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Volume 2 Life is about playing with and being played with, no matter life or death File.88 Today we must also set a flag of death

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    Although Morlock tried his best to help his griffon maintain balance by adjusting its center of gravity and lowering the counterweight, the beast with damaged wings was obviously unable to bear the weight of two people, and its flying height continued to decrease, and it soon reached the edge of falling.  "Hold on, hold onlisten to my commandjump!" Bang!  Boom!  "Here's the hammer, Morlock doesn't like this kind of extreme sports" Due to the hasty save, the dwarf did not adjust his posture in the air well, so when he landed, he simply hit him with his limbs spread out.  Go up.  "At least we are lucky. But it seems we have to give up the griffon first." Lu De, who was also knocked to pieces, raised his shoulders - thanks to Morlock's operation and the tenacity of the griffin itself  To this extent, they did not unfortunately fall on those rocks that did not look very close, but plunged into the mud beside a certain puddle.  The only thing that concerned him was that the orc warlock who could activate powerful skills did not attack again.  "Well, you are right - I will listen to you on the ground! Unfortunately, my old friend will be eaten by the orcs as a delicacy" The dwarf looked up to search for the figure in the sky, but now  Nothing.  "There's nothing. Falstad should lure them away, we need to move quickly." ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª The creatures in this land will probably never be able to imagine how the dwarves hollowed out the entire mountain.  And forged them into extremely strong fortresses.  The tunnels of Grim Batol are taller than those of Second New Ironforge.  It is also thick and thick, and it can even allow those large creatures to move freely through it.  For example.  The red dragon with fluttering wings and an orc sitting on its back.  These giant beasts passed by the main entrance of Grim Batol without any sense of narrow stagnation.  "Is this method of hiding okay? Are you sure we won't be trampled to death by any dragon?" Not far from the entrance to Grim Batol, Lu De and Morlock were covered with mud and  The blades of grass lie there with only two eyes exposed, waiting for the sunset to arrive.  It was obvious that the dwarf was not used to this "digging a hole and burying it yourself" working method - Lu De helped to cover the soil on his body.  "Do you think those guys with their eyes in the sky will take stock of the small mounds of dirt on the ground?" Lu De had already noticed while circling that the hierarchy within the orc system was much more serious than he thought.  , a dragon knight can easily command the entire patrol team on the ground.  "Compared to the superior Dragon Knights, the Orcs' ground troops are obviously not enough.  This can also be regarded as one of the individual characteristics of the Dragonmaw clan.  "That's right" Morlock hummed, confirming Lu De's statement.  "Shhh keep your heads down and be quiet, there is a patrol coming in our direction!" Lu De buried his face as much as possible at the junction of the soil and the turf, and lowered his head to avoid the reflection of light in his eyeballs. He only used a little  He watched the movements of the orc patrol out of the corner of his eye.  Naturally, the injured griffon couldn't escape too far. After a certain orc who looked like the leader of the patrol roared a few times, it started to escape.  Four or five orcs opened a fan-shaped search net and began to look for the target.  It seems that one of the orcs is heading towards Lu De and the others.  Without daring to take a breath, the orc gradually approached with heavy steps, and then stepped heavily not far from Lu De.  "(Unlucky guy)" If Lu De saw it right, the kick landed right on Morlock's head.  Not only that, it seems that the place where the dwarf is is slightly protruding.  The orc actually stood on it and looked around. Naturally, he had to "take care" of the things under his feet.  Without finding any target, the patrol quickly changed direction and left the area.  "I will definitely tear off your head and use it as a target for the musketeers!" After being stepped on several times and eating a mouth full of mud, Morlock's resentment has reached its peak - and the smell of the orc leather boots is really too strong.  Even Lu De next to him had to hold his breath to resist.  You can imagine how angry the dwarf who was stepped on was.  "What are we going to do next. Paladin?" "Lie here quietly During the day, our goal is still"?It's so obvious that we can approach Grim Batol more easily under the cover of darkness.  "Lu De twisted his body slightly. "If you want.  Now you can even take a nap!  "    "¡­¡­no!  "After hesitating for a while, Morlock actually rejected his proposal. "Are you just going to open your eyes and wait for it?  " "Because I have a snoring problem!  " The face under the dwarf's beard turned red with embarrassment. ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª The actions of the orcs confirmed Falstad and Morlock's judgment. During the process of lurking into the night, several closely escorted carriages came from the grid.  Driving out of Rimbatol, the load on it looks like some kind of ellipsoidal object. ¡°That¡¯s right, Morlock, the orcs are escaping. That should be the red dragon egg they are preparing to evacuate.  We now have to find ways to find more information from this fortress, and it is best to find out who their leader is.  "    "ha!  I'd rather kill a few more red dragons!  "The dwarf stuck his butt out and pulled up an inconspicuous stone slab from the ground, revealing the dark passage below. "Those idiots thought that everything would be fine if they occupied Grim Batol, but they never understood the dwarves' architectural design!  Although this is a branch road with drainage, it is enough for us to enter!  "The dwarf who got into the drainage ditch suddenly stopped. "Morlock?  What exactly is down there?  " Lu De lowered his voice. Judging from the opponent's health, the dwarf should be alive and kicking. " Come and help me!  I'm stuck!  Damn it, these orcs definitely didn¡¯t clean this place properly" A voice that was muffled by the echo came from Morlock. Considering his posture, it was almost like his butt was talking ¡ª¡ª  ¡ª One of the branches of the drainage ditch leads to the rocky buildings inside Grim Batol - it is not popular with the orcs, because the too narrow door frames and low stairs will make it inconvenient for them to move.  Except for a few large buildings, these elevated settlements have not been harassed by the orcs at all. Apart from being filled with dust, the interiors of the houses are still in good condition. ¡°These buildings can provide us with quite good cover.  , how about just starting like this and going all the way?  " "If the two of us act together, it will be all over if we are caught.  But if one person is discovered after separation, he can provide cover for the other person's actions, and Falstad will never leave our lives unknown. He and your partner will lead the army soon.  " Morlock shook his head and pushed Lu De's arm away. "We must have someone alive to lead them and guide them. I hope it will be two people maybe only one, the worst possibility is none.  Good luck, young paladin.  Leave it to me to explore the lower buildings.  "The dwarf stepped over the railing in the shadow with agility that was completely inconsistent with his size, and quickly disappeared from Lu De's sight along several supporting points raised on the rock wall. There is a road in the inner city of the Second New Ironforge.  The inner moat is not too wide. What flows in it is not river water, but lava. It is also proudly called "our everlasting ring of flame" by the dwarves.  However, compared with the lava bridge in the lower level of Grim Batol, which is already comparable to the moat of the Lord of Demacia, the defense of the Second New Ironforge pales in comparison.  "I also wish you good luck. Then the exploration mission on the first level is mine. Damn it, if I can hide in the carriage all the time" Lu De knew very well that the dwarf chose the most dangerous path - there must be someone on the lower level  The guards are more elite, and the path to escape is more difficult.  Although it is easier to reach key points by hiding in a carriage, it is also very difficult to escape from it - Lu De is not arrogant enough to think that he can escape under the siege of dozens of orcs.  The figure of the thief looks much cuter at this time.  But it's a pity that the thieves Lu De knows seem to be unreliable in some aspects "Ah Sneeze" After a slight sneeze, a leopard's sneaking figure suddenly appeared one meter away from his target.  .  Both sides were stunned by the unexpected situation for a moment, but the leopard reacted faster.  Before the ogre¡¯s brain could come back, the leopard suddenly turned around and transformed into a girl. Under her command, several thick vines trapped the target firmly in place, and then the girl transformed again.Because of his beast form, he quickly left the camp that was about to become riot.  "Strange?" If you listen carefully, you may be able to feel a whisper in the wind.
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