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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 32 Destruction (4)

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    Major Genryo Uemura was not the kind of officer who cherished the lives of his men.  [.Com text] For these fanatical mid-level officers, let alone the lives of ordinary soldiers, they would not hesitate to give up their own lives when necessary.  Compared with those senior officers who are sluggish and pay more attention to calmness, fanatical middle-level and lower-level officers like Major Genryo Uemura are the most terrifying factor in the Japanese army.

    ¡°I think back then, the Kwantung Army only had a few junior staff officers who dared to abandon the army and instigate the September 18th Incident. A few low-level officers dared to launch the February 26th Mutiny, assassinating ministers and attacking the Prime Minister.  There is really nothing in the Japanese army that these young mid-level officers dare not do.  To say that these mid-level officers who cause trouble everywhere cherish the lives of soldiers is like a fantasy.

    Genliang Uemura did not want to engage in hand-to-hand combat because he was worried that if hand-to-hand combat caused too many casualties, it would firstly embarrass himself, and secondly, it would also cause dissatisfaction from his superiors.  It wouldn't matter if it was on the battlefield, but fighting with these logs, which he regarded as rubbish, with bayonets, wouldn't it be ridiculous if the casualties were high?

    However, under the pressure of Takeo Ishii, Genliang Uemura could only put aside his face temporarily.  He knew what Takeo Ishii said to him, that insidious, cunning, arrogant and arrogant Captain Ishii could definitely do it.

    Although he was a little worried about causing greater casualties and making it difficult to deliver, the matter was at this point and there was no time for him to hesitate.  Fortunately, Genliang Uemura still had confidence in the abilities of his soldiers who trained on living people in hand-to-hand combat.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Although the number of people pressing up in front of him is far greater than that of his own men, in Uemura Genliang's view, it is still easy to defeat these logs relying on his skilled hand-to-hand combat capabilities.  The only difference is the size of the casualties.

    It¡¯s just that he had a pretty good idea. He thought that even if he lost his advantage in firepower, he would still have no problem defeating the 500-strong Ma Luda by hand-to-hand combat alone.  But will things be as simple as he imagined?  I'm afraid this is not possible.

    Just when Genliang Uemura¡¯s men saw the road warriors who had rushed in front of them and were quickly retracting the bullets from the barrels in accordance with the regulations, the howl of a machine gun suddenly sounded from the side of the Japanese.  Unprepared, the Japanese soldiers who were concentrating on preparing for hand-to-hand combat fell instantly.

    Almost at the same time as the machine gun on his side rang out, those Ma Luda who had rushed in front of his men actually took out a large number of Japanese-style southern pistols and fired fiercely at the soldiers who had already taken a stance and were ready for hand-to-hand combat.  Easily knocked down dozens of Japanese soldiers.

    Although this kind of pistol is extremely ugly, its performance is not that reliable, and its bullet penetration is also weak.  But this pistol, which has received countless criticisms, has one advantage that everyone agrees on, and that is its excellent accuracy.

    And this pistol uses southern-style pistol bullets with some special ballistics, but it is quite lethal at close range.  The volley of pistol fire at such a close distance really caused Genliang Uemura to suffer a big loss.

    Seeing that almost everyone in the Amalu Front Team was armed with a Southern-style pistol, Uemura Genliang looked angrily at Takeo Ishii standing next to him.  You can find out where these pistols come from without asking.  His subordinates who were mobilized as regular field troops were not equipped with so many pistols, but the guards of the special squad were equipped with one each.

    Ishii Takeo saw Uemura Motoyo glaring at him and looked across the road, almost everyone had a Southern-style pistol.  After understanding the source of Genliang Uemura's anger, he felt somewhat guilty on his face that had been so arrogant just now.  After all, the origin of the Imperial Army standard pistols in the hands of those street gangsters can be guessed by anyone.

    Compared with the large number of pistols falling into the hands of those with big roads, Genliang Uemura was even more confused about where the machine gun firepower on his side came from.  Even though he had been knocked out by the opponent over a dozen machine gunners just now, he did not let go of a single Ma Lu Da.

    ¡°It¡¯s really like hell, I didn¡¯t let anyone escape, so who fired the machine gun fire on my side?¡±  Genliang Uemura was certain that although he had placed a small force on the flank, he definitely did not arrange any machine guns.

    He concentrated all the machine guns he brought on the front.  Because he saw that the lights in the corridor on the opposite floor were still on, he knew that there was no power outage here.  It is impossible for those who don't even have a shovel on hand to climb over a two-meter-high wall with an electric grid on it.

    In fact, Genryo Uemura was not the only one who did not expect that the firepower would suddenly appear from the flank. Where did it come from?  Yang Zhen, who was the first to rush into the enemy formation and come into contact with the Japanese, and was almost not injured by a stray bullet, did not expect the same.

    Although they were almost not injured by stray bullets, dozens of the more than a hundred Japs in front of them fell under the sudden fire attack.The prisoners of war came up and fired wildly from the southern pistols in their hands. Genliang Uemura, who had more than a hundred men before, now had only half of them.

    The southern-style pistol, which has excellent accuracy and excellent directivity, does not need to be aimed at such a close distance. It can be achieved by just shooting roughly.  In addition, although its penetrating power is poor, its stopping effect is excellent.  The power of close range shooting is almost equal to that of Dum pistol bullets.

    At such a close distance, few people can continue to fight as long as they are hit by one such bullet.  Not to mention that hand-to-hand combat requires a lot of energy.  In this period of pistol bullets, the Japanese fell, and more people lost their combat effectiveness than those who fell when crooked machine guns swept across them.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? did not not know the advantages and disadvantages of the Southern-style pistol, watching Genryang Uemura fall to the ground with his subordinates, he felt extremely hateful to Takeo Ishii, who was crawling on the ground at this moment, refusing to get up.

    With half the Japs missing, Yang Zhen also suffered much less pressure in hand-to-hand combat.  But what made him feel a little disappointed was that hundreds of people could not besiege dozens of Japanese soldiers. Except for himself, in hand-to-hand combat, the prisoners of war who had an absolute advantage were at a disadvantage, and it was difficult to take advantage.  Especially when engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese who have spontaneously formed a tactical team, they may even suffer some losses.

    Yang Zhen pulled out the rifle from a Japanese soldier's chest and smashed the Japanese soldier's nose to pieces with the butt of the gun. He saw that he was stabbed and fell in front of his eyes, but he was the brother who failed to save him in time.  , shouted loudly: "Have you just used up all the bullets in your pistols and even the spare magazines? We can't defeat them with bayonets. Are all the pistols in our hands turned into scrap metal now?"

    "Brothers who don't have a pistol, trap the Japs first, and don't rush to attack. Brothers who have a pistol immediately seize the time to change the magazine of the pistol. After changing it, use the pistol to greet these beasts."

    After saying that, Yang Zhen took the lead in taking out the Browning pistol from his trouser pocket, raised his hand and knocked down the two Japanese who were about to give a bayonet to the prisoner of war who had been stabbed to the ground.

    Yang Zhen¡¯s shout actually woke up the dreamer.  The brother who was assigned the pistol hurriedly backed away and took out the spare magazine to replace it.  It's a pity that these people are almost fighting together for the first time, and they are far from forming a tacit understanding.

    The brothers who were about to change the magazine of the pistol in their hands stepped back, but most of the positions they vacated were not filled in time.  Before these brothers could take out their spare magazines, several of them were stabbed to death by the Japanese who caught the gap.  In this way, it adds a lot of unnecessary losses.

    Looking at the chaotic scene, Yang Zhen almost bit off his tongue without regret.  Although he was a little angry, Yang Zhen knew that he could not blame these brothers who seemed to be in a hurry now.  It was the first time for them to cooperate with each other in fighting, and there was almost no tacit understanding.  It¡¯s already very good to be able to play like this.

    The unfamiliarity of mutual cooperation and the low level of hand-to-hand combat put the captured soldiers who had the upper hand in numbers at a disadvantage in the situation.  Among those who were stabbed to the ground, the majority were prisoners of war wearing prison uniforms.  The Japs, who were originally barely separated, gradually tended to move closer to each other.

    Seeing that the separated Japanese soldiers were about to get closer together, Yang Zhenqian was anxious but had no choice.  He is not a man with three heads and six arms. He can kill one or two, but it is impossible to kill these devils at the same time.

    Moreover, from the moment he dealt with the guards, Yang Zhen almost always took action himself.  Now after this hand-to-hand battle, Yang Zhen gradually felt that his physical strength was a little weak.  Now it is just relying on a will to barely support it.

    "If it weren't for Yang Zhen's quick reaction, the agility of his hands and feet has been greatly reduced, I am afraid that he would have been stabbed down by the Japanese bayonets from time to time.  Although he escaped from the critical point, after a hard fight, Yang Zhen's body had already received three to five scratches.

    Looking at the scene where the Chinese side has the numerical advantage but is still locked in a stalemate, Yang Zhen knows that there is not much time left for him, and Yang Zhen, who is anxious in his heart, still cannot come up with an effective solution.  There is no way, the other people's combat power is too weak, even basic cooperation with each other cannot be achieved.

    Just when Yang Zhen was at a loss to deal with the situation, with a burst of brisk gunfire, two people came out from the side to solve the problem for him.

    After missing for a while, Yang Zhen thought he had died. At this time, Li Mingrui and Huang Dali suddenly appeared, holding two spare magazines in one hand and a speed machine in the other. They were flying up and down in twos and threes, leaning against each other, forming a  The Japanese who had chosen the tactical combination were named.  The Japs who had some tendency to gather were scattered again.

    The emergence of these two speed machines has greatlyThis solved the embarrassing situation of being in a good position but not scoring.  Under the cover of these two speed machines, the prisoners of war who were just in a hurry finally completed the work of changing the pistol magazine.

    After changing the pistol magazine, the doom of the surrounded Japanese army came.  At this distance, if you use the Type 38 rifle with extremely strong penetrating power, you will probably be injured much more than the enemy.  For pistols with weak penetrating power, it is the right time to use it.  At least there is no problem in making the Japanese lose their combat effectiveness.

    With a melee weapon in hand, naturally no one will be polite to the Japanese.  After a period of intensive pistol gunfire, only Genrao Uemura and Takeo Ishii, who were surrounded by dozens of Chinese prisoners of war, were left among more than a hundred Japanese soldiers.

    After all, he was a regular Japanese officer.  Looking at the Chinese prisoners of war who were holding the Type 38 rifle with the bayonet attached and surrounding him, Uemura Genryo was still very tough.  Holding the saber in both hands, he was ready to make a last-ditch effort.

    On the other side, he is more accustomed to bullying the weak and fearing the strong. He is holding a 38-meter rifle picked up from the ground in his hand. The majesty of the past has long been gone. His legs are trembling like a cerebral thrombosis patient, but Ishii Takeo has a lot of troubles.

    After this period of fighting, Yang Zhen was exhausted, but did not dare to rest. He ignored Li Mingrui and Huang Dali, who came to apologize, and walked behind the prisoners on the third floor and the third floor who surrounded the two Japanese to face Guo Bingxun.  , and Peng Dingjie said: "Old Guo, we can't delay any longer. You immediately take two hundred people to the Japanese dormitory, which is the Dongcun Village in the picture. The Japanese there are the essence of this demon army. You go and kill them all."  Get rid of him. Remember, Huang Dali is a scout. It would be better if you take him with you."

    "I took twenty veterans to the headquarters to get rid of Shiro Ishii. As for the rest, Lao Peng took the lead to continue looking for explosives. We also went to the General Affairs Department to collect all the maps, medicines, batteries, and everything else that was useful to us.  Take them away. In addition, the injured brothers must be arranged."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen said to Peng Dingjie: "Old Peng, remember to search carefully to see if there is a radio station. If we want to contact the central government, we must have a radio station. Without a radio station, we are deaf. And you must act  Hurry, we have wasted too much time here, and there is not much time left for us now.¡±

    After listening to Yang Zhen¡¯s arrangements, Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie nodded, without saying anything, and each took the others away.

    After Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie left, Yang Zhen said to Li Mingrui, who wanted to explain to him: "After you go and kill that Japanese officer, pick twenty people to follow me. As for Takeo Ishii, stay here first, I  And get something out of his mouth."

    Li Mingrui didn¡¯t hesitate. Before Yang Zhen¡¯s instructions could be heard, he had already shot Uemura Genliang in the head.

    The death of Genryo Uemura not only did not inspire Takeo Ishii to give it a try, but actually frightened him out of his last bit of courage.  Looking at Genryo Uemura's miserable attire under the streetlight, half of his head was blown off and his brains were leaking out. Although Ishii Takeo did not put down the rifle in his hand, the hand holding the gun was trembling even more, and his crotch was also shaking.  There was an unidentified water stain.

    After receiving Yang Zhen¡¯s order, no one was polite to him. Two people went up and knocked him unconscious with the butts of their rifles.  These prisoners of war, who had almost been beaten by him these days and hated him to death in their hearts, would have been eaten alive by the angry prisoners of war if Yang Zhen had not ordered one to be left alive.

    After knocking Takeo Ishii unconscious, Yang Zhen took Li Mingrui and twenty selected veterans, tied up Takeo Ishii, and led him straight to the headquarters building of the Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department where Shiro Ishii was located.  At this moment, because he has not yet waited for the result of the disposal, Ishii Shiro, who was irritating back and forth in his office, did not know that the god of death had begun to wave to him.

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