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Volume 1: The Cure for All Diseases Chapter 53: Something surfaced...

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    In the past two or three days, these people in the team have been resting in the Helsing Mansion. According to Adrian, they hope to wait until Professor Van Helsing returns to London before discussing what to do next.  During this period, Holmes also came here to visit several people. He first expressed his apology for the attacks on several people in the hotel.  Although he also guessed that someone would be monitoring the entire team, he did not expect that the monitor would act like this. After all, even a great detective could not predict people's hearts, not to mention that they were no longer human.  Holmes also said that he found more clues on the way to find Jack the Ripper. Whether it was the murderer's skillful human anatomy or the writing and handwriting he left behind, Holmes locked the candidate in one.  Within a very small range.  And when the true identity of Jack the Ripper is discovered, the help of several people will be needed to deal with the vicious "vampire".  "I'm more worried now. If we keep relaxing our guard against Mina, will she turn into a vampire because of being embraced by Dracula? In this case, it will be even more troublesome to deal with." In private among several people  During the discussion, Ma Shuangcheng had always had such concerns, "After all, according to what I have heard in the past few days, even a newborn who has just experienced his first embrace, a real vampire still has extremely powerful abilities." "Old Ma, you are so unfounded.  ." Zhu Jue said.  "That's true." Ma Shuangcheng nodded, and he seemed to feel that he was overly concerned. "This vampire count is willing to remain anonymous to contact the woman he thinks is the reincarnation of his wife. He probably won't directly reveal his true colors and go suck him."  "No, I mean" Zhu Jue expressed a different opinion, "The question is whether Mina is a virgin. A non-virgin can't become a vampire, right?" "Umthat Jonathan?"  "According to the investigation, isn't Mr. Huck a very innocent young man?" Ma Shuangcheng was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It is said that he is opposed to premarital sex." "Well I'm talking about you, Mina.  Why are you talking about Jonathan" Zhu Jue said, "Does it matter whether Mina is a virgin or not?" "Mr. Jonathan Harker will cry when you say this" Linn couldn't help but interjected, as if it was Zhu Jue.  The words made her feel uncomfortable. "It is said that Miss Mina William Murray is also a very pure girl. Don't make it sound like she is like that." "Speaking of the first embrace of a vampire, a virgin is a virgin.  How is the definition determined?" Zhu Jue looked like he was deep in thought, "If it is judged based on a certain proof, then wouldn't it be true for people who love riding bicycles, playing tennis, eating vegetables and fruits, and raising animals?  Is it unfair for women who have pets? "There's something in what you said just now that's too rude!" Linn said very unhappy.  Just when a few people were still struggling with Mina's problem, Adrian suddenly found a few people.  "I just received a telegram from Professor Van Helsing. He will arrive in London soon." Adrian said to several people, "But his whereabouts seemed to be leaked when Istanbul wanted to take the sea route, 'Ghost'  "Some people seemed to have noticed his appearance." "In Istanbul?" Several people looked a little confused, especially Linn, who had a deeper understanding of European geography. "If Professor Van Helsing wants to go back to London, why is he going to Turkey?"  That's the Black Sea If you want to get back to London, you have to cross the Mediterranean, and then you have to travel more than 500 nautical miles north from the Strait of Gibraltar to get back to London Even if Romania and Turkey border and can enter the sea earlier, why doesn't he go north?  The train can take you to Hamburg, Rotterdam, or even Dunkirk, which can save at least two-thirds of the journey than taking the Mediterranean" "It is true that crossing the Mediterranean requires a lot of detours," Adrian said.  But if there is a fast enough ship, it will be nothing to take so many detours. " "So what's the news about the 'Ghost' discovering Professor Van Helsing?" Ma Shuangcheng asked worriedly.  Adrian shook his head and said: "When Professor Van Helsing went to Romania to find help from the Belmont family, someone from 'Ghost' had contacted Richard Belmont in advance, hoping that he could help 'Ghost' think  There is a way to subdue Count Dracula. After all, the Belmont family has been fighting with Count Dracula for almost four hundred years. It can be said that they are the demon hunters who know the count best. There have even been times when the count faced him.  Several legendary demon hunters of the Belmont family would occasionally fall into disadvantages, such as Ralph Belmont, Simon Belmont, Richter Belmont, etc. If it weren't for their location, they would be at a disadvantage.  The huge castle power from the devil world, maybe Count Dracula has been eliminated.  It's a pity that since Richter Belmont, the strength of the Belmont family has dropped a lot. Now they are still regarded as the top demon hunters, but they are no longer the same as before when the Belmont family broke into the devil's castle alone.  The situation that almost completely sealed the earl.  But Count Dracula also slowly became less active during that time" "So you are saying'Ghost' discovered Professor Van Helsing and went to find Richard Belmont, which is exactly what it means.  He has plans to deal with Count Draculaand because of the information we have about Jonathan and Mina, Professor Van Helsing knows that he can successfully find Count Dracula.  Is it because of this that the 'Ghost' is eyeing Professor Van Helsing" Chu Yuan asked after a little analysis. "That's right although the 'Ghost' itself does have the idea of ??dealing with Count Dracula.  But they themselves are a combination of dark forces, and they are no more righteous than the legendary vampire.  Richard Belmont indeed wants to inherit the family's will and seal Count Dracula, but he is not willing to cooperate with any dark forces because of this.  At least Professor Van Helsing, a demon hunter under the Anglican Church of the British Empire and loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, had sufficient strength and willingness. Richard Belmont was still willing to cooperate with Professor Van Helsing.  "Adrien said. "Huh, this is too easy to think of.  What I can't get, you can't get.  "Chu Yuan sneered and said, "What's more, the two parties themselves can be regarded as enemies. Now the 'ghost' may take advantage of the opportunity to kill Professor Van Helsing and Richard Belmont first, in order to prevent the enemy from dealing with the enemy.  Count Dracula, instead of cooperating, the two parties would hinder each other.  " "That's right This is also because the other party doesn't know that we have information about Count Dracula's situation.  So there may not have been an idea of ??us going to find the count first and them following.  And if they know that we have information about the count, just because the information about Jonathan and Mina cannot be kept secret, then they will definitely take advantage of it.  After all, the person we need to face is Count Dracula, so nothing will happen.  The two of us also have different attitudes towards Count Dracula. One hopes that he can leave London without causing trouble, while the other wants to control him no matter how much trouble he causes.  In such a situation, it is almost impossible for one party to wait for the other party to take action before taking action" Adrian analyzed a lot, but Zhu Jue didn't hear what he said at all.  He just asked the silver-haired man in front of him: "After talking so much nonsense, what do you mean?  " "Sorry what I mean here is" Adrian seemed to feel that it was difficult to explain to people like Zhu Jue, so it was better to tell him what he wanted to do straightforwardly, "Professor Van Helsing was riding  The ship is very safe, but I am worried that he will be attacked by the "ghost" characters after he docks, so I hope that several of them can go to the Corridon port area with me to meet Professor Van Helsing to prevent any unexpected situations.  .  " "Then let's go, you are still here talking non-stop" Zhu Jue looked at the silver-haired man with a look of disgust, "Didn't you say that Count Van Helsing was about to arrive in London, and you were still in the mood?  Waste of time here.  " "Wellit seems that I am verbose.  "Adrian smiled bitterly, and then invited a few people to get on the carriage he had prepared. The destination was Corridon Port located north of the Thames River, which happened to be near London Bridge. The carriage took almost an hour and a half to get from  The suburbs rushed in that direction. Because Professor Van Helsing had been carrying a convenient radio with him, he had already contacted Adrian, and soon his ship would appear at the port of London.  Linn, who majored in electronic communications, was very surprised, because with the technology of the late 19th century, it was simply unimaginable that a radio station with such technology would appear. After asking, he found out that the radio station was the one that sent Professor Van Helsing back to London.  It was made by a captain, and it seemed that the captain had quite unexpected technical abilities. More than half an hour later, when the sky was getting dark, several people standing at the Corridon Port looked at the empty sea.  I was a little puzzled because it was already the time for arrival at the London port informed by Professor Van Helsing. ¡°Is there going to be any problem?  Ma Shuangcheng asked Adrian worriedly, "Or was their ship attacked by a 'ghost' or something?"  " "Don't worry, it'll be okay.  Adrian said with a smile. He looked at his pocket watch, "It's almost time."  " Then less than five minutes later, several people suddenly discovered that there was a violent splash of water at a vacant ship's seat in the port in front of them. Then a huge silver-white shipIt just rose out of the water as if out of thin air.  "The Nautilus has finally arrived"
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