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Chapter 2868 Mr. Turtle

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    "Well, I understand what you mean. In fact, I also fell in love with you at first sight" When Wang Xiaoqiang said this, the turtle princess immediately showed a sweet and shy look. That expression made Wang Xiaoqiang almost vomit again. He quickly changed the topic and cut to  The main topic "Well, Princess Turtle, I heard that your Turtle Shell Palace can be moved, right?" "Well, it is said that it is," Princess Turtle didn't know it was a lie, so she nodded and said, "But since I moved into this Turtle Shell Palace,  Since then, the Turtle Shell Palace has not moved again" "Then how did it move before?" Wang Xiaoqiang asked.  "That happened a long time ago. I only heard my father mention it. I don't know how it moved specifically." Princess Turtle said truthfully, "Now, what is certain is that Princess Turtle will not lie to Wang Xiaoqiang.  He didn't know how to hide it, so when he heard Wang Xiaoqiang's answer, he was also very disappointed, because just now he had tried to use the snake clan's method of accelerating things to arouse the turtle palace, but unexpectedly it had little effect and could not arouse it at all.  Turtle Shell Palace, so he thought there was another way to move the Turtle Shell Palace.  "If you desperately want to know? I can ask my father." Princess Turtle said heartlessly, "No, no, don't worry, I must be a half-orc, and your father may not be willing to accept me, so don't be alarmed for the time being.  "His old man," Wang Xiaoqiang quickly waved his hand and said, "So, is there anyone in your palace who knows about this?" "There should be no one." Princess Turtle said, "I am the oldest among the people in the Turtle Palace."  " "Uh" Wang Xiaoqiang murmured in disappointment.  At this moment, a thunderous explosion came from outside the Turtle Shell Palace. The sound shook the entire Turtle Shell Palace. "The evil beast from the earth's inner world actually broke into my daughter's Turtle Shell Palace. How dare you?"  Come out, let's have a good fight" "Ah, me, my father" Princess Turtle couldn't help but panic when she heard this voice. What made her panic was not her father but Wang Xiaoqiang. She was afraid that Wang Xiaoqiang would be angry when he heard his father's abuse.  He quickly advised, "Don't be angry. My father must not know the reason. I will go and explain it to him right away. He will accept you" "Uh, no, no need." Wang Xiaoqiang said, "I can bear it."  His strength is quite strong, just ask your father to come in directly" "Okay, okay," Princess Turtle said and asked the guards to go outside to invite Mr. Turtle.  Turtle King entered the room with great fury. When he heard that the orcs were actually in his daughter's bedroom, he was even more shocked and angry. He roared directly, "You evil beast, come out and die." With that, he broke into the bedroom and saw  An orc was lying on his daughter's bed. The turtle's originally green face was so angry that it was now turning purple. He pointed at Wang Xiaoqiang and shouted, "You, you evil beast, suffer death."  Just when he was about to take action, Princess Turtle protected Wang Xiaoqiang and urged, "Father, no, don't" Wang Xiaoqiang was naturally not afraid of Lord Turtle, but he was too lazy to fight with him and directly took out the psychedelic realm.  He looked at Mr. Turtle and said, "Mr. Turtle, what do you think this is?" Mr. Turtle pushed his daughter's body away. When he looked at Wang Xiaoqiang, he saw the mirror in his hand, and then saw the reflection in the mirror.  His own shadow, just when he was surprised, the figure in the mirror changed, turning into the appearance of the Orc Enderand then changed back to himselfand so on.  Unexpectedly, the Turtle Master was not enchanted by the psychedelic mirror. He pointed at Wang Xiaoqiang and shouted, "How dare you, a half-orc, use this psychedelic mirror to confuse me" Wang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.  I think although the function of this psychedelic realm is limited, no matter how bad it is, I still have to persist for a while. How could I be confused by the turtle so quickly?  "You half-animal, half-human guy, do you think your human-like pestles are human? Bah, you are not even as good as our water tribe. Look at us, only we can look like humans. Only then can we look like humans."  The same existence as human beings" The Turtle Man ridiculed the half-orc Ender's body, thus making himself superior, meaning that half-orcs can never become human beings, but they, the water tribe, can become human beings.  After listening to Mr. Turtle's words, Wang Xiaoqiang immediately understood. It turns out that the appearance of orcs and humans are too different, and the matching is very low. The psychedelic mirror cannot accommodate and integrate these two images into family affection Thinking of this  Hou Wang Xiaoqiang immediately flew out of Orc Ender's spiritual orifice, snatched the psychedelic mirror, transformed into his real body with a bang, and then put Orc Ender's body into the storage with a single move.  Jiezi, and then pointed the psychedelic realm at Turtle Gong again, and said with a playful smile, "In this case, do you still think that I am not as good as you?"   Mr. Turtle couldn't help but look at the psychedelic mirror again, and his own appearance was reflected in the mirror. Then he soon turned into the appearance of Wang Xiaoqiang, and then from Wang Xiaoqiang to his own appearanceand so on.  After a few clicks, the turtle man felt a kind of flesh-and-blood kinship with Wang Xiaoqiang.  When the turtle princess saw that Wang Xiaoqiang was not a half-orc but a human, she was surprised, but she did not doubt or reject her. Because the madness came from him and were connected to each other, so no matter how Wang Xiaoqiang changed, her feelings for him remained the same.  Will not change, will remain loyal.  Especially when she saw Wang Xiaoqiang transform from an ugly half-orc into a handsome human, Princess Turtle was even more surprised and crazy. She threw herself at Wang Xiaoqiang with a look of infatuation and hugged him uncontrollably.  "Father, he, he is my beloved, how can you do something to him?" Originally, the psychedelic mirror was not effective enough to psyche Mr. Turtle, but at this time, Princess Turtle's actions and words were  The auxiliary effect makes the affection between Gui Gong and Wang Xiaoqiang intensify, because all love will eventually evolve into family affection after it blossoms and bears fruit.  So at this time, Mr. Gui recognized that Wang Xiaoqiang was one of his own.  Sothen the anger disappeared.  The hostility is gone.  Fighting turned into jade and silk.  Mr. Turtle stretched out his hand and laughed, "Haha, since he is the person recognized by the princess, he is my beloved son-in-law" Seeing that Mr. Turtle had been confused, Wang Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Turtle"  , I heard that the Turtle Shell Palace can be moved, but is that true? " "Uh, yes," Turtle Master said naturally as if he was no longer on guard, "This Turtle Shell Palace is inherently self-contained, not only has strong defense,  And it moves very quickly" "How can such a big palace move quickly?" Wang Xiaoqiang continued to talk, "He didn't know how powerful and long the psychedelic mirror could be to psyche the turtle.  He was afraid that if it failed, all his previous efforts would be wasted. Moreover, he had not married the turtle father and had no plans to marry the turtle princess, so it was better to achieve his goal and escape as soon as possible.  Just when he said this, there was another sharp female voice outside saying, "Where is the evil beast? Where is the evil beast? How can I allow an orc to run wild in the Turtle Shell Palace and seal this place and block all news? I want to  Capture the orcs alive."
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