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Text File.144 Do you know how many teeth the old dog has?

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    Strictly speaking, the two professions of magician and magician should have evolved into a brain-breaking ending due to the difficulty of employment between the two parties and other miscellaneous reasons - of course, normally, this should obviously  It's the former angrily beating the latter or something like that.  After all, the entry requirements are so high, and you have to undergo biochemical transformation that may be inhumane. If the combat effectiveness is reduced I'm afraid no one else needs to say that the magicians who just accept the transformation will beat their masters to death.  A state where you can¡¯t take care of yourself!  But¡ª¡ª- Maybe in terms of combat effectiveness, Pachi may not be considered the top one, but the ability to continuously cast spells should be enough to crush magicians one or two higher than him.  However, there is not that much time left for everyone to think.  After passing several stairs in a row, and halfway towards another hidden door on the wall, the magician stopped.  "This is it." As the blue-white magic energy shot from the tips of the fingers hit the door, Karazhan, a place full of secret rooms, once again opened a new corner of the skirt to everyone.  "Is it another small independent library" Turning a blind eye to the seemingly strange way of opening the door, Lu De turned his attention to what was hidden behind the door.  The place where the protective coat was brutally torn apart was none other than another circular hall.  However, like the library, it is also surrounded by huge bookshelves from the floor to the top of the ceiling.  Different places naturally exist.  For example, compared to the space outside, the decoration here is obviously more refined, and the air is also filled with a faint scent of aromatherapy.  Of course there was no beautiful girl in the room, but a dry old man wearing a gorgeous mage robe.  (Shadow of Elam, level?? Leader. Life 417w, magic 479w) "No, my sonhe has gone crazy! Who are you? What do you want to do? Stay away from me!" Faced with the sudden intrusion  The uninvited guests in his room - although logically speaking, one of them should be Pachi, whom he had interacted with before, the image of this teacher showed it as if he was meeting for the first time.  "I know, I know. You are trying to take away this place, the demons from the area don't bother me anymore! I want this nightmare to end as soon as possible!" There is no usual safe area, and there is no beginning.  After all the nonsense before, the Shadow of Elam went straight into combat mode.  "Huh? Wait, wait a minute, we're not ready yet!" But of course Sakura's repulsive force cannot have any impact on NPCs like the will of the universe.  "Yes, my son is very powerful, but I also have my own power!" Elan waved his hand heavily.  A hazy arcane light flashed inside the room.  ¡°Let me show you how many teeth the old dog has!¡±¡­ There was silence.  Even her fanboy (young lady?), who usually complains the most fiercely, fell into an eerie silence at this moment.  After all, before the war started, to classify yourself into the dog family before the war started, it seemed to be a feat that very few people could achieve!  But this also explains very well why Pachi could not defeat this magician who had clearly become a soul no matter who he was, when facing a madman.  You won't get very good results, right?  As for how crazy this soul is three seconds after the war started.  All members of the team saw the clues.  It was obvious that Lu De had already made several cuts on the old man's translucent body, but Ellan's Shadow's reaction was shocking.  "I am not a simple clown, I am Nielas Ellan!" Along with the almost hoarse slogan, the magic light in the hand of Ellan's Shadow gathered violently.  Arcane Explosion 10s casting time, 10% maximum power, cannot be interrupted Create an unprecedented arcane explosion.  Causes 9,175-11,374 points of arcane damage to each target within 30 yards, and knocks up all affected targets for 30 yards. Lightly armored targets will be knocked up a higher distance and receive additional drops after landing.  harm.  "Run away quickly!" For this kind of boss that opens up without saying a word, it is undoubtedly the most troublesome existence - without sufficient warm-up, if the team's position is not good,if.  He would definitely be beaten to the point of paralysis immediately by this guy.  If resistance is ignored, Aylan's Arcane Explosion can easily wipe out all the team's remote output and healing units at this stage, leaving only one defender to fight him alone.  Oh, by the way, maybe we also need to add a paladin with invincibility enabled?  "Don't even think about running away, evil devil!" However, things never develop as imagined - for example, Elan's actions.  While continuing to cast spells, the great magician actually still had the energy to throw out several heavy golden shackles, knocking all the targets swept to the ground instantly.  ??????????????????????????????????????:? ??????????????????????????????????:  "Don't be stunned, get up and continue running immediately. This way you won't be hit by the skill!" As the deceleration effect, naturally he can't escape the self-interested release mode. However, when Lu De ran out of the safe area in two steps  Only then did I realize that this thing was actually a scam.  Although the 80% slowdown seems very fatal, however, since the skill is released outside of Elan's progress range, this seemingly very powerful debuff is actually just a side dish used to amuse players.  ¡°On the contrary, if you panic because of this, change your running position or make other wasteful actions Explosion is art!  "Damn old ghost! I'm going to pull out all your beard!" Oh, that's a good point - but there is no Utsuki in this, because that guy is a ghost in the first place, don't you think so?  That short-legged guy over there¡ª?  The black dragon, which was flapping its wings desperately but could barely move forward, was complaining, while the sun-dwelling dragon continued his own style, ignoring the time, place and goal and dying in a muffled voice.  As for the hermit himself You see, although the legs and feet are not better than others, the deceleration spell only reduces the movement speed, and it does not affect the magician's ability to use a flash spell to get out of the dangerous area, right?  "I know the guy who talks sarcastically! If you experience it for yourself, you won't be so arrogant!" The black dragon, which barely escaped the range of influence, threw a fireball at the hermit.  Of course, due to the range issue, this thing dissipated directly in the air without crossing the entire hall, leaving only a few sparse sparks falling in the air.  "Explode!" As Elan finished singing, violent deep purple arcane energy quickly spewed out with the magician's soul as the center, sweeping all the way to every corner of the room, and finally stopped only five yards away from the wall.  stop.  Although it was not directly hit, the pressure difference caused by the sudden expansion of arcane energy also caused a huge storm to instantly occur inside the room, and all unfixed items on the floor were blown up and tumbled.  But it¡¯s worth complaining about.  An explosion of this magnitude failed to damage the floor at all.  Well, considering that the curator has been walking back and forth here for hundreds of years without causing any substantial damage to the ground, this kind of thing should be left entirely to him!  "Even if you are fighting, don't you forget to protect the precious collection of bookspoor guy." Zhenhong sighed softly, and the light of the flame began to surround his wrist.  "But this is already an obviously distorted result No matter what, he is not suitable to survive in this world." "You say it as if it has nothing to do with yourself" Lu De rolled his eyes, first  He used Death Coil to hit Elan's face, who was chanting Ice Arrow, before launching another attack on the target.  Although finding a way to get Elan to the wall may create more space for attacks.  However, it seems that this guy doesn't like this kind of displacement skill. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the skills used by ordinary magicians are called arcane explosions.  However, the three-letter and four-letter names don¡¯t just mean whether it¡¯s an abbreviation or something similar¡ªat least the former has neither the power to match the latter, nor a huge attack radius.  , it was a conclusion that simply blinded the two teams of hardened krypton gold x-eyes "Moon Talisman's Silent Moonlight Lunafield." Silver quicksand flew out of Pachi's hand, instantly dissipating Elan's ice arrows invisible.  Quiet Moonlight Lunafield condenses the energy of the moon and directs it to the target, causing 56% of spell attack.?? arcane damage, while silencing the target for 2 seconds.  If the spell is interrupted, there will be an additional 2 seconds of silence. cd16s Controlling magic chanting is a necessary lesson for ordinary guys. The problem is that Elan is a master of all departments.  The arcane missile that he just sang was interrupted, and the man's hand was immediately replaced by the fiery energy of the fireball.  And the next moment it turned into a crossfire of group blizzards and ice arrows.  After finally countering all three of Elan's spells in a short period of time, the master's behavior became even more bizarre.  "The reason why magicians are magicians is because they think more than other people!" After all the other spells were controlled, Elan took off his pants Oh, bah, it was actually the staff hitting the ground.  .  "(This guy doesn't want to fight in close combat, does he?)" Just when Lu De was about to teach this old man a lesson, he saw Elan twisting and twitching the staff quickly, then turning his hands, and the entire  A staff turned into a super-shooting device that continuously spit out flames.  "This old man can actually do this?" The sudden flames almost doubled Elan's attack radius, and of course almost burned off half of Lu De's eyebrows.  ¡°It¡¯s true that hooligans are not scary, but I¡¯m afraid that hooligans have culture¡± After slandering the designer several times deep in his heart, someone used a new type of defense method in a very unreasonable way.  Of course, this method does not refer to the Black Dragon Shield!  Then again, in a non-loli state, even if someone wants to do this, it seems that it is not a task that can be easily completed What kind of operation is required to enable a palm-sized black dragon to withstand a large area of ??flames?  What about the method?  Press it on the fire outlet? ????????????????????????????? This seems to have a bit of sadistic meaning, so let¡¯s rule it out ¡° What we are pursuing is an all-ages series, how can we broadcast such strong scenes?  (To be continued) ps: ps1: Elan is definitely a trap. If you don¡¯t know how to fight, whoever touches you will die. Even if you are a big boss who graduated from SW, you will be beaten into a dog when you run over ps2: SC problem  ?  Well, SC is defined by itself anyway, and no one said that it can¡¯t have such a 233 name, right ps3: So think about it (not a typo), Alice?  Megatron's method of releasing the puppets should actually be to lift up his skirt to reveal his fat or some other benefits, and then pop out an army of puppets?  
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