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Chapter 2847 Broken Dream

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    Master Xingmeng's eyes widened suddenly. She felt incredible. What was incredible was not the cold arrow and the nightmare, but the person who cast the cold arrow. Anyone could cast the cold arrow, but the nightmare was a very advanced dream. Only  Plane-level dream casters can cast it, but there are very few plane-level dream casters. There is only one Gan Feng here, so this cold arrow was cast by Gan Feng.  Gan Feng, the great leader and the incarnation of morality, would actually attack the people of a folded world, not to mention that Xing Meng is also a powerful dream caster.  This greatly overturned his glorious image.  Master Xingmeng closed her eyes. She had a desire to die. After being tortured several times by Wang Xiaoqiang, she had no hope for life. Gan Feng's murderous intention made her faith in her heart collapse. The physical and mental blows and  The torture made her heartbroken. She gave up her resistance and decided to die.  However, Wang Xiaoqiang cannot let her die, because only Xingmeng can break this true and false dream. Once Xingmeng dies, they will be trapped in this true and false dream forever.  Wang Xiaoqiang waved his hand, and immediately a dragon thorn flew out to meet the cold arrow. At the same time, the blink of lightning between his eyebrows exploded and hit the purple nightmare. The next moment, the cold arrow was hit by the dragon thorn and flew out. The nightmare  After being bombarded by blinking lightning, the group exploded directly and turned into four small purple dream groups. The four nightmares went straight towards Wang Xiaoqiang, Xingmeng, Ziding, and Yu Dao, and attacked with precision,  Finally, they were wrapped up, and the four fell into a nightmare. It was a dream more terrifying than a nightmare. The pain in the dream was more real and made people miserable. Most people would not be able to bear it and committed suicide. But fortunately,  These four people were not low in cultivation and had a certain strong character, so in the end they did not choose to commit suicide. Of course, the main reason was that the length of the dream was not enough. After the nightmare dream group was divided into four, both its strength and length were weakened.  It was only a quarter of the original size. The four of them only stayed in the nightmare for about five minutes before escaping. After escaping, Ziding and Yudao were lucky to survive the disaster. Wang Xiaoqiang had  She was just angry, and Ziding was just sad. She didn't know why she didn't choose to commit suicide. At the moment when she was about to commit suicide, she thought of Wang Xiaoqiang. It was Wang Xiaoqiang who saved her at the critical moment of life and death, which made her have a complicated feeling for Wang Xiaoqiang.  "You see, it's Gan Feng who wants to kill you. Not only does he want to kill you, but he also wants to kill all of us. He is not a kind and beautiful person at all. He is just a person who does whatever it takes to achieve his goal and ignores the lives of others.  He is just a hypocrite," Wang Xiaoqiang said to the lost Xing Meng, "You are not going to continue to defend him now, are you?" "I will unravel the true and false dreams, but I can't guarantee that they will be true and false.  "It's too profound, and my dream interpretation skills are limited," Master Xingmeng immediately made a decision after hearing Wang Xiaoqiang's words. She decided to resolve this true and false dream.  Dream-casting masters are all proficient in the art of dream interpretation, but it is not easy to undo the true and false dreams set by Gan Feng. You may not succeed in the end and suffer its backlash, especially for such a powerful dream, and you may be harmed in the end.  Instead of the body, it is one's own soul. Generally speaking, it is a person's spirit. Even one's own cognition, three views, and one's own character, personality, and gender will be subverted. In the end, one may become no longer oneself.  In the end, it was hard to tell what was true and what was false, so Xing Meng was under a lot of pressure at this time, but she still obliged. As she stretched her hands, five red dreams appeared and exploded.  Opened up, and then five red dreams spread outward Finally, the surrounding fairyland was painted with a layer of red, as if it was infected by the rays of light, and under the reflection of the rays of light, the surrounding scenery changed  Change, those mountains, rivers, trees, pavilions, bridges and flowing water have all changed. Things that originally existed disappeared, but things that were not there have emerged Real things emerge, false things disappear, true and false  Being separated, true and false dreams were also destroyed.  However, when the dream was broken, the beautiful eyes of Xing Meng also showed red for a moment.  Suddenly the red brilliance faded away, and a scene appeared. At this time, the environment of the Holy Land was different from before. Not to mention the scenery was greatly changed, and the fairyland no longer existed. The true and false dreams were completely destroyed. However, it was destroyed.  Master Xingmeng in the real and fake dream had a different look on her face, and her eyes were blood red.The color showed pain and confusion.  Master Xingmeng who broke through the real and fake dreams suddenly had a higher status in Wang Xiaoqiang's heart, so Wang Xiaoqiang didn't want anything to happen to her, so he walked up to her and looked at her carefully.  He found that Xingmeng's eyes were hazy, as if filled with mist and rain from all directions, and looked blurry, as if someone who had been sleeping for many years had just woken up But soon, as the redness in Xingmeng's eyes faded, she  Her expression gradually returned to normal. When she regained consciousness, she almost instinctively threw herself into Wang Xiaoqiang's arms. With this throw, Wang Xiaoqiang was stunned. Yudao and Ziding were also stunned.  Master Meng, it seems, is not the same as before, "Xingmeng, thank you, thank you for breaking through the real and fake dreams," Wang Xiaoqiang looked confused, but when he felt the person in his arms trembling with fear, he still subconsciously  Stroking Xingmeng's hair with his hand, he said comfortingly, "Xiaoqiang" Master Xingmeng gently murmured Wang Xiaoqiang's name in a gentle and watery voice, his voice full of love and infinite attachment.  , infinite love.  Master Xingmeng has made a 180-degree turn towards Wang Xiaoqiang. Previously, her attitude towards Wang Xiaoqiang was one of fear, anger, hatred, disgust, and even wanting to vomit. But now, it is obvious that she has feelings towards Wang Xiaoqiang.  Like your favorite lover, you are afraid of losing him. The most important thing is that Master Xingmeng's voice and tone have changed from the previous masculinity to an extraordinarily feminine one. Where did this change come from?  This is a question, but soon, everyone has the answer, and everyone thinks of true and false dreams.  Ziding said, "It's difficult to distinguish between true and false dreams. If you break this true and false dream, it will have a backlash on you, especially in your mental and cognitive abilities. It will cause great deviations, including your own personality and gender."  There will also be deviations in the understanding of the subject. Master Xingmeng has obviously been backlashed. Maybe her understanding of gender has deviated. Originally, she is a man's heart and a daughter, so her gender understanding is easier to change  " "But even if her sexual orientation has returned to the right path and become a woman's heart, her attitude towards me has changed too much, right?" Wang Xiaoqiang was also confused at this time.
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