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Text File.56 This may be the most powerful onlooker group in the history of the game...

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    "With the help of so many powerful NPCs, this battle shouldn't be as difficult as before, right?" During the team's march, Hayate sneaked up to Lu De and expressed his worries.  .  .  Since most of the skills are long-distance skills with high power and long chants, in the battle before Ahn'Qiraj that required movement, the girl's performance was not as gorgeous as shown on the panel - especially when someone also collected materials from  By bargaining with the captain, she got the materials to help her make an epic weapon.  Magic cannon is good for this profession. Needless to worry about being robbed of weapons, but you don't have to worry about weapons -anyway, good things are basically difficult to do!  "It's hard to tell." Lu De pinched the girl's cheek.  "Although it seems that the NPC lineup is very gorgeous, in other words, it also means that what we have to face is not something that can be easily solved! Don't forget, except for our two teams, the other  The team seemed to have been killed midway" "Huh? What will we face?" The girl let out a small exclamation.  "Well we'll find out later." In terms of the lineup to deal with C'Thun, both sides should be said to be using their best high-end combat capabilities.  As for the two player teamsat best, they seem to be just following each other. If I put it more bluntly, they are basically the same as cannon fodder.  Although the three giant dragons said that they had been left alone for a thousand years, they were now exhausted and were looking for someone to take action.  But the legs that wobble when walking and the slightly widened interpupillary distance properly reflect the strength of these guys.  After all, after a thousand years, there must be a buffer no matter what, right?  "This is where C'Thun is imprisoned." After winding down the inner passage of Ahn'Qiraj for dozens of yards, Vic'niras, who had changed back into his combat attire, pointed at the weapon in his hand.  Swing forward.  "I want to remind you that this is only the closest place to the outside world after C'Thun was partially awakened. What we are facing is only a small part of it" "What is there in here? Let us see it."  We¡¯ll know later!¡± Saurfang snorted and looked through the uncovered entrance.  (Eye of C'Thun, level?? Leader, life 12270) On the ground deep in the room, an eyeball similar to the previous Eye of Dominance hung alone on the top of a purple limb.  The golden snake-shaped pupils were facing the door of the room as if they were out of focus.  "You guys stay a little behind. I'll check the situation first." When the leader, Marshal Leoric, raised his shield and cautiously stepped into the room, his originally lifeless eyeballs suddenly turned, and he fired a shot towards the entrance.  Thin and feeble light.  The paladin who was hit by the light first reflexively felt a burst of holy light all over his body, but then he discovered it.  The damage caused by this ray to oneself is minimal.  Just as everyone thought.  This is the time for a probing attack.  The light suddenly came out from the back of the Paladin, and then shot through all the members walking in the front with lightning speed.  Although the first few people who were swept also didn¡¯t seem to feel anything, but.  After sweeping four or five people, the next players who were hit fell to the ground without saying a word, so much so that King Saurfang, who was swept behind, groaned, and two streams of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.  "What is that?" Marshal Leoric exclaimed.  No one could imagine how an attack that was almost like a tickle on him could kill a large number of members in an instant, and even Saurfang was injured!  (Eye Prism Ray: Attacks the target, causing 600 points of natural damage, and attempts to jump to the nearest new target within five yards. Each jump increases the damage by 100%, with no upper limit) In just one meeting, C'Thun completely destroyed the team.  The number of people has been reduced by about one-third.  If Viknilas hadn¡¯t resisted this inconspicuous ray, it would not have been impossible to break up the entire team with just this one blow!  "Hmph you pretentious rats!" Saurfang snorted coldly, and suddenly accelerated his feet to throw away the large army. He took the lead with a charge + jump slash and hit the top of the huge eyeball hard, killing it together with the connected ones.  The end of the handle was evenly divided into two halves, and the purple-black blood quickly gathered into a shallow round pool of water on the floor.  As usualIn this way, Lei took advantage of this gap to plant oak seeds with a strong breath of life.  "However, the breath of life that was supposed to thrive did not respond this time - or in other words, the oak tree that represents life failed to give birth to new life this time.  "Can't be resurrected." Picking up the shriveled oak seeds, Lei calmly spread her hands.  "It's too bad." "Before that, the worst situation is to die one-third instantly instead of not being able to resurrect, right?" - It seems that this statement can only be given two points.  "It's useless. All the souls that died in this room are regarded by C'Thun as their own food. It is impossible for the Holy Light or the Soul of the Ancestors to bring back their chance of survival." Vicnilas said lightly.  .  "If we cannot put C'Thun into hibernation again, your people will probably face a fate more miserable than death For C'Thun, the soul, or any negative emotions, is its most important thing.  "My favorite food." "(In other words, those who were lost in battle cannot be resurrected) - Here we go!" In Lu De's field of vision, two giant tentacles that were as thick as three people's arms suddenly penetrated the ground, carrying them with them.  The howling wind hit Saurfang on the head as he stood in the pool of blood.  "What a trick!" Not only was the orc warrior who retreated has not been hit by the tentacle attack, but it also left a two-finger-deep gash in one of them.  Where he was standing just now, with the sound of the earth breaking, something gray and black broke through the barrier of the ground.  (C'Thun: Level?? Leader, life 317w) "That's it?" Lu De frowned.  How to describe this guy better is also a question, because the creature in front of everyone does not have any common characteristics of common species.  If I have to say it, it is that it has been squashed and widened countless times, and there are big and small eyes all over the body. By the way, chrysanthemums also grow on the top of the head, something like an octopus!  "This guy's appearance gives me goosebumpsWho on earth designed this thing with no sense of mind? I'm going to fire him!" Feng Pinglangjing crossed his arms over his chest and chopped his feet hard several times.  No matter where he stands, C'Thun's densely packed and constantly wriggling eyeballs seem to be watching all targets. Coupled with those constantly wriggling tentacles, its lethality is simply outstanding "Ah, by the way, Miss.  In fact, I have trypophobia. I am most afraid of things that are not only numerous but also squirming" "Idiot! Is this something that can be said casually?" With a bang, Izmi's head felt the call of the dragon.  The VIP treatment of sword hilt chisel.  ¡°Hmm, maybe it can be considered cute.  "C'Thun or something, I don't know why this monster like you appears here, but I'm going to make you into a grilled octopus!" Seeing Saurfang rush to the front of the ancient god to launch an attack.  mt, Marshal Leoric could only give a wry smile, picked up his weapon and joined the diversionary battle from the side. At the same time, he also used the holy light to support the orc warriors who had risen up in the fight - no matter how high the fighting spirit was, the previous  The damage received from one hit will still not change.  "I will always watch you" The effect of the ax blade hitting C'Thun's body was like cutting rubber, and the latter popped up more tentacles of various sizes from the ground due to this attack, heading towards the room.  Everyone inside launched an indiscriminate attack.  "Okay! Now everyone follow me to the left side of the room and keep distance between people. Our target is those tentacles, large and small!" Seeing that the two commanders of the coalition forces shouldered the responsibility of parrying C'Thun's body, Lu De  While issuing the order, another arrangement was quietly laid out in the team.  Pay attention to maintaining the relationship and distance with the traveling team.  Although in the short term, the other party should not make any substantive bad actions, it cannot be ignored.  "Oh, oh, oh" Zhou You shook his head imperceptibly, and pulled out the flaming Savras with his backhand.  "As the saying goes, men are on the left and women are on the right, but here it seems like the opposite is true! Really, don't force me to put my limited energy into such unnecessary complaints Everyone on the right side spread out!  Our goal is the sea of ??stars!¡± ¡°What kind of sea of ??stars is there? What I see is only the end of endless blood waiting for us¡± There are some thin people at the end of the team.The young man was embarrassed and cursed his immediate boss on the spot.  ?Perhaps it can be regarded as a blessing-for a team made up entirely of men, what does mere blood mean?  There are many common sayings, for example, scars are a man¡¯s medal, blood is a man¡¯s romance, etc ¡°Really? I still prefer blood tofu than blood.¡± Zhou You waved and kept hesitating.  Lieyan's huge war hammer drew a semicircle in the air and slammed into a medium-sized tentacle waving towards him.  The next moment, a wisp of flame faintly emerged from the point where the warhammer and the tentacles came into contact, and then turned into a blooming red lotus and suddenly engulfed the alien limbs in front of him.  Along with the loud explosion and the light that spread out simultaneously, there were also a large number of fragments that were charred into fine dust, as well as a strong smell that everyone is very familiar with Takoyaki smell.  (To be continued)
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