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Text Chapter 1349 Arabian Storm (20)

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    The Middle East, in the seventeenth century, was as much a region of murder and chaos as it is today.  This has not changed much even in modern times.

    Because it is located at the junction of Asia, Africa and Europe, it can be regarded as a place connecting three important regions, so it is full of wealth opportunities and greed and blood in the darkness.

    Of course, what¡¯s more important is that people make this place more turbulent because of their beliefs.

    Here, it is a world filled with gravel, and green vegetation is rarely seen.  It can be said that the conditions of the people living here are quite poor.

    Therefore, if any tribe can find an oasis here as a place to recuperate, then he is definitely lucky.

    But often when an oasis in the desert is occupied and discovered, it will be accompanied by bloody killings.

    Therefore, without strong strength, even discovering an oasis would be a disaster.

    For this reason, the tribes living in the desert are very clear.

    However, if you want to survive in the desert and let the entire tribe thrive.  Oases have become an indispensable place for survival, because there are freshwater resources in oasis that are more precious than gold in the eyes of desert tribes.

    Therefore, any tribe that owns an oasis will not give it up easily, even when facing a force stronger than itself.

    As for the reason, it is quite simple, because this is the most important thing for the survival of the tribe, isn't it?

    The Bagir tribe is a small and medium-sized tribe with four to five thousand people.  There are only a thousand qualified warriors in his tribe who can stand up to the sky.

    ¡°Qualified¡± warriors refer to those men who have reached adulthood and are strong.

    But if those children who are underage and can pick up swords to fight are also included, the Bagir tribe can have more than 2,000 warriors.

    However, as long as the elders and chiefs of the tribe are not mentally retarded, they will not make this decision easily as long as the tribe's elders and chiefs are not mentally retarded.

    Unless it¡¯s a matter of life and death for the tribe.  Maybe something like this will happen.

    After all, children are also a very important part of a tribe.

    They represent the future and hope of the tribe.

    If a tribe doesn¡¯t even have children, then what future does the tribe have?

    Even a fool knows this.

    However, now the Bagir tribe is facing such a life and death crisis.

    Facing someone much stronger than yourself, the population is also larger.  The adult warriors of the Bajir tribe have lost a large number of enemies with much better weapons and armor.

    Therefore, the tribe has decided to let those children who are not yet mature enough to pick up swords and fight to defend the tribe.

    Even some women and girls.  Do the same.

    After all, if the tribe is destroyed, the fate of these people will not be much better.

    The best result is to become someone else's slave, living a life worse than a pig or a dog, and unable to control one's own life or death.

    In order to ensure the survival of the tribe, women and girls also participated in the war.  It becomes less incomprehensible.

    You must know that the survival of the tribe is closely related to themselves.

    What¡¯s more, their children, husbands, brothers and relatives were also involved in the chaos that broke out in the Cuman area, so how could they stay out of it.

    Of course, more women want to protect their families.

    No matter what, the Bagir tribe can be regarded as a ¡®national mobilization¡¯.

    So it can be seen.  The current situation of the Bagir tribe is not very good, and it is even said that it is very bad.

    Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Bagir tribe to let their children and women take up arms to fight.

    Thirty miles away from the oasis occupied by the Bagir tribe, there is a small sand dune.  Hundreds of warriors wearing black Arab robes, with cloth strips wrapped around their heads, and riding camels kept shouting and waving weapons in their hands.

    In the desert surrounding these warriors.  More than a hundred corpses lay crookedly.

    It can be seen that there was a small-scale battle here before, and the losing side has been completely wiped out without any survivors.

    The winners are undoubtedly those wearing black robes.

    Such killing.  Very common in Cuman area, especiallyIt was during this period.

    Early on, when the Ottomans still controlled this area, although there were conflicts, most of them were not very large.

    Generally speaking, the scale of the battle is only a dozen or no more than fifty people.

    But now, because the Ottomans gave the Cuman region to the Song Empire, and the Ottomans withdrew their troops stationed in Cuman, there was a power vacuum in Cuman.

    And in order to add trouble to the people of the Song Empire, the Ottomans continued to fan the wind, which made Cuman become confused.

    For the same reason, the conflicts between tribes are no longer the kind of small fights, but have begun to expand in scale.

    Like the conflict here in the sand dunes, where more than a hundred people died, it was obviously just a trivial matter.

    In the northern part of the Cuman region, close to Iraq, where several large tribes live, more people died in conflicts there.

    Those who died were all wearing green robes with white gowns underneath.

    Just from the color of the robes, it can be seen that this is definitely a small battle between two tribes.

    Among the people in green robes, there were also some people in black robes.  It can be seen that the victors in black robes also paid a price.

    "Miss, all the Tata people have been killed. We checked and no one is breathing."

    The people on the black robed side, except for those riding camels on guard outside, the remaining people were constantly looking at the bodies of the green robed people. If they found anyone still breathing, they would ruthlessly stab them.  .

    After it was confirmed that there were no survivors, the men in black robes who were responsible for checking turned over and rode on their camels. One of them, who looked like a leader, came to the other big boss to report.

    The person in black robe who is called Miss, because of the robe, it is impossible to tell her gender.

    If it weren¡¯t for that subordinate¡¯s title, you wouldn¡¯t even know that she was actually a woman.

    ¡°Moreover, the person who was called the lady also had a black gauze covering her face.

    "Damn the Tatas, they have surrendered to the Efa. If we hadn't discovered them this time, then all the children they kidnapped from the tribe would eventually be called slaves of the Efa. So we didn't kill them.  That¡¯s right, you don¡¯t have to pity them.¡±

    The woman's tone was very cold. The reason why she said this to her subordinates was because she saw a trace of unbearability in their eyes.

    Yes, intolerance towards the enemy.

    Such emotion and pity are unacceptable.

    To know.  She ordered that no one be left alive because the other party was an enemy.

    ¡° Moreover, he was an enemy who suddenly attacked the tribe and captured many children in the tribe.

    What¡¯s more important is that these enemies have also joined their tribe¡¯s old enemies, the Efa people, so killing them will not cause any psychological burden.

    But.  This subordinate can't bear it.

    This is not possible.

    Being kind to the enemy is cruel to oneself.

    ¡°If this subordinate¡¯s mindset doesn¡¯t change, he will die soon.

    He will not die at the hands of his own people, but will die under the sword of the enemy.

    After all, the enemy will not be intolerant to you in battle, and they will show no mercy in killing you.

    If this guy fights with such thoughts, he will be a ghost until he dies.

    Although I am a little angry with this guy.  But after all, he is a member of the tribe, and he is still a young man and does not have that much experience.

    Therefore, she must educate him well and let him understand this.

    If he was not from the tribe, she would not care about his life or death.

    "Butbutbut they have been defeated. Capturing them and tying them up will not pose any threat to us. Why did you order them all to be killed?"

    After hearing what this ¡®young lady¡¯ said, the young man couldn¡¯t help but retort.

    "We don't have that many manpower to take care of them. The enemy we have to face now makes it impossible for us to allocate manpower. And if we take them back to the tribe, have you ever thought about how to deal with so many people eating and drinking?"

    The girl¡¯s reaction immediately left the young man speechless.

    "Don't have any doubts about my decision. Killing them will be beneficial to the tribe. You can go back and ask your father and hear what he says. Now I don't want to be in this issue with you."The entanglement continued, telling everyone that we should go back to the tribe.  "

    When the woman saw the young man's eyes, she was still full of dissatisfaction.

    Think about it.  People didn't take his words to heart or think about them seriously enough at all.

    This makes women very uncomfortable.

    However, the woman is too lazy to argue with the young man on this issue right now. Now she needs to take the warriors back to the tribe immediately.

    after all.  They rescued dozens of tribal children. These children were quite frightened, and some were slightly injured, so they had to go back to the tribe immediately to treat the children.

    The young man was unwilling to give in, but he knew enough not to refute. Instead, he controlled the camel under his crotch to turn around and convey the woman's order.

    A gust of wind blew by, bringing waves of heat and a salty smell.

    The woman's black gauze scarf was blown open, revealing her pink mouth.

    Her blue, gem-like eyes kept scanning back and forth from the body lying dead in the yellow sand.

    With a roar, the men in black robes gathered together again and then galloped away in the west direction.

    The more than a hundred corpses left behind were gradually covered by the sand blown by the wind.

    Thinking about it, these corpses will be hidden under this yellow sand before long
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