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Chapter 3166 The birth of a son, the Immortal Ancient Emperor

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    Wang Xiaoqiang said, "Tell me, your conditions." The voice said, "If dad returns to his hometown on Earth, he must take me with him." Wang Xiaoqiang was surprised in his heart, "You are not my son, why should I take you with me?" The voice said, "A gentleman."  "It's hard to catch up." Wang Xiaoqiang "Why do you want to go to Earth?" Wang Xiaoqiang said, "Okay," Wang Xiaoqiang said, "Good boy."  Speak again.  Wang Xiaoqiang saw that the request made by the voice was not too harsh, so he didn't take it too seriously, and then he began to govern the world. This world has experienced a revival of spiritual energy, and the force value has broken through the constraints of law and discipline, causing frequent rebellions.  , then wars continued all over the place, the people were in dire straits, and most of them were killed or injured. Now in this world, most places are in ruins, with a declining population and a lot of waste waiting to be revitalized.  Wang Xiaoqiang is about to leave this world and return to his hometown on Earth. He does not expect to build this world to its original level of prosperity, but at least he can see some success. But he is not very good at this, so he has to implement a feudal system to divide various places.  The political power of each country is entrusted to those who have the ability to build a country and let them build it.  Wang Xiaoqiang is only responsible for controlling everything.  Balance the forces in various places.  During this time, Wang Xiaoqiang has been thinking about the origin of that voice, who he is, and whether the purpose of helping him is to go to the earth with him. So, what is his purpose of going to the earth?  This last question is the key.  Wang Xiaoqiang thought that he, or she, or it must be very powerful. If he went to the earth just for fun, it would be fine. If he had other intentions or harbored evil intentions, it would be troublesome. Thinking at the worst, if he was  If you want to destroy the earth, it will be a disaster.  Thinking like this, Wang Xiaoqiang began to delay time. He thought, why doesn't this guy show up?  Why use the fetus to display the sound?  It must be inconvenient to come out. If my son is born, he will not be able to express his voice in the fetus. In that case, he will not be able to get in touch with me. By then, I will not be able to blame him.  After coming up with this idea, Wang Xiaoqiang did not plan to leave prematurely. He wanted to wait until his son was born before leaving. He had to wait for several months. In these months, the voice did not sound. He actually did not urge him.  Wang Xiaoqiang was lucky, but he was still a bit unsure.     finally.  On this day, haha.  Ha ha ha ha.  In the largest and most luxurious hospital in Lishang City.  With a loud laugh, a baby was born.  This baby is not someone else¡¯s, but Wang Xiaoqiang¡¯s son, born to Wang Yuling.  "Lord Commander, congratulations, Lord Commander, he is a big fat boy, eighteen pounds." "What? Ten, eighteen pounds, is Yuling okay?" "It's okay, you're fine," Xu He breathed a long sigh of relief  , Wang Xiaoqiang felt relieved, and then laughed at himself, feeling that his worries were unnecessary, "Is Wang Yuling a mortal?"  Of course not, she is a spiritual being. Can the child she gives birth to be small?  But thinking about it this way makes me feel a little sick, and it must be too much.  It doesn¡¯t matter anymore, I shook my head, got rid of distracting thoughts, and went to see my son.  When I entered the delivery room and picked up my 18-pound son, my son actually spoke. He didn¡¯t speak, but he made a sound, but the sound could not be heard by others.  Only Wang Xiaoqiang can hear it.  "Dad, we finally meet." When Wang Xiaoqiang heard the voice, he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body.  It¡¯sthat voice.  He is actually still there.  Wang Xiaoqiang sent everyone out, and then said, "You, you are still here" "Dad, I am your son, how could I not be here." Wang Xiaoqiang was a little crazy, "My son? You are still here"  Where is my grandson?¡± ¡°Dad, I am really your son.¡± Wang Xiaoqiang, ¡°Okay, stop playing.¡±"Don't worry, I will definitely take you to Earth, but please don't take advantage of my son anymore. I really can't stand it anymore." "Dad, everything is a misunderstanding, it's a joke I made."  " Wang Xiaoqiang glared and said, "If you keep playing like this, it will be boring.  " "Dad, listen to me.  "The baby finally spoke and said, "First of all, I have to prove one thing. I am the son of you and my mother, the son of Wang Xiaoqiang and Wang Yuling. But, I am not an ordinary human baby, or in other words, I am not an ordinary human embryo.  , You also know that you yourself are a practitioner, and my mother is a spirit. Your union is great, and your crystallization is powerful. I, the embryo, had intelligence and intelligence in my mother's belly.  I have the ability to speak, and I have some superpowers. For example, I can see the weaknesses of the enemy, such as" "No need to compare" Wang Xiaoqiang interrupted, "The pill that allowed me to advance is enough to prove it.  You are no longer my son,¡± Wang Xiaoqiang said, ¡°You are a little too young if you want me to play Infernal Affairs.  "The voice finally stopped speaking." Wang Xiaoqiang said, "You don't have to make excuses for me, I promise to take you back to Earth."  " That voice said, "I am really your son.  " Wang Xiaoqiang smiled bitterly, "You're here again.  "The voice said, "I don't know if you have heard of reincarnation.  " Wang Xiaoqiang said, "I've heard of it.  " That voice "Newborn babies are the targets of ownerless wandering souls. Once the wandering souls seize their bodies, they will be reborn. However, most wandering souls are too ordinary and will lose the memory of their previous life after they seize their bodies.  "Everything starts from scratch," Wang Xiaoqiang said, "It makes sense. You mean, you took away my son."  "The voice said, "Yes, I am not an ordinary wandering soul, I am a remnant soul of the Immortal Ancient Emperor.  " Wang Xiaoqiang rolled his eyes, "Why don't you say you are the Eternal Emperor?" "I am really the Immortal Emperor.  You should have heard of me, I once stayed in the ancient times.  At that time you were already the master of the ancient times.  " Wang Xiaoqiang "Me?  I am the master of the Taikoo Era. You are joking a bit too much. Well, you want to compliment me, right, but you also have to be more realistic. When did I go to the Taikoo Era? By the way, how many years have passed since the Taikoo Era?  Now, how do I go back?  " Immortal Ancient Emperor said, "Wang Xiaoqiang, you, you must have lost your memory, and your cultivation must have been completely lost. Your cultivation is not enough compared to your previous cultivation.  "Wang Xiaoqiang" Edit, continue editing, is it interesting?  ¡± Immortal Ancient Emperor ¡°Let¡¯s not talk about you anymore. Let¡¯s talk about me. I am Immortal Ancient Emperor. To be honest, my cultivation is not as good as yours before. Originally, I wanted to dominate the ancient times, but after passing through the ancient times, I saw  After your cultivation, I left knowingly, so you haven't seen me, but you have heard of me, but you have lost your memory, so you don't remember anything"
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