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Chapter 2891 A single thought destroys the whole group

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    The blood rainbow was boiling and burning. The blood rainbow was formed by Wang Xiaoqiang's essence and blood. Naturally, he was aware of this kind of burning. He only felt that the temperature was extremely intense. Not only was it not enough to refine the blood essence, but it might also be used to refine the blood.  The essence and blood are burned away.  The reason is very simple. The method of burning blood is actually the same as burning a pot. If there is enough water in the pot, it can be burned. If there is less water, the pot will be burned.  If this continues, not only will the blood rainbow be burned up by the flames, but even Wang Xiaoqiang will be eaten away by the flames.  If there is a lack of blood, just make up for it.  Wang Xiaoqiang didn't care about anything else at this time, and directly activated his delusional thoughts. The power of the delusional thoughts spread outwards with him as the center, and the invisible force rolled in like a storm, boom boom boom boom  At that point, the bodies of the orcs and fish spies all exploded and turned into blood mist. Before the blood mist dispersed, it was absorbed by the blood rainbow. The suction force emitted by the blood rainbow under the raging burning fire was unprecedented.  Dozens of times, it was still astonishing even though it was hundreds of meters away.  The blood mist exploded, not even a drop of it dispersed. It was all sucked into the blood rainbow like wind and residual clouds, and was refined by the blood rainbow.  Wang Xiaoqiang suddenly activated the realm of Kongwang, which shocked the Snake King and the Goat King. They did not expect that Wang Xiaoqiang had such a powerful method, and they did not see him making any moves. At the same time, the whole group was stunned.  They also felt the power of that delusion and stepped back to avoid it.  When Wang Xiaoqiang saw the two half-beast kings dodging, he immediately activated his delusions to control them. The delusions worsened, and he rushed towards the two half-beast kings like invisible missiles. When the two half-beast kings were swept away by the delusions, their arms and legs  The legs burst into flames and instantly failed. The spurting blood essence was also sucked into the blood rainbow. After absorbing a large amount of blood essence, the blood boiling weakened, the blood volume increased, and became thick and condensed, but the blood inside was  With huge power surging, "If you take one more step, you will definitely die!!" The boiling blood rainbow made Wang Xiaoqiang's face become red and his eyes were also fiery red. He looked at the two half-beast kings and shouted in threats,  The Male Snake King and the Goat King had roughly felt the power of Wang Xiaoqiang's delusion. They did not dare to joke with their own lives. When they heard Wang Xiaoqiang's shout, they immediately froze and trembled in the air.  Because if they move again, most of their bodies will be exploded.  Wang Xiaoqiang's delusion was not to kill blindly, but had a very clear purpose. At this time, the delusion had swept away all the orc warriors who were escaping. Terrifying explosions continued one after another, and each orc was blown into a bloody mist, like a  Gorgeous blood flowers bloomed in the sky.  The blood rainbow was like a blood pump, absorbing the clouds of blood mist. After absorbing the blood mist, the blood rainbow became even more powerful. It was more than twice as big as before. It stretched across the sky, as if after the rain.  rainbow.  The sky that was lively just now has now become extremely quiet. Even the nervous and rapid breathing of the Male Snake King and the Goat King can be clearly heard. Of course, there is also the sound of the blood rainbow boiling. Wang Xiaoqiang's this  Fan Wang wanted to attack and kill all the fish spies and the elite orc troops. Not a drop of their blood essence fell to the ground and was refined by the blood rainbow. The sky that was dense just now became extremely clean. The Male Snake King and the Goat King  Seemingly alone, they were trembling there. They were not shocked by the bloody scene just now, but were shocked by Wang Xiaoqiang's method. Just now, they were killed instantly, the group was wiped out in seconds, and the whole group was wiped out.  As half-beast kings, they are naturally not ignorant. They have heard about the level and power of human immortal cultivators, but today they have seen how powerful and terrifying the empty realm of human immortal cultivators is.  The half-orc's body is so powerful that it was directly exploded by that delusion.  Even the two half-beast kings were not immune.  With a thought, Wang Xiaoqiang collected the blood rainbow, and the blood rainbow was sucked into Wang Xiaoqiang's body like a whale absorbing water. Wang Xiaoqiang's body suddenly turned red, like a furnace that had been burned through, including his  His hair, eyelashes, and even his pupils turned blood red, as if he were a blood god, and he looked extremely terrifying.  Seeing Wang Xiaoqiang¡¯s condition at this time, the eyes of the Male Snake King and the Goat King showed awe.  But Wang Xiaoqiang felt uncomfortable at this time. The blood rainbow absorbed the burning flames and absorbed so much blood. It more than doubled in size. It was suddenly sucked into the body. Naturally, his body could not bear it. At this time, Wang Xiaoqiang felt as if he had swallowed a lump.  The fire python is like being in a furnace, the whole body is so hot that it cannot be restrained.  As a last resort, he had to release the essence and blood again, and used the blood-burning method to urge it into a blood rainbow. Only then did the heat in his body subside, and the whole body?¡¯s skin has returned to its original color.  After the burning sensation disappeared, Wang Xiaoqiang regained his composure, and flew toward the Turtle Palace in a flash. As he flew, the huge blood rainbow moved with his body, like a huge kite.  , The thread is in his hand, and no matter where he goes, the blood rainbow will always follow him, which is very magical.  "Well, it seems that the body cannot bear the absorption and support of the blood rainbow, but it can be done after releasing the blood rainbow. From now on, this blood rainbow does not need to be taken into the body, and it will just follow me. From now on, every day of my life,  It was like a rainbow," Wang Xiaoqiang flew to the Turtle Shell Palace to check, and saw that the Turtle Shell Palace was safe and sound, and that Ziding and Xingmeng were safe and sound. When they were still weaving the Spring and Autumn Dream there seriously and hard,  He felt a little more at ease, so he turned around and flew towards the enemy's only two half-beast kings. In the sky, the male snake king and the goat king watched Wang Xiaoqiang fly towards them. The huge blood rainbow behind them followed closely, with shock in their eyes.  With a look of regret, "Male Snake King, Goat King," Wang Xiaoqiang flew in front of the two half-beast kings, looked at them, and said, "If you don't want to die, just obey me. Not only will I not kill you or your family, but also  After the war is over, you will still be your half-beast king in the inner earth world, and your status and power will be more important than before." Wang Xiaoqiang said, his eyes just glanced at the Goat King, and finally settled on the Male Snake King.  , compared with the male snake king, there is no comparison between the goat king and the male snake king. Rather than surrendering the two half-beast kings, it is better to persuade the male snake king.  The most important thing is that the Male Snake King is very important to Wang Xiaoqiang, because the male Snake King's eyes can erupt into fire clouds, and the fire clouds can inspire the Burning Sky Flames. The Burning Sky Flames can help ignite his blood rainbow and help him achieve the goal of burning blood.  The highest state of Dafa, the legendary blood burning the sky.  The two half-beast kings looked at each other, but remained silent. Once they surrendered to Wang Xiaoqiang, it would be tantamount to betraying the entire inner earth world. They could not afford such a serious crime.  "Male Snake King, don't hesitate. In fact, you are not a half-orc at all. Are you tired of pretending for so many years?" Wang Xiaoqiang stared into the eyes of the Male Snake King and said.
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