Political Department, from the pass back to serve as the commander of the independent fifth guard force, specifically responsible for our  "

    "However, these agents are all small agents at the lowest level. Except for a company commander of the Puppet Manchukuo Gendarmerie, most of the agents who have a certain understanding of the upper levels do not know anything about anything. The composition of the Japanese blockade is based on the confession of the company commander.  But it doesn¡¯t know much about the details of this Sasaki.¡±

    ¡°One thing is certain: the Japanese have confiscated civilian firearms on a large scale to cut off the source of weapons and ammunition for the Anti-Union Alliance.This guy brought it up when he was serving as an adviser to the Puppet Manchukuo Military and Political Department.  This guy was also responsible for the transformation of the puppet Manchukuo army.  It was also this guy who sent some retired Japanese military officers to serve in the puppet Manchukuo army.  He even personally directed the puppet Manchukuo army's encirclement and suppression operations in the Xiajiang area and South Manchuria.  "

    "Is it him?" Yang Zhen's expression changed slightly when he heard Li Mingrui reporting the name of the Japanese commander who was targeting him during the campaign.  His face, which had been calm just now, suddenly became extremely serious, and even showed a hint of ferocity from time to time.

    Seeing the change in Yang Zhen's face, Guo Bingxun said curiously: "Why, has the commander heard of this guy?"

    "Not only have I heard about it, it can be said that it is thunderous. Let's not talk about the huge losses this guy caused to the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the Northeast. Just say that this guy served as the 30th Brigade of the 16th Division of the Japanese Army last year.  In the long run, the crimes he committed in Nanjing would be enough to shoot him a thousand times."

    "During the Nanjing Massacre, two divisions of the Japanese army killed the most people and committed the greatest crimes. One was Hisao Tani's Sixth Division, and the other was Nakajima Kongo's Sixteenth Division. These two divisions were in Nanjing.  What they did was even called the Beast Army by their ally Nazi Germany.¡±

    "And the 30th Brigade of the 16th Division was among all the Japanese troops that participated in the Nanjing Massacre. It was one of the most criminal and brutal troops in the Nanjing Massacre. This Sasaki Toichi and his men were in Nanjing  He committed a heinous crime against our Chinese nation.¡±

    "Not just in Nanjing, but also in the Northeast. The so-called "Three-Year Public Security Purge Plan" that brought huge losses to the Anti-Japanese Alliance was formulated by this guy when he was the top adviser to the Puppet Manchukuo Military and Political Department. It brought endless harm to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  , and even the so-called "Group Tribe Construction Plan" that affected the survival of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was created by this guy. "

    Yang Zhen was deeply impressed by Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi, whether in his past life or in this life.  Not only him, but every Chinese who is a little bloody will never forget this name.

    Although he hated this guy so much that he gritted his teeth, Yang Zhen did not let the hatred go to his head.  He knew that Sasaki Toichi, when he served as an adviser to the Puppet Manchukuo Military and Political Department, was able to train the scattered Puppet Manchukuo army into the most combat effective during the entire Anti-Japanese War, causing huge losses to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and even the combat effectiveness could compete with the medium-sized troops in the Kannada  The puppet army is definitely not a good person.

    It was also his so-called vicious plan of group tribes to cut off the lifeline of the Anti-Union, which dealt a fatal blow to the Anti-Union.  This makes the survival of the Anti-Japanese Alliance increasingly difficult, with nowhere to supply supplies.  Even for every grain of food, one has to pay the price of blood and life.  Single-handedly forced the Anti-Union into a desperate situation.

    The plan he formulated against the Anti-Japanese Alliance in Manchukuo was even strictly implemented by the Kwantung Army until the end of the Anti-Japanese War.  It was precisely these plans of his that after the Anti-Union forces suffered huge losses, the remaining troops could no longer stand in the Northeast and could only retreat to the Soviet Union to preserve their strength.

    Not to mention anything else, just from the fact that the Kwantung Army, which has always been conceited, even broke the convention and transferred this person who had not yet served as the commander of the military police of the Chinese Garrison Army back to the Kwantung Army in order to deal with itself.  It has been shown that this guy is not a simple character.  Yang Zhen did not dare to be careless about the opponent he was about to face.

    Strategically, you can look down on your opponents, but tactically, Yang Zhen still understands that you must pay attention to any of your opponents.  After pondering for a long time, Yang Zhen said: "This new opponent, judging from its past experience, will be a tough, even difficult opponent for us to deal with."

    "In the situation where we have no friendly support, no fixed supplies, and no intelligence support, I think it is better to be still than to move. The only thing that is beneficial to us now is that we are in the dark and they are in the open."

    "I think we should temporarily rely on the current position where the defense fortifications have been repaired, and we can stop quietly. If the enemy doesn't move, we won't move. If the enemy moves, we will move again. Although I don't like being passive, it is in our best interest now.  The situation is to continue to hide and wait until the Japanese move out, and then we will look for fighters in the movement."

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