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Doukai 5200 Text Chapter 335 Jiang Hai (Part 1)

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    Stared by Mr. Wen's sharp eyes, Meng Ju unconsciously avoided his gaze - he began to regret it. If he had known that Mr. Wen was so enthusiastic about the marriage with the Shen family, he would not have told Mr. Wen about this matter.  of.

    "Mr. Wen, in fact, in addition to the Shen family, we have another marriage partner - they are also a wealthy family in the world, and they are also a big family of Master Mingjue"

    "Could it be that what my lord is talking about is the Ye family of Luo Jing?"

    "Exactly, we have always had a good relationship with the Ye family. The Ye family also sent Mengjue Master to support us. The last time we faced the imperial court, the Ye family secretly gave us a lot of support. The Ye family is also strong.  A powerful family¡ªcoincidentally, the Ye family also has a legitimate daughter, whom I have also met. She is in her prime and beautiful, and I like it very much"

    Under Mr. Wen's piercing gaze, Meng Ju felt more and more guilty as he spoke, but he still managed to finish the sentence: "I think that if we want to marry, it would be better for us to marry with the Ye family. After all, we are with the Shen Jiasu  We have no contact, but we have had a lot of dealings with the Ye family. Our friendship is deeper and we are more reliable"

    Mr. Wen shook his head: "Lord, students know that the former Governor Ye has been kind to you. You have goodwill and gratitude towards the Ye family. This is also human nature. But now, we  What we are considering is the life and death of tens of thousands of brothers in the Dongping Army. My lord, you cannot come here as you please."

    "Sir, I am very serious. The strength of the Ye family is actually no worse than that of the Shen family"

    "The Ye family is stronger than the Shen family, and this student knows it," Mr. Wen's tone became serious: "But my lord, can't you really see what will happen if we marry the Ye family?"

    Meng Ju asked weakly: "What are the consequences?"

    "My lord, in the Southern Dynasty, the Ye family has long been the number one person on the list of national thieves. With such a family marriage, we can advance and retreat together - lord, do you really want to be buried with the Wei Dynasty?"

    if it is like this.  We should have fully supported the imperial court from the beginning and resisted the Northern Expedition of the Southern Dynasty.  But to this day, there is deep hatred between our army and the imperial court. If the Xianbei people can survive the Northern Expedition of the Southern Dynasty and calm down, he will definitely not let us go. Therefore, we can no longer look back.  .

    Lord.  Since ancient times, those who want to plan for great things must be firm in their determination, be consistent, and avoid making repeated plans.  Since my lord has decided to submit to the Southern Dynasty, the marriage with the Shen family is a declaration of loyalty to the Southern Dynasty.  And if you marry with the Ye family - that is simply asking for death, my lord!  "

    Meng Ju felt sad. He slowly walked to the window. The woods outside the window had entered autumn, and the leaves were falling one after another. His thoughts were also drifting in the wind along with the leaves.

    Meng Ju also knew.  Mr. Wen is right.  The Southern Dynasty was determined not to tolerate his marriage with the Ye family.  Now is the time for the Southern Dynasties to employ people.  Maybe you can still pretend to be deaf and dumb about it.  But if after the world is unified, seeing the two "remnants of the Northern Wei Dynasty" colluding closely, with territory, soldiers and horses, battle armors and Mingjue masters, it will be strange that Li Gongwei can bear this tone.

    Marriage with the wealthy families of the Southern Dynasties is indeed the best shortcut for the Dongping Army to enter the political arena of the Southern Dynasties, which is good for the Dongping Army and themselves.  This is indeed the best way out, but Meng Ju still can't accept this in his heart.  I will always remember that pretty face haunted by dreams.

    Meng Ju also knew that the possibility of Ye Canan marrying him was slim, but as long as hope existed, it would always be a hope, and he still had hope.  If he married the legitimate daughter of the Shen family of the Southern Dynasty, that glimmer of hope would be completely cut off.

    Mr. Wen's voice came from behind: "My lord"

    "Sir, please don't say any more about this matter." Meng Ju was still looking out the window. He didn't look back, his voice was slightly hoarse with fatigue.

    Hearing the determination in Meng Ju¡¯s words, Mr. Wen sighed.  He didn't understand that on other issues, the lord had always been good-natured and a rare wise man, but only in this matter, the lord showed a rare stubbornness.

    Isn¡¯t it just a marriage?  Why can't the lord understand?  Marriage is just a bond of interest collusion between aristocratic families. It is just a political statement, almost no different from things like memorials and flag changes. Everyone is performing official duties and does not involve personal feelings, likes and dislikes.

    "My lord has always been open-minded and good at accepting good advice, so why does he seem so stubborn on this matter?"  But as an aide, Mr. Wen also knew Meng Ju's temper very well. The lord was soft on the outside but strong on the inside. If he made a decision, no one could change it.

    Knowing that it was useless to persuade him, Mr. Wen immediately changed the subject: "My lord, there is one more thing. His Excellency the Governor of Jizhou has submitted another petition, requesting that he come to Jeju to see the lord in the near future."

      "Huh?" Meng Ju frowned and asked, "Jiang Hai comes to Jeju, what does he want to do?"

    "The report states that Governor Jiang has been setting up a military garrison in Jizhou for more than half a year. He wants to report the progress to his lord in person and apply for a designation for Jizhou's garrison troops. This is an obvious reason. As for Governor Jiang, what exactly does he have?  The students will not know the plan.¡±

    Meng Ju groaned. It was too easy to guess Jiang Hai's plan. He submitted a memorial that shocked the whole town. Meng Ju delayed it for more than a month without approval or answer. Jiang Hai must be uneasy himself. He was in a hurry.  Seeing myself, I guess I wanted to test my attitude.

    After all, the other party is the governor of a town. He went to Jizhou for half a year and worked hard to build a military camp. Now he wants to come back and report on his work. There is no way to refuse this request.

    Meng Ju said expressionlessly: "It is indeed hard work for the governor of Jiangdu to guard Jizhou for half a year. Since he has this request, let's invite him back."

    Governor Jiang Hai came to Jeju very quickly. In mid-October, just a few days after Meng Ju's approval letter was sent out, he immediately appeared in Anping Mansion - Meng Ju was very suspicious whether Jiang Hai had been squatting at the border between Jizhou and Jeju.  Waiting for your reply.

    After entering Anping Mansion, Jiang Hai followed the rules and reported to the Literature Office first. Mr. Wen received the visiting minister politely and welcomed him with all etiquette.

    Jiang Hai was also very polite. After exchanging greetings, he presented the gift he had brought, saying it was a small tribute from the soldiers and people of Jizhou. He hoped that Mr. Wen would not dislike it.  Mr. Wen wanted to refuse, but after looking at the gift list, it was just some rice, straw mats, lemongrass and other genuine local products, nothing particularly expensive, so he accepted it with a smile.

    The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Hai took the initiative to bring up the topic: "Mr. Wen, I have something to report to the lord. Is the lord free now?"

    "My lord is still meeting with several generals of the border army, but it should be soon. Governor Jiang has something important that he wants to present to my lord. Can you tell the students a little bit about it?"

    Jiang Hai stood up slightly from his seat to show his respect: "Of course, sir is the lord's confidant. There is no reason to hide it from anyone. The general's request to see the lord is mainly due to two things. One is the recent Southern and Northern Expeditions and the incoming force.  The war is fierce, and the front line of Gyeonggi Province may soon become a battlefield. With the smoke of war, a large number of civilians are bound to flee to avoid the war. It happens that our Jizhou farmland is in urgent need of manpower, so I want to take people south to see if there is any way to recruit more people.  Refugees enter Jizhou."

    Mr. Wen praised: "This is a major government matter. Governor Jiang has taken precautions, considered the overall situation, and thought deeply. It can be seen that he really put his heart into the matter of military settlements. My lord must be very happy to learn about this matter. I don't know that Governor Jiang has made this trip."  How many refugees do you plan to recruit when you go south?"

    "The general estimates that we will need to recruit at least 20,000 to 30,000 people. If we are lucky, it is possible to recruit 100,000 to 80,000 people."

    "Oh?" Mr. Wen's eyes flashed, and he said calmly: "One hundred thousand refugees filling Jizhou? Governor Jiang, you are very generous when you make a move. You want to recruit one hundred thousand refugees - Jizhou alone may not be able to support it.  Are you taking such a big action?"

    "That's why the general asked to see the lord and asked for the support of the base camp."

    "Jizhou military garrison is related to the overall situation of our army in the next ten years. My lord has always attached great importance to it. Since Governor Jiang has this plan, my lord will definitely support it. But Governor Jiang, you'd better act within your ability. You need to know that our army's current foundation  It is still weak. After the war, the manpower is very poor. If Governor Jiang asks for too much, even if the base camp wants to support it, it will be powerless."

    Jiang Hai bowed slightly: "Sir, you are very worried, and I am also worried about this. Therefore, our Jizhou side plans to fully support the manpower dispatched on this trip. Those who need support from the base camp only need supplies."

    Mr. Wen smiled and said: "Oh, it seems that Governor Jiang has a detailed plan? Do you have any calculations on the supplies and food required?"

    Jiang Hai took out a folder from his sleeve and handed it over respectfully: "This is the list made by the general, sir. Please read it."

    Mr. Wen took the brochure and opened it. He shook his head slightly and said, "Governor Jiang, it's not that the base camp can't get the grain, grass and materials listed on the list. It's just that once the expenses listed in this list are spent, the inventory of the base camp will be reduced.  If it's empty, we won't be able to handle even a small brigade-sized battle.

    Governor Jiang, please tell me straight away. You are opening your mouth like a lion. Even if the lord agrees, the student will not be able to get through.  "

    Jiang Hai smiled good-naturedly, showing his white teeth: "The general believes that within half a year, our army will definitely not have a war."

    Mr. Wen shook his head resolutely: "Who can say for sure about this kind of thing? It is always right to be prepared."

    As he spoke, he folded up the list.He returned to Jiang Hai: "Director Jiang, you should think about this list again, right?"

    Jiang Hai took the paper naturally, and said with a smile: "That's fine, I will go back and revise it according to your opinion.

    Another thing is that our military jurisdiction has now expanded, with millions of people under its jurisdiction and an area of ??thousands of miles.  The general would like to give advice to the lord, requesting the lord to establish a town and a government as soon as possible, and appoint custom-made officials, so as to stabilize the people's hearts and gather people's popularity. I wonder what your opinion is?  "
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