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Volume 1: The Space that Cure All Diseases Chapter 82: I think back in 1945 when the arcade was lighted for one coin, but later the boss removed the B button (the third update is completed, please vote for me)

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    The closer you get to Coridon Port, the more uneasy you feel. Looking from a distance, you can see that the place has almost turned into chaos, with blood-red mist and pure white light intertwined together, and even the ground is covered with chaos.  There was a slight tremor.  Zhu Jue turned on the pollution aura all the way. Although those fragile ghouls may be corroded and swallow their souls in less than a second, after all, ghouls are dead creatures and cannot even think.  The soul of the monster itself is not even as good as a fragment of an ordinary person's soul. Even if it is constantly devoured by the pollution aura, Zhu Jue's already low mental power is even more consumed.  Until he was about to arrive at the port, Zhu Jue finally couldn't hold on any longer, and the pollution halo he released had to be automatically lifted.  "What I hate the most isyou can't get experience or money for replenishing troops" Zhu Jue's face was as pale as those of vampires, and the beads of sweat on his face even wet his collar.  "Damn it!" It is one of the busiest places in the city near the port. The number of ghouls here is also staggering. Ma Shuangcheng almost thought that more than half of the infected ghouls had gathered.  Here, the ammunition he enchanted with the Evil-Breaking Holy Flame can indeed kill a dozen ghouls with one shot, but facing such a large number of enemies, there is almost no effect at all, "I don't know how much time will be wasted if this continues!  "Professor Fan Haixin is also livid. His ripple qigong is like pouring molten iron into the snow when dealing with ghouls. Although just contact can turn those ghouls into fly ash, the area he can touch is also  Limited, facing such a number of ghouls can only be said to be almost useless.  "Zhu Jue, take the time to take a rest." Ma Shuangcheng had to decide to use other methods. He told Zhu Jue.  He took out the magazines of the two guns in his hands, took out two more magazines filled with special bullets and refilled them.  These new ammunition look a bit like those bought from pharmacies, with half of the ammunition being a transparent capsule.  Many small particles can be seen in the transparent warhead.  After pulling the slide again and loading the gun, Ma Shuangcheng also showed a pained expression. Each of these special "barrage" bullets was expensive, but there was no room for him to feel distressed here.  Then Ma Shuangcheng raised his hand and fired a shot into the sky.  The bullet did not exit the barrel very quickly, and it clearly trailed a layer of tail flame. After only rising about fifty or sixty meters, the bullet exploded in the air like fireworks.  As the bullet exploded, every small particle inside seemed to be excited by something, and quickly expanded to almost the same size as an ordinary bullet. Then thousands of barrages were like a meteor shower, dragging colorful  The light crashed down together.  With a "boom", countless barrages exploded immediately after contacting the target.  The shock caused everyone to have tinnitus and could not hear any sound, but when the smoke and dust caused by the explosion dispersed slightly, the street in front seemed to have been bombarded by an artillery company with a base of ammunition, and turned into a sea of  Hundreds of meters of ruins.  And those ghouls were also blown into pieces of flesh and blood in the explosion. Even if there are still some ghouls that were not directly hit, they are all missing limbs and limbs.  ability to move.  "Quick, this is just to clear out the previous wave of ghouls. We must hurry up and rush over before they block the road again!" Ma Shuangcheng seemed to be depressed after firing the barrage, but he still asked everyone  said the man.  "Old Ma you are too insidious" Zhu Jue, who was supported by Li Wushang, looked at the streets that were almost filled with flesh and blood.  Although he was still very weak, he still said, "You have to wait until I am so tired before you take action. Why didn't you use this move to clear the way just now?" "How many rounds do you think I have with such bullets?" Ma Shuangcheng also said helplessly, in the previous one  After the mission was completed, he spent almost half of his points to exchange for two magazines filled with barrages.  Moreover, this kind of ammunition must be used with special barrage enhancements to be effectively used, otherwise the barrages flying aimlessly may hit someone. If you are accidentally hit by the barrages, wouldn't it be suicide? "  Controlling the direction of these barrages is also very energy-consuming. What if you use it too many times and accidentally hit yourself? " "Even if you don't have to care about me" Zhu Jue sighed and shook his head, "Cai Jing.  I can pass the 1945, Angry Boss, and Oriental series at the highest difficulty level without any damage, but your barrage is not enough" "Who cares about you anymore" Ma Shuangcheng didn't know what to say to Zhu Jue, he  Even though you are so depressed, you still have the time to say something like this, ¡°It¡¯s better to be quiet and save your energy.¡±   After everyone took advantage of Ma Shuangcheng to clear out this area, they hurried out about a street away, but soon the road ahead was blocked by ghouls who noticed that there were living things here from elsewhere.  Living.  "You said it would be fine if you were in a big city like Beijing and Shanghai" Ma Shuangcheng looked at the scene in front of him and felt helpless in his heart. "How can a small rural place like London have so many people?" "  In this era, London is the largest city in the world," Chu Yuan interjected. Although he looked very calm, he was constantly wiping the cold sweat from his forehead when facing the almost endless ghouls in front of him.  , "I remember that the population of London now should be" "Two million" Professor Van Helsing's tone was also very bad. Unlike the other people, he was a real Englishman. When he saw the scene in front of him, he felt nothing but anger.  There is more sorrow besides, "The entire London now has a population of two million Moriarty's idea is really vicious After the appearance of ghouls that can keep infecting people like this, these two  A base of one million people will turn into the most terrifying hotbed, breeding the largest hell in the world" In an era when the entire population of Britain was only six million, one city gathered one-third of the country's population.  , anyone can imagine how huge and chaotic this city will be. Even if only one tenth of the people are infected into ghouls, there are at least more than 200,000 walking zombies wandering in London now, and  These ghouls will in turn infect more people.  Maybe in less than forty-eight hours or even twenty-four hours later, there might be no living person left in the entire city.  There may be no more suitable adjective to describe a place where two million ghouls gather than hell.  Facing the resurgence of ghouls, Ma Shuangcheng had no choice but to fire another barrage. The barrage just now consumed a lot of his energy.  Coupled with the tension of facing such a scene, this time the barrage even missed a few points and exploded next to several people.  "Old Ma, can you be more accurate!" The explosion next to him made Li Wushang's hand tremble while he was supporting Zhu Jue, causing Zhu Jue to roll on the ground before he got up.  What if I¡¯m killed?¡± ¡°Didn¡¯t you say that you are very good at playing barrage games?¡± Ma Shuangcheng dragged Zhu Jue who was rolling on the ground and moved forward quickly. Li Wushang on the side also felt slightly because he accidentally let go.  Sorry, he also helped Zhu Jue's shoulder from the other side.  "Can the game be the same as reality?" Zhu Jue said dissatisfiedly. He hung half of his body on Li Wushang. It was not that he couldn't walk at all, but he could save a little effort.  "Then you still have the nerve to say what you just said!" Ma Shuangcheng had a headache because he fired two barrages in a row.  And Zhu Jue was still chattering on the side, which made his headache even worse.  However, the barrage effect this time was not half as good as the first time. A large part of the barrage was shifted. Although it did destroy about hundreds of ghouls, there were still many ghouls who were only damaged.  The injuries were not fatal, and there was no pain left. The ghouls who were just preying on the body completely ignored the wounds on their bodies and continued to stagger towards a few people.  And the bloody smell of flesh and blood all over the street caused by the two barrage explosions just now attracted even the ghouls from further away.  The way back and forth for several people was blocked from almost all directions.  Facing the crowd of ghouls that were as crowded as the Beijing subway at eight o'clock in the morning, everyone's faces became increasingly ugly.  Even if they could ensure that they would not take unnecessary damage and fight their way out bit by bit, they didn't know how much time would be wasted.  And every time that is delayed, the danger to Linn, Richard and Adrian will increase.  "If there is a third barrage it will probably hit us." Ma Shuangcheng's hand holding the gun was still shaking. Two consecutive barrages consumed almost half of his energy. If he continued,  The third time, he couldn't even guarantee the general direction in which those barrages would fall.  "Don't worry too much" Although Professor Van Helsing's expression was not good-looking, he still maintained his composure and said.  "Judging from the fighting situation in the port direction, it seems that only Adrian is fighting, and Richard is not involved. With his strength, I don't think he will be easily defeated. He should still be waiting for the opportunity nearby.  The sound and light effect of the bullet you fired just now is very big, he should have noticed Facing this kind of enemy that relies only on numbers and is not strong alone is exactly what Professor Van Helsing said.  It hasn¡¯t fallen yet.  A blue figure rushed over from the direction of the port. Even in such a dark sky, the blue figure looked extremely dazzling. A long whip that waved like a phantom blocked everything in his way.  The former ghoul is likeA meat grinder usually grinds the meat into minced meat.  The speed of this figure's sudden advance was not hindered by the huddled ghouls at all. He was like a blue blazing sword, piercing into a pool of solidified butter.  Under such a storm-like attack, Zhu Jue, who saw this scene, even thought of the lawn-mowing hero who used his unparalleled skills to run rampant in Dynasty Warriors.  With the sweep of the long whip, Richard, covered in pieces of flesh and blood, rushed in front of several people. Although he looked a little embarrassed, his eyes were shining brightly.  "What happened just nowfireworks?" Richard smiled softly at a few people, "The girl wearing a strange armor replaced me and said she wanted me to pick you up. I saw it.  I came here for the fireworks just now" "There is no time, Richard." Professor Van Helsing said, "We have to rush to Adrian, and I will leave these ghouls to you, okay?  " Richard glanced at the ghouls that almost filled the block. It looked like there were tens of thousands of them. This number of monsters, even if you stand and kill them one by one, would still be enough.  He didn't know how long it would take, but Richard nodded.  "Give me a minute." Then thunder suddenly sounded on the dark clouds where even the fire could not extinguish the drizzle.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Well, on the first day it was released, we agreed on 10,000 words. I originally thought it would be good to publish four chapters of 2,500 words, but I still made up my mind.  Three chapters with more than 3,500 words have been published. There are still two guaranteed updates tomorrow, but there are more than 50 monthly votes, and there will be an additional update. The more you vote, the more I will add.  !
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