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Doukai 5200 Text Chapter 336 Jiang Hai (Part 2)

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    Mr. Wen was stunned when he heard this. He looked at Jiang Hai meaningfully: "Captain Jiang, you are really thoughtful about things. These things should have been considered by the central government, but the students have been neglecting them. Fortunately, Governor Jiang, you are  Reminder."

    Jiang Hai said humbly: "No, it's just that the general took advantage of the bystanders and helped to fill in the gaps. When it comes to political talent, the general is far behind my husband."

    The two looked at each other with knowing smiles.


    In the past six months, Jianghai has changed a lot.  The young officer's eyes were as sharp as razor blades back then, but now his eyes have become calm and restrained.  His skin was tanned by the sun, and his face and hands were chapped.  Although he was wearing neat military attache robes, he had a strong earthy smell, like an old farmer who had been farming in the fields for decades.

    Looking at him, Meng Ju had mixed feelings, and it was really an indescribable feeling.

    Jiang Hai was an officer of the Dongping Mausoleum who was single-handedly promoted by Ye Jianan. After Ye Jianan died, he followed him, so he could be regarded as a direct lineage member with a reliable background.  And his qualifications are not shallow. He is not inferior to Wang Beixing and Lu Liulou. He has gone through many battles with him and risked his life to attack Wuchuan. In the battle of Wuchuan, he took the lead and served as the vanguard. He made great contributions - logically speaking,  Such a young and capable general should become his confidant and favorite general, but he didn't expect that the two of them would have such a mutually wary relationship.

    Sometimes, Meng Ju also secretly reflects on the way he treats Jiang Hai. Why can he trust Lu Liulou, trust Wang Beixing, trust Xiao Heng from the border army, and even trust a fallen general Li Chimei, but cannot trust his direct elders?  Where are the subordinates?  Are you too small-minded and too jealous?

    But Meng Ju can also find the answer: because Lu Liulou and the others have a magnanimous and aboveboard character. They abide by justice and are loyal to their duties.  They value friendship, so Meng Ju can trust them without reservation.  These qualities cannot be found in Jiang Hai. His utilitarianism is too strong and his purpose in doing things is too obvious - although he is very smart and capable, even better than Lu Liulou and Wang Beixing, Meng Ju is  Don't like him.

    Meng Ju retracted his thoughts: No matter what, what has happened cannot be repeated.  The relationship with Jiang Hai can only be like this.  Therefore, getting along with others really requires fate.

    "Governor Jiang, please sit down. We haven't seen each other for more than half a year. You went to Jizhou, and you look older. Although the military camp is a big event, you don't want to work too hard and tire yourself out."

    When Meng Ju spoke, Jiang Hai listened very carefully.  He put down his teacup.  He said respectfully: "The general is just doing farm work in Jizhou, nothing to talk about. But my lord is on the front lines and resisting powerful enemies. This is the real hard work!"

    "Haha, there is no need to be so polite between us. How is the military affairs in Jizhou going now?"

    "The general is about to report this matter to the lord."

    According to Jiang Hai¡¯s answer, in the past six months.  The Jizhou military garrison area has gathered more than 30,000 refugees and established three counties, with thirty-five military garrison points in each county.  There are more than 300 refugees in each camp, and the total cultivated area now reaches 400,000 acres. It is expected that 600,000 dan of grain will be harvested by the autumn harvest, minus losses and the grain needed to maintain the military camp area itself, until winter this year.  , Jizhou can provide 150,000 shi of food to the base camp.

    "The current problem is that the cultivated land has been abandoned for too long, and the amount of labor required to reclaim it is too great. We have insufficient farming tools and cattle, so the yield per mu has never been able to increase. This problem is that our Jizhou Juntun District itself cannot  To solve it, we must ask for help from the lord. If this problem can be solved, next year, the food our Jizhou military camp can provide to the base camp can be doubled to 300,000 dan."

    Meng Ju was stunned when he heard this. In just half a year, Jiang Hai was able to achieve such achievements and build the foundation of the military area. Not only could it support its own needs, but it could even supply food to the base camp.  This speed really surprised him - this man's ability could be put to great use if he could put it in the right place.

    Meng Ju encouraged Jiang Hai. He once again emphasized the importance of military villages and encouraged Jiang Hai to continue working hard and make greater contributions.  As for the shortage of cattle and farming tools in the Jizhou military area, Meng Ju assured Jiang Hai that he would find a way to raise a batch to support Jizhou.

    "By the way, Governor Jiang, I heard from Mr. Wen that in addition to Jizhou matters, do you have other things to do during your visit?" Jiang Hai suggested that Meng Ju set up a town and open a government, and customized officials. Meng Ju felt very happy.  Interested: "Governor Jiang, how did you come up with this?"

    "My lord, this is probably what I thought at work.

    On weekdays, I will receive documents from the base camp at the end of the day.They are all awarded in the name of the 'Chinese Literature Office' and use the seal of the 'Grand Governor of the Six Towns'. The students always feel a little weird, as if something is wrong.

    My lord, our army has far exceeded the six towns, with tens of thousands of troops. If we use the name of the "Research Office" to order all parties, it will be unjust and unreasonable, the momentum is not grand enough, and it will be underestimated by others.  go.

    In order to consolidate the people's support and gather people's expectations, the general felt that it was best for the lord to establish a town and open a government as soon as possible and give orders to all parties.  "

    Jiang Hai suggested that Meng Ju open a government account as soon as possible. Meng Ju thought it made sense.  As of today, Meng Ju's power has tens of thousands of troops, and he governs thousands of miles of territory. He has dozens of generals under his command, and many advisers - well, there are only a few of them. His own strength can even defend the main force of the Wei Dynasty head-on.  Soldiers and horses.  In the era of the rise of heroes in the late Sui and Tang Dynasties, he was qualified to be the king and found the country. He was still using the old title of Governor of Northern Xinjiang, and his momentum was indeed a bit lacking.

    "Mr. Wen, what do you think of Governor Jiang's proposal?"

    Since entering the house, Mr. Wen has been sitting in the corner of the house without speaking, as quiet as a sculpture.  It wasn't until Meng Ju asked about it that he replied: "Students feel that Governor Jiang's advice is very necessary. With the size of the Lord, it should have been long ago to establish a town and establish a system. Otherwise, why would it give orders to various places? The central government has been neglecting this matter.  That is the student's dereliction of duty, and he is unworthy of his master. Governor Jiang's suggestion is very good, and the student agrees with it."

    Mr. Wen spoke very calmly, but Meng Ju always felt that he seemed a little different from the past - his eyes and tone were slightly strange, as if he was forcing himself to be calm, and his voice was slightly trembling.

    Meng Ju was surprised. After thinking for a moment, he immediately understood: the establishment of towns, government offices, and the appointment of officials may not have much impact on military generals, but it will have a great impact on civil officials such as Mr. Wen.  You must know that Mr. Wen and other staff in the Literature and Art Department are still the white masters. Although they have great authority, they do not have a formal official status. They must be unbalanced in their hearts.

    Now, Jiang Hai Jianyan has given himself an honorary title. After the official opening of the government, Meng Ju can set up many official positions such as "long history", "joined the army", "chief secretary", etc., and his staff will also have formal ranks and official positions. They  Of course I am happy - for example, Mr. Wen, who is now Meng Ju's chief staff, will definitely be the best candidate to become the chief minister after the government is opened in the future. No wonder he is overjoyed.

    "Governor Jiang, Mr. Wen, since you both feel this way - then under what name do you think I should establish a town and open a government?"

    Jiang Hai said respectfully: "This is a big matter. I can only ask my lord to make a decision. I am a general with little talent and little knowledge in this field. I don't dare to talk too much."

    Mr. Wen lowered his eyes and said nothing.

    Meng Ju is also thinking: when setting up a government or a town, you can¡¯t just pat your head and think about the font size you want to use. The font size you use must have a provenance and basis.  If Meng Ju, an important minister who has been conferred by the imperial court, adopts a domineering name like "xx Heavenly King" or "xx Overlord", it will make the world laugh out loud - this is the level of the Montenegrin Army's nouveau riche.  , not at the level of a feudal aristocrat who owns six towns, five states and three counties.

    Now, Meng Ju has several official titles. The Northern Wei Dynasty named him: "Prince Taibao", "Grand Governor of Northern Xinjiang", "Marquis of Chicheng", "Yushi of Zuodu and Bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion"; in the Southern Tang Dynasty, he was canonized as  : "Secretary of the Ministry of War" or "General of the Northern Expedition", which official position should be used as the title, it really takes a lot of thinking.

    The Northern Wei official positions of "Prince Taibao" and "Northern Governor" must no longer be used - now that I have decided to submit to the Southern Dynasty, if I continue to use the old dynasty's name, I will have to change my name in a few days, too  trouble.  The only ones that can be used are the official positions awarded to oneself by the Southern Dynasty, such as "General Zhengbei" - General Zhengbei's Mansion?  This sounds good and has good momentum.  .  .

    At this time, Meng Ju realized something was wrong: if he used the Southern Dynasty official position of "General of the Northern Expedition" to open a government, wouldn't it be equivalent to changing flags and submitting to the Southern Dynasty?

    Jiang Hai is really cunning. After all, he still wants to urge himself to change his flag as soon as possible.

    Meng Ju believed that Mr. Wen should be able to see what was fishy here.  But in this matter, a group of civil servants from the Reference Office were also beneficiaries, so it was difficult for Mr. Wen to dissuade him - this guy Jiang Hai, could he have even thought of this?  When dealing with this guy, you really can't afford to worry at all. If you're not careful, you'll fall into his trap.

    Meng Ju smiled and said: "Governor Jiang's proposal is very good, and I agree with it. Our Dongping Army now really needs a central organization to give orders to all parties. Otherwise, things will not go smoothly if the name is not correct, and many things will be inconvenient.

    This is a big matter, but not an urgent matter. Since you, Governor Jiang and Mr. Wen, have not yet matured your ideas, we might as well put this matter aside for now.  What's so good?Ideas, Governor Jiang, you can give me some tips at any time.  "
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