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Text Chapter 31 Destruction (3)

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    Yang Zhen, who was discovered as soon as he jumped out of the window, used the opportunity to roll to avoid several bullets that almost passed by his scalp. At the same time, he used the well-known tactical moves used by later generations to cleverly avoid the continuous attacks of the Japanese sharpshooters.  As the bullets came over, he secretly estimated the angle between himself and the first searchlight, looking for the most suitable angle for shooting.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    Fortunately, the only thing aimed at him was the rifle.  Maybe the Japanese commander didn't take Yang Zhen seriously when he jumped out of the window, because before, several people tried to use Yang Zhen's method to knock off the two obstructing searchlights, but none of them took a few steps.  He was knocked down by the Japanese's accurate rifle fire.

    With the previous reference, the commander, who thought that this guy could not escape the fate of the previous guys, did not take Yang Zhen seriously and only arranged a rifle to deal with him.  As for the Japanese's three heavy machine guns, except for one, which was attracted by Du Kaishan's crooked handle and brought to the second floor, the target was diverted.  The remaining two missiles continued to spray bullets at the General Affairs Department building, trying to seal off the Chinese inside, without taking Yang Zhen into consideration at all.

    Shooting fixed targets during sports has always been Yang Zhen¡¯s strength in later generations.  It's just that the Type 38 rifle in his hand is really too long for this kind of tactical action, which somewhat affects his tactical performance.  It was the first time for Yang Zhen to use this antique weapon, and he was obviously not used to it.  So Yang Zhen's first shot at returning to this era was missed.

    Guo Bingxun and others who were applauding Yang Zhen when they saw Yang Zhen neatly evading the enemy sharpshooters and arriving at a position where they could effectively destroy the Japanese searchlights couldn't help but feel a little sorry after seeing Yang Zhen shoot away the bullets.  He was anxious.

    People here were anxious for Yang Zhen¡¯s safety, and Yang Zhen, who missed the first shot over there, couldn¡¯t help but regret in his heart.  Under the precise firepower of the Japanese rifles, it was rare to find an opportunity to shoot, but he wasted this opportunity in vain.

    Once an opportunity is wasted, it will be difficult to find another opportunity under the suppression of Japanese firepower.  The Japanese commander also discovered that this lucky guy had actually escaped the sniper attacks of several of his veterans with accurate marksmanship, so he did not hesitate.  Although the heavy machine gun was not deployed to suppress Yang Zhen, a crooked weapon was deployed to specifically control Yang Zhen.

    Yang Zhen, who was pinned to the ground by the bullets fired by the Japanese machine guns and could not even lift his head, glanced left and right, only to find that there were only two bodies of his dead brothers nearby that could serve as a temporary bunker for him.

    Looking at the dense rain of bullets hitting him, and then looking at the two bright searchlights, Yang Zhen, knowing that he didn't have much time to delay, gritted his teeth, rolled sideways to the bodies of the two brothers who fell together, and secretly  After saying sorry, he used the bodies of the two brothers to make a small temporary bunker for himself.

    Yang Zhen calmed down this time and did not disappoint everyone.  He raised the 38-type rifle in his hand and fired two rapid fires in succession, killing all the two searchlights that had been shrouding everyone's heads.

    After knocking out two searchlights that illuminated the open land in front of him brightly, Yang Zhen turned the muzzle of the gun without any hesitation, ignoring the rain of bullets that the crooked handle continued to create around him, and used the three Type 92 heavy  The machine gun's extremely obvious muzzle flame at night served as an indicator. It fired continuously and rapidly without any pause, and temporarily silenced all three heavy machine guns in one go.

    Yang Zhen, who had killed several Japs heavy machine gunners, did not retreat to his original position. Instead, he stayed here and used the rifle in his hand to shoot accurately with almost no bullets. To the surprise of everyone present, he actually killed those people.  Three heavy machine guns suppressed it.

    The three heavy machine guns of the Japs, which had shown their might just now, suppressing the so-called rioters in front and unable to raise their heads, have now become a nightmare for almost all the Japs here.  A heavy machine gunner was replaced and another heavy machine gunner was destroyed. In no time, a dozen heavy machine gunners who were replaced in succession were all destroyed.

    Looking at the heavy machine gunners who were mostly shot in the head, the guard captain, Major Genryo Uemura, couldn't help but take a breath.  What kind of ghost marksmanship is this? Even if there is the muzzle flash of a heavy machine gun as an indicator target, this gun is at night after all.

    Who is that damn Chinese guy?  How could the marksmanship be so accurate when there were neither flares nor any lighting equipment?  Even if you search through the Imperial Army, which has always implemented an elite military policy and has extremely strict training, and at least 30% of its soldiers can be considered sharpshooters, you can't find such a person.

    Raising his head, he looked at the Chinese prisoners of war in front who had been suppressed by three heavy machine guns just now. However, taking advantage of the pause in his supporting firepower, he had already begun to charge under the cover of two crooked machine guns.

    ¡°I know that if I don¡¯t think of a way to suppress the sharpshooter, once those Chinese prisoners of war rush over, even if I suppress the riot, I will be in trouble.Major Genryo Uemura, who suffered excessive casualties and was severely punished, could not care less about Shiro Ishii's repeated orders not to destroy any buildings.  Directly give the order to the grenade hand who had never used it, and kill that damn sharpshooter at all costs.  Even if you can't kill him, you must at least suppress him and stop causing trouble for yourself.

    As Major Uemura, who is responsible for the security of the entire Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, he knows that one person must be responsible for the matter at hand.  As far as he knew, he didn't think that with the character of Captain Ishii, he would hold the special squad leader who should have been most responsible for this matter, his second brother Takeo Ishii, accountable.  Since someone needs to be responsible for this matter, Major Uemura feels that he will be pushed out and scapegoated.

    Since he has to take the blame anyway, it doesn't matter to Major Uemura how much noise he makes or how many things he breaks.  As long as these damned Malu who dare to rebel can be wiped out as soon as possible, any method is not too much.

    When the first grenade fired from the grenade fell and exploded at a very close distance, Yang Zhen, who was left disgraced and almost uninjured, suddenly remembered that the Japanese army had an extremely lightweight mortar with a range that made up for the damage.  A weapon with a blank range between grenades.  This weapon has almost no blind spots in close combat, and is extremely accurate in the hands of well-trained veterans.

    "Damn it, I must have encountered something like a grenade." He knew that his temporary bunker made of his brother's body could block machine gun bullets, but it would never be able to block this extremely tricky shot.  It is really the most powerful weapon of the Japs and Yins in close combat. Yang Zhen, who was busy moving his position, couldn't help but murmur to himself.

    It¡¯s not that Yang Zhen consciously forgot about this weapon, which played an extremely important role in the Japanese military equipment in World War II. He really didn¡¯t think of it for a moment.  There were a lot of machine rifles in the captured Japanese weapons warehouse, and there was not a single thing that could explode, let alone this thing, not even a grenade.

    When I first arrived, Yang Zhen, who had never really fought against the Japs on the battlefield before, really didn't remember that the Japs were equipped with such a close combat weapon.  Think about it, no matter how secretive the prison is, few will equip the guards with weapons such as grenades and grenade launchers.

    Unlike light and heavy machine guns, this weapon can still determine its position with muzzle flash.  Unlike weapons with a slightly larger caliber that can be called cannons, the impact point of the cannonball can be judged based on the sound of the shell breaking through the air.

    Although this wicked thing has a small range, it has almost no blind spots. You may not be able to find its launch position until it explodes next to you.  Especially at night, and among buildings, it is basically impossible to judge its location suddenly.

    Those who can skillfully use this kind of weapon that does not even have the most basic aiming equipment and relies entirely on visual judgment are veterans.  Although the visibility was poor, the only two searchlights were knocked out, and it was a dark night, the veterans still used the coordinates they had observed long ago to accurately hit Yang Zhen's left and right sides with grenades.  .  If it weren't for Yang Zhen's relatively good motor skills and the rigorous tactical training he received in later generations, he would have collapsed long ago.

    For a while, the devil was not prepared to use this kind of yin -damaged weapon. Yang Zhen, who was fried, jumped by the fried chicken, was not panicked.  Knowing that he could not retreat at this time, Yang Zhen advanced instead of retreating.  Holding the Type 38 rifle in his hand, which was still considered an advanced weapon in this era, he stood up suddenly and suddenly charged towards the Japanese army.

    Of course, Yang Zhen is not a fool. He is not such an idiot that he thinks he can challenge the entire Japanese military guard by himself.  Even if he was very skilled, no one could challenge at least one Japanese squadron.  When Yang Zhen launched the charge, it was also the time when Guo Bingxun commanded all the troops to press forward.

    Guo Bingxun, who was directing his brothers to shoot against the Japanese while carefully observing Yang Zhen, saw that Yang Zhen was so good at shooting with just a rifle and the flames from the muzzle of the Japanese heavy machine guns when they fired.  After receiving the instructions, the Japanese heavy machine gunners were beaten to heavy casualties and successfully suppressed the Japanese machine gun fire.  While lamenting that Yang Zhen was becoming more and more invisible, he also lost no time in seizing the opportunity when the Japanese army's most powerful heavy machine guns were temporarily silenced and launched a full-line attack.

    Although Yang Zhen¡¯s exposed hands brought him a lot of trouble, as the Japanese directed almost all their firepower at his head, they also brought some convenience to Guo Bingxun¡¯s attack.

    Although the damn sharpshooter was suppressed by the firepower of the grenade, things still did not develop as Genliang Uemura imagined.  The distance between the two armies was only a hundred or so meters, and even with all their strength, they were there in the blink of an eye.  We haven¡¯t waited for Major Kamimura¡¯s confirmation yet.When the guy who had brought him endless trouble was dead or not, the main force commanded by Guo Bingxun was about to rush in front of him.

    Looking at the rioters who were about to rush in front of him, Uemura Genryo, who did not intend to fight these worthless road warriors and preferred to use superior firepower to eliminate them, was preparing to command his troops to retreat slightly so that he could continue to use superior firepower.  At that time, the arrival of a person made him reluctant, so he could only hold on bravely.

    When Takeo Ishii, who was sent to supervise the battle rather than being sent to assist by Ishii Shiro, arrived, Major Genryo Uemura was giving his men an order to retreat fifty meters and continue to use firepower advantage to eliminate these large roads.

    Hearing the order issued by Genryo Uemura, Ishii Takeo, who was in a strong position, immediately stepped forward and said angrily: "Kamimura-kun, are you ready to withdraw to the headquarters and let the commander of the army personally deal with these rebels?"

    Hearing the voice that he now hates the most, and then looking at the person in front of him who he least wants to see now, Uemura Motoyoshi, who originally felt a lot wronged by the slap in the face, said without politeness: "Major Ishii  , I am a regular army major trained by the dignified Imperial Army Military Academy, not the kind of military dependent who climbed up through nepotism.

    "As for how to fight, I don't need the guidance of a military relative who has never been in the military and has never been in prison. Unless Major Ishii doesn't believe in the abilities of the Army Majors trained by the Imperial Army Military Academy, and thinks that he  Can you do better than a graduate of the Army Academy?¡±

    Although it is difficult for even ordinary people to accept what Major Uemura said, let alone a person like Takeo Ishii who is used to being domineering.  But fortunately, being thick-skinned and strong-mouthed are the strengths of the Ishii family.

    Although he was choked by Genryo Uemura's two words, which were half mocking and half venting his anger, Ishii Takeo relied on the background behind him and said forcefully and unreasonably: "Major Uemura, even if you are  You are a graduate of the Imperial Army Military Academy, but if you have to retreat against a group of rabble, then I can only say that you have disgraced the Imperial Army of Japan."

    "Although I am not an orthodox soldier, I also know that in the dictionary of the Imperial Japanese Army, the word "retreat" will never appear, and some only have the word "attack". Major Uemura, I warn you, if you take even half a step back,  If you can't deal with these rioters before dawn, the commander will not spare you. Then, clean yourself and apologize to His Majesty the Emperor."

    "And if the Kwantung Army headquarters knew that you were retreating even in the face of a rabble, I'm afraid they wouldn't use you as a coward in the future, right? Don't forget, Captain Ishii still has the final say in this army.  . All reports are submitted by Captain Ishii.¡±

    Hearing Takeo Ishii¡¯s naked threats, Uemura Genliang was helpless even though he was dissatisfied.  Although he was reluctant, he could only use the precious lives of his soldiers to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the oncoming Maluda.

    Although Genliang Uemura did not think that his well-trained soldiers would lose to those Ma Luda who had already been defeated once in hand-to-hand combat, he felt that every soldier under his command was precious.  And it is impossible not to suffer casualties in hand-to-hand combat.

    It¡¯s really not worth using your own soldiers to exchange for those roads that should have died long ago.  The heavy machine gunners who had just been killed had made him feel distressed for a long time.  But under the force of Takeo Ishii, he had no choice but to accept this exchange that was disproportionate in his eyes.

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