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Text Chapter 1348 Arabian Storm (19)

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    When Aziz asked everyone if they were interested in muskets, everyone said that of course.  It's just that everyone is worried that the Song people may not sell this powerful weapon to them.

    However, Aziz then conveyed Mabond¡¯s meaning, which immediately made these people happy.

    Although the price of sixty gold coins is high, it is still affordable for everyone.  Moreover, the other party also allows them to use some things in exchange for things, which makes it even easier, doesn't it?

    In the end, the members of the tribal alliance who followed Aziz to Cairo reached an agreement with Mabond to buy and sell muskets.

    A total of more than 3,000 muskets were sold in Mabond and a large profit was made.

    The three thousand muskets sold were divided among thirteen tribes, of which Aziz alone purchased 200 muskets on behalf of his tribe.

    Strictly speaking, the number of three thousand muskets is not a lot, but the profit from it is huge.

    Therefore, Mabond is also very happy to be able to make this deal.

    Of course, compared to the arms trade agreement that Zhao Hongyu reached with the Ming Empire in the east, the deal here in Mabond really pales into insignificance.

    "However, even if Aziz and his tribe are united together, they can't compete with the Ming Empire in the east, right?

    With the strength of Ming Dynasty, it is very simple to purchase tens of thousands of muskets from Zhao Hongyu at one time, plus a large amount of armor, weapons and food.

    Who made the Ming Dynasty have a large population, and the annual taxes were not comparable to those of these tribes in Asia.

    Not to mention that Zhao Hongyu lent a large sum of money to Ming Dynasty in order to reach an arms trade agreement, which made Ming Dynasty's finances suddenly become more comfortable.

    Although this is excessive consumption and will have to be repaid in the future, at least Daming has money on hand now.

    Therefore, it is already very good for these Arabs to buy three thousand muskets from Mabond.

    ??If it weren¡¯t for thirteen tribes united together.  Mabond cannot sell so many muskets yet.

    Mabond himself is very satisfied with this, and in his opinion, with such a good start, the future will not be bad.

    The Arabs do not have gunpowder and lead shot, so in order to prevent the musket from turning into a fire stick, they will definitely have to buy gunpowder and lead shot from the empire in the future.

    ??????????????????????This is another long-term income.

    Aziz said that there are hundreds of large and small tribes in the Cuman area. If muskets are sold to every tribe, then the sale of gunpowder and lead shot alone will be enough for the Cairo Concession to earn a lot of money.  of income.

    after all.  After you buy the musket, you can't just use it as a decoration.

    Training also requires some consumption, right?

    These Arabs are still using cold weapons to fight. After getting the muskets, they will definitely have to train how to use them and become familiar with this weapon.

    There is a big difference between muskets and cold weapons, that is, you must shoot a sufficient number of times to master the use and accuracy of muskets.


    Mabond can foresee what kind of changes will happen when the empire's muskets are sold to the Arabs in an endless stream.

    At the same time, Aziz arrived.  It also allowed Mabond to start taking over the Cuman region.  After all, according to the news brought by Aziz, the Cuman region has begun to become unstable. If he doesn't receive it quickly, there will be greater changes if it takes a while.

    Although there is no need to worry that the Cuman region will not fall into the hands of the empire.  But it would be nice to reduce some trouble.

    Therefore, just three days later, Mabande asked the volunteer army stationed in the Cairo Concession to dispatch 3,000 people to Cuman.

    He is here in the Cairo Concession.  Only a thousand troops were left.

    For Mabond, leaving a thousand troops is enough to deal with emergencies.

    There is no doubt about the strength of the Imperial Army.

    And the 3,000-man legion was mobilized.  After marching to the Cuman area, it can be regarded as an armed force that cannot be underestimated. I dare not say it if it goes sideways, but it can still be done by receiving Cuman and stabilizing the situation.

    MaBangde himself began to mobilize a large amount of supplies, preparing to start delivering supplies and materials for building a fortress there after the Corps took over Cuman and stabilized the situation.

    Because he was stationed in the Cairo Concession, he could not personally lead the regiment to Cuman, which made Mabond a little disappointed.

    But??He also knew that as the governor of the Cairo concession, it was impossible for him to do things according to his own temper.

    Therefore, he appointed a colonel to command this legion of three thousand men and gave him full authority to handle all matters in the Cuman region.

    In other words, if there is any situation encountered in Cuman, the colonel has the right to deal with it immediately without reporting it.

    Regarding the dispatch of troops from the Song Empire in the Cairo Concession, the Egyptians reported to the Ottoman Empire.

    Because Prince Mustafa had said this, the Ottomans did not say anything about the empire sending troops to Cuman.

    ¡°After all, the contract has been signed, and the Cuman area has been given to the Song Empire, so it is normal for the Song people to send troops to station.

    And the Ottomans are now busy with their own family affairs, so they don¡¯t have the energy to worry about this aspect.

    Of course, although they did not have the energy to take care of it, the Ottomans still caused a stumbling block for the Song Empire because of their displeasure.

    That is the Ottomans who are active in the Cuman area, constantly fanning the flames of those tribes, or threatening them to leave Cuman and move to other places.

    For the Ottomans, although there was nothing in the Cuman region, it was simply a barren land.  But the tribes here are warlike, and the men are all qualified warriors.

    Therefore, they would not be willing to stay with the Song people.

    If these tribes can be allowed to migrate, then the Song Empire will only get a piece of desert.

    In this way, the Ottomans will feel more comfortable.

    ¡°Anyway, as long as the Song Empire can take over the Cuman area, that¡¯s fine, right? I did it in accordance with the agreement.

    By then, even the Song Empire would not be able to say anything.

    Therefore, under the instigation of the Ottomans, many tribes in the Cuman region were deceived and began to migrate to the territory belonging to the Ottomans and left the Cuman Desert region.

    The number of these tribes.  Approximately half of all tribes in the Cuman region.

    It can be seen that these tribes have no confidence in the Song Empire that is about to take over this place.

    And they simply believe that being ruled by people from the Song Empire is not as good as that of the Ottomans.

    Here, we can only say that these tribes will regret it to death soon.  However, when that time comes, it will be useless for them to regret it. The path is theirs to choose, right?

    So.  They have to pay the price for their choice.

    The remaining tribes were originally conservative and warlike.

    They think that they cannot leave the desert left by their ancestors, which is very courageous and disrespectful to their ancestors.

    And, they believe that now is a good time for them to gain maximum benefits.

    The complete withdrawal of Ottoman power from Cuman left a power vacuum.

    Although in the near future, people from the Song Empire will take over the replacement.  But who cares now?

    They didn¡¯t know the Song people, nor had they ever interacted with them.

    God knows where these people come from, maybe they are just soft-footed shrimps.

    So, let¡¯s take advantage of this time when there are no more rules.  It's business to get your own benefits quickly.

    And a small number of tribes, because of their ambitions, want to take advantage of the fact that people from the Song Empire are not stationed in the desert, hoping to unify the desert.

    By the time.  Even if people from the Song Empire come, there must be nothing they can do about it.

    It is impossible to say that they can still prevent the Song Dynasty from entering.  Finally became the uncrowned king of this desert.

    Even if they were successfully settled by the Song Dynasty in the end, they could still have a transcendent status.

    I have to say, these people have really good plans.

    There are not many tribes with such ideas and ambitions, there are just two large tribes.

    The remaining small and medium-sized tribes took advantage of this chaotic period without rules and began to use force against other tribes.  Some are because there is hatred between tribes, and some want to annex other tribes to strengthen themselves.

    Or, simply want to plunder the population of other tribes, or occupy other tribes¡¯ water sources or oases.

    It can be said that the withdrawal of Ottoman forces and troops has completely destabilized the Cuman region.

    The Bagir tribe to which Aziz belongs, and the other twelve combined tribes, are all small and medium-sized tribes. They neither want to leave Cuman, the place where their ancestors lived, nor do they want to?Involved in this melee.

    However, there are some things that don¡¯t mean they don¡¯t have to participate if they don¡¯t want to participate.

    Not to mention other tribes, they have already started to focus on them.

    Therefore, in order to avoid losses and find a way out.

    The thirteen tribes united and each sent several envoys to Cairo. They found the concession and met Mabond to explain their intention.

    At the same time, it is also to measure and see what kind of virtue the future owner of the Cuman region will be.

    If the Song Empire was not strong, then these thirteen tribes might leave, or simply join in the melee.

    Fortunately, after these envoys came to the Cairo Concession, they saw the power of the Song Empire.

    Therefore, such a thing will not happen.

    It was precisely because of the appearance of these people that Mabande began to pay attention to the issue of receiving and garrisoning troops in the Cuman area.

    The Cuman region was obtained from the Ottomans, and it plays a very important role in the future development of the empire, so Mabond will not let those ambitious guys succeed.

    If the empire does not have strong military power and self-confidence, then it goes without saying.

    However, it is obvious that the empire is not afraid of this at all.

    And as this legion leaves the Cairo Concession and enters the Cuman area, it will become even more chaotic (To be continued)
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