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Text File.15 If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy

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    "Ooooooooooo!" Barthras, who let out an unknown howl, had a very simple attack method.  Apart from knocking back, stunning, and sudden blood-sucking attacks, the only means of damage to this huge ghoul is to use its strong limbs to carry out continuous heavy blows. The collision of guns and shields has been almost constant since the beginning of the battle.  Never stopped.  "Hmmthis guy is so powerful!" In order to ensure that she does not lose her center of gravity, the girl who serves as the defender can only choose to lower her body's center of gravity as much as possible and maintain stability by reducing her mobility.  ?????????????????????Anyway, Barthras's attack method is just standing there and shooting randomly!  "Don't stand too close to the wall. Give it a chance to fly you and reduce the time you're vulnerable to attacks. Be careful not to hit other people I'll go!" Before he finished speaking, he saw a heavy metal hitting him.  Lu De ducked sideways.  Since the updrafts were flying between different locations almost like a volleyball, as the only close combatant, Lu De had to follow the former's movements to change directions, but this did not guarantee that every stretch of the road would be absolutely safe.  reliable.  Of course, Barthilas would not follow the seemingly normal rule of flying backwards to be knocked back. In fact, no one could predict where and in what direction this monster would swing its heavy blow.  , so others standing far away sometimes had to dodge incoming projectiles like they were playing dodgeball.  Although the girl is very light in terms of her body, the impact and hardness of the additional layer on the outside No one is willing to try how powerful it is.  "Oops, oops. The position is not yet¡ª¡ª" Of course, sometimes things don't develop as expected, such as the adjustment of the position.  At first glance, it seems that the space where Barceras is located is very large, but compared with the skill that can easily knock him away thirty yards, this empty field is not that spacious.  What's more, the site is not completely flat. Remaining tree roots, supply boxes and even grooves on the edge of the road may become the vanguard of tripping ropes.  If you are a bit unlucky, for example, if you are hit continuously like just now, you will most likely hit the wall directly like the current situation of the updraft.  Makes a loud roaring sound.  "Tsk berserk is really tricky. It's so annoying. Isn't there a skill that can dispel this effect?" Victorique shook her sleeves.  Directly use flash to cross a distance of more than ten yards to launch another attack.  Although it stands to reason that ice arrows can lower the target's body temperature and inhibit some of its mobility, the two frost mages who changed their jobs and output have already thrown dozens of spells, but Barcellas's actions are still the same as at the beginning.  fast.  Don't say freeze.  He didn't even show the slightest intention of slowing down.  "No similar effect has been found in the interception of data. Hug, I'm sorry" The movement of Xinfeng's hand was a little slower.  "However, we must know this information! Since the game company does not release the most basic things, then it is up to us to find it ourselves!" When it comes to his own professional field, even the shyest person will become imposing.  Absolutely, the trade winds are the most striking example.  As for the methods and so on Never mind it!  It¡¯s not like a GM who goes out to play games to trick people!  "Oh - but the relationship between rage and freezing is still not explained clearly!" Although I don't know how the words just were distorted in the bronze dragon's ears, but judging from the eager expression of the other party, it was probably transformed into  Quite an interesting situation right?  "Perhaps it's becausethe muscles that exercise vigorously will generate heat, thus preventing them from being frozen" "If this statement is true, the flame mage and those fff groups would have been immune to the frost effect long ago!" It is actually said that the muscle movement of the undead will produce  Heat - even a semi-undead existence like Lu De himself has never felt the concept of heat due to actions!  ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  "Whoops, whoops" After being unable to attack for a long time, even Barcellas himself suffered a setback in his mobility.  The continuous fierce attacks not only tested the nerves of the attacked, but also consumed Barcellas' physical strength.  Yes, the undead troops of the Scourge Legion do claim to ignore fatigue and do not need supplies, but that is based on cannon fodder troops - they have been dismantled into parts long before problems arise!    As for those units that survive for a long time, such as abominations or gargoyles, these constructed creatures more or less require the nourishment of flesh, blood and magic to ensure their combat effectiveness. As for the enhanced type of Barthras  The ghouls are no exception.  In fact, without enough flesh and blood or magic replenishment, even any undead creature cannot move out of thin air.  "IImust not fail, otherwiseelse!!" Barsselas's eyes, whose movement speed had slowed down slightly, suddenly turned red as fire.  "Death¡ª¡ª!" In the piercing roar, Barcellas' originally strong body surged by 30% again. The muscles and tendons twisted due to excessive expansion twisted into unnatural arcs on the bones, but this head  The creature itself was completely unaware, and the attack like a battering ram instantly destroyed one-third of the blood volume of the rising Qi that could not be blocked.  (Frenzy: Attack speed increased by 50%, damage increased by 50 points) "Don't hand in skills together-" Lu De spoke a step too late.  The golden light marking the Holy Blessing Technique and the twinkling wings flashed on the updraft almost at the same time.  Although in terms of reaction alone, both sides have achieved almost the best level, the consequence of using two defensive skills at the same time is an extreme decrease in efficiency.  Although Barthras¡¯ attack is very high, it does not meet the premise that it must be compensated in this way. What¡¯s more, the Paladin¡¯s turtle shell skill is simply cheating.  Although being unable to continue to create hatred is a problem.  But this is nothing in the face of saving lives - the Holy Light is omnipotent!  Well, at least it doesn't allow the Paladin to continue attacking when the Holy Blessing is activated Then again, an invulnerable tin can hangs around the opposite side for more than ten seconds. This is indeed a bit scary no matter how you look at it.  It looks like - in order to do damage without being cut, you can't attack if you can't attack But this doesn't mean that the Paladin can't cause damage.  Whether it¡¯s the shield thorn on the shield, the counter-injury when blocking, or the punishment aura switched out as if he¡¯s trying to die, they are slowly but surely consuming Barthilas¡¯s health.  "I'm sorry, BaronI" This ghoul's final madness failed to save its fate.  After forcing out the two life-saving skills of updraft, the fighting style that completely ignored its own defense made it unable to support its body and crashed to the ground.  It stirred up large amounts of black dust that was either ashes or dust.  "Trash!" A disdainful snort came from deep in Stratholme.  Until death.  Barthras didn't get any praise from his master - maybe when he was still a human, his fate was no different from now.  "PhewI'm so tired!" Having completed the task, the updraft used the shield that played an important role as a cushion to lean on.  "It seems that the exam questions were not very easy. I will accept the right to search for the corpse of this boss without mercy!" As the girl used the tip of her sword to pick up the corpse, a strange-shaped thing emerged from Barsselas's body.  His waist rolled to the ground.  It makes a crisp sound when it collides with the bricks and stones.  Savage Beast Idol (Holy Object/Druid Only) Equipment: Increases the damage caused by the mauling skill by 50 points.  The damage caused by the sweeping skill is increased by 10 points.  Item description: From this item printed with the shape of a claw.  You feel your roar become more powerful and the twisting of your butt increases significantly!  "(Druid?)" As a profession that is said to be the most adorable among all professions, it is also quite rare.  The chance of finding a bear with a big butt is basically the same as the chance of picking up 10 yuan while walking on the road. Therefore, the fate of this thing is probably not going to have any other choice besides the crystal.  "Oh, is it bad?" "Forget it, everyone will be embarrassed" Lu De decided to face this kind of incident with a peaceful attitude.  Although it can be said that he is used to being evil, it doesn¡¯t matter.  "But you are still using that glare? In terms of attack power alone, that level should not be able to keep up with the rhythm, right?" At first, Lu De didn't pay too much attention to the golden light of the Paladin's skill.  What exactly was the weapon in Updraft's hand, but the provocation with the tip of the sword just now gave him a clue.  "Ahaha I haven't found anything better, so I've been using it. Besides, it's pretty good!"Kneeling on the ground with her skirt upturned, she hesitated to speak.  "Huh? Isn't that the trophy we found on our previous trip, Rise?" It was obvious that the red dragon girl was also impressed by this weapon.  If we say that the strongest attribute of glare is that it ignores the natural damage of armor and the special effect of being able to break armor, these two points are indeed true, but after all, this sword is only an epic weapon with level 30+. No matter how strong the attributes are, in  In the current battle rhythm, it is inevitable that you will feel inadequate.  "Ah, Li Secan you give me candy?" "Huh? Of course that's no problem." Lu De was stunned by the red dragon girl's sudden request.  Ah¡ª¡ª Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Rose held a beautifully made toffee and bent down in front of the updraft, gesturing for the other party to open their mouth.  "Eh, eh?! Wait, wait, we don't need to repeat the scene we did back then, right?" People who were not at the scene may have a hard time imagining what kind of skills it would take for a fully armed paladin to sit down and use  His posture quickly moved back five yards.  And it¡¯s still attached to the seat cushion underneath!  "Ah¡ª¡ª" The red dragon girl persevered and continued to move forward.  "Woooo" "Oh? Did you see any good show? Come on! Come on!" "You really embarrass us!" Ilani's natural breath made Chromie's face blurry.  (To be continued) ps: ps1: The house in stsm is still burning, and there are also sparks erupting. Can it be said that it is really resistant to burning ps2: The mayor's knockback Okay, I have to admit that there is no battle.  When charging, this thing is extremely unpleasant!  PS3: The best item dropped by this product is probably the blood-red felt hat although it is still a little worse than the big bad guy in terms of pure output.
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