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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 39 The dragon enters the sea (6)

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    Yang Zhen was very accurate.  [.Com text] Koji Inukai, who did not pay attention to the more than 300 people in front of him and pressed all the troops on hand, even though he was in a battle formation, but in a very dense formation, was too proud.  And when he saw that his opponent was messy and not very accurate, and most of the bullets hit the sky, he fired with a rifle, which gave him the capital to underestimate the opponent in front of him.

    After discovering that his opponent's rifle shooting was messy and extremely inaccurate, Inukai Koji, who was eager to make a contribution, later even ignored the most basic tactical requirements and ordered the military police to drive the puppet Manchukuo army without even forming a tactical formation, and directly killed them.  Go away from the opponent's simple position.  He is too arrogant.

    ¡°Perhaps in Inukai Koji¡¯s heart, even if all the puppet Manchukuo troops here died, let alone a few of them, as long as they could annihilate this group of thugs named by the Kwantung Army Military Police Headquarters, it didn¡¯t matter.  In his opinion, as long as he can be promoted, it doesn't matter how many people he recruits to support him.

    Being so arrogant and eager to be promoted, Koji Inukai hurriedly attacked without even looking carefully at what kind of weapons his opponent was equipped with, but he did not expect that his opponent secretly hid more than a dozen light and heavy machine guns.

    It¡¯s not that Inukai Koji can be blamed for this.  Having dealt with the Anti-League for a long time, he still had a clear understanding of the fighting power of these Anti-League thugs, who were called thugs by his superiors.  He did not believe that his opponent's meager firepower could defeat his own attack in this kind of positional battle.

    In his eyes, maybe in mountainous terrain, it is possible for those thugs to carry out sap attacks, sneak attacks, and ambushes.  In such a flat plain area, they are not even qualified to carry shoes for the Imperial Japanese Army in a regular field battle with themselves.

    As one of the very few officers in the Japanese army who was promoted from the rank of soldier, Inukai Koji, who had been in the rank of captain for four or five years, was ostracized by his colleagues from the sergeant academy and almost went crazy thinking about promotion.

    Although I know that I don¡¯t have any qualifications from the sergeant school, it is basically impossible to be promoted to lieutenant colonel, let alone general. Being able to achieve the position of major is already a huge achievement.  But Inukai Koji, who thinks that he is no worse than his colleagues in the sergeant academy, always wants to compare his military achievements with those colleagues who have eyes on their heads.  Because he knew that if he could be promoted, he could only rely on military merit.

    The arrogant Inukai Koji did not expect that his arrogance would push himself and more than a hundred puppet Manchukuo troops into the abyss.  Not only did his wish for promotion come to naught, but he even risked his own life.  Inukai Koji, who was too far forward, didn't know it, but his loofah-like figure had already been firmly inserted into the crosshairs.

    When his mind was overheated and reddened by the prospect of promotion, he thought he had picked a soft persimmon. Inukai Koji, who was looking forward to promotion, did not hesitate to use his dignified captain of the Acheng Military Police to personally drive away the puppet Manchukuo troops under his command.  When the pseudo-police rushed to a distance of less than 50 meters from the simple position of the thugs, the thugs' position where there had been only messy rifle fire suddenly rang out with intensive machine gunfire.  As the machine guns rang out, scores of puppet Manchukuo troops were knocked down.

    Weapons such as rifles require precise shooting, but machine guns, which rely on intensive firepower to win, do not need to care too much about accuracy.  Especially after receiving Yang Zhen's order, those heavy machine guns poured bullets on the puppet Manchukuo army without hesitation, like splashing water.  Although the operation is no longer skillful, fortunately, this thing relies on firepower to win.  In addition, Yang Zhen's special instructions for deploying firepower meant that not many puppet Manchukuo troops could escape this dense rain of bullets.

    Looking at the puppet Manchukuo army that was repelled and whose number was less than half of the number when they set out, the confident Inukai Koji not only failed to wake up, but was even more excited and crazy.  Using bayonets to force the retreating puppet Manchukuo troops to attack again.

    Just when Inukai Koji, who had forgotten that he was at the front, was kicking and beating him, and desperately driving the puppet Manchukuo army to attack again with his sheathed saber, a sudden gunshot sounded, and another gunshot hit the head of Inukai Koji, who was baring his teeth.  Opened an eye for him.

    When Inukai Koji¡¯s brains flowed out through the newly opened skylight, the Manchukuo soldiers who had just been avoiding his beatings were stunned.  Ding Siman, the company commander of the Puppet Manchu Army who took the lead, was frightened.

    This time I went out to encircle and suppress the thugs. Not only did I fail to eliminate the thugs, I lost more than half of my brothers in one charge. I even killed my immediate boss, the Captain of the Acheng Gendarmerie. How could I deal with the Japanese when I went back?  Not to mention anything else, not even the Japanese military police supervising the battle behind him could spare him.

    He knew how to withdraw if he did. If the Japanese army got angry, not to mention his brothers, even he would not be able to escape death.  He himself was a traitor to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Wouldn't it be a joke for the Japanese who originally distrusted him to kill him?

    But if he fell into the hands of the thugs on the opposite side, when he rebelled,In order to gain glory and wealth, he betrayed his comrades, and the Anti-Japanese League hated him so much that he had to eat him alive?

    Seeing the Japanese military police around him looking at them with eager eyes, knowing that if he could defeat the thugs in front of him and annihilate or capture them alive, the Puppet Manchukuo company commander gritted his teeth and commanded the remaining people without caring about anything else.  Pounced on him again.

    Seeing the Puppet Manchukuo army rushing forward again, they had just been robbed of their business. The Japanese captain they were targeting was snatched away by a veteran of the Gui Army. Yang Zhen, who knocked him down first, cursed bitterly: "Damn, what are these dogs doing?"  I never saw them working so hard when fighting the Japanese. They are really determined to be traitors."

    The Gui Army veteran who robbed his business next to him heard Yang Zhen's scolding, lowered his head and said: "Sir Yang, you don't have to be too angry. These puppet Manchukuo troops were trained by the Japanese, and their control is extremely strict. This time  We knocked out the Japanese captain, and they won¡¯t be able to deal with him until we get back."

    Listening to the words of this veteran of the Gui Army, Yang Zhen turned his head and looked at this man whose marksmanship was so accurate that even he was inferior to him. He still didn't know his name and said: "Brother, what is your name? Your marksmanship is one of the best here."  "How did you do it? Let's talk to the brothers when we rush out."

    "Sir Yang, I don't have a famous name, so you and I, Liu Sigou, can do it. Don't blame me for being bad at marksmanship. The brothers here are all from a mixed background, and good guns like the Central Government are not available to us. Brothers, it turns out  The rifles used by our Gui army are all good. The better regular troops use Yuan Nian style rifles produced in Guangdong or Hanyang-made rifles. "

    "The brothers in the Sichuan Army are using no-name rifles. You don't know, during the Battle of Xuzhou, I saw their rifles. You don't know, the bolts of the guns they use are tied with ropes, and the rifling is worn.  No more, the bullets fired are all floating. As for the types of rifles, there are all kinds.¡±

    "I've even seen them using pistols, the 11-caliber ones made in Jiangnan in the former Qing Dynasty, which fire one bullet after another. In Guangxi, even the militia groups have long since dismantled this kind of gun.  Except for the Jinsui Army and the Northeast Army in the World War II area, who are more accustomed to using good guns like the 38 Dagai, others are not used to it. "

    "The reason why I can use it easily is because I used this kind of gun captured when I was on the Songhu battlefield. This kind of gun has a straight trajectory and small recoil. Our old guns cannot match this accuracy. But it is not necessary at all.  , this thing hits the body with one shot, except for the vital parts, and its lethality is too small compared to our Hanyang-made ones."

    "Although our Hanyang gun is not as finely made as this gun, the power of the bullet is much greater than this. But the range is too close. The effective range of the new gun is only four hundred meters. If the gun is older, it will be one hundred meters."  It¡¯s good to be able to shoot accurately. The effective range of this gun is more than 800 meters.¡±

    Having said this, the veteran raised his hand and fired another shot, knocking down a Puppet Manchukuo officer wearing a box cannon: "Sir Yang, I haven't said anything about your skills. Based on your performance in that place, there are not many brothers who are not great."  Thumb. But when it comes to marksmanship, you may not be able to match my brother, who is an Orion."

    Yang Zhen could hear the challenge in this veteran¡¯s words.  In response to his challenge, Yang Zhen smiled without saying anything. He raised his rifle and knocked down a machine gunner before saying: "Brother Liu, we don't have much time. We can't stand in a stalemate with these dogs here. We must fight quickly."  Let's do it quickly. If you want to compete, there will be many opportunities in the future. If you are good at shooting, come up here and knock out each of their machine gunners."

    Knowing that the matter was urgent, the veteran did not mention Yang Zhen's rejection of his invitation to fight. He just nodded and said: "Sir Yang, just feel free to use it. I will make their two machine guns useless."

    Yang Zhen didn't say anything, just patted him on the shoulder and said: "Well, it's up to you, brother. As long as you can suppress those two Japanese machine guns, we will launch a counterattack. ***, a dozen of them, both light and heavy.  The machine gun can't suppress just two crooked guys. I'll have to give these guys some serious training once they stop."

    After that, Yang Zhen picked up his rifle and ran forward, looked at Guo Bingxun and said: "Old Guo, it's time to fight back. The rapid fire attack just now killed at least half of the puppet Manchukuo army. I asked a few veterans with good marksmanship  The machine gunners who specialize in attacking him and the military police supervising the Japs will attack as soon as the Japs¡¯ covering fire is knocked out.¡±

    The veteran dared to challenge Yang Zhen after seeing his marksmanship, just to show that he had his own skills.  After several gunshots, no one around the two crooked guns dared to approach.  Seeing that the fire support of the puppet Manchukuo army was suppressed, Yang Zhen shot down an underage man waving a pistol in his hand.After taking office, he was the first to rush out.

    Although Yang Zhen's casual shot was accurate and hit the puppet Manchukuo officer in the chest, the consequences were unexpected.  The puppet Manchukuo army, which had been very tenacious when they first charged, could no longer hold on after seeing the officer knocked down.  Ignoring the pressure from the Japanese military police supervising the battle behind him, he turned around and ran away.  Unprepared, the Japanese gendarmes who were supervising the battle did not expect these puppet Manchu troops and dared to run away openly under their own eyes.

    The puppet Manchukuo army fled, but the counterattack troops that launched the charge missed.  When they rushed in front of them, they realized that there were only about twenty Japanese military policemen left in the position of the Puppet Manchukuo army who had been beaten with cold guns. They were at a loss when they saw the Puppet Manchukuo army dispersed in a flurry.

    ¡°I have to admit that these puppet Manchu troops have a good way of fighting, and they have an even better way of running away.  This is quite different from their master.  Seeing the overwhelmingly superior number of thugs rushing towards them, he didn't hesitate at all, relying on his familiarity with the terrain, he ran away without a trace in the blink of an eye.

    Seeing the puppet Manchukuo army and policemen running away completely, they did not dare to pursue them, for fear that their troops would be dispersed in a pursuit.  In addition, the gunfire behind him became more and more intensive, and Yang Zhen, who did not dare to delay here any longer, did not even think about chasing these dogs.

    As for the remaining twenty dozen or so Japanese military police who saw the thugs rushing in front of them, they were busy withdrawing bullets and preparing for hand-to-hand combat.  Yang Zhen did not stop talking to them. With a wave of his hand, a machine gunner who rushed up with him and held a crooked handle directly jumped all the twenty-odd Japanese military police.

    Yang Zhen, who originally just wanted to open a gap, but did not expect to defeat the puppet Manchukuo army, did not delay. He directly ordered the heavy machine guns that had been burned out of bullets and all the weapons that could not be carried to be loaded.  Grenade explodes.

    Looking at Peng Dingjie, who was a little distressed, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Lao Peng, don't feel bad. These weapons have no ammunition, and no one is carrying them. It is better to blow them up. As for the weapons, as long as there are people around, they will be there."

    After comforting Peng Dingjie who felt sorry for the weapons, Yang Zhen did not dare to delay any longer.  In a hurry, they briefly cleaned the battlefield and took away the ammunition from the killed puppet Manchukuo soldiers.  After a brief interrogation of the two Puppet Manchukuo soldiers who did not run away, he found out that the reason why the Puppet Manchukuo army collapsed this time was because his casual shot killed the Puppet Manchukuo company commander and the Puppet Manchukuo army on the other side of the Ash River.  After checking the defense situation, they led the people quickly towards the Ash River, which heralded their lifeline.

    Yang Zhen didn¡¯t know how much time Ma Ming, who was currently fighting fiercely with the pursuing Japanese and puppet troops, could buy himself, let alone how many troops the pursuing Japanese and puppet troops had.  The only thing he knew was that every minute of his life was exchanged for the blood and life of his brothers behind him.  I have no reason or reason to waste the blood of my brothers.

    Rushing to the bank of the Ash River, Yang Zhen did not disappoint this time. Huang Dali, who had already eliminated several pseudo-policemen and gendarmes guarding the ferry, was waiting for him on several ferries he had raised.  Seeing Yang Zhen coming with the main force, Huang Dali hurriedly said: "Captain Yang, there are now six ferries here, all of which are large boats. It only takes two trips to get all the brothers across the river."

    "Also, I have just conducted reconnaissance. There are no Japanese or puppet troops on the other side. There are only a few puppet policemen who guard the ferry and collect taxes. We have already controlled them."

    After that, Huang Dali handed Yang Zhen a pistol and said: "These are two boxes made by Fengtian that were seized from those pseudo-policemen. I seized them from the Northeast Army during the battle of Zhiluo Town. Although this kind of gun is not as good as  It¡¯s original from Belgium and Germany, but compared to the imitations from other places in China, it¡¯s quite good.¡±

    "Our 25th Red Army originally had a pistol regiment, and I came out of that regiment. I have used several types of this kind of gun, and I have used them in almost all imitations of arsenals across the country. In addition to German and Belgian products, there are also  It¡¯s made by Fengtian and Dagu. You¡¯d better keep this gun.¡±

    Yang Zhen did not accept the pistol he handed over, but called Guo Bingxun and said: "Lao Guo, take some of your brothers and bring two machine guns to cross the river first. After crossing the river, don't rush forward, immediately occupy the cover position and cover the following brothers to cross the river.  I'm here to cover everyone. The speed must be fast. You can hear the gunfire from behind becoming more and more intensive, and Ma Ming may not be able to last long. "

    Just when Guo Bingxun was about to answer, the sound of a cannon made him immediately swallow back the words he was about to say.  The sound of gunfire means that the Japanese army has arrived.  Knowing that there was no time, Guo Bingxun immediately commanded the troops to start crossing the river according to Yang Zhen's deployment.

    Standing on a high ground on the river bank, Yang Zhen raised his binoculars and looked at the place where the gunshots were heard after setting up a warning.  Although he couldn't see anything, Yang Zhen searched desperately and seemed to be able to find something.  Just?To his disappointment, as the sound of gunfire became weaker and weaker, the person he hoped to see never appeared in his lens.

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