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Volume 1: The Cure for All Diseases Chapter 237: Why does the protagonist seem to have been changed?

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    When superheroes have existed naturally in the eyes of the world, more super criminals have appeared.  Perhaps it is a manifestation of the inherent evil in human form. The number of super criminals seems to always be more than the superheroes who fight for the interests of mankind. Fortunately, almost every superhero is as powerful as a god and has saved this world countless times.  world.  As for the fate of those super criminals, some were executed or imprisoned, some changed their ways, some disappeared, and some were ready to stir up the world again at any time.  There are also some super criminals who were sent to Assam Lunatic Asylum.  Assam Lunatic Asylum, formerly known as Assam Special Psychiatric Research and Treatment Center, is a special prison facility specially established by the federal government. It is located on an isolated island deep in the ocean. All living materials are transported by local ships, except for specialized prisons.  Apart from large ships, there are few means of getting on or off the island.  And your basic goal is to leave this crazy place. I wish you good luck.  After the above paragraph of text emerged in his mind, Sha Weiming woke up slightly. After he sat up from the shabby bed he was lying on, he gently rubbed his temples with his fingers and looked at it.  The surrounding situation.  Dim yellow lights sprinkled down from the ceiling overhead, and the slightly swaying electric light bulb seemed to be extinguished at any time. The dim light could only barely illuminate this small room.  The room was less than ten square meters in area, but it seemed unusually empty. Except for the single bed under him, there was no object that could be called furniture. The thick walls were covered with mottled wallpaper, and many places had been damaged.  It cracked, exposing the gray concrete on the inside.  On the ground next to the bed, there was a dinner plate made of foam plastic, with a mixed mess of unknown objects in it. It seemed to be a dinner for the people in the room, but no other chopsticks or spoons were provided.  "This is the Assam Lunatic Asylum is it my first mission world?" Sha Weiming first smelled the stuff that looked like food. The bad smell made him push the entire dinner plate aside and away from the bed.  corner, and then began to think, "According to the leader, I should join a team, but I am the only one in this place. Logically speaking, the leader should not lie to me, so the status of my team is  You are separated from me, so you are not in the same place." After thinking about it, Sha Weiming began to search the empty room.  There were no windows in the room, and the door used to enter and exit was a rough iron plate. He tried to pull hard, but it didn't move. He couldn't even find the keyhole of the door on the inside of the room.  After giving up the plan of opening the door for the time being, Sha Weiming found a dirty toilet in another corner. Fortunately, there was no excrement in it.  On the wall above the toilet is a mirror embedded in the wall. This mirror is not made of glass. It is more like polished stainless steel. However, even if it is stainless steel, there are already many spots on the mirror.  rust.  In front of this blurry mirror, Sha Weiming began to observe his own appearance. The thin and slightly indifferent face was still the same as his own, but the ponytail that he had originally grown long and tied behind his head had now been removed.  I know someone who roughly shaved his hair close to his scalp. The dense stubble of his hair is also mixed with his own premature whiteheads, which makes people feel a little out of place.  The original black suit on his body was now gone, leaving only a white hospital gown with wrinkles at the corners and stained with blood and sweat.  After frowning slightly in front of the mirror, Sha Weiming began to try to use the ability that he had spent an initial one thousand points to redeem in n space, but he had already successfully practiced counting in n space.  times, but unexpectedly failed here, and at the same time as he failed, he felt a stinging pain coming from his arm.  The stinging pain that could almost make an ordinary person feel uncomfortable just made him grit his teeth, and a few drops of cold sweat fell from his forehead, but he did not make any sound.  After the stinging sensation subsided, Sha Weiming raised his arm, opened the sleeve on his wrist, and saw a bracelet he had never seen before tied to his left wrist. This  The bracelet seems to be made of rubber-like material, but it is extremely strong. Just relying on the situation without any props, Sha Weiming cannot take off the bracelet for the time being.  And every time he tried to use his ability again, the bracelet would cause bursts of tingling pain on his wrist, as if it was overcharged, and at the same time, a red indicator light on the bracelet would start to light up.  After many painful attempts, Sha Weiming finally succeeded.Yu stopped, sat back on the original bed, and began to think about his current situation.  "Judging from the known information, first of all, I did enter the mission world, and at the same time I was in a place called Assam Lunatic Asylum in this mission world. Combined with the previous prompts in my mind, I already wore a hospital gown.  Judging from this bracelet, the information that Assam Lunatic Asylum holds super criminals seems to be correct. The bracelet is a punishment system used to prevent the imprisoned super criminals from using their special abilities, and even monitors the detainees.  Function, and it goes without saying that my identity at this time is that of a detainee. " Sha Weiming, who is somewhat germaphobic, couldn't help but think about it while trying to rub the dirt off his hospital gown.  "The mission prompt is very clear, leave this Assam Lunatic Asylum. This departure must not only refer to leaving this room, but even leaving this building. Considering that the prompt says that this is an isolated island in the ocean, then leaving this island should be  It's a condition for completing the mission. I just don't know if leaving here means not being on this island, or if I want to leave the island and reach the outside "civilized world", but this is not important, since this is where super criminals are imprisoned.  , then there must be a defense mechanism to prevent detainees from escaping, and since it is to defend against super criminals, the power of this defense mechanism must be quite powerful. This is a danger that must be taken into consideration. After all, my current identity is to be detained.  If the detainees cannot leave quietly, they will have to face this. Another thing that needs to be considered is that since the prisoners in this place are super criminals, they must be dangerous enough.  , even if they were all put on this restraint device similar to a bracelet, safety could not be guaranteed In the end, since I joined a team, those people's tasks should be the same as mine, so they will also  In this Assam Lunatic Asylum, and facing the situation I am in now, if I want to escape, finding a way to join them should be one of the best solutions. After all, the team must have experienced many mission worlds.  There are seniors, and their abilities should be several times more than my current ability in terms of points. Even if we don't consider the strength of the pure combat power between me and them, they must have something unique, if not a group.  Anyone who is hopelessly stupid will be of use to me." After thinking for a moment, Sha Weiming finally stood up. His thoughts just now had no bearing on the situation in front of him.  Help, after all, I am still in a situation where I cannot leave this room at this time.  Of course, he also considered whether he should find a way to remove the bracelet on his left hand first, and then use his own ability to leave here.  According to his tests, this bracelet cannot be opened directly by external force, and it cannot be removed even after dislocating his thumb. The only method available at the moment is to bite off his thumb completely and then remove it.  Get this bracelet.  But first of all, his ability relies heavily on the integrity of his hands. Another point is that hemostasis is also a big problem. The only things in the room that can be used to stop bleeding are worn sheets and hospital gowns, but dirty cloth  It might cause your own wound to become infected, which is not worth the loss no matter how you look at it.  However, judging from Sha Weiming's experience over the years, it is not impossible for a story or performance to open a truly sealed environment that cannot be escaped from the inside, and presumably the mission world arranged in n space will not  Just let them sit back and wait until they find an opportunity to solve the problem.  Then Sha Weiming walked to the iron gate in front of him and began to smash it hard.  "Is there anyone there?" Sha Weiming shouted loudly as he slammed the door violently.  After repeating this many times, Sha Weiming finally heard a shuffling of footsteps outside the door, and then he stopped.  With a "squeaking" sound, a partition window above the iron door that opened and closed from the outside was lifted, revealing a pair of tiny eyes. The man said in an impatient voice: "What are you doing? What are you doing?"  Is the shit basin full?" "Try saying something again." Sha Weiming was not angry at this rude ridicule, and said with an unchanging expression, "Be careful when the time comes, I will put your head in contact with the toilet.  Change your position. Stop talking nonsense. Who is your superior now? Bring him to see me." After hearing what Sha Weiming said, the man who seemed to be the guard smiled contemptuously and just said: "That's really loud.  When it's your turn next time, let's see if you still have the courage." After saying this, he was about to close the window and ignore this guy again, when the communicator behind his ear suddenly rang.  He got up, took the communicator, listened to a few words, and nodded.After a few words of response, he stopped what he was doing. He carefully opened the iron door of the room and spoke to Sha Weiming.  "Tsk, come with me, the doctor above wants to see you."
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