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Volume 1: The Cure for All Diseases Chapter 40: Welcome to 211B Baker Street

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    "It's getting late, but if we go faster, we can still catch the last train." Although Holmes came in a rental carriage, if we add the five people in the team, seven people would squeeze into one car.  The carriage was still a bit crowded.  "Is it a bus?" Ma Shuangcheng asked curiously.  "It seems that this is really the first time for these people to come to London." Holmes smiled slightly, "It's the subway. It's rare for me to come to England once. How can I not take the subway?" Holmes looked at everyone's expressions and continued.  : "I know you may have a lot of questions, but let's go back to my apartment and let's continue talking. After all, this is not the place to talk." Several people heard this and knew that in such a public place, discussing vampires or other things would be difficult.  What happened was a very sudden thing, so they all nodded, willing to follow Holmes and leave here first.  Then Holmes and Watson led several people to the Whitechapel station not far away. After Watson took out dozens of shillings to buy subway tickets for Chapter 7 first-class carriages, several people took the Whitechapel train.  Tube to Baker Street Station.  Because it was already getting late, except for them, there was no one else in the spacious first-class carriage.  "I really didn't expect that London in the 19th century would already have a subway" Ma Shuangcheng said with emotion. The subway they took at this time, in terms of spaciousness, far exceeded all the subways he had taken in later generations.  The burning gas lamp illuminated the entire carriage brightly, although the color was slightly yellowish due to the color temperature.  "The London Underground has a history of thirty years. If you talk about the greatest masterpiece of the entire nineteenth century, I will definitely vote for the thing we are riding on." Holmes said, "We are now in the greatest masterpiece."  In the great century, human beings have traveled to every part of the planet. The use of steam engines and internal combustion engines has conquered all the lands in the world. The popularization of electricity has made the streets always brightly lit. The dark age has passed.  Mr. Roentgen¡¯s invention of the telephone also made communication between people no longer delayed, and the macro world became smaller and smaller. In the place where we can¡¯t see, Mr. R?ntgen discovered X-rays in the past two years.  Mr. Becquerel confirmed the radioactivity of uranium, and the distinguished Curies also discovered thorium, polonium, and radium. Mr. Thomson even discovered the existence of electrons from the cathode rays. From the macroscopic view of the universe to the interior of atoms,  This era seems to have found the answer. Facing such a great century, I am even a little worried about whether humans can achieve such great achievements in the near future in the twentieth century. " "Mr. Holmes.  Can't even smart people imagine what the future will be like?" Ma Shuangcheng asked curiously. In the eyes of ordinary people, Holmes may be one of the smartest people in this era.  "I'm just a mortal. Although I may be good at observation and reasoning, it doesn't mean I have anything superhuman." Holmes leaned on the cushion of the subway seat, holding on to the  Just a walking stick, "But although the truth has been found in these foods from the macroscopic universe to the surrounding atoms. However, in the world we live in, there are still manymany things that seem to be unexplainable by reason.  "That's right" Zhu Jue frowned and said, "What I find very inexplicable is why you have to suffer this kind of pain when you are just taking the subway. I feel like I am chewing a stick in my mouth now."  Matches. "After all, this subway is driven by a steam engine. Although many vents have been opened, a lot of smoke with a strong sulfur smell produced when the fuel is burned still seeps in from the bottom of the car.  "Can't we use the electric motor" Linn also frowned slightly.  "Excellent idea. I really can't tell that you are all guests from the Far East." Holmes nodded towards Linn, "If a motor with enough power can be made, then this will indeed be a very quiet and low-pollution power.  Source. An Indian captain I know also seems to want to put the motor on one of his ships. It should be almost completed at this time. If there is an opportunity, I hope he will be willing to host you as a guest on his unique ship.  "Although he was careful not to talk about any supernatural topics on the subway, Holmes still chatted with everyone for a while. Although his ideas still contained many inherent ideas of people in the 19th century, he was sensitive.  Ma Shuangcheng and Linn couldn't help but admire his thinking and unique insights.  Chu Yuan, on the other hand, remained silent in front of the great detective. He didn't know whether it was because he was keeping a low profile or because he was worried that if he failed to show off in front of this legendary figure, he would be exposed.  Although Li Wushang initially had a specific interest in Holmes,A sense of hostility to ???ism.  But I didn¡¯t expect that Holmes was also familiar with the works of Marx and Engels. Although he did not explicitly support Marxism, he was very concerned about the redistribution of the means of production, the struggle for interests between classes, and social welfare for the proletariat.  He also put forward a lot of his own opinions and views on the system, and when Li Wushang put forward some of Taizu's theories, Holmes also meaningfully praised certain aspects, which made Li Wushang look at Holmes.  Si's eyes suddenly became quite admiring, although he may still regard the great detective as a class enemy in his heart.  As for Zhu Jue, he didn¡¯t pay attention to Holmes. Instead, he kept staring at Watson closely.  "Umis there anything wrong with me?" Watson felt a little uncomfortable with Zhu Jue's eyes that were full of inexplicable meaning, so he asked.  "Doctor Watsoncan you treat mental illness?" Zhu Jue finally said.  "I'm just a surgeonI don't know much about mental illness." Watson replied in confusion.  Zhu Jue sighed with some disappointment, and then asked: "So are you gay?" "Ahem I'm sorry, what did you just say?" Watson almost couldn't breathe.  "I'm just curious about your relationship with Mr. Holmes." Zhu Jue said.  Watson couldn't help but frowned, as if he thought Zhu Jue's question was rude, but he still replied: "I'm married!" "Don't mind it so much, I'm just asking." Zhu Jue said, "  So, who do you prefer to be with than your wife and Mr. Holmes? " "Zhu Jue!" Linn kicked Zhu Jue's leg bitterly, and then she quickly said to Watson, "I'm sorry, Hua.  Doctor Sheng, there's something wrong with him. ""Huh" Watson just snorted and then turned his head. It seemed that he didn't really like the friends Holmes invited.  Finally, after swaying for more than half an hour, the subway stopped at Baker Street Station in west London. Several people, led by Holmes, left the station.  Because there are many real estate companies and other industries on Baker Street, even at this time there is still a lot of traffic, with carriages and pedestrians coming and going in a hurry on this street.  And right at No. 211B Baker Street, there is a small apartment building.  The exit of the apartment building is a small black door. There are four or five steps below the door, and there are two rows of iron handrails. Under the dim light on the roadside, you can see the rust on the handles.  Except for the faint glow of the fireplace fire in the second-story window, the entire house was darkly lit, as if waiting for the owner's return.  "Welcome to 211B Baker Street, the private detective consulting firm of Sherlock Holmesand the Diogenes Club Occult Consultant Secondary School." (In fact, there was an electric subway in London in 1890. In addition, Baker Street  The station is not far from No. 221B, where Holmes lives, but for some reason, Conan Doyle did not describe the existence of the subway in the story.)
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