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Chapter 14606 Prayer

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    Of course, the Bull Demon King is a person who repays his kindness. It is impossible to pray that Li Tian will use such a powerful formation for him. Being able to let Li Tian use a method to make their tribe become their tribe again has already made the Niu Demon King feel very  Sorry g.  "It's okay, it's okay. As long as these people of my clan can return to our Bull Demon Clan again, it will be the greatest gift to our Bull Demon Clan." The Bull Demon King said excitedly.  Seeing the Bull Demon King being so excited, Li Tian nodded secretly in his heart, and then began to direct the Bull Demon King and King Huntian to carry the bodies of the dead Bull Demon Clan warriors.  When they got together, he himself began to arrange the formation. The name of this formation was called the soul-returning formation, which could summon the souls of those who had died back to their corpses, and then he would let these souls remember them.  Based on the characteristics of these corpses, when they reincarnate next time, when they choose the race of reincarnation, they can make a choice.  This method will impress their memories deep in their souls. Even if their consciousness is damaged to a certain extent, it will not have any impact, so they can find the Bull Demon Clan again.  It took a full day for Li Tiancai to completely arrange such a huge formation. When such a huge formation was arranged, King Huntian and the leader of the Niu Demon Tribe, the Niu Demon King,  They were all very surprised. They didn't expect Li Tian to actually know such a formation.  King Huntian asked Li curiously: "Master, if you only need to activate this formation, will the souls of the dead members of the Bull Demon Clan be able to return?" See  King Hun Tian's eyes were full of curiosity. Li Tian smiled slightly and said to Hun: "Yes, the formation arranged this time has such an effect. If this formation is used,  If the effect is good, then I am afraid that the souls of the people of the Bull Demon Clan will appear in this formation." After hearing Li, King Huntian nodded and leaned his head, as if he was thinking about something.  On the other side, the leader of the Bull Demon Clan, the Bull Demon King, couldn't wait. This time he was going to summon the souls of his fellow Bull Demon Clan members. He had never even heard of such a scene, let alone witnessed it with his own eyes.  Witness it, what Li Tian is going to do now will be a huge project. This kind of project makes the Bull Demon King very much looking forward to it, but he does not dare to rush Li Tian at this time for fear of causing Li Tian's dissatisfaction.  I'm afraid it will be a disaster.  So, the Bull Demon King just stared at Li Tian without saying anything.  Such a scene made Li Tian a little unbearable, and without any hesitation, Li Tian immediately said to the two people on the side, the Bull Demon King and the King Huntian: "The formation will be activated next, you two  Please retreat to the place I have planned. Only after the formation is fully activated can you come to me!" "Yes, Master!" "I understand, Master Li Tian!"  The leader of the Niu Demon Clan, Niu Demon King, immediately responded to Li Dao and responded to Li Tian's words.  Then, the two of them also knew that Li Tian was going to activate the formation at this time and it was not a time to be distracted, so they left without saying anything more.  Just as they were leaving, the soul-reviving formation that Li Tian arranged suddenly began to show its effect.  First, wisps of red blood threads appeared in the formation. After these blood threads appeared, they began to fly throughout the entire formation. Moreover, they seemed to be intelligent, searching for each corpse.  After some bloodshots found the corpse they were looking for, they immediately immersed themselves in the corpse, while some bloodshots didn't find the body they were looking for, so they kept floating and continued to search.  When more and more bloodshot eyes soaked into those corpses, Li Tian began to recite the next spell.  ”°Then I saw those bloodshot bodies that had not yet found their own corpses. Suddenly, as if they had been guided by something, they flew in different directions, and soon disappeared into the corpses one by one, without leaving a trace.  fe¦©sص§Ž Seeing this scene, Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing that at this step, he was basically sure that this spell casting would be successful. He then looked at the people on the other side who were staring closely at him.  He was looking at two people, King Huntian and the leader of the Niu Demon Clan, Niu Demon King.  Li Tian shouted to the two people: "The formation has been activated, you can come here now!" "It's so fast?" King Huntian said in surprise, and flew towards Li Tian quickly.  .    The leader of the Niu Demon Clan, Niu Demon King, was also very surprised and said: "It's amazing, Mr. Li Tian. He has completely activated the formation in such a short period of time." He had just heard from Li Guo that he wanted to  How difficult it is to completely activate this formation, but at this moment Li Tian activated the formation at a very fast speed. It has to be said that Li Tian's ability is still very powerful.  The Bull Demon King said nothing and quickly came to Li Tian's side.  After both people came to Li Tian, ??as the leader of the Bull Demon Clan, the Bull Demon King was still more concerned about the situation of his own people. Looking at the cattle warriors of the Bull Demon Clan who were still corpses, the Bull Demon King rushed  Looking at Li Tian next to him, he asked: "Master Li Tian, ??what should we do next? I see that these soldiers are no different from before?" Hearing this, Li Tian smiled slightly and moved away from where he was standing.  , and said to the Bull Demon King: "Then it's time for you to take action." "I take action? What do you mean, Mr. Li Tian?" The Bull Demon King was a little confused and looked at the dead people in the formation.  The Niu warriors looked at Li Tian again and asked the reason.  Li Tian explained: "The next step is the soul-calling process. As the leader of the Bull Demon Clan, your soul-calling will increase this effect a lot. When the time comes, you will be able to return to the Bull Warriors of your Bull Demon Clan.  At least it can reach more than 90%, but if I come to summon the souls, then the cattle warriors who died this time from your Bull Demon Clan can only come back to more than 70% at most. So, you  Calling the soul is the best choice."  .  For the fastest updated and error-free reading, please visit Mobile phone:
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