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Text File.2 The expedition of more than ten years...isn't it really an endless expedition...

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    "In other words, these earth-boring insects are domesticated products of Glory Castle?" According to the sentry, these earth-boring insects are native species deliberately domesticated by the United Meng Army stationed here in order to solve the problem of materials. As long as they are given appropriate  Depending on the environment and time, the excrement of the ground-boring insects can be used to make a special cement-like substance to build and strengthen fortresses.  &{}.{23}{wx}.{} Unfortunately, the output of this building material is not very high, so the holes in the city wall and some less important places can only be dealt with first.   "(Wait, based on this calculation, the psychological quality of the people in the castle is really good)" Lu De suddenly thought that if strictly speaking, the use of these substitute materials seems to mean that the actual army in the castle  Every day is surrounded by a large number of rice fields Although the shapes are different, the essence is completely consistent!  "Has the Dark Portal been fully connected? In the past few days, we have seen dozens of adventurers coming If it is convenient, please let me know, sir!" On the galloping horse, the sentry is still there after all.  I couldn't suppress the doubts in my heart.  Of course, in this link, the colonel badge on Lu De played an important role - if you are the kind of adventurer with a blank slate, it is conceivable that it would be good if you are not looked down upon, not to mention that you can be ignored by these  Are soldiers treated differently?  "Yes, the Dark Portal has been completely opened. This may be good news for you, soldiers, but it may not be good news for our hometown I need to see your commander." "Understood, sir! I will  I will take you to the Glory Castle to meet the leader of our expeditionary force. I believe he will be very happy to see you!" So this is the advantage of taking the high-end route.  For example, a housekeeper role like the secretary to the general manager usually has to boil water, cook, do housework, and make suggestions, which is not helpful. However, once he is assigned to a subordinate unit, his status will immediately rise Who said that he can rise with nothing?  "This is it, sir! Commander Danaus Trollbane is working in the barracks. I think-" The increasingly loud roar gradually approached, and the sentry suddenly stopped talking and turned to look at the sky.  "Hellfire is coming! Everyone looks for cover immediately!" After sounding the alarm, the observers on the watchtower slid down the rope with skillful movements, while a dozen large spherical objects glowing with yellow-green flames were dragged along  The long tail flames rushed toward the Glory Castle from the northeast.  With the sound of heavy vibration on the ground.  The green flaming boulders falling into the fort made bursts of friction sounds.  In an instant, it grew into a large hellfire of staggering size and began to destroy everywhere.  And the defenders of Glory Castle, who seemed to be used to it, swarmed up from their hiding places, surrounded these powerful demons and began to surround their homes.  In terms of individual strength, Hellfire can easily kill any Lian Meng soldier it faces, but it is just like the scene in front of the Dark Portal.  Through the cooperation of the team and their different professions.  The cooperation of about half a team is enough for these elites to gain the ability to compete with Hellfire.  But for Lu De.  Things are not that complicated.  "In terms of level, the combat effectiveness of these guys is not that high" The rock body wrapped in flames does not pose any substantial threat to someone.  Compared with the elites in those team copies, the pressure of a single Hellfire can simply be described as lackluster.  After the thunder and lightning, the fury of thunder.  The hellfire that finally landed next to Lu De was dismantled into large extinguished stones all over the ground - judging from the size, these things might also be used as building materials.  ¡°In the final analysis, these demons are only about 20% stronger than the earth-boring insects. The only thing worthy of praise is their strong vitality.  At least 50% stronger than those active in the Cursed Land Could it be that Hellfire would also mutate due to different environments?  But it¡¯s not really genetic material. It seems that it can¡¯t be explained by the word mutation, right?  "Well, if you suffer such attacks every day, it's really surprising that Glory Castle can maintain its current level of completion!" The bronze dragon patted his clothes with no trace of dust and sighed deliberately.  "But no matter what happens, if we don't solve the fundamental problem, we will only be beaten passively here!" Simply speaking from the terrain, Glory Castle should be considered condescending, whether it is two steep towering cliffs, or it is located in the south of the central rift valley  Key parts of the side highlands provide good natural barriers for the entire fort.  But just asAs Bronze Dragon said, if you rely on the geographical advantage and blindly defend, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to escape the fate of being slowly reduced in number.  You must know that this army has been stationed in Draenor single-handedly for more than ten years. Each member can be regarded as an elite soldier in hundreds of battles. If one of them dies, Bavaria will probably feel pain!  "Welcome. I have heard about the changes in the Dark Portal After so many years, we can finally hear news from our hometown." A figure suddenly appeared among the many soldiers who were cleaning up the remains of the Hellfire.  (Danath Trollbane <Expeditionary Force Commander>, level 65 human/elite, life 7.8w) The expeditionary force commander in front of Lu De has a typical square face, and the Hellfire Peninsula has been exposed to the sun and wind all year round.  The gritty wind carved deep marks on his face.  "This is not the place to talk. Please come inside the military camp." ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Although the military camp in the Glory Castle has an appearance that is almost the same as the original version, as long as you walk in personally, you can find that many of the internal structures have been changed because of  Due to lack of materials, similar substitutes were used.  For example, furniture and floor coverings, "We established the Honor Keep here as Draenor's biggest support point, not only to provide a shelter for the warriors, but also to monitor the movements of the Dark Portal and the orcs.  ." Danaus Trollbane pressed one hand on the rough table.  "Although it seems peaceful here, it is also very dangerous You have just seen it. The Burning Legion will still try to destroy and interfere with our only remaining foothold from time to time. Even more dangerous are the orcs - as you can see, these red-skinned  Although the creatures have temporarily cooperated with us in order to survive, there is still a barrier in the middle of the Hellfire Peninsula, and there live more powerful and violent beings we call evil orcs, and they will show no mercy.  Launching a surprise attack on our soldiers and killing our compatriots is just like wild beasts! " "Evil orcs won't they cooperate with orcs?" Lu De frowned.  According to Danas, it seems that this map, that is, the forces on the Hellfire Peninsula, cannot be simply divided into the expeditionary force and the orcs.  Plus the three demons.  "Not at all. In fact, the two often wage war. How is the situation over there?" Danas shook his head very firmly.  Even though he was far away from home, the commander was still very concerned about the original situation.  "Lian Meng is organizing the second batch of expeditionary forces to come to support." Lu De paused.  "However, considering the speed of the march, there is still a new round of game with the tribe. I'm afraid it will take extra time for the large army to arrive." "Tribe?" Danas blinked in confusion - after all, in  The time of his expedition.  Orcs are still just orcs.  He has not evolved into such a tall and powerful representative as the leader of the camp In order not to make this commander look too embarrassed, Lu De briefly introduced the historical line after the Orc War.  "Yeah Stromgarde was also destroyed in that battle" When I heard the name of one of the places that was destroyed in the war.  Trollbane's eyes looked a little dim.  It is obvious that this commander must have some other story here, but it is not like the explanation - in game terms, it means that the reputation value is not enough.  "We lack enough ground troops, but this special location in Draenor is just suitable for air operations. Since the orcs want to send reinforcements from the Dark Portal, we must first ensure that the supply line of Lian Meng will not be cut off.  " "I don't think we need to worry too much. If the orcs here haven't established a stronghold yet, then there aren't many options left for them. They can only be on the west side of Glory Castle or the opposite.  The northern highlands." Lu De crossed his fingers on the map and quickly jumped between several points.  "No matter which one, as long as the United Meng Expeditionary Force sets up a medium-sized camp between the Dark Portal and the Glory Castle, it will be enough to clamp down on all the tribal army supply lines on the entire Hellfire Peninsula at all times, and it can also communicate with the Glory Castle.  Support each other and enhance the security of the supply line. " "It's obvious that Yese Town has strangled the tribe's supply line, why do we need to make such a conservative plan?" Aoni slapped the southwest side of the Dark Portal unceremoniously.  "If this is the case, why not just establish a support point here to completely control the entire southern region of Hellfire Peninsula - there are no demons andThe people are entrenched, what a good base for advancement?  " "Then you are going to start a fight between Lianmeng and the tribe right here, right?  "Under Lu De's eyes, the Black Dragon Loli, who originally raised her head high, gradually lost her momentum, and finally shrank to the back of the room with a grunt. Blocking the tribe's supply line would make the target very uncomfortable, but for the sake of fighting against the devil,  As long as it can barely be transported, it won't react too violently. But if it is clear that it is to completely kill the tribes in the Hellfire Peninsula like Oni did, then the latter will definitely not care about anything.  Let¡¯s get started! ¡°And if the tribe really wants to build an advance camp, it¡¯s very likely that it will still be here.  "Lu De tapped his fingers on the north side of the Hellfire Peninsula. "This is the evil orc garrison, this is the Dark Portal, and thenwhat's in the mountains to the north?  " "That is the demon territory, the place known as Kil'jaeden's Throne.  " Danas's eyes lit up, and he punched the table, making the old wooden furniture groan. "Ha, they can only choose to ask for trouble!  ¡± In order to shorten the supply line as much as possible, the support points that the orcs can choose are very limited - considering the terrain, the length of the supply line and the transportation capacity, I am afraid that the best choice is to compete with Lianmeng. After all, this can also be used at critical points.  Support each other at all times to resist the demons together. But in this way, the orc camp will have to face the pressure from the Hellfire Barrier to the west, Kil'jaeden's Throne to the north, Glory Castle and the supply line to the south - basically.  It can be described as Alexander (To be continued) ps: ps1: The title was originally intended to be a series about me being smarter than Blizzard, but then I thought about it, isn¡¯t this a series about me wiping Blizzard¡¯s butt orz to explain those strange things  ps2: Then again, there is obviously a mine dug by El Chapo under the Glory Castle, but there are no earth-boring insects in the cave. This is not scientific at all, Hun Dan! ps3: How on earth do these hellfires fly so far  Is it coming from the evil cannon in the north? And the landing direction is actually coming from all directions. PS4: Why is there no plot about Mao taking Trollbane's ax to find Danas?  : Boil water, cook, do housework, and make suggestions that are not helpful. I am the classic duty of Uncle Fang Bian, the alliance mage in mt.
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