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Volume 2 Life is about playing with and being played with, regardless of life or death File.92 Nature across time and space

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    Although the prison break caused more noise than expected, the chains binding the Red Dragon Queen were still blown to ashes in the explosion of arcane elements and runes.  As for the prisoner at the center of the deep explosion, apart from being blackened in a few places, not even half of his oily skin was broken - is the skinny red dragon really better than a human?  According to Shana¡¯s own statement, during her years of imprisonment, Nekros used the Demon Soul to make many extremely excessive orders and violations to her, so that guy is definitely dead.  But as to what kind of impact the Demon Soul would have on dragons, the guardian dragon hesitated for a long time and refused to explain. In the end, he became so angry that he threw Lu De like a hammer for dozens of times.  "(Even the red vision was brought out)" Lu De, who had to use Achius as a crutch, barely managed to maintain his balance, and at the same time declined the mage's plan to give him arcane wisdom.  Just kidding, what if the spell goes wild and turns into an arcane bomb?  Lu De¡¯s current life remnant cannot withstand another attack from someone of Laura¡¯s level - even if it is unintentional!  Another dull explosion came to mind, but this time it did not come from inside the room but from far away in the passage. The shouts of the orcs came faintly from above along with the explosion.  "We must leave here quickly. The teacher once said that the influence of the Demon Soul is very large. It will be bad if we are targeted by Nekros" "If he wants to come, he can come! If there is no suppression rune,  I will never be defeated by mere pain!" "Wait! There should be a dwarf inside Grim Batol. We need to take him with us when we escape!" "Maybe the explosion just now was when the dwarf was discovered!  The noise it made - Lu De thought.  "There are no dwarves here! Not one! Do you doubt my feeling about the power of life?" Shanalong glared.  Then he swept Lu De and the mage onto Rose's back with his wingtips.  "Also, I don't care if it falls!" ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª "Nekros! That's Deathwing - and he's attacking our dragon!" Outside Grim Batol, flying in mid-air  The huge black figure weighed like a dark cloud on the hearts of all the tribal warriors present, especially when their proud red dragoons were torn apart and degraded in front of the latter, this uneasiness and fear were pushed to the forefront  The most **.  "Shut up! Can you still be considered warriors of the tribe like this?" Nekros leaned on his crutches and glanced at his subordinates with as sharp a look as possible - he had to do this, otherwise the collapsed army would  First tear him to pieces.  "Inform the Red Dragoon and attract him here! The range of the Demon Soul cannot reach that height. The warriors of the tribe do not need to die meaninglessly! Let all the elite dragonriders be prepared. Once they die,  The wings were shot down by me. Even if they die, they will keep the dragon on the ground!" "I will follow your orders, sir!" The orc herald slammed his right fist against the breastplate with all his strength.  Movement can give him courage, but the scene that follows makes him almost a statue.  Three figures similar in size to Deathwing but with different colors rose up from the valley and rushed towards the arrogant figure.  The explosion caused by the collision of angry roars and energy almost temporarily blocked everyone's hearing.  "It's so perfectso amazing" The surrounding soldiers were stunned at the same time.  Nekros' twitching fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the Demon Soul.  "The remaining Aspect Dragons are actually here. As long as I can control them allHerald! Inform the Red Dragon Legion to retreat, there is no need for us to get involved in the dragon's civil war!" To Nekros again!  Before the polite herald could turn around, a louder explosion in the distance silenced his words again.  Behind them.  In the direction of Grim Batol, red lotus-like anger was rising into the sky.  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª "It's strange. I've always felt a familiar smell on you, but I don't know where it comes from." Although the space inside Grim Batol is huge enough, I want to  It would be a bit unrealistic to have two dragons flying side by side (one of them being a giant dragon).  The orcs below did not act out of the ordinary when they saw Rose, but when another huge body appeared not far from them, these self-proclaimed warriors were frightened and ran for their lives one by one.  The route would stun even the most familiar dwarves of underground space.    "That's because please look ahead -!" As he turned around to talk to Lu De, the red dragon was already very close to the corner ahead.  Seeing that the plane crash was about to happen, Rose spread her wings and swung her tail forward hard, and her whole body hit the corner as if she had landed, making it look like she was standing sideways on a wall.  It barely absorbed the kinetic energy brought by flight.  However, this was not good news for the passengers. The kinetic energy brought by the strong deceleration made Lu De and Laura cling to the back of the red dragon like pieces of paper. The bumps of scales and bones made them dizzy.  The rise, and the ensuing change of direction simply made them enjoy the fun of being at the bottom of a roller coaster.  "Uh, I'm sorry?" Seemingly understanding that his actions caused trouble to the passengers, the red dragon returned to its normal flying posture and turned its head back.  "Turn back quickly!" Lu De suddenly wanted to slap her twice on the head.  Didn¡¯t she realize that it was this behavior of not looking at the road that caused him to almost get into a plane crash?  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Compared with the twists and turns during the infiltration, Lu De and others encountered no decent resistance at all when they evacuated from the depths of Grim Batol. It didn¡¯t take long for them to reach the two towering iron doors.  in front of the door.  "Hey! Idiot, stand behind me otherwise I won't care if I hurt you, do you hear me?" If Shanatasa was still in that lolita form, this statement would make people feel so cute.  , but she is using her dragon form, so these words will only make people thinkthis guy is arrogant.  A giant dragon¡¯s arrogance is not fun.  Destructive flames began to gather in Shana's mouth.  The next moment, as the golden-red fire cloud surged into the main entrance of Grim Batol, bursting high-pressure gas began to spray out from certain locations on the ground.  Just by looking at the scene of the two giant metal doors turning red and softening in the flames, you can imagine what kind of flaming purgatory the space below has become.  (Heavenly Tribulation Fire: The power of liberating the origin of life causes 224w-302w fire damage to the cone-shaped area in front of it and any affected area, and explodes to add 20% of the maximum health value to the damage.) "Huhahuhathis  It should make those orcs learn to behave better!¡± From the sound alone, you might be able to guess how she looked in her lolita form with her hands on her hips and her chin in the air. However, when she released this skill and claimed that she wanted the other person to behave betterdid she think that everything in it was wrong?  Is it a dragon-level product?  In the distant sky, Deathwing, the black dragon that burned the world, was passing by. Three giant dragons similar to her size surrounded the black dragon and launched attacks continuously, but most of the efforts were focused on the armor on the black dragon's body.  The halberd was broken, and the remaining power that successfully hit the main body was unable to cut through Deathwing's dragon scales.  "You idiots are just as naive as you were ten thousand years ago!" The black dragon, which easily avoided or even directly withstood the attacks of the other three dragons, laughed in the air.  "You can't beat three against one, you're such an idiot!" At some point, Shanatasa had flown to a position alongside Rose, snorting several times from her nose.  Just from her reluctant flying posture, you can tell that long-term imprisonment and inability to move have made her body quite sluggish. Maybe the ability to fly now is purely supported by will.  "Deathwingwait for me! Before that-" The red dragon's eyes were firmly fixed on a much thinner figure in the center of the orc army.  "Nekros! I want you to pay the price!" "It is indeed you two little bugs experience the fear under the power of the Demon Soul!" Nikeros raised the golden disk in his hand high - the giant  The dragon's roar did not shake him much.  In other words, it is absolutely inevitable to die if you escape at this time, and you can only hope for the actual combat effectiveness of the Demon Soul.  "Put away your dirty hands, damn orc!" A ray of silver lightning shot straight down from the air and hit the orc's arm hard. The powerful impact immediately caused a crisp snapping sound at the contact point.  The straight arm bones instantly twisted into a horrifying twist, half of the bone stubble protruding from the muscles, and the white flowers were a bit dazzling.  As the electric light fell on the grass, Nekros's sneer turned into a howl.  "Don't even think about it - this is the Shadow Arrow that I paid back for you!" The second Storm Hammer fell from the sky, and Nekros, who was unable to avoid it, had to roll on the spot to avoid the scorching flash of thunder and fire.  LostThe Demon Soul at the supporting point also naturally fell from mid-air.  "Give me the Demon Soul, hurry up!" The orc's hoarse roar echoed on the battlefield, and it was so powerful that people couldn't feel that half of his arm had just been smashed.  The orcs who resolutely carried out their commander's orders were torn into pieces by the energy shock bursting out of the disk as soon as they stepped five yards from the edge of the disk. The remaining energy spurted out in Nekros's joyful eyes, heading straight towards the two flying objects.  The coming red dragon swept away.  In the stunned eyes of the two passengers, Rose's much smaller body actually knocked away Shanatasa, and then used her wingtips to meet the Demon Soul's attack, and then flew toward her like a falling leaf.  It fell, stirring up a trail of dust on the gentle grass.  The smile on Nekros¡¯s face solidified instantly.  The next moment, scorching red lotus flames fell from the sky, turning him and all objects within a radius of dozens of yards into the nourishment of blooming flowers.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!
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