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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 40 The dragon enters the sea (7)

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    Although he knew there was little hope, Yang Zhen still hoped that Ma Ming would appear in the lens of his telescope.  [.Com text] As the sound of gunfire in the distance gradually subsided, facing the still empty camera, Yang Zhen's heart gradually became cold.

    Just when Yang Zhen was still holding on to the last glimmer of hope and still holding a telescope to observe desperately, Peng Dingjie, who had been standing next to him and directing the wounded to cross the river, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Old Yang, all the brothers have crossed."  It¡¯s over, let¡¯s withdraw.¡±

    "The sound of gunfire over there has subsided, and the Japs will pounce on them soon. The gunfire over there was so intense that the Japs even used cannons. I'm afraid Ma Ming and the others are already in danger. We are in danger.  We cannot let Ma Ming¡¯s blood flow in vain.¡±

    After hearing Peng Dingjie's persuasion, he put down the telescope in his hand. Yang Zhen nodded slightly and said: "I also know that there is little hope that they can retreat, but there is always a trace of illusion in my heart. This Ma Ming dares to stand up in times of crisis.  He went out and took the initiative to cut off the rear of the entire army. And he bought us such a long time with just a few dozen people. In the future, he will be a tiger general. It is easy to get a thousand troops, but it is hard to find one."

    Yang Zhen sighed, but he followed Peng Dingjie's persuasion and did not insist on waiting.  Yang Zhen was somewhat unwilling to just withdraw like this.  Fortunately, he obtained dozens of landmines from the bungalow that Shiro Ishii originally planned to use to establish an isolation zone, as well as many grenades from the puppet Manchukuo soldiers killed by Bi, giving him a chance to show off his skills.

    Yang Zhen and his two more clever brothers arranged more than a dozen booby traps around the ferry before the Japanese pursuers arrived.  Even on the two ferries he deliberately left behind, he also cleverly set up several booby traps.

    Seeing Yang Zhen's many changes, there was no difference. Even the places where he laid mines were mined with methods that ordinary people could not imagine. Peng Dingjie, who was almost dumbfounded by his changeable methods, didn't look at Yang Zhen in disbelief until Yang Zhen finished his work and said: "  Lao Yang, how did you come up with this? What else do you not know? How did you learn these things?"

    Regarding Peng Dingjie¡¯s sigh, Yang Zhen, who was wrapping a grenade with bullets on the only small tree around here, seemed a little disappointed and never answered him.  It wasn't until he got on the boat that he said faintly: "How did you practice it? If you knew how I practiced this, you wouldn't sigh like this."

    "Lao Peng, do you know? There is a special kind of army in this world. They learn how to kill people all day long. How to get the greatest results at the lowest cost. They are killing machines specially trained by the army."

    "The tasks they perform are usually top secret. On weekdays, their task is to eliminate all hidden dangers that endanger national security. But when the two armies are at war, their role is to be the general among millions of armies.  Head."

    "They are well-equipped, armed to the teeth, and many weapons are even beyond the imagination of ordinary troops. They are proficient in various tactics, and can even use some things that are so common that you can't imagine to create murderous weapons."

    "The pain of their training is unimaginable to ordinary people. After a new uniform is issued, it wears out worse than a beggar in less than a month. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, they train all day long. They don't know what  It¡¯s called rest, and they don¡¯t even know what relaxation is. Apart from performing tasks, the only thing they do is training, all kinds of training that ordinary people can¡¯t imagine.¡±

    "Their training not only includes things that ordinary soldiers must master, but also many things that ordinary soldiers cannot imagine or even know. They are mysterious in the hearts of ordinary people, and they are omnipotent."

    "This force is infinitely loyal to their motherland and people. They are the sharpest knife in the hands of the country and the army, and the most loyal Great Wall to the motherland and people. Although the tasks they perform are the most difficult and arduous tasks. Many.  At that time, even the bodies of those who died could not be recovered, and they were not even publicly recognized by the government and the army, but they remained loyal and unrepentant.¡±

    "Among the various military skills they must master, the placement of this kind of booby trap is just the simplest one. Jungle warfare, street fighting, mountain warfare, blasting, hand-to-hand combat, shooting, communication, they are almost omnipotent.  No. Once you actually see them training one day, you will know what kind of people they are.¡±

    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked up at the sky and said with some melancholy: "It's a pity that the conditions are limited. These things can only cause a certain amount of damage to the Japanese, but they cannot bring them greater casualties. If there is a special anti-infantry directional  Lei's words are enough for the Japanese who are chasing after them to drink a pot. "

    "There is such a kind of army in the world, how come I have never heard of it? Our Anti-Japanese League has been dealing with the Japanese for so many years, how come we neverI have never heard of the Japanese having such troops.  Not to mention the Japanese, even Big Brother the Soviet Union has never heard of such troops?  And what exactly is that anti-infantry directional mine you are talking about? Is it more powerful than the original Japanese mines here?  "

    Peng Dingjie's confusion about Peng Dingjie had already recovered from his confusion. When he saw Yang Zhen arriving at the river bank, he patted him and said: "If we have a chance to survive, I will let you see it. But Lao Peng, today  I don¡¯t want the third person to know what I said.¡±

    Standing on the east bank of the Ash River, looking at the mountains that had appeared on the horizon, and then looking back at the rolling waves behind him, it was the Ash River with the largest volume of water in the year. Yang Zhen's eyes turned to the silence of the gunfire.  Looking into the distance, I sighed in my heart: "Ma Ming, will there ever be a day when we meet again?"

    Knowing that Ma Ming¡¯s entire army might have been destroyed, the Japanese¡¯s pursuers would arrive at a moment¡¯s notice, and it would be difficult to escape if they didn¡¯t leave.  Moreover, these brothers under my command have been fighting and marching continuously since last night. I am afraid that there is not much combat power left.  Yang Zhen, who did not dare to stay, could only lead the remaining people towards the front line of Songfeng Mountain with some sadness.

    Before walking five miles, Yang Zhen heard a series of explosions from where he crossed the river.  Knowing that the Japanese who were eager to pursue him had stepped on the booby traps he had laid, Yang Zhen smiled slightly.  I know the power of the things I set up, and I should be able to stop the Japanese pursuers for a while now.

    Moreover, at this time, except for the two ferries that he intentionally left behind and which had been booby-trapped, all the ferries on the Ash River were blown up and sunk after he crossed the river.  Without the ferry, he should have already entered the mountains by the time the Japanese got a boat from somewhere else.

    Yang Zhen's prediction was correct. After receiving a report of the fleeing Chinese thugs, the pursuing cavalry squadron of the Japanese Fifth Guards and one or two companies of the puppet Manchukuo army broke through Ma Ming's blockade after paying a heavy price.  , but due to the killing of more than a dozen booby traps arranged by Yang Zhen, there were heavy casualties.

    However, something beyond Yang Zhen¡¯s expectation was that the pursuing Japanese and puppet troops were killed by the booby traps he deployed, and the price they paid was more than the casualties suffered in the battle with Ma Ming¡¯s troops who blocked them.  The pursuers, especially the Japanese pursuing troops, suffered heavy casualties, which caused the pursuers to lose the ability to fight continuously.

    "Baga" looked at the soldiers who were killed and injured by booby traps, and looked at the wreckage of two ferries that sank into the Ash River with sixty elite soldiers after the same explosion in the middle of the river.  , the cavalry squadron leader Major Ozawa Wanji who led the pursuit almost broke his teeth.

    Do these Chinese thugs have time bombs?  Otherwise, how could the boat go up without incident and then explode in the middle of the river?  How do these thugs have such advanced combat technology?  Those rubbish from the Kwantung Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department are just a bunch of losers. They were picked up by a group of bandits and even threw away such advanced weapons.

    As a captain of the Fifth Independent Guard Corps guarding Harbin, Ozawa Wanji, who had worked in the intelligence agency for many years after graduating from the Army Military Academy, naturally knew the inside story of the matter.  In his mind, it was impossible for those bandits to possess or create such advanced weapons as time bombs.  It must have been captured by the Kwantung Army¡¯s Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department.

    This is the time of year when the river has the largest amount of water. The two ferries that exploded sank so fast that he had no time to rescue them.  Watching sixty elite imperial soldiers sink to the bottom of the river.

    Next to him, the battalion commander of the Puppet Manchukuo Army, who was feeling distressed because his men suffered heavy casualties in the battle with the blocking troops left behind by the thugs, and who didn't know how to deal with his superiors when he returned, saw these Japanese soldiers who were so arrogant just now.  In a blink of an eye, he sank into the river and fed the fish. While stunned, he couldn't help but secretly said that he was lucky, "If the Japanese army hadn't taken the credit this time, I would have been the unlucky one."

    Although his subordinates suffered heavy casualties when they just stepped on the landmines left by the bandits, they were much stronger than the Japanese who lost their main force in an instant.  But at least half of his men are still left. After losing almost all his men in one comparison, the major, who has almost become a bare commander, is incredibly strong.  When I go back, I can also work for the brigade commander.

    But when the battalion commander of the puppet Manchukuo army shouted in his heart that he was lucky, he couldn't help but feel a little gloating about his misfortune.  Who knew that just when they were destroying the resistance of the bandits, the Japanese knew how to force themselves to charge and stay behind to supervise the battle team.

    After the first battle, although all those damned bandits who had no idea whether they were dead or alive were wiped out, nearly a company of his brothers were injured or killed.  This is retribution, you deserve it.  Let you all force me to rush forward, while you leisurely supervise the team from behind.  Wait until my brothers take care of itThe thugs who blocked the attack have been eliminated, but you have stepped forward to take the lead.  Now it's your turn to taste what pain is.

    Of course, the battalion commander of the puppet Manchukuo army who was secretly gloating about his misfortune would never dare to express his thoughts on his face. He did not have the courage to poke the sore spots of the Japanese at this time.  Although his military rank is major, he is supposed to be on the same level as the Japanese major officer.  However, according to the Japanese tradition of promoting Manchu soldiers to at least three ranks regardless of their rank when they see them, and under the order of the Kwantung Army during wartime, his status as a major may not be as valuable as a Japanese second lieutenant in front of the Japanese.

    ¡°If the Japanese officer saw something on his face, I¡¯m afraid he wouldn¡¯t mind dropping the saber directly on his neck.  He had personally seen a Japanese lieutenant chop alive a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander who was in trouble with the Anti-Japanese War in public, but he didn't even do anything serious.  He didn't want to be the unlucky second person.

    But the gloating of the puppet Manchukuo battalion commander did not last long.  When I saw Ozawa Wan'er's slightly creepy look, I immediately understood the intentions of this Japanese major who was nominally cooperating but actually the commander.

    The battalion commander understood that the Japanese major wanted him to continue the pursuit, but he really didn't want to and didn't dare to pursue him. He quickly said: "Major, look at the amount of water in the Ashe River now.  We can't cross the river. We don't have a ferry at the moment, so we can't cross the river at all."

    "We came in a hurry and didn't bring any bridge-building tools. Except for the small tree next to you, which is no thicker than an arm, there are no trees around. Even if we want to temporarily build a bridge, there is no way. Look.  Should you send a telegram to Acheng and ask them to send a few ships over first and think of a solution? "

    As soon as Ozawa Wan'er, who was almost beaten by his subordinates and was in a violent mood, barely controlled himself from having an attack, heard his words, his first impression was that this Chinese man was playing tricks on him.  .

    Major Ozawa, who was completely angered by the words of the puppet Manchukuo battalion commander, pulled out his saber and put it on his neck and said angrily: "Baga, your conscience is greatly damaged. When Acheng's ship arrives, those bandits will  You've already disappeared without a trace. Are you a coward who was scared out of his wits by those bandits?"

    Looking at the saber on his neck, the Puppet Manchukuo battalion commander trembled in fright, and quickly explained in a stuttering voice: "Your Excellency, Major, you must calm down. It's not that I don't serve the imperial army, but you have also seen it.  , there is really no way to cross such a big water. "

    "But don't worry, as I said again, as long as you find a way to cross the river, I will pursue you immediately. There are still more than ten miles away from the mountain, and they are marching on foot. We are cavalry, we can definitely catch up.  Go up. I promise you that as soon as I catch up with them, I will wipe them all out."

    After hearing his defense, Ozawa smiled and looked back at the Ashe River, which is hundreds of meters wide in summer.  Let alone fording the roaring river, it was impossible to build a bridge. He put down the saber in his hand in despair.

    Ozawa Wanji, who was really unwilling to accept that he had paid such a high price for no apparent reason, and his prey escaped again, informed his superiors that his troops had suffered heavy casualties. At the same time, the pursuit was blocked by the Ash River, and there was no way.  After being unable to cross the river by ferry and requesting the Pearl River authorities to send elite interceptors via telegram, he did not know how to communicate to his superiors when he returned and vented all his anger on the small tree with a thick arm next to him.

    Just when Ozawa Wanji's saber struck the small tree viciously, there was a loud noise as the tree broke, completely freeing him from the worry of how to go back and report to his superiors.  This loud noise blew away the entire upper body of the angry Major Ozawa Wan'er.

    However, he was not the only one who was unlucky. With the loud noise, bullets from the 38-type rifles were flying around him.  The battalion commander of the Puppet Manchukuo Army was also sent to the West.

    When the remaining Japanese and puppet soldiers saw that their two commanders were blown away inexplicably, they did not dare to stay.  Dragging the officer's body and crawling away from this unlucky place in their eyes.  As for the bodies of the sixty Japanese soldiers who fell into the river to feed the fish, no one dared to stay here to salvage them.

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