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Volume 2: Life is about playing with and being played with, regardless of life or death. File.33 If you want to be unruly, you must first judge your own fighting ability.

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    While Lu De and others were fighting in the jungle of Stranglethorn Vale, Demacia officials finally relented and banned the establishment of player guilds. For a time, various large and small guilds sprung up near Demacia City.  Appearance - The rich guilds are preparing to build their headquarters in the city, while the guilds without money are hastily building their own possible dens in Silver Silver Town outside the city or in the planned designated areas.  "Lady Bavaria! You are adding a new workload to me!" A certain girl with a particularly long title and distinctive clothes rushed directly into Bavalia's office in the military area.  "It's okay to say what's inside the city now, but look what it's like outside the city wall! It's simply chaos! And it's so scattered, it's hard for us to maintain order there! I strongly request that you at least centralize those areas outside the city.  Or allocate extra funds to us!" She said this very skillfully - if you transfer people, you can only get people, but if you give money, you can make a fortune.  "Miss Boli, I think you should understand the boundaries of this type of organization in Demacia, right?" Bavaria sat behind her desk and leisurely reviewed the information sent to her.  "Of course I know, reserve force! But how far can they go with their mixed combat capabilities? I can wipe out one of their guilds by myself! If we are fully prepared and are not besieged, even if they are completely annihilated, it will be impossible.  It's not impossible!" "Miss Hakureiit seems that you don't understand the meaning of my arrangement." Bovalia put the silver-embroidered quill back into the ink bottle.  "Actually, you should know that when your department was first established, you had to use this method to maintain the semi-autonomous operation of a certain department due to the official shortage of funds and sparse personnel in Demacia, right?" Boliling  Meng nodded - this action made the bow and ribbon on the back of her head flutter together.  "But now according to the intelligence, the tribe is likely to have some major military operations in the near future, but the kingdom now does not have so much funds to carry out necessary repairs and recruit soldiers, and I, as the temporary acting regent, can't  Changing the kingdom's laws at will, this time letting go of the guilds is a last resort. " "Oh but I don't understand." "If you can understand it, it's the guilds that are being recruited now.  A large part of the garrison locations are where the sentry towers were originally planned to be built. Do you understand? For those guilds in the city, their garrison can also form cross-fire with the existing fortifications, which can promote the city's defense no matter how bad it is.  Strength is increased, do you understand?¡± ¡°Really, it¡¯s so easy to say it earlier Anyway, my salary can still be paid out?¡± ¡°But if you come here and mess around again, you will lose this month¡¯s salary.  Not even a single copper coin, do you understand?¡± ¡°We must resist the arrears of wages for migrant workers! It¡¯s not easy for us to work!¡± What Pavalia didn¡¯t expect was that the girl in front of her was angry.  He actually rolled on the floor of her office.  "Guard! Guard!" The guard at the door raised his head and chest with a serious expression, and then calmly closed the door.  "What a headache. But this also means" A golden giant sword that exceeded the length of Bavaria was held in her hand.  "I'm here to teach my subordinates a lesson. No one can hear me, right?" "Wait a minute! Violent opposition! As the top leader of Demacia City, you can't do this I won't sit back and die I can't hit anyone.  Slap you in the faceI, I¡¯m just here to give you some soy sauce!¡± ¡°There¡¯s no more soy sauce, let¡¯s slap you.¡± According to relevant sources, some kind of distant and long screams were heard in the military zone later that day.  There was a lingering voice, and the voice was very similar to that of someone from the urban management department However, the person involved firmly denied it with his face covered in tape. When asked about the source of the scars on his face, he always insisted that "he fell on his own."  , this newspaper will pay close attention to the subsequent development of the matter.  ¡ª¡ªExcerpted from "Demacia's 24/7 Paparazzi Report for 10 Days" ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªTips: The reliability of official and unofficial news agencies is difficult to judge!  ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Boom!  The blazing crimson flames burned a parrot into a bald chicken that fell to the ground motionless.  This kind of bird, which is common in daily life, is one of the favorite fighting partners of a large number of pirates in the game.  They are not allowed to use iron hooks, muskets or blindfolds, so they can only use this pet to show off.??My identity as a pirate.  Lu De said that the developer of the game was definitely obsessed with watching pirate movies from a few years ago - you must know that this bird's favorite thing when attacking is to pounce on people's faces, blocking the line of sight, and looking at the sharp beak.  With the hook claws heading straight towards his eyes, anyone would have subconsciously flinched, right?  ¡° Moreover, these parrots seemed to be able to curse people in various dialects. At least Lu De recognized at least three of them As for the reason why Rose was so angry, it seemed that the parrots dumped a piece of bird poop on her dress.  Lu De bought it specially. No wonder she got angry.  "Li Se, there is none of this!" Sakura, who was responsible for the "heavy burden" of touching the corpse (because she had to bend down), raised her hand to indicate to Lu De that she had gained nothing.  "Could it be thatthe information is wrong? Rise, look" Tomoyo's subtext was "It seems that I was deceived by the NPC again this time."  "That's not necessarily true. Let's go around to the direction behind the Booty Bay Mountains and try." After reading the mission description again, Lu De knocked on the shells on the ground - this attracted a hermit crab that panicked and ran away.  "Look, the amount of snuff that was stolen is limited. Maybe all of it will be given to the high-level pirates over there to enjoy!" The girl known as "Angel" moved her lips slightly, but in the end she said nothing.  exit.  As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet.  The goblins built a city in Booty Bay and opened up several sea routes. While they made a lot of money, they inevitably attracted the prying eyes of others.  With bright red sails as their logo, a group calling itself the "Bloodsail Pirates" opened its own base near Booty Bay and launched multiple raids on the goblin fleets. Both sides had attacks and defenses on each other, although it was generally the goblin side.  Although they had the upper hand, they could not completely annihilate this troublesome opponent. The main reason was of course that no goblin was willing to give up his right to touch gold coins for the rest of his life in order to destroy the enemy.  So the goblins who did not believe in evil simply formed their own pirates: the Blackwater Pirates!  Of course, the external name is "Blackwater Security Company" but this still cannot completely eliminate the threat of the Bloodsail Pirates, because in addition to escorting, the Blackwater Pirates also need to take a break like other pirates - and so do you.  You can't expect a bunch of pirates to die, right?  The route is much safer now, but the fact that their old rivals are still enjoying themselves and causing them a little trouble from time to time finally makes the goblins unable to hold back and start using the path of adventurers to eliminate their opponents.  After all, compared to supporting the Blackwater Security Company, adventurers have a series of advantages: low prices, good numbers, self-supply of weapons, a small increase in Booty Bay's income, and no need to pay compensation if they die.  Except for the lack of combat effectiveness.  Now, what Lu De and others have received is a series of tasks that require them to "deal with" some Blood Sail pirates and bring back the different items they carry.  Mission requirements: A pinch of snuff 0/15 Mission requirements: Magic glass prosthetic eye 0/1 Unfortunately, there is no mission prop so far. Lu De also specially checked whether all members are in "team" mode - it is said that this mode  Ordinary mission props will not be dropped.  The conclusion is that everything is normal.  "(It must have been burned away by Rose's flames)" For some reason, such a ridiculous idea flashed through Lu De's head. He quickly shook his head and threw away such an unrealistic idea.  If this is really correct, then wouldn¡¯t magicians and mages specializing in fire not have to run out to do tasks?  ??Almost all their skills are flames!  "Anyway, it's not deep enough here!" Lu De gritted his teeth.  "Snuff or something like that, pirates who have somewhere to go on the shore all year round will never be willing to spend their own money to buy it. We'd better go to the ship or a more desolate place to see our luck! And these pirates look new at first sight.  It¡¯s hard to tell whether these things that are pulled out to show off can be considered genuine¡± ¡°Sure enough, when you turn the corner of the mountain, you can clearly see three giant ships with blood-red sails on the sea level - it is said that that is  The Blood Sail pirates regarded it as a weapon to fight against Booty Bay. Of course Lu De didn't want to get too close and be shot by the pirates on the ship into some kind of unrecognizable mixture of metal and carbon water.  "Hey! Brothers, look here, there is a boy here who has sent a woman!" A certain pirate, holding his scimitar and lazily leaning on a boulder and half dozing, suddenly shouted loudly, and then he  spat.  "Unlucky! Since they are all dryWhat¡¯s the difference between a lolita and a wooden board!  " The shouts of the Blood Sail Pirates made Lu De think that he would be attacked, but the other pirates not far away seemed to have not heard his words at all. They were doing what they were doing. Two guys even thought  We are fighting for something. "(It turns out to be map-type information)" "Rise, can you capture him?"  " There were traces of flames beating on Rose's hands, which was a sign of her anger. "Boy down there, you can't catch me. Circle your neck three times to the left, three times to the right, twist your neck, twist your butt" That one on the rock  The famous Bloodsail Pirate¡ªactually a Bloodsail Marauder¡ªturned his back to Lu De and twisted his butt. In his world view, perhaps Lu De, who held a two-handed sword, did not have long-range attack power at all, and at best he could only lose it.  Could the pirates still be unable to escape from a few throwing knives and the like? What he felt was the feeling of weightlessness as his body flew into the air, and one grew bigger and bigger in front of him.  Bang! The fist wrapped in flames exploded into a gorgeous flame flower, and then swallowed up the rest of his body very simply. Although Rose's blow only caused minimal damage.  Baidian was in his early days, but Lu De dared to guarantee that the other party would definitely have a hard time - the few unknown white objects scattered around were ironclad evidence. Then, Lu De saw the "angel" and patted it without anyone noticing.  His own chest, and then suddenly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the opponent.  "Combat charge?!" Lu De exclaimed.  PS1: You see, starting from the Dead Mines, even the Defias pirates brought parrots (Parrot Cage: Green-winged Parrot). When they arrived at the Bloodsail Pirates, they even got worse, and the quality was upgraded!  It¡¯s actually purple!  (It used to be blue, right?) I just don¡¯t know which pirate can drop an orange parrot?  PS2: Actually, the author had a pair of parrots before. I guess they were the green-winged parrots in WOW However, they were stolen orz.  Why steal that thing? It¡¯s worthless PS3: You can¡¯t drop ordinary mission props when forming a group. I don¡¯t know how many people have been fooled by this!  After 20 minutes of daily work, I found that there were no hairs, and then I thought "That's right! I am in the group now and I XXXXXX wasted another 20 minutes on card points!" In addition, since the author went to the Taiwan server and said that the card points and other things are weak!
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