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Text Chapter 41 The Dragon Enters the Sea (8)

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    After getting rid of the pursuers and defeating the blockade from Acheng, the Japanese and puppet troops from Ash River to Songfeng Mountain did not have a large blockade force except along the Binsui Railway, at least they could not mobilize it in a short period of time.  Enough troops.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    And the dozens of Puppet Manchukuo police posts at the few Puppet Manchukuo police posts will naturally no longer be an obstacle.  Apart from some troubles caused by the planes in the sky, Yang Zhen did not encounter any powerful interceptions on the way to the mountains.

    But Yang Zhen did not expect that the planes that had been circling his head for a whole day would cause him the most trouble after crossing the Ash River.  If these were all reconnaissance planes, Yang Zhen would not have any scruples.

    ¡°In the two battles I fought by the Ash River, even a fool understood his intentions.  All his actions have lost their hidden meaning.  Naturally, he wouldn't care about unarmed reconnaissance planes.  Moreover, once he entered the mountains, under the cover of good vegetation in the northeastern mountains, Yang Zhen was not afraid even if there were more than a dozen reconnaissance aircraft.  But these aircraft are not as simple as reconnaissance aircraft.

    Yang Zhen, who was hiding in a forest to avoid enemy plane fire, patted the dust on his body from the bombs, and said to Guo Bingxun beside him: "This little devil seems to have spent a lot of money to eat us, but he actually  Even dive bombers were sent out."

    "By the way, Lao Guo, brothers, did you suffer a lot of losses in the strafing and bombing by the Japanese planes just now? Damn it, the Japanese are crazy. They actually strafed and bombed our few troops again."

    "It's okay. When the brothers sent off for the battle in Shanghai, they suffered from the enemy's planes. When they arrived in Xuzhou, on the vast plains, the enemy's planes were flying overhead all day long. I never knew what it meant.  With air superiority, the brothers have already developed the ability to dodge planes. Although this is a plain area, the vegetation is good, much better than the bare Jianghuai Plain. "

    "But the reason why the casualties were so small this time is that there is a forest near the roadside. Otherwise, even if we were used to hiding, the casualties would not be as simple as two brothers with minor injuries like now.  "

    Hearing that there were not many casualties, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It's good that there were no big casualties. Although the battle on the west bank of the Ash River was not large, we suffered more than a dozen casualties. In addition to the previous  Counting the casualties in the battle at the Japanese base, one-third of our casualties have been since the beginning of the operation. If this continues, even if we enter the mountains, we will not be able to hold on for long. These are the most trustworthy.  Old Bones."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen raised his head and looked through the dense branches at the Japanese planes still hovering in the sky. He said with some worry: "What I am most worried about is not these Japanese planes, but what they want to do."  Use these planes to hold us back and buy time for them to deploy their troops."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's worries, Guo Bingxun shook his head and said: "Old Guo, don't worry, these Japanese planes are light aircraft and cannot carry many bombs. Although they have been hovering over our heads since we crossed the Ash River, but just now  The bombing at that time probably consumed almost all the ammunition. I think they are more monitoring our movements now to guide their follow-up pursuit. It is getting dark now, and the Japanese planes do not have the ability to fly at night.  , I can¡¯t hold on for long and I have to go back.¡±

    "But we really can't stay here any longer. Regardless of whether the Japanese reinforcements can arrive or not, from the small bowl of sorghum rice last night to now, the brothers have not eaten all night and almost all day."

    "From last night to now, we have been fighting and marching, and our physical strength has been extremely exhausted. If we continue like this, we will not be defeated, but will be dragged down first. Besides, even if we can barely hold on, this wounded man will not be able to hold on.  Come down."

    "Yes, we don't even have a marching pot in our hands now. Even if we have food, we can't cook it. This physical exertion is so great that it can't be replenished by just drinking a few water. We have to think of a way to make a meal for everyone.  Hot food. I don¡¯t know when I¡¯ll have my next meal after we go into the mountains.¡±

    Hearing Guo Bingxun¡¯s worries, Yang Zhen nodded.  Now even he is barely holding on, not to mention those ordinary soldiers and the wounded?  Are you just going there to find something to eat at this hour and a half?  There are a few villages around here, but this?

    After thinking for a long time without coming up with a perfect solution, Yang Zhen opened the map and said: "Lao Guo, according to the speed of our march and the terrain here, we should be north of Hujiatun and south of Binsui Railway. Whether it is visual or visual  Judging from the situation marked on the map, we only need to cross the Binsui Railway again to enter the mountainous area.¡±

    "Although we are close to the mountainous area, the mountainous area here can only be regarded as a shallow mountainous area. It is far from safe, soNow I can only tell my brothers to hold on a little longer.  As long as we cross the Binsui Railway tonight, it should be safe.  "

    "Lao Yang, it's not that I have the heart of a woman, but look at my brothers, they can't run now. If we don't eat something, once the devils catch up, we won't even have the strength to fight. I  The Japanese must have blocked the Binsui railway line now, and we might have a fierce battle at night."

    "Lao Yang, I think it is not a good idea for us to cross the Binsui Railway now. The Japanese have railways to rely on and it is easy to mobilize their troops. Even if they cannot catch up with us for a while, it is still inevitable to block the railway line. I think we should not  Rather than forcefully breaking through the railway line at a cost, it is better to continue eastward into the Zhuhe River where there are high mountains and dense forests, which is very suitable for us to rest.¡±

    After Guo Bingxun's words fell, Peng Dingjie, who had been silent, also interjected: "Lao Yang, I think Lao Guo's opinion can be considered. Not only are the mountains high and densely forested, there is a lot of room for maneuver in the Zhuhe River. We have a certain foundation for the Anti-Union there. We resist.  The United Three Armies was born there.¡±

    Speaking of which.  Peng Dingjie hesitated for a moment and then said: "Lao Yang, Lao Guo, there is one more thing I don't know if you have thought about it. If Ma Ming and his brothers were all killed in the battle, we would feel sorry and heartbroken, but naturally we don't have to worry about leaking the secret. But  If there is any chance that they are captured, will they reveal our planned resting place?"

    "How many of us in the Anti-Alliance League have survived such a difficult environment, but once captured, few of them can survive the torture of the Japanese. When I was in the Anti-Alliance Army, I was killed with my own hands and then rebelled after being captured.  We caught a traitor."

    "Before I shot him, I asked him why he wanted to rebel. For a little glory and wealth, he betrayed his comrades and brothers who were in the same pot with him, and sold his dignity as a human being."

    "But he cried and tore off the clothes on his chest, revealing a body with almost no skin on his body. He told me that he didn't want to betray his comrades. He was not the kind of person who would betray his comrades for glory and wealth. If only  He is that kind of person and has run away a long time ago, so why wait until now? He really can't stand it anymore. The torture of the Japanese is really not something that people can bear. "

    "Looking at his body with almost no good flesh, I also cried. I told him that military discipline is military discipline. No matter what the reason is, if he is a traitor, he is a traitor and cannot be forgiven."

    "I told him that in his next life, when fighting the Japanese, he should keep a bullet for himself. He would rather die in battle than become a prisoner of the Japanese."

    "When I fired, there was no anger, panic or fear in his eyes. All I saw was relief and gratitude. From then on, no matter how fierce the battle was, I would always leave a bullet in my gun for myself.  ¡±

    "Because I am also afraid that one day when I am captured, I will not be able to survive the torture of the Japanese and will betray my comrades and brothers. If this incident hadn't happened suddenly, the traitor would have put away our guns first and gathered us together.  There may not be a chance to meet again.¡±

    Regarding the concerns of the two people, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "I know what you are saying, and your worries are not unreasonable. But have you ever thought about whether our room for maneuver south of the Binsui Railway is too small, except for the Japanese and puppet forces?"  Outside of South Manchuria, which is the most concentrated area, we have almost no room for maneuver. The railway lines in South Manchuria are densely packed, and the Japanese troops stationed in Korea cooperate with each other, which makes it easy for the Japanese troops to surround us on all sides. "

    "But it's different going north. We can rely on the Soviet Union. We can retreat into the Soviet Union at any time when necessary, at least we won't be trapped in a situation where we are surrounded by enemies. There is the vast Xing'an Mountains in the north that can be used as support, and transportation lines such as railways and highways  It is also far less dense than South Manchuria, and for us, the room for maneuver is relatively much larger.¡±

    "However, Northern Manchuria also has a fatal weakness in that it is a vast and sparsely populated area, and it is also an alpine and cold area. Although there is a lot of room for maneuver, it is not conducive to our long-term persistence. Once the Japanese army's return to villages and households are successful, we may be trapped to death.  Starved to death in the mountains and forests.¡±

    "But none of this is the most important thing to us now. What we need most now is to make corrections and strengthen training to deal with more cruel situations in the future. You have also seen today's battle. A dozen light and heavy machine guns actually  The two crooked machine guns of the puppet Manchukuo army could not be suppressed. In less than half an hour of fighting, despite their absolute superiority in strength and firepower, more than a dozen people were injured. "

    "Even if we are not familiar with weapons, what about the tactical coordination between each other? Why didn't I dare to make a detour as Lao Guo said during the battle on the west bank of the Ash River. I was afraid that our troops would run away before they could engage with the enemy.  Let¡¯s break up. In last night¡¯s battle, if the brothers had been more skilled in cooperating, we wouldn¡¯t have suffered such heavy casualties.¡±

    "Four casualtiesOne of them, Lao Guo and Lao Peng, I feel sorry for them.  These are all old brothers who came together from Guan Nei. They did not die in the Japanese concentration camp, but died in a dominant battle.  This shouldn't be the case.  "

    "My plan is to find a place to stay first and rest for at least a month. One is to get familiar with the Japs' weapons, and the other is to train troops. As for the future situation, we will talk about it later."

    "What you said makes sense, Lao Yang, but the climate here is cruel and the Japanese control is extremely tight. Except for you and me, most of us are from Guan Nei, and even basically all are from the south."

    "If you don't adapt here, don't speak. Even the accent is very different. We can't even send out a scout. With this mouth, everything leaks out. Why did the Japanese discover our traces so quickly this time? Isn't that  Did Huang Dali¡¯s accent leak out?¡±

    "Lao Yang, what I mean is that we try to get closer to the pass. Once inside the pass, we have support from the rear and there are local people to rely on. Isn't there much more room for maneuver than here? You have also seen the situation today, whistleblower  Not all of them are traitors or spies.¡±

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's idea of ??returning to the pass, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Old Guo, do you really think we can go back? From here to Shanhaiguan, we have to cross almost the entire Northeast. How many railways and how many railways will we cross in the middle?  River? How many enemy blockades do we need to break through? Needless to say, it will be difficult for us to cross the Liaohe Plain."

    "As for dispersing and returning, don't even think about it. Do you still remember that when we first arrived there, the Japanese took photos of us one by one and established files. But we did not find these files there. What I am most worried about is  The Japs sent these files to the Kwantung Army Headquarters. Judging from the Japs¡¯ control over the Northeast, as long as our photos are in their hands, none of us can escape and can only be captured easily.¡±

    "The most important thing is Lao Guo, do you know what I found in Shiro Ishii's office? Let me tell you, the Japanese not only established a germ warfare base in Harbin, but also established a poison gas warfare base in Qiqihar."

    "The reason why they transported us all the way from the customs is that, in addition to part of the preparation to be handed over to the germ warfare base, most of them are to be used for poison gas warfare experiments. The reason why they transported us to Harbin first is because they  The gas warfare base in Qiqihar has not yet been built.¡±

    "Not only are these two major experimental bases, the Northeast also has the Fengtian Arsenal, which is now responsible for almost half of the Japanese small arms manufacturing, major coal mines, and the iron mines in Anshan and Benxi, which are the lifelines that the Japanese army relies on to maintain the war. There are also countless grains.  , Timber. Lao Guo, do you think it is more useful for us to stay here or to return to the customs? "

    "There are millions of regular troops in the pass. Now our 18th Group Army is developing very well behind enemy lines, and there are countless unorganized anti-Japanese guerrillas. There is no shortage of a few hundred of us in the pass. Compared with the  , our role in the Northeast will be greater.¡±

    After that, Yang Zhen handed the 38-type rifle in Xiao Huzi's hand to Guo Bingxun, pointed at the mark of Fengtian Arsenal above and said: "Since we can't go back, why not turn him upside down here, cut off their lifeline of war, and let  The Northeast, the largest strategic base of the Japanese army, cannot live in peace. This is the greatest contribution to the battlefield inside the pass."

    After listening to Yang Zhen¡¯s words, Guo Bingxun fell silent.  He has lived in the Northeast since he was a child. He traveled almost all over the Northeast with his father, a railway engineer, and he is very familiar with this place.

    He is not afraid of the Japanese. What he is worried about is whether these brothers who grew up in the warm land of Tianfu or Bagui in the south can adapt to the severe cold in the Northeast?  This is not a few degrees below zero in the pass. A dozen degrees is considered a cold winter. It is a severe cold of 30 to 40 degrees below zero.  There is also an almost cruel enemy situation.

    Looking at the silent Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen said: "Old Guo, it's not that I don't want to return to the pass. I dream of returning to our 129th Division. But we have no retreat now. Rather than being wiped out by the Japanese on the road, we would rather  Recharge your energy in one place and turn the Northeast upside down. We will break the enemy¡¯s plan to use the Northeast as a base and then occupy the whole of China.¡±

    "The Anti-Japanese Alliance has been able to persist for so many years without collapsing. How can we, trained regular soldiers, not be able to persist? When the Long March began, our Red Army were all from the south, including those from Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, and Hubei.  , and Fujian and Guangxi. Didn¡¯t they persist in the barren and cold places of northern Shaanxi?¡±

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