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Text File.10 As a boss, the most important thing is aura (li) and field (flag)

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    "Your Highness Princess! I finally found you. What's going on? Where are your other soldiers?" Not long after Lu De and others finally escaped from the burning path, another somewhat familiar voice came out.  sounded in the distance.  "It's Rivendell" From the other person's appearance, Lu De easily recognized who it was.  "But compared with when everyone first saw him, Baron Rivendell's helmet was not only half-way crooked, but the armor on his body was also in tatters, and the guards beside him were nowhere to be seen.  "The Scourge has mixed the food with plague, and this city has been completely destroyed! What we need to do now is to purify this land and prevent our country from suffering greater damage!" Although after being yelled at by Lu De,  Alsace was obviously much weaker in the distance that followed, but when facing the lord under her command, the princess's aura did not show any signs of diminishing.  "Since you, Baron, came from another direction, you must have seen more sights. Report the situation!" "Your will, Your Highness." According to Rivendell, when the disaster happened, he was in Stan  He was conducting routine inspections in the area east of the Somme, and when a large number of undead residents surrounded him and his escort, the Baron had to choose to break out from another city gate, and then, under the guidance of the soldiers at the main gate, walked around  After passing half of the city wall, we re-entered the depths of Stratholme through another path.  "Your Highness, why did you rush in with such a small force? The soldiers outside the city should obey your orders and help in the clearing!" "The Dread Lord Mal'Ganis is waiting for us here. Just let us know.  Ordinary soldiers are here just to die. Stratholme has caused enough killings, and I don't want to involve them in this dangerous situation." "You are very kind, your highness, but even if you insist on choosing elite troops to go.  , Stratholme and your guards should also be the first choice, not these mercenaries!¡± It seems that Rivendell has a lot of prejudice against Lu De and others.  Then again, this is not his patent. Even in the current time flow, many officers still have considerable doubts about the combat effectiveness and cooperation ability of the player group, and are only willing to give them some basic or repetitive tasks.  menial tasks to complete.  "That's enough, Rivendell. Now is not the time for us to argue. The mission of those troops is to prevent the undead carrying the plague from flowing to other places. Not to mention" Arthas quickly glanced at the others.  "At least they performed quite well in the previous battle. I can't think of enough reasons to refuse It seems that we are lucky. The market area has not yet caught fire, and Mal'Ganis should be in the Crusader Square ahead." "  Justice will be served!" Since his boss had said so, Rivendell was not ignorant enough to speak out against it again.  Just after raising his sword and shouting a slogan.  Silently following Alsace.  Sure enough, after so many years.  Lianmeng has not made any changes to our situation!  It seems like the tense is wrong, right?  ?Thatwill it be very dangerous next?  Please rest assured that as of now, the general direction of history is still operating within the normal range!  And I can tell you secretly.  Before heading to the North Pole, Her Royal Highness the Princess is absolutely safe!  It¡¯s so noisy.  This guy only said that Alsace was fine, but he didn¡¯t say that her soldiers were the same, idiot.  Due to the addition of Rivendell, the entire team unknowingly experienced a surprising dual state of quietness and noisy coexistence.  It is worth noting that in the short journey from the entrance of the market area to the Crusader Square, everyone did not encounter any obstacles. It was as smooth as the save point specially set aside for people to rest before the final boss.  In the center of the Crusader Square, Mal'Ganis' huge body stood there with a vague sneer on his face.  "I've been waiting for you for a long time. How about it? I personally pierced the bodies of my own people with a sharp knife, and looked at their helpless eyes but couldn't help them. This feeling must torture your heart, right, Your Highness?"  "I'll say it again - I would rather end their lives with my own hands than watch them become your slaves! Let us end it, Mal'Ganis, right here!" Arthas raised her war hammer,  Haruka pointed at Mal'Ganis' waist.  "Really? That's ridiculous You are too weak, poor guys."The yellow-green magical energy lit up in Mal'Ganis' hands, and then turned into a raging magical frenzy that swept towards everyone, leaving scorch marks with a wide radius on the masonry ground of Stratholme. The remaining energy  It continued to burn on everyone's skin.  (Rotten Swarm: A huge wave of chaos magic sweeps across all enemies in front of it, causing 1230-1570 points of chaos damage, and an additional 180-220 shadow damage every 3 seconds, lasting 15s, irresistible) "It is because of such weakness that you are  Nothing will be accomplished How does this feel? " The Dread Lord's movements were very casual, waving his hand as if swatting a mosquito, but Alsace, who was rushing at the front, felt like she was struck by lightning, and a trace of blood spilled from her mouth.  (Psychic Blast: Causes 2163-2837 + 100% magic attack power of shadow damage to the target) "Everyone spread out, don't stand in front of this guy! Chromie, you go to the most remote corner, Rose come behind me  ! Feiyu maintains the shadow barrier, be careful not to be killed instantly! " As the advanced combat power of the Burning Legion, the Dread Lord is best at using attacks with chaos and demonic attributes, and he also has enough resistance to these attacks.  Germany's output was devoured by about 20%.  On the other hand, due to the fact that chaos damage ignores armor and resistance, even the most solid armor is no different than paper when faced with the opponent's skills.  In comparison, the Paladin, who can still deal full holy damage to the Dreadlord, is more suitable for attracting hatred.  "Watch the moves! Attack!" The girl waving the shield did not hesitate to throw out several high-damage single-target holy attacks of Judgment, Avenger's Shield and Holy Wrath. The scorching holy flames immediately hit the Dread Lord.  Several scorch marks were left in areas not covered by armor.  "That's all you have?" However, Mal'Ganis, who was hit one after another, was completely indifferent. Apart from hitting the girl with two claw attacks to force her to retreat, the next wave of yellow-green magic from the Dread Lord once again  Pushed out into the trade wind.  "(Semi-hateless wave boss)" Lu De secretly gritted his teeth because he happened to be at an angle to the girl's direction and was not affected.  For some leaders with self-judgment and special attributes, conventional methods of creating hatred have little effect on them - just like you can't seduce people with meat bones for dogs to eat.  But it is also the most hated target of all commanders, because these special leaders usually choose their own behavior and often act unexpectedly.  The entire battle is full of endless variables.  "Your struggle is meaningless. Weak." After using mind blast to repel Arthas who rushed towards him, and using another spell to put Rivendell into a deep sleep, Mal'Ganis turned around suddenly, almost clinging to the mainland.  De's chest was hit hard.  When the latter raised his sword to parry, he suddenly stopped it.  Putrid Hives push forward instead.  "It's so difficult!" Because he was worried about being seen with the Death Knight's combat skills.  Lu De didn't dare to use the special skill of anti-magic shield at all, so he could only rely on his own blood shield and life to resist.  "Li Se!" The red dragon girl who was protected behind him exclaimed. ? Out of Mal'Ganis' sight, the red dragon girl's fist filled with rage pierced the air.  It hit the former's calf impartially - judging from Rose's height, this was probably the most convenient location.  To this sudden attack, Malganis did not react at all, but his left leg that was hit hard involuntarily bent backwards, and his huge body staggered and almost fell to the ground in embarrassment.  Although they are huge in size and have extraordinary strength, the body structure and mastery skills of the Dreadlords destined them not to be excellent hand-to-hand fighters, but to be legal professions capable of hand-to-hand combat.  Regarding this, we can get a glimpse of it from the types of skills Mal'Ganis released before - except for the blood-sucking aura that is always on his body, this Dread Lord does not have any spells that can be used as melee skills.  "Don't worry!" Lu De stopped others who wanted to rush forward in the team channel.  No matter what, Rose is still in her infancy - or quasi-infancy. Even with amazing power, she shouldn't be able to directly shake a Dread Lord.  Unlessthe other party is cheating.  "The devil's power has weakened? Cover me, Rivendell!" However, Arthas stopped before she could make an attack.  Even the Dread Lord, who had just suffered a heavy loss, was forced to retreat.The dragon girl took a few steps back at the same time, watching the other side of the square warily.  There, an extremely huge black-purple vortex is slowly taking shape.  Except for Rivendell, this is not an unfamiliar scene to anyone else - the previous Eternal Dragonmen emerged from such a vortex.  "Can't we do something to interfere with the operation of this thing?" With both sides on guard at the same time, Lu De asked the Bronze Dragon a question.  After all, with such a big foreplay here, it would be weird if there was no thought of stopping it, right?  "I'm sorry, even when I was in my heyday, I couldn't do anything. The Eternal Dragon controls the jump of time in a way that even we can't figure out! Only our Dragon King can do it, but he hasn't appeared for a long time.  Oh!¡± Chromie¡¯s answer was full of flaws in every sense of the word¡ªif nothing else, what does that long time mean?  You must know that according to the records in the game, the time since the Dragon Soul was destroyed has not exceeded double digits Could it be that after turning into human form, even the concept of time has been reversed?  !  According to this reasoning, maybe a certain dragon has to learn how to fly after changing back (To be continued)
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