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Text Chapter 30 Destruction (2)

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    Seeing Takeo Ishii holding his lap and crying with tears and snot running down his face, Shiro Ishii couldn't help but feel a trace of disgust in his heart.  [.Com text] During the construction of the entire Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department base, Shiro Ishii knew how much benefit this guy got from this huge project under his own name.  Just because he is a family member, I have not pursued it.

    Of course, Shiro Ishii doesn¡¯t pursue the issue except that he is his biological brother, and the most important thing is because he gets more benefits.  There are even many benefits that were transferred to him through Ishii Takeo's hands.

    And he was placed in the special class because this guy has a simple mind and a simple and rough style.  The Kwantung Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department is a technical department. If you put him in another position, this guy who only knows how to make money will not be able to do it, and there is no telling how big a trap he can make.

    I thought that by putting him in the position of special squad leader, I would put him to good use and use his rough personality to effectively manage those on the road.  Secondly, giving this position to one of your own will give you peace of mind.

    I didn¡¯t expect that this guy still dug a huge hole in himself.  It's just that this guy is his second brother, so he still has to wipe his butt for him no matter what.

    After being silent for a long time, Shiro Ishii said to Takeo Ishii: "Get up. You immediately go to the Sifang Building to cooperate with the security captain and wipe out all the dirty roads, leaving no one behind."

    After hearing what Shiro Ishii said, Takeo Ishii stood up and said hesitantly: "Shiro, if all those roads are wiped out, what will you do to the Kwantung Army? The Kwantung Army is even going to launch this big experiment.  The Domestic Army Department is particularly concerned about you wiping out all the experimental subjects?"

    Seeing that his simple-minded second brother, who had never been interested in anything other than making money and beating people, actually cared about how to explain to the Kwantung Army headquarters, Shiro Ishii couldn't help but sneered: "You  Do you really think that all these roads are for us?¡±

    "Only one-third of this is supplied to our Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department. The rest is just because the Kwantung Army Chemical Department base in Qiqihar is still under construction and cannot carry out experiments, so the experiments are temporarily placed here with us."

    "The resistance of the Chinese army is very tenacious, and the Imperial Army has suffered heavy casualties in this war that has lasted for a whole year. In order to reduce casualties, achieve greater progress, and completely destroy the Chinese army's will to resist, the Army Research  Several new types of poisonous gases were discovered, and these roads were specially transported for actual combat testing of these poisonous gases.¡±

    "The main body of our base has just been built, and except for a few parts, most of the equipment is still being debugged. Although all researchers are in place, due to the equipment, it will take at least a few days to carry out comprehensive experiments. So even if these roads  Most of them are dead and have little to do with us now.¡±

    "And for us, as long as the empire still occupies the land of China and maintains its offensive against China, Malu Da will continue to be sent over. For the Kwantung Army Headquarters, as long as these Malu Da are not escaped, here  The secret has not been revealed yet, let alone hundreds of people dead on the road, even if there are tens of thousands of them, will anyone care? "

    "The Imperial Army captured tens of thousands of prisoners of war in China. Instead of wasting them in vain for recruits to practice assassination, these prisoners of war might as well be given to us for experimentation. Just transport some more when needed. Compared to  These are just some experimental raw materials. What is more difficult for them to tolerate is that the experimental time is delayed. "

    "As long as these roads don't escape, the Kwantung Army Headquarters, no matter how angry it is, can only give you a reprimand for lax management. But if these roads escape, the consequences will be serious. Whether it's us or the Chemical Defense Department,  These are all top secrets and must not be leaked, even if there is a slight possibility. Therefore, these roadblocks must be eliminated. "

    Having said this, Shiro Ishii pondered for a moment.  This time, the incident in Malu Da was extremely unexpected. What was the reason for these Malu Da's discovery of the anomaly made Shiro Ishii puzzled.

    "What is the reason why these Chinese people, who have always been cowardly and would only meekly let themselves be manipulated by the strong who conquered them, unexpectedly held a massacre?"

    Seeing that Shiro Ishii, who had just been boasting, suddenly fell silent, Takeo Ishii, who was about to carry out his order, thought he suddenly remembered something, so he neither dared to disturb nor make any movement, so he could only be honest  Stand aside.

    Shiro Ishii, who had been thinking about it for a long time and was still puzzled, raised his head and saw Ishii who was supposed to execute his order.The man was still standing aside, and said with some displeasure: "Major Takeo Ishii, if you don't follow the order, why are you still here? Don't you know that the garrison is not allowed to enter and exit the special class at will, and for  Don¡¯t you understand the structure there?¡±

    Ishii Takeo, who didn't expect that the first thing his fourth brother would do when he woke up from his reverie, reprimanded him, quickly said: "Aren't I afraid that you will think of something again? Although as long as these roads are big, you can't run on them."  If you go out, the Kwantung Army will at most give you a scolding, but I'm always worried that things won't be that simple."

    Hearing Takeo Ishii's words of concern, Shiro Ishii not only was not happy at all, but was even more displeased and said: "You also know that you care about me? You left your special class aside and went to the comfort station to spend time and alcohol.  Why didn't you think of me when you were here? Except when you wanted benefits from me, when did you think of your fourth brother?"

    "Shiro, from what you said, it seems that your second brother and I are a philistine. I don't say it, but in fact I have always cared about you. Isn't there a saying in China that it is best to fight a tiger with brothers, and it takes father and son to fight?  Soldiers? You and I are brothers after all. At critical moments, aren¡¯t we the only ones who can be relied upon? If I don¡¯t help you think about it now, when will I help you?¡±

    It¡¯s just that Takeo Ishii¡¯s words of concern were obviously in the wrong place.  Shiro Ishii, who is now a little uneasy due to being raped and wants to get angry just looking at him, has the time to talk about brotherly love with him?  For Shiro Ishii, the most critical thing is to quickly extinguish the big gunshots on the road.

    Regarding his words, Shiro Ishii sneered and said: "It's okay for you. You can get back to the special class immediately. If these rioters cannot be wiped out before dawn, you can go back to Chiba County and continue."  Be your landowner. The Department of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply does not need waste materials.¡±

    But what made Shiro Ishii a little disappointed was that Takeo Ishii obviously lacked confidence in his request, which seemed to him to be easy. "But Shiro, can this be solved with the strength of the police force alone? You know  There are more than 500 people on these roads. Are you asking the Harbin Military Police for help?"

    Ishii Takeo did not expect that these words that he thought were well-intentioned would completely anger Shiro Ishii.  Regarding his idea of ??requesting reinforcements from the Harbin garrison, Ishii Shiro, whose anger had just calmed down, surged up again. He casually grabbed the folder on his desk and threw it at Takeo Ishii: "You  Stupid, idiot.¡±

    "Don't you think it's embarrassing enough to let those closely monitored prisoners carry out massacres and even occupy our most core parts? You also want to make this matter known to the whole world. Only then can you really take me down.  Are you happy? Why do I have such a stupid brother like you? Go back now. If you can't solve it as quickly as possible, don't come back to see me this time. "

    Seeing the furious Ishii Shiro, Ishii Takeo, who knew he was at fault, did not dare to explain anything.  After dodging the folders that were thrown at him, he escaped from Shiro Ishii's office in a panic.

    Looking at Takeo Ishii¡¯s embarrassed back, Shiro Ishii didn¡¯t even have half a smile on his face.  Although Takeo Ishii's worries just now seemed a bit unfounded to Shiro Ishii, they were not completely unreasonable.  Although the Kwantung Army does not care about the life and death of these road warriors, it still attaches great importance to the fact that these road warriors will not leave here alive.

    Recalling the last street massacre in Zhongma City, I even escaped for more than ten days and the Kwantung Army headquarters severely reprimanded me.  Shiro Ishii couldn't help but hesitate a little about whether to ask for help from the Harbin Military Police.

    It¡¯s just that after his hand grabbed the receiver of the phone, he still didn¡¯t make the call.  After hesitating for a long time, Ishii Shiro finally put down the phone in his hand and decided to take a look first.  Anyway, Harbin is only twenty kilometers away from here. If you ask for help yourself, the reinforcements will arrive in at most an hour.

    Even if the security force of a squadron that I have on hand cannot completely wipe out these rioters alone, it is still not a problem to hold on for an hour.  Shiro Ishii still doesn't know that it was his hesitation that cost him his last chance of life.

    Yang Zhen, who was still annoyed that he couldn't find the explosives, naturally didn't know about Shiro Ishii's inner struggle to save face and suffer.  All he knew was that without explosives, he could not destroy these incredibly strong buildings.

    However, although no explosives were found, Guo Bingxun, who was ordered to search for explosives, did not find the explosives. Instead, he found a place in the General Affairs Department building where all captured personnel were re-educated.

    When this storage room filled with glass jars containing various human internal organs and even whole human body specimens was opened, everyone who entered hereAfter getting used to the pungent smell of formalin in this room, all the staff were shocked by what they saw and became completely angry.

    The Chinese have always valued death, not to mention emptying out the body¡¯s internal organs and leaving them here for people to visit.  Even opening the grave of the deceased is considered disrespectful.  Looking at the room full of human specimens, especially the corpses of a dozen children soaked in formalin, these men who didn't quite understand the so-called germ warfare were irritated by what they saw.

    When Yang Zhen took a quick look at the information that Guo Bingxun took out from that room, he realized that these specimens were all transported by the Japanese from the original base of Wuchang.  Most of these corpses were dissected by police, which means that these people were alive when they were dissected.

    After hearing Yang Zhen's brief translation of some of the information, and hearing the brothers who had entered the room talking about the situation in that room, the emotions of these prisoners of war, who were already a little excited, were like a bunch of people who had been doused with gasoline.  The dry firewood was completely irritated as if it had encountered a spark.

    Seeing the completely aroused emotions of the prisoners of war in front of them, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun looked at each other, but they were somewhat surprised to find that Guo Bingxun looked at him with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

    Yang Zhen didn¡¯t explain much about Guo Bingxun¡¯s ulterior motives. He just smiled faintly, pushed the information into his hands, told him to keep these things safe, and then ran forward to give instructions.

    Yang Zhen ran to Du Kaishan, who was commanding dozens of brothers to block the increasingly fierce Japanese garrison attacks, and said, "How is it? Are the frequency of the Japanese attacks getting higher and higher?"

    Du Kaishan, who was overwhelmed by the fierce firepower of three Japanese heavy machine guns that were firing crosswise, could not hold his head up. When he saw Yang Zhen running over, he said anxiously: "Commander Yang, we can't go on like this. Although the little Japanese  There hasn¡¯t been a large-scale attack yet, but look at the crossfire of the three heavy machine guns of the Japs in front of them, sealing off the open space in front of them. The brothers are so pressed that they can¡¯t even lift their heads.¡±

    "We don't even have a basic bunker here. We can only crawl on the ground and rely on the low steps to cover and fight back. The shooting area in front is too wide. Once we leave here, we can't even find any cover. We can't even rush.  I can't rush through. In just a moment, I have already lost more than 20 brothers."

    "I organized a few brothers with good marksmanship to suppress these heavy machine guns with accurate marksmanship. But as soon as they raised their heads, they were knocked down by the Japs before they even raised their guns. It is too bright here. The Japs now use at least two guns.  A searchlight has locked this place tightly. As long as we leave the building, our every move will not be able to escape their eyes. If this continues, we will be blocked by the little devils even if we don't do anything.  was consumed."

    Looking at the situation in front of him, Yang Zhen frowned.  Judging from the arrangement of the Japanese commander on the opposite side, this guy is a real veteran and has a certain understanding of street fighting similar to the current situation.

    Not only did they use heavy machine guns to seal the open space between the two buildings tightly.  The lights of the two emergency searchlights, which had never been activated, were also pointed at this place.  Sharpshooters were also arranged to protect the heavy machine gunners.

    Du Kaishan is right. He has no supplies and no reinforcements. If he is blocked here by the Japanese like now, he will not be able to break out.  Not to mention completely annihilating these demons, even the little power I have at hand will be eaten away bit by bit.

    Yang Zhen raised his head slightly and looked at the distance of the searchlight pointed at here, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.  These two searchlights are set at a really awkward angle.  Although the target direction is mainly from the outside, and the inside can only be illuminated in front of the General Affairs Department building, but if he wants to destroy them, he has to expose his body to the firepower of the Japanese heavy machine guns.

    Looking at the two huge searchlights that were a bit dazzling, Yang Zhen, knowing that he had little time left, gritted his teeth and said to Guo Bingxun who was following him: "Old Guo, you just sit here and take command, I will go and take care of these searchlights."  The little devil's commander only used firepower to suppress us, but refused to charge. It seems that he has made up his mind to consume us bit by bit. The underground passage over there is still being exhausted.  The only thing waiting for us here is death. After explaining Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen turned to Du Kaishan and said: "Old Du, you bring a few more experienced veterans and go to the second floor with a machine gun.  In the room on the right, at least the firepower of the three Japanese heavy machine guns must be dispersed.  "

    At this point, Yang Zhen pulled the bolt and looked at the bullets inside, then took out the Browning pistol that Peng Dingjie had given him and loaded it. Without waiting for Guo Bingxun to speak, he turned around and broke a window on the first floor.  , aiming at the Japanese heavy machine gun fire and jumped out.

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