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Text Chapter 1347 Arabian Storm (18)

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    The price of the muskets quoted by Mabond was indeed very high, especially for Aziz.

    You should know that Aziz¡¯s tribe is not very big, with a population of only four to five thousand people.  Moreover, the number of qualified warriors among these four to five thousand people is even smaller, and most of the tribesmen are women, children, and the elderly.

    ¡°It¡¯s easy to imagine how much money a desert tribe like this can afford.

    Even if you think about it on your knees, they really can¡¯t come up with much money.

    ??Especially for tribes living in a chaotic place like the Cuman region, they will be even more impoverished.

    Fortunately, there are many camels in the tribe, and the women are ingenious and can weave relatively valuable camel hair products out of camel hair, which allows them to survive reluctantly.

    Furthermore, they can also obtain some necessities that the tribes need for survival through trade with tribes in Persia and Iraq to earn price differences.

    Therefore, sixty gold coins for a musket really scared Aziz.

    He has lived for so many years, but his entire family property combined is not that large.

    Even the leader of the tribe would probably feel pain for this.

    I don¡¯t know if the other party can agree to use camels in exchange?

    If it is possible, then maybe this deal can still be done.

    The Bagir tribe lacks everything except camels.

    Although this tribe has a small population, it has as many as seven or eight thousand camels.

    Basically, if these camels fell on the heads of every tribesman, there would be a spare head for each person.

    Of course, most of these camels belong to tribal chiefs, and the number of camels in the hands of the tribesmen is not very large.

    In this era, various Arab tribes lived in the desert areas.  Camels are a very valuable and important means of transportation.

    If there were no camels, the lives of these tribes would be very troublesome.

    At the same time, the number of camels killed is also a sign of judging whether a tribe is strong or not.

    This aspect is very different from Europeans and Easterners.

    In the West and the East.  The standard for people to judge value is the amount of gold and silver, but this standard is different in the desert areas where Arabs live.

    The symbol of wealth here is the camel, not gold and silver.

    ¡° If it were not for the convenience of trade with the outside world, no one in these tribes would care about things like gold and silver.

    Small and medium-sized tribes evaluate their strength based on the number of camels, while large tribes evaluate their strength in addition to the number of camels.  And how many oases they control as a standard.

    It can be said that the measurement of value in desert areas is very different from that in the outside world.

    But, this is also very normal.

    If you don¡¯t live in such an environment, you won¡¯t be able to understand it.

    Of course, among the tribes living in desert areas.  There will also be some horses present.

    However, the role of these horses in the desert is far less useful than camels.

    Therefore, camels, an animal that is hardworking and can survive in the water-scarce environment of the desert, have become very popular among various desert tribes.

    In the desert, the value of the best and beautiful female slaves.  Worse than a camel is common sense.

    Even, sometimes a relatively good horse can be exchanged for two or three beautiful female slaves.

    It can be imagined that for these tribes, what is the most important thing.

    However, Aziz also knows that although they value some things very much, it does not mean that others will value them the same.

    He has dealt with Persian and Iraqi businessmen, and also has many contacts with Ottoman businessmen, so he knows what those people outside the desert value most.

    What these people value is the gold and silver that cannot satisfy their hunger.  Something that doesn't quench your thirst.

    And camels are not something of value to these people outside the desert.

    Therefore, a camel is not as valuable as a beautiful female slave outside the desert.

    Now.  Aziz wanted to buy some muskets. After hearing the price, he was initially shocked. When he came to his senses, he immediately made some mental calculations.

    Sixty gold coins for a musket, the tribe will definitely not have any more.

    However, tribal warriors definitely need such a powerful weapon.

    Then, you have to find a way to do it yourself.

    ? ?Although the tribe does not have that many gold coins, can I use other methods to obtain what I need?

    For example, beautiful Persian slave girls, or exquisite camel hair products and other things.

    The method of bartering is actually very popular in this era, especially among the various tribes here in the desert area.

    ¡°After all, this is still the early seventeenth century, isn¡¯t it?

    Seeing the expression on Aziz¡¯s face constantly changing, sometimes thoughtful, sometimes pale and sometimes livid and embarrassed, Mabond slightly guessed what the other person was thinking now.

    "Is there anything difficult?"

    Mabond asked.

    Aziz glanced at Mabond and nodded: "This price" Before Aziz could finish speaking, his words were interrupted by Mabond.  "The price will not decrease. You also know the power of the musket, not to mention how troublesome it is to build, so the price is impossible to change."

    After hearing this, Aziz had a disappointed look on his face.

    In fact, what Ma Bond said is not absolute, because the empire¡¯s muskets are all purchased from the virtual world, and the prices are not very high at all.

    Over in the virtual world, these old-style muskets were commissioned and manufactured in the name of filming Hollywood ancient historical movies, so they are very cheap.

    After all, the craftsmanship and technology required by this ancient musket that still uses lead shot are nothing in the virtual world at the technological level of the 21st century.

    So, if you buy such a musket in large quantities, the price of each gun is only more than 300 yuan.

    Furthermore, these muskets are made by copycat workshops, which makes them even cheaper.

    ??According to the price of gold, even one gram of gold is not worth it.

    Therefore, it is sold at a price of sixty gold coins.  This is simply a huge profit.

    You should know that the gold currency popular in Asia and Europe, although there are some differences between countries.  But most of them are between 22 grams or 25 grams.

    So, the profits from the gun business.  It's really unimaginable.

    This is why Zhao Hongyu must sign an arms agreement with Emperor Fatty Zhu when he was in the Ming Empire, and sell the muskets from the empire.

    "That's right." A look of embarrassment and disappointment appeared on Aziz's face. After thinking for a long time, he asked carefully: "I don't think the price is unacceptable, but our tribe doesn't have that much gold.  ."

    Mabond also guessed the reason why the other party was so embarrassed.  So he had already thought of his words.

    To be honest, he didn¡¯t expect such a small tribe to come up with much gold.

    Therefore, bartering is not unacceptable.

    Besides, these are purely handmade camel hair products from this period.  There is also great profit if sold into the virtual world.  In fact, its value exceeds sixty pieces of gold.

    In the virtual world, an exquisite camel hair product from the Arabian region can sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars at most.  The lowest price is several thousand dollars, and the profit here is not small.

    Especially the handmade camel hair products sold by the empire to the virtual world, their patterns are very simple, and the quality of the camel hair is also very good.  This ensures that the value will not be low.

    Therefore, most of the camel hair products exchanged for goods in the Cairo Concession were shipped back to the Americas and handed over to authorized officials for sale in the virtual world.

    This has opened up a good income point for the empire.

    Therefore, if the other party can use camel hair to do this business, Mabond will not object.

    Although Persian female slaves can also be used, they are not as good as camel hair products after all.

    After all, slaves cannot be sold to the virtual world, so they can only be transported to the Americas and consumed by themselves.

    "However, these female "xinu" slaves cannot work like male "xinu" slaves and cannot create much value.

    and.  After so many years of trade with European slave traders, the empire's demand for female slaves is no longer so strong.

    With the establishment of the concession here in Cairo, beautiful Persian dancers and female slaves also appeared in an endless stream in the American empire.

    So, the empire is a wealthy group of Chinese people.  I am really not interested in beautiful slave girls anymore.

    ¡°Do you want to barter?¡±

    Mabond asked.

    Aziz nodded hurriedly: "Yes, if possibleIn other words, I would like to exchange camel hair products and the female slaves that the tribe recently purchased from Persian merchants.  "

    Ma Bond smiled bitterly in his heart, and at the same time thought to himself: I knew it would be like this.

    ¡°Grandma, no matter what business you do in this era, you can¡¯t avoid the population business.

    Yes, it has been more than a hundred years since the Age of Discovery, and human trafficking has begun to show an upward trend.

    Although it is far from as glorious as the eighteenth century, it is not far behind.

    After all, the emergence of a country like the Empire in America has required a large slave population in recent years.

    Moreover, here in the Arab region, human trade has been prevalent since long ago.

    Mabond also knows that this is a unique business of this era, and there is nothing he can do to stop it.

    ¡°Besides, the person he¡¯s selling is not of Chinese descent, so why is he worrying so much?

    "I think we'll forget about beautiful female slaves. There isn't that much demand for female slaves in the country right now. It's okay if we have male slaves, but it still depends on whether they are strong. As for your idea of ??using camel hair products for this business, I can agree with that.  Yes, but I want to know how many muskets you need?"

    Aziz, who was a little nervous at first, breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Mabond's response.

    To be honest, although it¡¯s a pity that I can¡¯t use a female slave in exchange, it¡¯s not bad to get this result, isn¡¯t it?

    It¡¯s better than others not agreeing.

    "Our tribe needs three hundred muskets!"

    Aziz called out a number.

    After Mabond heard this, he thought to himself: Hehe, it¡¯s about the same as I estimated. According to the financial resources of these tribes, they can only buy so much.

    "Among the people who came with you, are there people from other tribes? Don't they want to buy it?" Mabond put his thoughts aside and asked with a smile.

    "I'll ask them, but I think they must also have this intention." Aziz was overjoyed. Although he bought muskets for the tribe, he could also see that the people from other tribes who followed him were interested in  Muskets are also interesting.

    However, these people are not sure whether the Song people will sell them muskets.

    ¡°Moreover, they did not hear the conversation between Aziz and Mabond.

    Aziz could imagine that if he told them about this, they would definitely be very happy.

    Like Aziz, these people developed a strong interest in muskets after walking around the military camp.  And after asking some of the accompanying imperial military personnel and getting some information and data about the musket, I became even more eager for this weapon.

    What makes them a little uneasy is, will they sell such a powerful weapon to them?

    This worry is the same as Aziz¡¯s worry just now.

    With Mabond¡¯s consent, Aziz walked up to these people, told them that he had just started a musket business, and asked them if they had the same intention.


    Of course there is!

    If not, you are a fool!

    When Aziz asked this question, people immediately expressed their opinions
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