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Doukai 5200 Text Chapter 337 Jiang Hai (Part 2)

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    Seeing the disappointment that flashed across Jiang Hai's face, Meng Ju felt slightly proud.

    Because he saw through Jiang Hai¡¯s trap, Meng Ju felt that he had won another round of wits and felt happy.  He leaned back on the chair comfortably and looked at Jiang Hai with a smile: "It's not easy for Governor Jiang to come all the way. It's a rare opportunity for us to chat together. If you have anything else to do over there, feel free to talk."

    Jiang Hai seemed a little disappointed when Meng Ju used the word "drag" to reject his proposal.  Hearing Meng Ju's question, he forced a smile and said: "Now that my lord has said it, there are two more things I want to report to my lord. As you know, my lord, there are good and bad people among the refugees, and there are quite a few cunning thieves among them.  These people are accustomed to stealing and looting, and are unwilling to work hard in farming. They corrupt the social customs and undermine public order, making people panic. Jizhou is under great pressure in terms of public security"

    "Governor Jiang, when Jizhou was first established, there were no chief envoys or Dongling Guards. Since you, the Governor of Jizhou, have the three responsibilities of leading military affairs, civil affairs, and criminal inspection, you must take on this responsibility. Governor Jiang, you are also Dongling Guards.  The old man who came out of the mausoleum guard should know the principle of using heavy codes in troubled times. Don't you know how to deal with those cunning and cunning people who corrupt public order?"

    Being scolded by Meng Ju, Jiang Hai's face turned red. He stood up and saluted: "General, I know. My lord, in order to maintain law and order in Jizhou, we people in Jizhou have also formed a rural militia, with about 800 people.  They are usually scattered in various counties, and their main task is to check various road junctions, guard against external thieves and internally control traitors, and guard against external thieves sneaking in"

    "A militia to maintain law and order? Governor Jiang, this is your Jizhou government affairs. You, the governor, have the right to make the decision, so you don't have to repay me."

    "Yes, but I will be bold and want to ask the lord to give the Jizhou Militia an official designation, so as to boost the morale and fighting spirit of the team members, so that everyone can serve more attentively."

    Meng Ju was stunned for a moment, then he pointed at Jiang Hai and laughed: "Governor Jiang, are you serious? A militia with hundreds of people, you also want to apply for the designation of a regular soldier? This is unavoidable Haha, Mr. Wen,  Did you hear it?"

    Mr. Wen couldn't help but smile, but he said seriously: "Lord, in my opinion, the scale of Jizhou's military settlement is increasing day by day, and it is indeed necessary to form a garrison to protect the settlement. Governor Jiang wants to apply first.  A number of soldiers and horses. This is also a precautionary measure, and it is not an exaggeration."

    "That's true. Mr. Wen, do you have any spare numbers in your literature reference office?"

    "Students, look atthe number of the 91st Brigade of the Dongping Army. Is Governor Jiang satisfied with it?"

    Jiang Hai heard the sound and knelt down: "General, I am deeply honored to be given the title by my Lord! On behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the Jizhou Militia, I would like to thank my Lord for the title. From now on, the Jizhou Militia will be the 91st Brigade of the Dongping Army!"  "

    Meng Ju hurriedly helped him up: "Governor Jiang, why do you need to perform such a big gift for a trivial matter?"

    At this time, Meng Ju is welcome.  Neither Mr. Wen nor Mr. Wen paid much attention to the so-called "Ninety-one Brigade of Dongping Army".  Just a militia group of several hundred people.  There were no battle armors, no soldiers, and even insufficient weapons. The soldiers were all newly recruited villagers, and their usual tasks were to catch cattle thieves.  Since Jiang Hai doesn't want military spending and weapons, he just wants a serial number, this kind of thing is free of charge.  Meng Ju was happy to give him some face.

    Jiang Hai smiled and said: "Actually, the general also knows that it is very inappropriate to disturb the lord for such a trivial matter, but there is no formal number of soldiers and horses. Those militia soldiers feel that they are inferior, and no matter how hard they train, they can't get up the energy.  Come here, they all look weak. There is no other way, the general has no choice but to bother the lord shamelessly."

    Meng Ju looked at the sun outside the window. He and Jiang Hai had been talking for an hour today, and it was almost time for lunch.  He asked Jiang Hai in a pleasant manner: "Governor Jiang, is there anything else you need to do?"

    Sensible people all know that once the boss asks questions in this tone, it is often synonymous with issuing an order to expel the customer.  But it is a pity that Jiang Hai is obviously not the kind of sensible person. He replied seriously: "There is one last thing, my lord. I just reported to Mr. Wen just now about going south to recruit refugees. I don't know if my lord allows it."  ?¡±

    "I have already heard Mr. Wen talk about this matter."

    Meng Ju replied casually that today, he was very wary of Jiang Hai and was determined not to let him take advantage of him at all. He said: "The recruitment of refugees from the south is related to the long-term development of Jizhou. I agree.  . But the supplies in the base camp are also tight now, and I'm afraid I won't be able to support you much. Therefore, I'm afraid this operation will have to be completed by your own efforts on your own in Jizhou - with a capable general like Governor Jiang presiding over it, I believe you will definitely  no problem!"

    Hearing Meng Ju¡¯s reply, Jiang Hai looked obviously disappointed. He wanted to say something more, but Meng JuJu had already stood up: "Yes, Jianghai is good. It's only been half a year. You have done a good job in Jizhou, which makes me very happy. Seeing that winter is coming, you must do a good job in the resettlement of the refugees in the military area."  Prepare for the winter, and make sure no one freezes to death or starves to death. When you go back, you have to deal with this matter, okay, go ahead!"

    "Ah, yesI will obey your orders."

    It was obvious that Jiang Hai still had a lot to say, but Meng Ju had already put on a posture of seeing off guests, so he had no choice but to bow and say goodbye.

    Seeing the tall and upright young general exiting the room, Meng Ju breathed a sigh of relief.  He stretched and smiled bitterly at Mr. Wen: "Mr. Wen, talking for such an hour is really more tiring than fighting in a war."

    Mr. Wen shook his head: "My lord, what is the purpose of Governor Jiang's trip here? The students can't understand his purpose."

    Meng Ju said disdainfully: "It's nothing difficult to guess. It's just the same old thing. Whether it's opening a government or setting up a town, after all, it's just to persuade me to change the flag as soon as possible, so that he can take the initiative in the Southern Dynasty."  It¡¯s just the first act of righteousness.¡±

    Meeting a subordinate was really not a big deal in Meng Ju, and he quickly forgot about it.

    A few days later, on November 2, Meng Ju suddenly heard the news that in the imperial area near Jeju, Gaodecheng in Yanzhou was suddenly attacked by gangs on a large scale at night, and the unprepared city fell with almost no resistance.  , the guarding troops and horses were defeated, and the prefect Gaode was killed.  The bandits looted the city and looted all the arsenals, grain depots and money stores in the city. They robbed all the big families and suffered heavy losses.  After daybreak, before the surrounding garrisons arrived for reinforcements, the bandits had fled with the looted property.

    Hearing the news, although it had nothing to do with him, Meng Ju was still shocked by the weakness of the imperial military equipment - even if all the elite soldiers were transferred to fight against the Southern Dynasties, they should not be so weak.  Gaode City has a population of tens of thousands. How can a city of this size be breached by gangs?

    "The Black Mountain Army has been surrendered. I haven't heard of large-scale bandit activities in Jeju, Yanzhou and Jizhou. Especially in Anping City in Jeju, there are 30,000 elite soldiers of the Dongping Army stationed. How dare bandits operate here?  , are they too rampant?!"

    Surprised, but Meng Ju had no interest in helping the court suppress bandits.  He issued an order for the troops stationed in various places to pay close attention to the surrounding banditry and carry out campaigns to suppress it.  If the banditry is too large and it is difficult for the local garrison to deal with it, you can request reinforcements from the center.

    On November 4th, Nande City in Yanzhou was also breached by bandits. The method was exactly the same as last time. In the middle of the night, the bandits sneaked into the city and climbed up the city wall, killed the soldiers guarding the city, and took control of the city gate.  of defense.

    According to survivors: "The bandits held torches and swarmed in from the north gate. They wore colorful clothes and had various weapons in their hands. They moved in a chaotic manner. They broke into the prefect's Yamen and killed the guards in the Yamen.  Officials and soldiers robbed the warehouse. They also broke into the homes of wealthy people in the city and forced them to hand over their money and stored grain. If they refused or could not hand over their money, the bandits killed them on the spot.

    Late that night, the streets were full of torches walking back and forth, illuminating the area with bright red light. Food and property were piled on the streets, piled up like hills.  .  .  Among the piles of grain and gold and silver, lay the murdered people, their blood soaking the base of the grain piles.  "

    In order to transport the looted supplies, the gangs broke down doors and arrested people in Nande city. A total of thousands of civilians were arrested. The gangsters forced them to transport the supplies. If they refused, they would be hacked to death on the spot.  At the fourth watch, the gangsters completed their looting of the city. They escorted a large number of civilians carrying supplies and left the city through the north gate. No one has ever seen the thousands of civilian transporters who were captured to work as young men again.  They are.

    On November 6th, the unknown gang was wreaking havoc again.  In broad daylight, they robbed a caravan on the official road of Yanzhou. The caravan of more than 300 people lay dead on the official road, and more than 100 carts of goods and more than 200 horses were all robbed.

    On November 7, Wen'an County under the jurisdiction of Hongde City, the capital of Yanzhou, was robbed and the county magistrate was killed. The soldiers guarding the county dispersed after dozens of casualties. The residents of the county rose up to resist spontaneously, but they were also quickly defeated, leaving a mess of casualties.  .

    Faced with the increasingly rampant actions of gangs, the Yanzhou government can no longer sit back and watch.  After hearing the news of the robbery in Wen'an County, Liu Xiong, the governor of Yanzhou, personally led two thousand county soldiers from the state to hunt down the bandits from Hongde City.  But just on the road less than twenty miles away from Wen'an County, when the county soldiers who were exhausted after driving for a long time were resting on the side of the road, hundreds of armed bandits suddenly burst out of the forest and rushed straight into the county soldiers' main unit.  Liu Xiong, the governor of Yanzhou, and dozens of his soldiers were killed in the battle. Most of the remaining county soldiers were routed and hunted for several miles, leaving corpses strewn across the fields.

    November 10thOn the same day, the imperial court heard that the banditry in Yanzhou was out of control, and urgently dispatched Zhang Quan, the governor of Shuzhou, to lead his troops to Yanzhou to quell the rebellion.

    On November 20, Zhang Quan, the governor of Shuzhou, led his troops to Hongde City in Yanzhou and took over the post of governor of Yanzhou.

    On November 25, after several days of investigation, Zhang Quan, the governor of Yanzhou, went to Anping, Jeju to ask for an audience with Meng Ju, the crown prince's Taibao and the governor of Northern Xinjiang.
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